But if you look closely, you will find that these CP0 people are using the Moon Step, one of the Six Styles. The left foot pushes, and the right foot steps on the air, as if they are really walking in the air.

Although the full name of the Six Styles is the Navy Six Styles, it was given to the Navy by the World Government, so as a force under the World Government, especially the CP0 organization, it can be said that it is a team of masters who use the Navy Six Styles.

However, the Navy has always played the role of justice in the world. Giving the Six Styles to the Navy is probably because the World Government wants the Navy to recruit a large number of soldiers, which is also a means of winning people’s hearts.

But at the same time, we have to admit that as the most elite CP0 in the CP organization, they still have strength, but the most important thing is the ability to hide and lurk.

But it’s a pity. If it were other pirate groups, even the Four Emperors, they could really sneak in easily without being noticed, just like CP0 could easily sneak into Wano Country in the original work.

But the problem is that for the Ghost Shadow Corps hiding in the shadows, there is no wind and grass movement that can escape their eyes.

Moreover, it was the Bole and the other two captured warships where the Ghost Corps gathered the most.

At first, the five CP 0 people naturally sneaked in smoothly, but the moment they stepped onto the deck, they were discovered by the Ghost Corps. They didn’t notice the blood-red ghost eyes in the depths of the shadow.

However, since Kuruda’s order to the soldiers of the Ghost Corps was to guard the prisoners and the Celestial Dragons, the five CP 0 people, because they had not yet come into contact with these prisoners and Celestial Dragons, the Ghost Corps did not appear in the first time to attack them.

But this is also a matter of time, but this is also a matter of time, and then the CP0 people also showed their unique intelligence ability, and actually figured out the structure of the warship of Cracker in advance, so they came to the place where the prisoners were held without any obstacles.

Along the way, the CP0 people also saw the imprisoned members of the aunt group, including Cracker who was firmly locked by the seastone chain.

Along the way, they were also a little surprised, because apart from being depressed and sleeping, the people of the Big Mom Pirates did not seem to have been tortured.

It seems that as the intelligence said, the Fallen Pirates still treated the prisoners very well.

But when they came to the place where the Celestial Dragons were imprisoned, especially when they saw the Celestial Dragons inside.

Even the professionally trained CP 0 was frightened by the scene in front of them and sweated profusely. Their legs trembled and they almost knelt down.

“How dare they?”

“Are these really Celestial Dragons? They actually did such a thing.”

Two of them said tremblingly, but there was also a trace of fear in them.

The Celestial Dragons who were imprisoned on the other side of the iron fence in front of them were in a miserable state. Many places on their clothes were torn, and there were traces of injuries and cuts all over their bodies.

But this is not the worst. They were basically bleeding from their heads, and one of them even lost a hand.

“It’s just as the intelligence said. The Fallen Group is lawless and even goes against the World Government. They are a bunch of lunatics. They treat them so differently. Look at the Big Mom Group who is fine, and then look at these Celestial Dragons.” The female CP0 said with a trembling and heavy breathing.

But she obviously wronged the Fallen Group. They just beat these Celestial Dragons a little bit, and the fatal injuries on these Celestial Dragons were basically caused by the people of the Beast Group after they collapsed.

Although Kuruda wanted to kill the Celestial Dragons now, he didn’t like these damn Celestial Dragons when he watched the anime.

But it’s not the right time yet. In addition, these are commodities. He naturally has to ensure that these Celestial Dragons are safe and sound at the moment to avoid bargaining with the navy who will come to redeem them.

“Let’s rescue the people first. This is the work of the Fallen Corps. It has nothing to do with us. If we explain it in detail, the superiors will believe it.” The leader said after taking a breath.

He understood very well that he had to take the people away quickly, because they had to stay here as little as possible. Otherwise, if they really fell into the clutches of the Fallen Corps, it would be worse than death.

Soon, after receiving the order, the other two CP0s were about to go in and take the Celestial Dragons out, but their actions were tantamount to completely arousing the order that Kuruda had issued to the Ghost Corps.

Suddenly, from the shadow next to him,On the other side, those blood-red ghost eyes that were originally staring finally revealed a trace of murderous intent and fighting spirit.

“Not good, quickly dodge.” The CP0 people’s observation Haki was still not low, and they soon felt the danger coming from all around, and the CP0 leader shouted immediately.

After he finished speaking, countless energy light waves and sharp silver darts flew out from the shadows and hit them.

These two attacks naturally came from the Night Bat Corps and the Ninja Corps, the only ones with long-range attack capabilities in the Ghost Corps, but after all, the Ghost Corps was just a bunch of soldiers. On the front battlefield, the only thing they could rely on was their numbers.

In other words, they were really just a bunch of soldiers, and these tricks were not enough in front of the CP0 elites specially trained by the World Government.

The five CP0 people quickly made counterattacks, some using iron blocks or armed Haki for defense.

There were also those who used the observation Haki, and after sensing the danger, they used paper painting, moon steps, shaving, and other six styles to dodge.

“Heh, it’s just a little trick.” One of them faced this wave of attacks easily and said with disdain.

“However, judging from the way of attack and the blood eyes in those shadows, it should be the black-clothed shadow warrior corps under the Fallen Corps.” The female CP0 immediately made a judgment.

Her words soon came true. It seemed that after realizing that the long-range attack was useless, the ghost shadow corps immediately walked out of the shadows.

“It’s these guys.” The leader CP0 nodded immediately.

“No, how come there are four more types of soldiers that are not in the intelligence?”

But at this moment, one of them suddenly said very quickly, which quickly attracted the attention of others. They immediately found that there were actually several more black-clothed warriors that did not appear in the intelligence.

What are these, big-mouthed monsters, mantis people, crab people, the last one is a little more normal, but why are there sharp knives in his hands?

But the ghost shadow corps did not give them the opportunity to be shocked and think, and immediately launched an attack.

Since it was the first time to fight against the Ghost Corps, and there were four unknown arms, CP0 was a little nervous at first, after all, they were a little afraid of the unknown and the first time.

But soon, after they repelled several waves of attacks from the Ghost Corps, they were a little surprised. Is the opponent so weak? So soon their eyes and expressions became disdainful.

But they really didn’t want to do it. The combat power of the Ghost Corps was indeed very low, but their most terrifying thing was their endless number and fearless spirit.

So their disdainful look and expression did not last long, and they suddenly became surprised and ugly again.

They immediately felt that the pressure brought by the Ghost Corps, whether it was the number or the cold and ruthless murderous expression, had never changed.

“Damn it, it’s endless.” One of them said angrily.

“No, they are not deliberately delaying our time and consuming our physical strength.” The female CP0 said immediately.

Others also changed their faces after hearing this. Could it be that some black-clad soldiers have already notified the main forces of the Fallen Group?

This made them afraid and nervous. You know, with their strength, it is still no problem to deal with these black-clad soldiers, but if a regular member of the Fallen Group really comes.

Even if there is only one person, they can easily catch them all in one fell swoop, or even eliminate them.

“Pejia, go and rescue the Tianlong people, and the others will delay with me. We must leave immediately.”

The leader’s CP0 immediately gave orders.

After receiving the order, the others quickly blocked the Ghost Corps with the leader’s CP0.

At the same time, the female CP0 immediately destroyed the lock and then went in to rescue the Tianlong people. Obviously, the Pejia mentioned by the leader’s CP0 before was the name of this female CP0.

However, they obviously overthink it. It is also Kuruda’s negligence. When he gave the order to the Ghost Corps, he did not tell them the whole story, which led to the Ghost Corps not informing Kuruda and his team.

In addition to the high-intensity training in the space-time training space, everyone is now immersed in their beautiful dreams.

However, these CP0 people are unlucky, and it is really bad.

Because there are really people who don’t sleep on the Bole, and there are more than one person.

If the CP0 people came here before and observed the Bole carefully, they would find that the light in the window of one of the bedrooms on the Bole was on.

And this room is exactly Ainz’s room. Of course, there is more than one person in his room at this time.Xiaozhi and Belstar were also here.

The three of them were sitting around a table on the ground, looking at a steaming pot in the middle, looking at the various ingredients in the boiling soup and the tempting aroma.

Wow, these three people actually had a midnight snack and hot pot.

In fact, it was mainly because these three people were summoned together, on the same day and the same night.

And they have been living on the deserted island. Later, even Kuruda noticed that the relationship between these three people seemed a little unusual. Their feelings have improved and they can now form a trio.

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