But this time, they were also shocked, even if it was no worse than the previous times.

And the reason for their shock this time was naturally because Xiaozhi was actually a tamer.

As mentioned before, tamer is really an unpopular profession.

There is no one who has become a strong person in this profession, at least it has not appeared in the history of the sea.

Because there are no very powerful creatures in the world today.

At least they have reached the level of admiral and emperor.

Perhaps there are such strong people in the sea kings who have lived in the depths of the sea for a long time, but humans now have no ability to master sea kings.

It is precisely because of this that since there are no powerful pets, the profession of tamer is naturally not very glorious and not famous.

But now, they have seen a powerful tamer.

It completely broke their previous cognition that has existed in the sea for a long time.

Because they know that the young man, or commander, who performed well on the battlefield in front of them.

has completely proved to the sea that tamers can also be very powerful.

They saw with their own eyes how Xiaozhi summoned Pokémon from those special balls and then commanded the battle, and those special pets showed how powerful their fighting power and wisdom were.

But in any case, the tamers who were once very weak in this sea seem to be rising now.

This is indeed the case. Through the screen, many tamers who saw that the battle below had ended have cheered. They seemed to have seen that they could also become strong and rise.

Some people who originally thought that the road of tamers was not easy to walk even reaffirmed their beliefs.

Some people even had the idea of ​​worshipping Xiaozhi as a teacher, but even if not, it is estimated that after this battle, many people will come to Xiaozhi, because they know that if they want to continue on the road of tamers, they have to ask Xiaozhi where his pets came from and how they were trained. But more rational people will not come, after all, the Fallen Group is too strong.

And now in the air, even while fighting, Kuruda can see that Xiaozhi is slowly completing the things he has entrusted.

“The first step of the good plan is completed. Now we will proceed to the second step, which is also the last step.”

Kuruda smiled.

Then he looked at Kaido and Big Mom who were still being besieged by their companions. The battle above them had been going on for a long time.

Although the battles in the pirate world are more popular with physical skills, the physical fitness is not bad, not to mention this steel balloon, the strongest creature.

Don’t look at how badly Kaido and Big Mom were beaten now, with many wounds on their bodies.

But for these two guys themselves, it is no big deal.

It is equivalent to a big tree, but a few pieces of bark were knocked off.

“Chaos Death Light Scythe, Chaos Killing Lightning.” Kurda made another move.

He first waved the Ultimate Battle Instrument, released the Chaos Death Light Scythe, a huge light blade, and slashed at Kaido.

Then he aimed the other end at Big Mom and released the Killing Lightning.

Seeing Kurda’s move, and knowing the power of these two moves, they walked away immediately.

“Thunder Bagua.” “Wei Guo.” Big Mom and Kaido also saw the attack and immediately made a move to resist.

The moves of both sides collided with each other and finally canceled each other out.

“Well, you are not just jumping clowns, but also two stubborn cockroaches? I beat you so badly, but you are still so good at fighting.” Kuruda once again carried the Ultimate Battle Instrument on his shoulders and said, his tone full of sarcasm.

“Boy, you…” Hearing the sarcasm again, coupled with Kuruda’s current expression, he really deserved a beating.

The hot-tempered Kaido was about to attack, including Big Mom next to him.

But seeing the other main forces of the Fallen Group gathered next to Kuruda again.

Both of them didn’t want to talk immediately. After all, they had fought for so long, and they had thoroughly experienced the overall strength of the other party. It was really hard to fight. They even had little ability to fight back. The many injuries on their bodies now were the best proof.

“You should take a look below first.” Kuruda pointed to the bottom with his finger and said to Kaido and Big Mom in a somewhat teasing tone.

Big Mom and Kaido all frowned when they heard it. What does it mean? Down below.

But soon they realized something, their faces suddenly changed, and then they hurriedly looked down, and then they were dumbfounded and fell into a stagnation.

If there were crows flying by now, repeating the words “shameful” and “idiot”, it would be better.

But now, Kaido and Big Mom were really dumbfounded, staring at everything below in amazement.

WhatWhat’s the situation? How long have they been fighting? The battle below is over, and all their people have been captured. ?

“Waste, a bunch of waste, damn it. I really want to go down and beat them all to death with a stick.”

“Ah, a bunch of unfilial sons, the others are waste, I must drain their souls when I go back.”

After the two reacted, they couldn’t help but curse directly, and their tempers, like a real volcanic eruption, suddenly came up.

“I don’t care what you think, now you two give me a quick answer, just want to choose to continue fighting, or surrender and leave in disgrace.”

Kuruda said immediately.

At the same time, he showed his fighting spirit again, and pointed the ultimate battle instrument with chaotic energy and domineering attached to them.

The meaning is very clear, if you want to fight, we will accompany you.

The other partners also made fighting gestures behind him, which immediately made Kaido and Big Mom grit their teeth in anger, but they were also very afraid.

The two looked at each other, and soon they were filled with helplessness and bitterness, because after fighting for so long, they knew very well that they could not defeat the other side at all. The configuration of the two emperors and nine generals was really too difficult to fight.

They were even estimating that, let alone them, even if Whitebeard and Shanks came together, the four emperors would probably not be able to defeat the other side.

Because the other party was not only a top powerhouse and a genius, but also had different and powerful abilities.

The two were not stupid, otherwise they would not have become the four emperors and owned a large piece of territory.

Although they were very angry and unwilling in their hearts, they could only sigh, and they seemed to have aged a few years. They opened their mouths at the same time and said tremblingly.

“No more fighting, we admit defeat.”

Soon, as the two said this, this battle was completely over.

It was nearly four hours, although it was not impossible to fight for ten days and ten nights according to the strength of the top combat forces of both sides.

But after seeing the strength of the main force of the Fallen Group, Kaido and Big Mom really didn’t want to fight. They couldn’t get anything and had to be beaten passively.

And now that the Celestial Dragons have been rescued by the Navy, they must also be wary of the Navy and other forces.

So it was precisely because of this that the two did not want to fight.

“Hmph, you are sensible.” Kuruda nodded with satisfaction. Finally, they have come to this point. This battle is finally their victory. It is worth all his preparations before, as well as his next plan.

Next, Kuruda said that he could provide Kaido and his team with some medicine and food for free. As for the reason, it was to let everyone in their two groups wake up and leave immediately.

Hearing that it seemed like they could get something for free, Kaido and Big Mom also agreed, but for some reason, the two always had a bad premonition.

However, after seeing that their people did wake up slowly, and were being treated and fed, the two of them also lost their suspicion.

The two of them flew down immediately.

“Xiaozhi will take care of the following matters. Everyone go and take a rest first. Azisa will be in charge of treatment and help everyone recover their strength. Allen, please cook a table of delicious dishes to celebrate this victory.”

Kuruda immediately issued a new order. After understanding it, everyone went down and followed it and returned to the Bole.

But the others did not notice that Ainz and Azisa actually walked to the back.

If they paid attention to the back, they would definitely be surprised.

The two of them were actually using headphones, and Kurda was also using it. Obviously, the three of them were discussing something.

Kuruda: “Then I’ll leave it to you.”

Azisa: “No problem, it’s a piece of cake. It’s just that a lot of potions will be consumed this time, and I will have to refine some more later.”

Ainz: “It’s just a little magic. I don’t think it’s a pity.”

And this is their conversation. It was very brief, but it can also show some of what they want to do next.

Obviously, these two guys are the main force in this last step of the plan.

But these are all things that will happen next. Since the war is over, there is nothing to see, and many people need to digest the information obtained from this battle.

Especially about the Fallen Group, because the ability they now possess is too shocking to the sea.

Not to mention the combination of Big Mom and Kaido, they actually lost.

So they really need to digest it well.

The picture they saw here was suddenly cut off.

So now the people on the sea have no idea what will happen next. After all, in their opinion, both sides will leave next. The winner will be happy and the loser will be sad. What’s there to see?

Of course, except for some people who really want to see Kaido and Big Mom laugh, and want to know what will happen to the Fallen Group next.People who were moving.

On the Bole, with the help of Azisa, everyone quickly recovered comprehensively.

Allen also cooked a table of delicious dishes, called Xiaozhi over, and his Pokémon, and everyone once again gathered around a table full of beauty and sweetness, and ate this rich and victorious lunch.

On the deserted island where this battle took place, the two royal groups had their own doctors, plus the medicine provided by the Fallen Group and the help of the Ghost Corps.

Many people woke up quickly and were undergoing treatment and recovery.

Kaido and Big Mom naturally saw everything, but they had already lost the battle, and they didn’t know what they were thinking.

But there was definitely reluctance and anger, after all, they lost, and they didn’t get what they wanted.

In addition to this failure, it was a huge blow to their prestige on the sea.

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