“This does require attention, and their current situation should be organized and stored in the data.” Zhan Guo said immediately, and then made a new addition.

“Okay, Xiao He, let’s focus on the six new members.”

He nodded, and then immediately took out another document, took out two new photos, and posted them on the blackboard again.

And looking at the beautiful woman in the photo who revealed a hint of freshness and cuteness, wearing black armor. And the domineering and handsome male wolf, revealing the attitude of a king everywhere.

Who else could it be but Maple and Gray Wolf?

“This is the member who joined the Fallen Group after Ariel. Her name is Maple. According to the existing information, the other party first went to a small village in the East China Sea, West Rob Village, and should have taken the initiative to find Kuruda, because the Fallen Platform was dealing with the Black Cat Pirates hidden in this mountain island village at the time. This is a small pirate group that is not in the mainstream, especially Captain Kuro, who is a very shameful existence even among pirates.”

“Three years ago in the East China Sea, he disappeared, and actually disguised himself as the housekeeper of a rich girl in this village. As for the purpose, he wanted to use a trick…”

Staff Officer Crane then talked about Kuro’s plan, and the information that he and his former pirate group were basically wiped out by the Fallen Group.

However, after listening to it, even the navy present couldn’t help frowning, showing disgust and disdain. They have dealt with and eliminated countless pirates, but this is the first time they have seen such a shameless one.

Many people started to curse, including the three admirals, Garp, Zephyr and Sengoku. They were all pure disdain. Akainu even regretted why such a person didn’t die in his hands.

“Later, Maple joined the Fallen Group as a shipwright. At the same time, in Xiluobu Village, Maple also used this high-tech artillery combination called Mechanical God for the first time.”

“But the real strength was revealed in the next internal competition of the Fallen Group that we currently know. After leaving Xiluobu Village, the Fallen Group came to the East China Sea Sea Restaurant Barati, and then Gray Wolf, who entered the Fallen Pirates next, had been waiting here for a long time. Obviously, he also took the initiative to find it.”

“Later, perhaps to witness the strength of these two people, Maple and Gray Wolf’s assisted battle began at that time.”

“According to the intelligence investigation of this battle, it is very certain that the two had already used the admiral-level strength, or perhaps earlier. We also learned some specific information about the two. ”

“Maple should be a modified person transformed by bloodline factor-related technology. Other specific origins are unknown, but she has many abilities. It can be said that she is a multi-devil fruit ability user who has never eaten a devil fruit. Currently known are the mechanical god I mentioned earlier. The other party can also transform into a giant beast similar to a dinosaur. It is not the monster mentioned before. The size is much smaller than those monsters, but the combat power is stronger. ”

“The other party is wearing black armor in normal state. In the form of holding a black shield, the defense is very strong. There is also an angel form, which is also very defensive, mainly white armor and weapons. Other similar ones include octopus tentacles and snake venom spray , in short, he has a lot of abilities. ”

“From the battle this morning, we can see that he has a certain level of accomplishment in the three-color domineering.”

“Then there is Gray Wolf. He should be the person who needs the most attention besides Captain Kuruda, the Fallen Group, because he is a scientist. This alone is enough to attract our attention. Although it is not clear what he has invented, how much of a threat does he pose to the Navy and the World Government?”

“But he has a melee weapon, which seems to be a high-tech laser blade. I guess he invented it. It is indeed a very strong melee space weapon, no weaker than any famous sword on the sea, and he has currently shown three or four special light blade forms.”

“ In addition, the Ghost Corps has now taken out some swords, guns, gunpowder, and even laser guns. It is probably his doing. After all, before he joined the Fallen Corps, the Ghost Corps did not have these weapons. ”

“Then there is the identity of the other party, because his other ability should come from his identity. The other party should really be a mutant fur tribe. At present, not only can he master the power of lightning without entering the moon lion form, but also the power of darkness. How terrible are these two natural powers? I don’t need to say it. And the other party’s attainments in the three-color domineering are also not low. ”

“For now, these are definitely two general-level strongmen with good comprehensive abilities. Ahem. ”

At the same time, it can be regarded as a complete help belowThe Navy introduced the people of the Fallen Group in detail. After saying so much, Staff Officer Crane had already foamed at the mouth, and now he couldn’t help coughing.

Fortunately, she also briefly introduced Maple and Gray Wolf.

“Sister, you should take a break.” Taotu, who had long recognized Staff Officer Crane as a sister, said with concern.

“No, although I am old, it does not mean that I can’t do this little thing. Just drink some tea.” Staff Officer Crane said with a smile and immediately returned to his seat and picked up the tea in the teacup to drink.

For this great staff officer, many people present were willing to give face to such a kind old navy lady.

So they didn’t plan to let her take a break, and they were also digesting the information.

They soon fell into silence, because they had to admit that these two people were indeed very difficult to deal with, whether it was Maple with multiple abilities or Gray Wolf.

After listening to their details, several people showed solemnity.

In particular, the three admirals of the navy attach great importance to Gray Wolf. They are the users of the natural fruit ability and naturally know the terrible power of nature.

Even they showed a serious expression to Gray Wolf who mastered the two top elements of darkness and lightning at the same time. There was no ridicule on Kizaru’s face, no laziness on Aokiji’s face, and no tsundere on Akainu’s face.

Moreover, after watching the battle this morning, they already knew how terrible Gray Wolf’s mastery and ability of these two elements were. They did not dare to say that they could defeat Gray Wolf in a one-on-one situation.

Of course, they also attach great importance to Maple, especially the opponent’s abnormal defense ability, which even they had no confidence to break.

After all, there was such a scene at that time. When Maple easily blocked the combined attack of Big Mom and Kaido, they almost couldn’t help but stand up, but also showed expressions of horror and disbelief.

“These two people have to be taken seriously,” Zefa said with a serious face.

“Yeah.” Garp also nodded and agreed with Zephyr’s words. After all, with Ariel’s precedent, how could anyone who joined that kid’s pirate group be a simple person?

He even had a terrible premonition that this group of people would probably reach the emperor level in the future. This was really not a joke, because the other party looked very young and had room for growth.

Even the Gray Wolf and the old skeleton who seemed to be very old in the Fallen Group.

“Okay, I’ll continue.”

After resting, Chief of Staff Crane immediately stood up again, came to the blackboard, and took out another photo from the information.

Wearing a black magician suit, bright blue eyes and light golden hair, who else could the person in this photo be but Azisa?

“After the fight between Gray Wolf and Maple, not only did both sides recognize each other’s strength, but also the other members of the Fallen Group at the scene. The next day, the Fallen Group left Barati and came to another small village in the East China Sea, Cocosia Village, after a few days of sea travel.”

“Then this woman named Azisa had already arrived on the island before the Fallen Group. The other party’s purpose was very clear, and it was also to wait for the arrival of the Fallen Group in advance, but there was another purpose, which was to eliminate the Dragon Pirates who had been dominating this island for a long time and eliminate a naval branch on our side. I don’t want to say more about it, I believe you all know it.”

Staff Officer Crane said that there was no need to say more here, and there was a hint of disgust in both her expression and her eyes, because she really didn’t want to say anything about what the navy present knew next. It was disgusting. This was simply the navy’s black history.

And just as she thought, after she finished speaking, the navy below all quarreled.

Especially the hawkish navy, but they wished that they were the ones who killed Aaron and Colonel Mouse at that time.

Even the neutrals and doves were furious, because this was a major stain on the Navy, a rat shit.

“Don’t worry, although that rubbish rat colonel has been killed by Yazisa, we still sent people to do everything possible to erase more traces, and his crime and notoriety, as well as this shame, will be kept in the Navy’s archives forever.” Although Zhan Guo was also very angry, he still said immediately.

However, it was a bit awkward to hear it, but in fact, when he heard that Yazisa really completely destroyed a Navy branch.

All the navy, including him, were furious like a volcano erupting, because such behavior was completely provocative to the Navy.

Where is the dignity of the Navy, don’t they want to save face?

But after the subsequent investigation, they finally knew about the dealings between Colonel Rat and Aaron over the years.

They were completely dumbfoundedSuddenly, they blamed Arlong and Colonel Mouse for more of their anger, especially Colonel Mouse. How could the Navy have such a big stain?

But at the same time, they were also a little angry. Such a stain should be completely eliminated by their Navy. Why should pirates like Azisa deal with it?

Besides, the other party is a member of the Fallen Pirates, who they are very afraid of and hate now.

“Alas, I should care more about Donghai.” Garp was naturally upset that Donghai had such a stain.

Every time he went back to Donghai, it should not be just for vacation and to see his grandson. It is also important to protect his hometown Donghai.

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