And as Allen said, especially the wooden houses, they were built together at the beginning. They were shelter from wind and rain and a place to sleep at night. These three wooden houses are the best testimony of their life on this desert island in the past few years..

If the people who come up after they leave are pirates, especially those who are full of destruction, then when they come back next time they will only see some wooden ruins, which is not what they want to see.

Thinking of this, the two sisters suddenly frowned.

"Don't worry about this."Kuluda suddenly smiled and said

"Well, why?""Brother Ku, do you have any solution?""Yes, what solution can solve this problem?" Allen, Lucy, and Luke asked one after another.

They all became curious about how Kuruda would solve this problem.

"Come with me."But Kuluda just said a word, and then walked out of the wooden house. The other three looked at each other first, and then quickly followed.

Soon, Allen and the two sisters were surprised to find that Kuluda was taking them Take it towards the cave

"Well, Brother Ku, according to the agreement, the secret you told me half a year ago will be made public today?"As Alan walked halfway, he suddenly thought of the secret that Kuruda told him half a year ago. He still couldn't figure it out until now. Today is the time to announce the original secret. After all, it is the last day. They will set sail tomorrow. Go to sea as a pirate group

"Yes, and this secret is also related to whether we can leave the island with peace of mind. After leaving the island, no one will come to this island, our home, again."Kuluda responded with a smile.

Then under his leadership, Allen and the two sisters were full of curiosity, but they finally came to the cave for the second time. You must know that the last time they were living on a desert island, in order to explore After a while, we entered the cave, but it was too narrow and had a strange smell, so it was not considered a place to live by a few people, otherwise they would not have built wooden houses.

"Hey, sister, the taste is gone."But after Lu Ke came in, she immediately found that the unpleasant smell when she came last time was gone.

"that is true."Lucy also sniffed with her little nose, and immediately realized that there was indeed no unpleasant smell.

""Brother Ku, did you do this?" Allen immediately understood that this must have been done by Kuruda. After all, in the past six months, only Kuruda had come in and out.

"Yes."Kuluda nodded and said

"Brother Ku, where is the secret you mentioned? Lu Ke asked curiously, because he found that except for the lack of camera positions, it was basically the same as the last time he came. It was so narrow, how could there be any secrets?

"Remember what I said last time, I found a treasure chest here, and the things in the treasure chest have made us successful now?"Kuruda immediately asked this question.

"That's right, thanks to Brother Ku's discovery of the treasure chest, we have become what we are now. Otherwise, we would not be strong now, nor would we continue on the road to become stronger. Lucy nodded and said

"But I still don't understand what this has to do with secrets."Luke said a little confused.

"Of course it is related."Kuluda said as he led his men to the end of the cave.

At the same time, the other three also saw that there was a pit next to the stone wall near the camera, and inside the pit was an old treasure chest that had been opened.

"Brother Ku, it seems that this is the treasure chest from which you took out the items."Alan said when he saw this

"Yes."Kuluda nodded, but in fact he was almost laughing in his heart. This was not the treasure chest he dug out in his white lie before, but a treasure chest he accidentally found when he went out to fight against the pirates. And it happened to be a bit old, so it was dug out of the soil.

Wouldn't it be nice to take it back, and then the scene would be what we see now.

"Brother Ku, this is already an empty box, so what’s the secret?"Lucy asked with some confusion.

"You can't just look at things at their surface. Take out the treasure box and take a look."Kuluda said something meaningful.

After hearing this, the two sisters and Allen looked at each other, then walked to both sides and took out the large treasure box directly. Soon, the things under the treasure box were surprised them

"What, there is actually a tunnel."Alan even said directly in surprise.

Yes, what appeared in front of everyone now was indeed a well-maintained earthen staircase tunnel, although a little narrow, and it continued to go down.

"Brother Ku, is this the secret you're talking about?"Luke opened her little cherry mouth and said

"To be precise, below, you follow me."Kuluda said as he walked down the tunnel, and then stretched out his fingers directly to stimulate a little chaotic energy. Then the chaotic energy actually stimulated the energy of flames. Kuruda directly put the ones that had been prepared next to him. Some candles were lit.

This tunnel was actually dug by Kuruda. As for these candles, they were naturally brought in after half a year of hard work.

As for the purpose of doing so, it was still a lie. The sisters and Allen followed.

After a while, everyone finally reached the end of the stairs. Soon

, Allen and the two sisters suddenly discovered that there was a very empty hole under the lens.

It was pitch black inside, and they couldn't see anything at all, but the tunnels were already dug by Kuruda, so of course he dug such a hole, so how could they ignore the darkness and just look at it. Unclear question���

So he directly lit the flame ignited by the power of chaos towards a nearby candle, and then an incredible scene happened.

This time, not only a candle was lit, but the flame actually burned to the side, surrounding the entire stone wall of the cave. Then in the surprised and disbelieving eyes of Allen and the two sisters, the entire cave was suddenly burned by the flames next to it. , lit up, as if a big bright light bulb suddenly appeared.

Of course, just such a small thing could not shock the three of them. What shocked them the most now was naturally the big ship that had appeared in front of them.

That is to say, the big ship that Kuruda got from the system, which was named Bole by Kuruda, is now parked in this cave.

Obviously, everything happening now was designed by Kuruda, just to make the Bole appear in front of everyone for the most legitimate reason.

"Brother Ku, this ship is."Alan immediately turned around and said incoherently.

"This should also be left by the pirate at the beginning, but now it is an advantage for us. I decided to go to sea tomorrow, and we will take this ship to leave the desert island."Kuluda said with a smile.

"Brother Ku, is this the secret you're talking about?"Lucy said with a smile.

"That's right."Kuluda said

"But there are big ships out to sea. Although it is a very surprising secret, does this have anything to do with the fact that no one came to the island again after we left?"Luke still asked the question he was most worried about.

"Do you see the beads over there?"But for such a question, Kuruda pointed to a bead next to him.

Everyone was stunned when they heard the sound, and then immediately looked over. They had not noticed before that there was actually a bead here, placed on a stone platform.

"Could this bead help us hide the island?"Alan immediately understood the key, but he still couldn't believe that such a bead could help them, so he asked Kuruda questioningly

"This is actually a hidden pearl, an ancient secret treasure, and it should have been left by that pirate.

I experimented with it, and found that this pearl will release a kind of energy, causing the deserted island we live in now to be invisible from nearly 50 meters outside.

Moreover, such a pearl can distort the space, allowing the deserted island to handle another space, so that ships can pass by without any problem.

People outside and those passing ships don’t even know that there is an island here.

Although I don’t know why we were able to go to this island at that time, I had already entered here in the first half of the year and mastered this pearl.

Now I leave my mark, and after we leave, it can continue to protect the island from being discovered by outsiders.

"Kuruda said.

In fact, it was because they had been constantly eliminating pirates in the past six months, and both he and his partners helped him earn a lot of reputation points. In order to protect the island, he used the reputation points he had accumulated to directly buy such a hidden pearl.

In other words, he had already had a solution to the question raised by Allen today, and he had already prepared it.

However, such a hidden pearl is really expensive, and it cost Kurda nearly 2/3 of his reputation points for half a year.

But Kurda didn't think he was at a loss. It was enough to keep the island. After all, this was their home. And after officially going out to sea, he was confident that he and his partners would occupy more reputation points.

"Ah, it’s so magical, but it’s really great, so we can go to sea with confidence, hahaha."After hearing this, Lu Ke first marveled at the power of the Hidden Pearl, but she was naturally very happy to be able to go to sea with peace of mind. She couldn't help but jump up and down with a smile.

Although she was a little reluctant to leave such a home, she was very happy to be able to go out to sea for adventure. With her current strength, her heart is full of expectations

"But I still have a question. We are in a cave under the desert island now. How are we going to get this boat out?"But Allen suddenly said in a lowered mood, but there was nothing wrong with what he said.

After listening to it, the two sisters were also stunned. Yes, the ship is so big and the only tunnel is so small. How can we get out?

"You don't have to worry about this, because the cave we are in now is not under the island at all, but under the beach a little below the sea next to the island."Kuluda suddenly said, how could he not have considered this issue when he first dug.

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