When he said this again, Kuruda was full of confidence, because according to his previous plan, Aokiji and Garp should be dealt with by himself, Sid, and his new partners.

Especially for new partners, it is best to be strong in physical skills. If you are lucky, Kuruda can even get a strong villain from all realms whose physical skills surpass Garp.

He had to admit that he was indeed very lucky. With ten thousand years of close combat experience, coupled with the physical body brought by the ancient beasts, and also in terms of pure physical skills, Garp might not be able to get good results from Ariel.

Even after learning three-color Haki in the future, this gap will widen.

Although the spider sense ability is useless to Ariel, the subsequent Sight Killing and Sight Haki, predicting the future, are still of great benefit to Ariel's overall combat power.

However, in any case, these are things for the future, at least two days later. Now that Ariel is here, the navy is destined to fail miserably this time.

At this time, after seeing Ariel's strength, Ghost Spider and Huo Shaoshan completely became ugly and extremely pale, because they knew very well that the other party had another top powerhouse, plus those so-called sea beasts. , maybe really capable of dealing with them.

In this case, even if Garp comes this time and Aoki leads the team, it's really hard to say who will win if the two sides fight.

The result of this battle is that their navy will either lose and retreat, or the other party will escape, but no matter which way it is, it is not what they want to see. They should completely arrest or eliminate the other party.

Many navy soldiers also thought of this, and their faces suddenly became desperate and pale.

Seeing their expressions like this, Kuruda was immediately satisfied, because this was the big bad guy who made the opponent feel despair and fear before the battle even started.

He really liked the expressions on the faces of these marines.

Besides, there are many things, such as energy cannons and blue light energy shields, he hasn't even mentioned them yet.

But no matter what, the Navy will definitely lose this time.

Because Kuruda is full of confidence in the strength they have now.

Soon, since the naval soldiers here had nothing to do, everyone returned to the Bole and let the ghost army continue to guard these naval soldiers.

But after uploading, Ellen and the two sisters naturally went to prepare for the new welcome party, and even went to Shields Town to replenish supplies for the party.

While they were leaving, Kuruda also handed the smooth teleportation energy bead to Ariel and explained its function once again.

Ariel didn't expect to have such a magical bead, and was immediately surprised. Soon, after she tried it, she was even more amazed. She actually gained the ability to teleport.

As a strong person, she naturally knows how important such a spatial ability is to improve her combat power.

So after gaining the ability to teleport, I once again expressed my gratitude to Kuruda.

"It doesn't matter. I've said before that my Fallen Pirates are elite pirates. Just consider this teleportation ability as a benefit for the crew members on board. Besides, this ability is very useful. You guys actually joined me, so I naturally won't treat you unfairly. By the way, take a look at this too."

Kuruda said with a smile that it was okay. He had originally planned that all his partners would basically have the ability to teleport.

But at the same time, he also took out the super-fast three-color domineering training method, and the two quickly took it and looked it over.

After reading it, they immediately understood that this was the special power of this world. After reading it, especially Sid, who already had a high-level domineering color, they all understood that even in their original world, the three-color domineering was a very good ability.

But after reacting quickly, they were surprised. They didn't expect that they could actually obtain such a special ability, and they were also very confident in their own strength and talent. They thought that they would not need half a year at all, and could even shorten the period of time to learn the three-color domineering.

Especially Sid, after all, he already knew the domineering color domineering, so he only needed to focus on learning the other two domineering.

So when Ariel heard Sid's choice of three out of two, he actually already had a high-level domineering color domineering, and let him have it, and she immediately felt a little envious.

Then she pouted a little dissatisfied and looked at Kuruda, as if to say that you gave me the choice, why are you not as good as others

"There is no other way. On the pirate ship, Sid can serve as a swordsman. You have no professional foundation, but you have the ability to jump out of the top helmsman experience and appear in your three choices. I can only help you. Choose this, and you will definitely learn to be domineering in the future. This is the same as your other choice that I didn't choose, so I chose the six-winged purple light wing to make up for your inability to fly."

"But don't worry, I can exchange for more Myriad World items and abilities in the future, and I can continue to enrich yours."

Kuruda also quickly explained, and he can continue to earn reputation points in the future, so he will definitely do it by then. Exchange more items from all realms for these friends to use.

After hearing this, Ariel nodded with satisfaction:"That's about it."

"Then I'll look forward to it too. Sid laughed.

"Haha, definitely, but you all need to practice the three-color domineering spirit."Kuluda agreed first, and then emphasized that the three-color domineering spirit must be practiced well.

""Hmm." The two hummed, and they understood it, because after listening to Kuruda's own story, they also understood how important the three-color domineering was to their future life and battles in the pirate world.

So naturally they would pay attention to it.

After a while, since Arya had not passed away, they quickly chose a room they liked in the cabin.

Kuruda and Sid had nothing to do, so they immediately helped Ariel clean the room first, and then moved some furniture in, including some furniture and items that Ariel had bought in Shields Town and liked.

As for the final arrangement, it naturally had to be handed over to Ariel.

In this way, Ariel's bedroom on the Bole was quickly decorated.

"Kugo, Sid, Miss Ariel, the welcome party is ready. Luke came to the cabin and asked Kuruda and the other two to join the party outside.

"coming."The three of them all looked at each other and smiled, and then walked out together.

Soon, the new welcome party was successfully held.

"Well, let's welcome Ariel as the helmsman of our ship and the sixth crew member of our fallen pirates, and now I declare, the welcome party begins."Kuluda picked up the glass filled with wine, stood up and said with a smile.

"cheers."Everyone quickly stood up and toasted, but their expressions were full of happiness and happiness.

"Thank you all, I love this atmosphere and family. Ariel said with a sincere smile and expression.

Soon, everyone began to enjoy the food, drink delicious wine and sweet juice again.

But this time there was more Ariel.

But all in all, this party was held It was perfect, and everyone was very happy, laughing and eating all the time. However, there was no such thing as a permanent dinner. After the party was over, everyone was full, and Kuruda didn’t want to let Alan go. He came to clean up the dishes and the like, so he immediately asked the ghost army to take action. Anyway, the ninja soldiers are versatile, so what's the matter?

All the compositions returned to their bedrooms, rested for a while, or fell asleep directly.

Until two o'clock in the afternoon, Kruda summoned everyone to a special conference room on the Bole.

Everyone quickly gathered around a table and sat down.

Kruda, as the captain, took the lead in talking about the topic. Facing the navy in two days

"According to my intelligence, in two days, the navy will come to us with the 50 million beli we want to redeem those navy hostages."After Kuruda said this, he pointed directly to the window outside the conference room. From outside the window, one of the navy warships captured by them could be seen.

"Captain, isn't this great? We have another income."Luke said with some confusion and curiosity.

"Silly sister, you are stupid, the captain actually said that, I guess the navy must be dishonest this time, and with the strength shown between us, the navy may have regarded us as a threat, so this time the people sent by the navy to trade with us, It's definitely not simple, and it's estimated that after the hostage exchange, the other party will take the initiative."Lucy first blamed her sister, and then immediately expressed her guess.

Ariel and Sid also glanced at Lucy. This girl is quite smart. As for the girl next to her, she is a bit stupid. A little, but still pretty cute

"That's right.

This time, the navy should have two warships, led by the current Navy Admiral Aoki Kuzan, and the naval hero Vice Admiral Garp.

One of these warships should be Garp's dog-headed warship.

The other ship is probably about the same as the one next to us, and not only that, there are nearly 500 naval elites on the other side, as well as alternate admirals Motu Kuuan and Ayurbo.

If those naval soldiers are put back at that time, the two ships will be destroyed.

Lieutenant General, there are still nearly 200 naval soldiers left.

Such a force cannot be underestimated.

"Kuluda said seriously.

Everyone did the same after hearing this, including Ariel and Sid, because they have begun to understand the pirate world, which naturally includes what kind of strength they have in this world.

That is the so-called General-level, and I heard that the so-called naval hero Lieutenant General Garp is stronger than ordinary emperor-level strongmen, which means that their high-end combat power is not as good as that of their opponent, that is, them.

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