"Ariel, I didn't expect it would be her this time." Kruda thought in his heart and said the name of the beauty in front of him.

At the same time, he also recalled some memories from his past life, because the beautiful woman in front of him was actually a character in the anime world in his previous life.

From the country of shameless little Sakura who loves to eat mushrooms and drink nuclear wastewater.

However, Ariel is indeed a character from this shameless little country comic, and she has an important status. At the same time, don’t just look at her appearance. With her devilish figure and angelic face, she is actually very powerful.

In her original world,"So what if she was reincarnated as a spider?" She was also a top powerhouse.

This is also a different world, where magic and swords exist. In fact, it is essentially similar to Sid's world, but with more settings of heroes and demon kings.

But it's essentially more like a virtual game world.

Because people in this world gain strength and acquire new skills, it’s really like playing a game.

All in all, it is a world where the way to obtain power is very special.

In that world, many races appeared, such as elves, humans, demons, dragons, and all kinds of magical beasts.

And Ariel is the Demon King, and in her world, she is also known as the strongest Demon King.

But he is known as the Demon King. It was originally the spider beside the goddess Shari'er. It was the original spider and the oldest mythical beast in that world.

He then serves as the current Demon King, the origin of all spider monsters. After merging with the consciousness of Spider's body, the soul metamorphosed and possessed Spider's memory, so his personality became cheerful, but his independent consciousness was not affected.

Worshiping Sariel was actually the product of Potimas' own genetic experiments on humans.

Initially, he could only stay in bed due to the toxins in his body.

When he was abandoned as a failure, he was taken back by Sariel.

He loved the goddess Sariel from the bottom of his heart, so he harbored hatred for the people who lived peacefully in the world established by the goddess's dedication.

The goblin who is a"scourge" has a strong murderous intention, and his long-cherished wish is to kill all the goblins and rescue the goddess.

He is the strongest demon king in history and an invincible existence within the system. Even Shiraori, who became a god, was numerically lower than the Demon King.

Such a powerful being naturally possesses some powerful skills

""Seven Deadly Sins" skills: Give her powerful abilities or skills in certain areas.

Humility skills: One of the"Seven Virtues", the humility skills may allow her to perform better in social or combat situations.

With strong ability values, Ellie Er's attack power far exceeds that of the heroine Spider-Zi, and her ability value is about three times higher than that of Spider-Zi.

""Dragon Barrier": As a representative of the strongest magic barrier, this skill can block enemies, especially those who are good at using high-level magic.

Dominator skill"Gluttony": This skill allows Ariel to infinitely recover SP and enhance her Continuous combat capabilities. To sum up, Ariel is a demon king with strong strength and multiple skills. Her abilities range from but not limited to magic attacks, barrier creation, and resource recovery.

In novels and anime, Ariel's physical strength is actually compared to magic. Although she can't fly, she can jump up and down several mountains with her amazing jumping ability, and her physical skills are also good. Very powerful. He strikes quickly, attacks violently, and has great strength.

Similar to Sid, he is better at using swords than magic. Ariel is also better at using physical combat than magic.

Now for this new partner. Based on his own knowledge, Kuruda could only think of so much, but what is certain is that if Sid's world is not as good as the pirate world, then the world where Ariel comes from does have gods, or it already has gods. Having come into contact with the civilization of the universe, in other words, Ariel's world is greater than and equal to the pirate world.

But if Ariel's own strength is placed in the pirate world, it is estimated that she is at most the four emperors, or at least a general. After all, in the pirate world. In that world, Ariel was not yet a top-notch powerhouse, but could only be considered a second- or third-level powerhouse. The gap was even greater than in the pirate world, at least according to his judgment.

The details would have to wait. Let’s take a look at the panel.

At the same time, according to the system requirements, the villain is summoned, and Ariel is indeed qualified, because when reincarnated into a spider, there are mainly male protagonists and female protagonists, but the main one is female. Whether it is the early story of the female protagonist or the later story of the male protagonist, Ariel is indeed their enemy, and as a demon king, with the power and behavior she uses, it is not a big deal to say that she is a villain. Pass

"Are you the one who summoned me here?" Ariel asked with a cute and curious look.

"It seems that she is Ariel who has not yet merged with Spider-Man and has body consciousness."Seeing her look like this, Kruda immediately made a judgment.

Because this is too recognizable. After all, Ariel is here. After all, Ariel's personality and behavior before and after being invaded by the spiders. They are completely different. In the early stage, she was a cold queen, but in the later stage, she was a total jerk.

"It is true that I summoned you from another world, your original world, in a special way, but I can understand the situation there. Let me introduce myself briefly."Kuluda replied immediately after thinking about it.

Soon, Ariel nodded with a smile and said that she had done something of her own.

Kuruda was also listening and receiving the information, and at the same time he was thinking thinking

"It seems that Ariel, who has died, was summoned by me from the death space of that world. It seems that unlike Sid, this one has no worries."

"But having said that, I still have to show off my strength and charm in order to completely conquer Ariel and make her my partner."

"I have gotten to know you roughly, and I have to say that you are a great and strong person."Kuluda's words are actually sincere. After listening to Ariel's story, I have to admire such a person.

After all, he is a person who has worked hard all his life to save a world and finally sacrificed his own life.

This is Ariel. once life

"Thanks for the compliment. What about you?"Ariel continued to smile. At the same time, she was really curious about this person's self-introduction and story.

And when she was telling stories before, she could indeed sense that there was a powerful force and magic in Kuruda. With the power, she immediately judged that the man who summoned her from her original world, and the man who resurrected her first in the dead space, was indeed very unusual.

"My name is Kuruda. I am about the same age as you now. I am also a person of two lives. Together, I am almost 50 years old. I am much younger than you."

"I was framed and died in my original world, but my soul traveled to this world and gained the ability to absorb other people's emotions, exchange for items from other worlds, and even resurrect people here."Kuluda briefly introduced himself, but he couldn't tell Ariel about the system, so he could only say that it was a special ability.

"I understand, this is why you were able to summon me. Ariel nodded.

"Yes, I have gathered enough emotional energy to summon you here. Kuruda nodded.

"With this experience and ability, you are really an interesting person. So how much do you know about this world? Ariel continued to say with a smile.

"I've been here for a few years and here's what happened……"

In the following time, Kuruda focused on telling the story of his previous life and everything that happened after he came here. However, he replaced the things about the system with his previous statement, and also focused on I talked about the situation in the pirate world, some basic knowledge, as well as the distribution of forces, strength, etc.

At the same time, regarding Allen, Luce, Lucy, and even Sid, as well as the Bole number, as well as the name of their current pirate group, etc., basically except for the items he recently obtained from the system, he urged Once again, including facing the navy led by Garp three days later.

But taking this opportunity, Kuruda directly checked Ariel's panel.

【Name: Ariel】

【Age: Infinite (at least 2000 years old)】

【Gender: Female】

【Introduction: The top strongman from the world of reincarnation as a spider, cold and domineering in the early stage, a patient with the second disease in the later stage, righteous, and has the spirit of sacrifice.】

【Abilities: Physical skills, magic】

【Current strength: top general】

【Weapons: none】

【Reward amount: None】

【Bounty title: None]

It was precisely because of looking at this panel that Kuruda realized that Ariel was only the top general, in other words, between the emperor level and the general level.

This made him a little disappointed. He thought Ariel already had at least the strength of the emperor.

"Host, this is the strength she should have now. Compared with the top powerhouse in the world, there is still a big gap between her and that side."The system jumped out at this time and said in Kuruda's heart.

But even so, isn't it stronger than me and Sid?

This strength is no longer good, how do you want me to recover her?

Kuruda is here He rolled his eyes in his heart, and at the same time made up his mind that after this naval incident is over, both himself and the two sisters, Sid Allen, will be able to improve their strength.

As long as all the wooden boards are the same. Only when it is high can it hold more water. Kruda still understands this.

But at the same time, with Kruda's narration, Ariel finally understood some information about the pirate world.

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