However, Kuruda has now chosen weapons for himself and his friends. Now he just needs to go out, explain to his friends a little, eat the devil fruit, and distribute the weapons.

At the same time, I want to say that in the next period of time, before going to sea, you can't eat, drink and have fun as before. You have to exercise hard, whether it's devil fruit abilities, domineering, physical swordsmanship, etc.

But suddenly seeing the three Devil Fruits placed on the table, Kuruda thought of a question, which could also be said to be the side effects of Devil Fruits.

The first point is that it is very unpalatable, which is a well-known thing. As for the second point, it is the common weakness of Devil Fruit users, who are afraid of sea water and sea rock, which is called ocean crystal and ocean solid.

As long as a Devil Fruit user comes into contact with these two things, his whole body will become weak and he will be unable to exert any strength. During this period, he will not be able to use the fruit ability at all.

The first one is okay, it's just a short-term taste spoiler, but the latter one...���It is equivalent to having two additional weaknesses for nothing, and in the future, it will be very troublesome if he falls into the sea on a pirate ship.

However, it seemed that it understood his concerns, so the system immediately jumped out and said:"Don't worry, host.

After the system modification, the taste of Devil Fruit will not only not be unpalatable, but will be as delicious as normal fruit, pure, refreshing, and sweet.


As for the weakness of being afraid of seawater and seawater stones, there is a potion specifically designed to eliminate the weaknesses of seawater stones and seawater stones in the system mall.

You can buy it with reputation points.

As long as you drink it, you no longer have to be afraid of seawater and seawater stones.


"Oh, is that so? That's great, hahaha."Hearing this, Kuruda's eyes suddenly flashed. Hearing such good news, he couldn't help laughing and said.

Now it's better, he and his friends won't feel bad eating Devil Fruit later. , and they will not go to sea in a short period of time. As long as they pay a little attention, it is difficult to encounter sea tower stones in the East China Sea, and they will not fall into the sea easily.

After all, even sea tower stones are very rare in the pirate world. In this world, the number of seastones and mineral veins is pitiful. The only huge seastone mine is also in the country of Wano in the new world, and it is currently occupied by Kaido, at least in the early stage. Don’t worry.

Thinking of this, Kuruda directly picked up three devil fruits, three weapons, and the three-color Haki super-fast training method, opened the wooden door, and walked out.

"Allen, Xiaoke, Xiaoxi, come over here"

"Well, what's the matter with Boss Ku?"

"Sister, is Brother Ku calling us?"

"Got it, let's go there quickly, maybe we have to do something else."

Ellen, Luke and Lucy said after hearing the sound one after another, and then immediately walked in the direction of Kuruda.

By the way, among the two sisters, Lucy is the elder sister and Luke is the younger sister.

But Ku Ruda was faster and quickly arrived at the table next to the lounge chair. At the same time, he also placed all the items on the table.

"Well, Devil Fruit, Boss Ku, where did you find it?"After Allen saw the Devil Fruit, he suddenly said to Kuruda in surprise.

You know, before they lived on this desert island, they had come into contact with many Devil Fruits, and even some Devil Fruit ability users.

However, Even when they encountered Devil Fruits, they did not eat them at first, because among all Devil Fruits, there were only a few powerful Devil Fruits, and the four of them all liked swimming in the ocean, so naturally they were not interested in Devil Fruits..

They basically sold the Devil Fruits they encountered.

But today, Alan never expected that Kuruda would actually take out three Devil Fruits. If he remembered correctly, where did they come from? They rushed into the ruins of the merchant ship together. It seems there are no devil fruits.

"Well, Brother Ku, is this convection planet for me and Xiaoke? But why are there no chains or ropes tied up?"

"Ah, is this a domineering training method? But why is writing super fast? Do you practice according to the above? Can we learn domineering quickly? But doesn’t domineering color and domineering quality depend on potential?"

The two sisters also focused on weapons and domineering cultivation methods one after another, and said one after another, asking their own questions.

"Do you still remember the cave at the back? I found a box in the soil a few days ago. I dug the box out, and after opening it, these things were inside the box. And there is a letter in it. After reading this letter, I believe that a pirate once buried his treasure, which is these things, in the cave behind. But I don’t know why, but it has always been there. People come to dig, and now it is easier for us. By the way, according to what is written in the letter, these things are."

Kuluda successively introduced to the three people in detail the types and abilities of the three major devil fruits, as well as the abilities of the three weapons. However, he did not say that the ultimate combat device can absorb monsters and master monster abilities, because just now, Kuluda Only then did I realize that there are no monsters in this ultimate combat instrument at all.

Although the monsters from the Ultra world can be controlled by this ultimate combat instrument, the strength of the monsters that come here will be weakened, and Kuruda himself is needed. Use reputation points to buy monsters in the system mall.

The current ultimate battle instrument is equivalent to an empty bottle, so there is no need to say anything about the ability to summon monsters and control monsters. After all, without the physical objects, the three partners will not know how to do it. I believe there are monsters.

As for other things, Kuruda's words are similar to the previous system introduction, because the desert island is indeed not small, and there is indeed a hill behind it, and there is indeed a cave, plus the usual trust. , Allen and the two sisters also believed in Kuruda. At the same time, after listening to the introduction, they looked at the three weapons with excitement and excitement, but in their hearts, they actually already had what they liked and wanted to choose. Weapons.

But to be honest, there is no need to go out of your way to separate them, so Kuruda said

"Weapons don’t need to be allocated anymore, right? This pair of meteoroids belongs to Xiaoke and Xiaoxi, the Clear Sky Hammer belongs to Allen, and the ultimate battle instrument belongs to me."

"Haha, no problem, although it's not a round hammer, I also like the ability and appearance of this cylindrical hammer, so I will accept it without hesitation."Alan took the Haotian Hammer from the table and said with a smile

"A meteor that can be controlled with thoughts? It's so magical""Sister, this should be called the power of technology.

If we practice hard, we can use it.

""Yes, that's right, practice hard.

And I'm also very used to this pair of meteors, but sister, the golden one belongs to me""No problem sister, I like purple more anyway""Brother Ku, let’s take this meteorite.

"After listening to the introduction, Lucy Luke naturally marveled at the power and special abilities of this meteorite.

At the same time, she also took away the meteorite of her favorite color.

Finally, with Kuruda nodding, the two sisters also Just took the meteor directly

"By the way, if you are interested, please give me a name."Remembering that the name of the Tianhui Star weapon was not mentioned at all in the Divine Beast King Kong Three Super Transformation Star Armor, so Kuruda immediately thought that it would be better to let the two sisters give this convection planet a name.

"Okay, no problem, Brother Ku, I do have such thoughts."Lucy nodded and smiled.

"Sister, what are you going to name me?"Luke said to her sister with some curiosity.

"I can create meteorites and meteors out of thin air to attack. Meteorites are bigger than meteors, so let’s call my meteorite Jin Yun. After all, I am the sister."Lucy said with a smile.

She seemed to be very confident in her name.

"So, according to my sister's method of naming, my meteor planet will be called Ziliu. After all, I am the younger sister, and meteors are smaller than meteorites."The smart sister Lu Ke quickly figured out her sister's way of naming, so she also chose the name of her meteor planet according to the tiger and the cat.

In this way, the names of Jin Yun, Ziliu, and meteor planet were finally determined. Kuruda and Allen listened and nodded, agreeing with the name of the convective planet. At the same time, they also said a few words of blessing to celebrate in advance that the two sisters could use this pile of meteor weapons. Good, it can be used as their main weapon in the future.

"The ultimate battle device belongs to me. By the way, you can choose the devil fruit."After taking away his own ultimate combat instrument, Kuruda also made some arrangements for the Devil Fruit.

After all, the weapon matter has been resolved.

"God-given opportunity and God-given fruit, my sister and I accepted these strawberries""Well, after all, only we are suitable to eat this fruit here.

"But after listening to the ability of the twin fruits and the requirements for eating, the two sisters already knew that only this fruit was suitable for them, so they took the devil fruit while talking.

Kuruda and Allen watched from the side and had no objection.

After all, they really were not suitable for this fruit, oh no, they could not eat it at all.

"Devour all things to strengthen the body and restore itself? Boss, I like this gluttonous fruit."Obviously, as a chef, Allen likes such a gluttonous fruit even more. After all, he doesn't like to cook delicious food, but he also likes to eat delicious food.

"In fact, I also prefer the Chaos Fruit. It’s like this. Everyone should take what they have."Kuluda naturally hopes to see such a situation. After all, he likes Chaos Fruit more, so he smiled because of it.

And after living together for so many years, he naturally knows very well about Allen's character. He had already expected that Allen would like the Gluttonous Fruit, but if Allen really chose the Chaos Fruit, would he have any objections? After all, the ability of the Gluttonous Fruit depends on the user. , how to develop in the future, this is the function of acquired training, and there is no need to hurt the brotherhood because of two devil fruits.

After hearing this, Allen also smiled and accepted the Taotie fruit, and Kuruda also accepted it. After picking up the Chaos Fruit, the two sisters next to them also smiled, and their smiles were like blooming lotuses. After all, everyone was happy with the current situation.

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