“Oh, I forgot about the Alien Corps and the Night Bat Corps.” Kuruda, who finally remembered, clapped his hands and shouted.

He almost forgot that he had bought the tokens of the two regiments of the Ghost Corps, and now he has the command and summoning rights of the Alien Corps and the Night Bat Corps.

Thinking of this, he directly took out the tokens of the two regiments from the storage ball.

After having the storage ball, he has put a lot of things in it, things that belong to him.

Even the original three tokens are in it.

After thinking about it for a while, Kuruda summoned 200 Night Bat Corps soldiers and 250 Alien Corps soldiers respectively.

And immediately issued an order.

“The Night Bat Corps flies to the sky, the Alien Corps goes to the sea, and increases the range. If there is any special situation, report to me in time.”

The ghost soldiers of the two major regiments have already appeared, and they have also taken action separately. The soldiers of the Night Bat Corps spread their huge bat wings and flew into the sky, and the Alien Corps also jumped directly from the ship into the sea and swam away.

But with the token, Kuruda knew that the two battlefields had been carrying out their missions according to his orders, and their distribution range was expanding.

However, he did not stop yet. He took out the Ultimate Battle Instrument and took a look. Sure enough, he found that Litola and King Aire were very tired now. After all, they had been following for several days and had not had a rest.

So he also used the Ultimate Battle Instrument to collect the two monsters and let them have a good rest. He was not a boss who exploited his employees.

Not long after, Sid also came back. Yes, Sid came back according to the agreed time.

However, some interesting things happened. That is, when entering the transmission channel, the entrance can be fixed, but the exit must appear at the place of the last entrance.

In other words, when Sid came back now, he actually appeared in Kuruda’s room.

When Gray Wolf comes back in a few days, he will also appear in Kuruda’s room.

When Gray Wolf and Sid returned, they also opened the exit at the place where they entered for the first time.

Fortunately, Kuruda left his room early, otherwise it would be embarrassing if Sid suddenly appeared.

Fortunately, Kuruda left early, but Sid, who knew the specific plan, came to the deck as soon as possible.

“Have you finished your business?” Kuruda said without turning around, looking at the rising sunset.

“It’s done, but I didn’t expect to be able to go back so soon, and I can go back at any time, although there is time to cool down.” Sid also said while looking at the sunset.

But after a moment of silence, he immediately added: “It would be great if I could bring them here.”

“It’s okay when my system authority is increased, but Ariel and Maple will be troublesome,” Kuruda said, but when talking about Ariel and Maple.

Sid understood without him saying more.

After all, his situation is different from Ariel and the others. He still has partners in the original world, but Ariel and the others are either dead or can’t meet them.

After all, the rebirth of the dead may bring trouble to the original world, especially Ariel’s world, which is more complicated than they imagined.

“Okay, let’s not talk about it. Who can say what will happen in the future? Fate should be in our own hands,” Kuruda turned around and said with a smile.

Cid seemed to be infected as well, and immediately smiled and nodded.

Soon, except for Maple who had entered Xiluo Village and Gray Wolf who had not returned, the former Fallen Pirates were now crew members.

They gathered at the dining table again and enjoyed a delicious breakfast.

However, at the dining table, Kuruda also explained in detail the purpose of coming to Xiluo Village this time.

In fact, it was mainly for Allen and the two sisters to hear. As for Ariel and Cid, they just listened to it again.

It was really just a little bit. They only heard part of Maple.

But at the same time, there was another part that Kuruda did not tell them, because he had to handle this matter himself.

But now everyone in front of him was talking about the fact that this time, in addition to inviting new partners to board the ship, they also wanted to get rid of the current butler of the Kaya family, who was actually the leader of the Black Cat Pirates, Baiji Kro, and the entire Black Cat Pirates!

After listening, everyone nodded. After breakfast, they all came to the deck to do their duties. The Bole once again headed towards the not-so-distant Xiluo Village.

Now the sun has risen, and the blue sky and white clouds can be seen.

As they got closer, Kuruda stood on the bow and suddenly saw four figures on the hillside of the island, one big and three small. Considering that this is the WestRob Village, he suddenly thought of something, so he picked up the telescope and looked into the distance, and sure enough.

The hair like an afro, a bit sloppy dress and that special long nose, who else could it be but the future sniper king Usopp.

As for the three little ghosts next to him, he basically knew them, they were Usopp’s three little brothers.

Are you playing the pirate game so early in the morning?

“Ariel, just stop the boat next to the island.” Kuruda ordered.

And in the formal adventure, Ariel also gave Kuruda face.

“Yes, my captain.” Ariel said with a smile, and at the same time, she, who already had the ability of a top helmsman, also skillfully mastered the steering wheel and slowly approached a small pier next to the West Rob Village.

“Captain, it looks like a pirate from the flag, there are really pirates coming.” At this time, on the hillside of the West Rob Village, looking at the approaching Bole, one of Usopp’s little brothers shouted directly.

There is no way. I have played the pirate game for so many years, but this time there are real pirates coming to Xiluobu Village, and such a big ship, the pirates on it are probably very strong.

Usopp is usually timid and likes to brag. Now he is a little scared after seeing the real pirates. After all, many pirates are demons who kill people without spitting bones, and they like to rob villages very much.

But he immediately said: “What are you afraid of? I am Captain Usopp with 8,000 subordinates. I will be afraid of the pirates in front of me. Just in case, you go to let the villagers take refuge first, and I will deal with them alone.”

Although Usopp has some bragging this time, in fact, as his home Xiluobu Village, he naturally wants to protect it well. After all, his dream is to become a great sea warrior.

Although he knows very well that his strength is just a chicken, as long as he can hold on for a while, the three brothers can let the villagers hide and take refuge quickly. Even if he dies in battle, he thinks it is worth it. As a warrior, he should have the spirit of sacrifice for the people and things he wants to protect.

However, they are often fooled. These three little brothers are still young and actually think that Usopp can solve the opposing pirate group. To be honest, with Usopp’s current strength, it is a problem for him to defeat a ninja soldier.

Well, at most two, no more. If there is one more, it is really overestimating Usopp now.

The three little brothers are about to leave.

But how could Kuruda let them leave? These people are still useful to him.

So he immediately ordered the ninja group to take action. Only the ninja group was sent. After all, the troll group and the samurai group were too scary, too tall and too majestic. The alien group and the night bat group were not needed because they did not need to be exposed now. They had to wait for Gray Wolf to come back and introduce them.

Soon, nearly a dozen ninja soldiers appeared and blocked the way of the three children.

Seeing so many black-clothed ninjas on the opponent, the three children were shocked and stayed where they were.

Even Usopp was the same, because there were even more ninjas beside him, but seeing that the other party did not take action immediately, although he was afraid, he also understood that these ninjas must be people from the opposite pirate ship. As long as he did not go to the deserted island, these ninjas would not touch him, at least before the people from the pirate ship came up.

However, are these black-clothed men in front of him really mysterious ninjas from the distant Wano Country? There are really ninjas in this world, coming here without anyone noticing, could it be the rumored ninjutsu.

Soon, on the ship, with the cooperation of several people, the Bole was parked steadily next to the dock of Xiluobu Village.

Putting down the wooden steps, several people also got off the ship directly and came to the island.

“Well, I haven’t stepped on land for a long time.” Obviously, Lu Ke was very excited about stepping on land. Compared with the sea, people feel safer on land, after all, people breathe air, not water.

People always have a sense of awe and fear for the endless and dark sea.

“Sister, stop talking. We still have work to do.” Lucy criticized immediately. As the captain, Kuruda didn’t say anything. What did you say? In this regard, Lucy also stuck out her tongue, which made Cid and Ariel beside her laugh. The twin sisters are really interesting, and they also added a bit of fun to the ship.

Allen has long been accustomed to this, including Kuruda, so they just smiled.

However, Kuruda immediately said: “Did you see those children surrounded by the ninja group? Teleport over there.”

After he finished speaking, he took the lead in using teleportation, and the others also used it immediately.

Then, in the horrified eyes of the three children and Usopp, because they saw that the ninjas next to them did not attack them, they naturally turned their eyes toThey noticed the Bole ship that had already docked and the Kurudas who had disembarked.

But they were still shocked to see Kurudas and his men suddenly appear in front of them.

What was going on? They suddenly appeared.

Even Usopp was frightened and sweated profusely. He was a timid person.

He also knew that these people who could suddenly appear in front of them were definitely not simple.

But soon, Kuruda’s next sentence made him relax his vigilance.

“You are Usopp, the son of Jesus Bu.” Kuruda looked at Usopp and smiled.

As for Usopp, the future straw hat pirates’ desperate comeback, he used to watch anime and liked such a character very much. He was vivid and performed very well.

Moreover, he did not want to make enemies with the Straw Hat Pirates. After all, they were a pirate group favored by the world. As mentioned before, he was still a little afraid of Im’s strength, but he knew very well that according to the original trend of things, it must be Luffy who had become Joy Boy in the Straw Hat Pirates who defeated them, Im and his world government.

So it is better to make friends with the Straw Hat Pirates. As a trump card against Im in the future, plus he has no conflict of interest or thought with the Straw Hat Pirates.

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