At the same time.

On the Wan Guo Cake Island, the only female of the current Four Emperors, Charlotte Linlin, was a great beauty many years ago, but now she is old and ugly.

With her current appearance, even if the members of the Rocks Pirates are still alive, it is estimated that it will destroy the image in their hearts. The former great beauty has become like this.

But to be able to become a Four Emperor, Big Mom's strength, influence, and power are basically not weak.

But in terms of hobbies and hobbies, she also has the most among the Four Emperors.

Let's not talk about her love of sweets, otherwise the entire Wan Guo would not be what it is now, and many islands are basically made up of delicacies.

She also likes to form a big family. It can be said that she is the most fertile woman in the current pirate world, with 39 daughters, 46 sons, and 43 husbands.

However, it is said that these husbands will be abandoned after giving birth.

Her dream is to establish a country where all races and things in the world live together regardless of high or low. She hopes that all races in the world will become"family members" and become the same size as her, sitting around the dinner table on an equal footing.

So basically all the races in the pirate world can be seen in the Bankoi. Of course, there are some that do not exist, such as the giants. When they were young, they grew up in Elbaf, the country of giants, but were later expelled because of an bulimia accident.

As a result, many giants are disgusted with Big Mom, and even if they are captured by force, it will not work. Therefore, there are no giants at all in the Bankoi formed by Big Mom herself. At the same time, she is eager to get Jin, the last Lunalia in the ocean.

At this time, Big Mom was sitting on a chair, enjoying the dessert on the table.

She ate with relish, drooling as she ate the food like crazy.

Suddenly, a man with amaranth red hair, five meters tall and a strong body walked in.

"Um? What happened to Katakuri?"The aunt stopped eating the dessert and looked at the most perfect second son among her sons and said

"Mom, this is a new newspaper. Please take a look at it. I believe you will be interested."The visitor is naturally Katakuri, the leader of the four generals. After all, at this time, Snag has not been defeated by the monster Sulki and has been removed from the generals.

"Oh, let me see."After hearing what Katakuri said, the aunt also took the newspaper and started reading it.

Not long after, her eyes lit up.

"Hahaha, these black warriors are obviously a brand new race, I have never heard of them before, a brand new race, great."

Obviously, the aunt became interested in the Ghost Corps, because in her opinion, this is clearly a brand new race, she has never heard of it before, but it is a brand new and unknown race, so she naturally became interested, because her hobby and dream is to build a big family with many races together.

As for the others, she has no interest at all, even those giant beasts, in her eyes, in fact, they are essentially sea kings, or some scientific experiments.

"Let Cracker go. Although the Fallen Pirates are a very good pirate group recently, they are just newcomers after all. Let Cracker go on my behalf and ask this kid named Kuruda to hand over this race."

Big Mom said immediately. Obviously, she is similar to Kaido. She is full of confidence in her own strength and prestige. She can't think that Kuruda will choose to resist after hearing her reputation.

He can only obediently hand over this special race.

If Kuruda is here now, and hears her and Kaido's previous confident speech, he will definitely say with disdain and contempt.

"You two really take yourselves seriously, come to Donghai if you can, let you come here with a smile and go back with a cry."

What about steel balloons and what are the strongest creatures? Their current lineup may not be able to compete with the Four Emperors. Moreover, when this wave of reputation comes, Kuruda and the others will be able to increase their strength and have new partners.

What challenges and difficulties and risks will come, Kuruda now accepts them all.

"Yes, Mom."Katakuri didn't say anything and went straight down. Obviously, just like Jhin believed in Kaido, he also believed in Big Mom and didn't think that the Fallen Pirates would choose the second option.

Soon, the two The Four Emperors are on the move, and Big Mom's side is naturally Cracker, the Biscuit Minister, one of the three generals, with a bounty of 860 million Baileys.

Kaido's side is naturally Drought Jack, one of the three disasters, with a bounty of 10. Yi Bailey.

They all set off on their own warships and headed for the East China Sea.

At the same time, the entire sea was shocked and at least shocked by the excellent performance of the fallen pirates.

Listening to the system prompts now, the reputation value ranges from single digits to hundreds, and it is constantly entering Kuruda's wallet.

After listening to it for a long time, it will indeed feel boring, but now it is equivalent to a lot of money.

A lot of it went into his wallet, and Kuruda was naturally very happy.

Not long after, he actually had a full 100,000 reputation points before the first day, which was enough for him to summon a new one.


But he didn't use it right away. He was still waiting. This time the fermentation was not finished yet. It was just the first wave. There would be a lot more to come. At least he didn't. Those who saw the navy in the system prompts were only a small part of them, or some small navies.

The top brass of the navy were not there yet. Kuruda guessed that the navy meeting had not started yet, and Garp and the others had not returned yet. , otherwise with the help of the navy, he can at least once again help him with at least 8,000 reputation points.

After all, the navy is really full of people and strong people.

After watching the prompt for a while, Kuruda closed it. , he planned to wait a little longer, wait a few more days, and then the reputation value would exceed his estimate of more than 200,000.

By then, they would be approaching Xiluobu Village, and they would do a lot of shopping in the system at that time. It's not too late.

Whether it's a new partner or something he wants to buy, he is also thinking about what kind of requirements the new partner has.

"There are swordsman, helmsman, navigator, and chef. Although there is a blue light energy shield now, I can't guarantee that my music will be damaged in future battles and will not need to be repaired. The shipwright is already necessary, and if a scientist comes, if he has strong scientific research ability, the reputation points can be saved to buy other things in the system mall."Kuluda thought while continuing to bask in the sun.

Obviously, for his next partners, he only requires shipwrights and scientists. These are the professional abilities he needs very much now.

At the same time, at the naval headquarters , Warring States naturally also saw the newspaper, and immediately twitched.

Not because of the content, but because the navy had already written the report before they knew the results.

Warring States had no choice but to do so quickly. Admittedly, the birdman still has some abilities. In terms of intelligence capabilities, he even surpasses their navy and world government in some aspects.

But because of seeing this newspaper, Sengoku doesn't even need Garp to come back to explain. They already understood why the Navy lost. They had underestimated the strength and heritage of the Fallen Pirates before, which led to their natural defeat.

Unexpectedly, the other party had not only a ninja group, but also a samurai group and a big guy.

They can also command and control such a huge beast, as well as super technology.

Originally, the fruit abilities of the four Kurudas were underestimated by them.

Although they didn't know what it was, Garp and the others knew it when they came back.

He knew a lot from the newspaper, but he still needed to discuss it in detail, such as how much the bounty would be, and what actions the navy would take next.

Otherwise, he probably didn't know if he would have any trump card against the fallen pirates. The outcome of the navy was also easy.

But at the same time, this old boy was also very greedy! Special soldiers, giant beasts that obey orders, and super technology, it would be great if these all belonged to the navy.

At the same time, he was also yelling. , Why should such a powerful and talented young man become a pirate?

Even if he doesn't join the navy, why not continue to be a bounty hunter?

The elite regiment route is also the super elite soldier route, and there are so many trump cards and strengths.

"But it seems that, regardless of other things, judging from the opponent's current team, they already have at least three generals, and there are also candidates for generals who are extremely close to the strength of generals."

"It's really not easy to deal with, so let's wait a few days. How on earth are we going to deal with this fallen pirate group? What kind of lineup should I send next time?" Warring States said with some distress.

But he also knew that compared to this time's lineup, at least one more general and some more lieutenant generals must be sent over.

"Alas, why did things suddenly change so much?" Warring States Road.

Next, he made several calls in succession and asked when Garp and the others would come back. It was still two days before they got it, so he nodded with satisfaction. Finally, he heard something that was not bad. Good news.

At the same time, he also learned from He that in addition to the Lieutenant General and Giant Lieutenant General who could not leave in case of emergency, at least a dozen Lieutenant Generals could come, and they were all senior Lieutenant Generals. Come to attend this meeting.

The top brass of the navy, except Gang Gu Kong, who has been promoted to commander-in-chief of the armed forces, and Zefa, who is now the chief instructor of the navy, are here.

Hearing the good news today, Warring States breathed a sigh of relief.

Everything will depend on the meeting two days later, because he really saw the great pressure on the Fallen Pirates, and he also discovered something. One of Sid and Ariel was found, and the other took the initiative to come to the door. In addition, he heard that Kuluda often did business in the East China Sea. So, does Kuluda still know some of these young and powerful people hiding in the East China Sea?

Thinking of this, Warring States didn't dare to think about it anymore.

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