At this time, Garp and the others, who had already entered the East China Sea, seemed to have had a full night's rest and were preparing to raise the sails and anchor to set off.

Garp just looked at it, eating a bag of senbei in one hand, but the sound of eating was really loud, which made the green pheasant, peach rabbit, and tea dolphin next to him extremely helpless. They had just had breakfast. ?

Why do you still have such an appetite? You are still eating senbei. You are about to face the Corrupted Pirates. Even if you have a good chance of winning, can't you just stop now?

"Mr. Karp, should we stick to the plan we made before?"Taotu shook his head and said

"That's right, we must redeem the people first. After all, they are our partners and must be rescued. Then there is the battle. But before the battle, I still want to ask why those few brats who were living around for a living are running away now. Come to be a pirate?"Garp said while continuing to eat senbei.

But it was precisely because he wanted to question Kuruda and the others that Mootu made the previous question.

"But's not too late to feed them after taking them down."Momotu said again, because in her opinion, the navy's duty is to eliminate and arrest pirates. There is no such thing as chatting and joking with pirates before the war.

"Forget it, escape! This is Mr. Garp's idea. He must have his own purpose for doing this, such as getting to know the opponent before fighting. After all, we don't know the Devil Fruit abilities of the four people on the opponent's side yet."The tea dolphin gave a big yawn, and then said

"Indeed, if the information is obtained before the war, it doesn't matter if we chat about it."Qing Pheasant agreed with the tea dolphin's idea and said

"You guys, well, whatever you want, I don’t care about you."Peach rabbit was almost mad when she heard that these three people were like this, but the minority obeyed the majority, so she had no choice but to agree.

""Okay, okay, I have to ask. It would be best if I could get some information. But I still can't believe that those bright-looking, kind-hearted kids would choose to be pirates. I haven't heard of them for about two years. What happened to them that made them choose this path? I still want to know." Garp also stopped eating senbei and said,

"Respect Mr. Karp’s choice."After the three Qing Pheasants looked at each other, they said at the same time, as if they already understood why Garp did this.

"Okay, let’s get ready to set sail. Although I don’t believe they will do anything bad, I have to be careful. The agreed time is in the morning, so let’s go there quickly." said Karp

"yes."After the three people heard this, they immediately planned to arrange for two warships, give orders, and prepare to officially set sail.

But at this moment, the soldiers on the observation deck used their binoculars to see the large ship coming from the distance, especially When the style and flag of the ship were clearly that of a pirate, he quickly said to the person below.

"There is a pirate group approaching us directly in front, nearly four thousand meters away."

When they heard this, everyone was stunned. The first reaction of many people was, is there another little pirate group without eyes crashing into the door or passing by?

"Although the strength of Donghai is very weak, there are really many pirate groups and pirates."

"Yes, how many times has this happened? After we enter the East China Sea"

"Although this is a merit, it is too small."

"Humph, looking at the lineup on our ship, we simply don’t know how to live or die."

The navy soldiers communicated quickly. But obviously, they all believed that with their current lineup, this little pirate in the East China Sea was coming, and they could only be dealt with casually, so their tone They were also full of confidence and even pride.

The four of them basically had a look of indifference, because they didn't need to take action on this little pirate.

Even Aokiji actually wanted to solve it. Continue to take command, and while continuing to move forward, let people deal with the small pirates.

But soon, the lookout sea soldier on the observation deck once again used the telescope to look at the pirate ship that was about to arrive at that time, especially. After seeing the flag above clearly, what exactly was painted on it, and the two warships that appeared behind him, he suddenly understood, and then said to the following again with some panic.

"Unfortunately, they are not ordinary little pirates, they are the Fallen Pirates, and there are warships of our navy behind them. They take the initiative to come to us."Although he is just a lookout, he can participate in this operation and naturally know some information.

For example, some navy prisoners have been captured by the opponent. Some information about Kuruda and the others is known to the navy, such as their What did the pirate leader look like and what was the flag painted on?

Soon after hearing his words, the confidence and pride on the faces of these sailors suddenly disappeared, and then they became a little panicked and even yelled, but there was more of a trace. anger

"What, the Fallen Pirates?"

"Damn it, you actually came to us, you really don’t take our navy seriously."

"When the war starts, we must teach the other side a lesson."

"I just really don’t know how much I have to dare to challenge our current lineup."

Obviously, Kuruda and the others have come over, but their behavior is simply provocative in the eyes of the navy, which is usually a bit proud and confident. It is also a sign of confidence in their top lineup of the navy this time. No wonder now There will be anger and previous pride

"Quick, prepare for battle immediately, stop moving forward, and get ready to face it."Momotogi's face finally changed, and then he gave the order immediately.

Even Garp and the other two looked serious, because they knew very well that according to the information they had now, the pirate group they were about to face was probably second only to the Yellow Emperor-class pirate group.

After all, the other side had two admirals and three admiral candidates. With such strength, it was not an exaggeration to say that it was second only to the Emperor-class.

Soon, after Momotogi gave the order, the navy also began to get busy. After all, they had the previous anger, and they were elite and well-trained, so they naturally acted very quickly.

Under Garp's leadership, several people also came to the bow, and finally, they also saw the approaching Fallen Pirates.

"What was this kid Kuruda thinking, that he would actually come forward to meet him?"Garp said with an expression of surprise and confusion.

The others did not answer because they didn't know. In fact, they had never thought of this possibility either now or before.

"It seems that the battle is going to be advanced, which is really troublesome. Kuzan sighed and said

"Humph, come over here as soon as possible." Taotu pouted and said with some dissatisfaction.

"I thought I could rest for a while, but forget it, just make a quick decision."Cha Dou said, his attitude is basically the same as Qingzhi Kuzan.

But obviously, the three of them never thought about losing. This is also their confidence in their own strength and their lineup.

"Take the person back first and wait until I finish asking questions before hitting him."Garp added. After the other three heard this, they could only nod again. After all, this was what they had agreed to before. In a hurry, they almost forgot about it.

On the other side, on the Bole No.

"Captain, I saw the navy warship, especially the dog-headed bow. The target is ahead."Luke said from the observation deck.

"Stop at a distance of one thousand meters, stop the ship, drop the anchor, and the navy warship lowers the sail."Kuluda ordered

"yes."Everyone was also quick and did what he said. Under the witness of Garp and the others on the opposite side, the Bole stopped one thousand meters away from the opponent. Then, as Kuruda said before, Allen and the others were very quick. It's almost done.

The two sides soon faced off, both standing on the bow of the ship, looking at each other

, but mainly Garp and Aoki, after all, the navy on the other side was the most difficult to deal with. The troublesome part is them, and as the saying goes, soldiers will fight against soldiers, and generals will fight against commanders. As a captain, he will naturally have to face Garp, who is the leader there. Several people also came to the bow of the ship, behind Kuruda, and just looked at the opponent who had been assigned.

"Um."But at this time, the Navy saw Ariel, who had never appeared in the intelligence, and saw the opponent's position. She and Sid were standing on the left and right behind Kuruda. Garp and the others were suddenly shocked. , and then some looked ugly. It was obvious that they had guessed something.

"Who is that woman? If he can stand with that swordsman, is he also a general-level warrior?"Taotu took the lead and said with disbelief in his eyes.

"Judging from the position, it is very likely."Chatun said

"The other party looks quite beautiful, with a hint of cuteness, but is such a person also a top powerhouse?"Kuzan was already a little curious about Ariel's appearance.

"Don't judge a book by its cover, it's a little out of our control now.

I just hope the girl opposite is not very strong, right?"Garp said with some seriousness, because for some reason, when he saw Ariel, he already had a bad feeling in his heart.

Moreover, it had only been a few days, and Kuruda actually recruited such a strong person again.

Could it be that he was a friend from before? He took the initiative now because the other party's reputation has become so high that it was only a top swordsman like Sid who was recognized by Kuruda and took the initiative to invite him.

On board the ship, Garp didn't believe that Ariel, who was in the same position as Sid, would not have at least a general-level combat power from the point of view of that boy Kuruda.

With a general-level combat power, it’s really hard to say who will win in this battle.

The next battle will depend on the strength and cards of both of them. Of course, luck also plays a part. At the same time

, after the final confrontation, Kuruda first used the power of chaos to amplify his voice, and then said directly:"Hahaha, you shouldn't mind us coming early."

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