Because at this time, Kuruda had already stepped on the deck of the merchant ship, and with a playful smile, he looked at the people above who were completely confused and talking in a panic.

But after he heard Dar's words, his eyes sharpened, and then he directly swung the ultimate combat instrument with a stick.

Moreover, this stick also adds armed domineering and chaotic energy.

For the little pirates in the East China Sea, even the captain, who has not grasped the knowledge and knowledge is domineering, and has lost the most basic three senses.

With Kuruda's current strength, he quickly hit the stick and knocked out the little pirate leader. Darr hit the guardrail next to him hard, and Screamed out.

Soon, his eyes were filled with disbelief and a hint of pain. His eyes lost their light at the end, and with a trace of reluctance in his heart, he slowly fell down and sat on the deck.

In just an instant, it had completely turned into a cold corpse.

Then, Kuruda continued to attack and killed all the remaining pirates. Screams echoed throughout the ship one after another, but such screams could only be made by dead pirates. , but even these dead pirates could not hear their screams before they died.

"It seems that my guess is correct. When dealing with organic life forms, chaotic energy can not only slowly devour their physical strength and vitality, but even the most basic five senses of a person cannot be used normally as long as they are wrapped in chaotic energy."Looking at the last pirate who died under his stick,

Kruda said immediately. It turns out that this time, the reason why Kruda used the chaotic haze to cover everyone's sight was to kill the pirates one after another. , all for testing.

He has already speculated that being wrapped in chaotic energy can cause intelligent organic life to lose its five senses. After all, even physical strength and vitality can be slowly annihilated, so why can't this kind of thing be done? Arrive.

Chaos energy is like a large swamp, surrounding a person and completely sinking into it. Can a person still see, hear, and smell?

Even the most sensitive sense of touch and taste can't. It is difficult to work.

This time, it is indeed Kuruda who is experimenting and testing the energy of chaos. Otherwise, with Kuruda's strength, he can go up and kill these little ants one after another. get rid of

"But now it seems that the skill I developed Chaos Haze has more advantages than disadvantages, and the effect is remarkable. In the future, my opponents will have a complete set of tricks, and they can even cooperate with the team in the future, but I still need to continue to strengthen the control. When the time comes, Don't let Allen and the others completely lose their senses after entering."Kuluda said, as a comment on the skills he developed.

Then, after looting all the Baileys, money and some living supplies, Kuruda left directly.

Because the pirates had been killed. , then there is no need for him to stay here. As for the people in the mall, of course there is no need to kill them. After all, they are just innocent people.

At least most of them, although Kuruda will become a pirate in the future, to be precise. A bad guy, a big bad guy.

But he will never do things like killing innocent people and oppressing civilians. Let's not talk about it. This is one of the bottom lines that he will never touch. He has suffered it in his previous life. He will not do a good education, even if he becomes a bad guy in the future, this is something that only the most tasteless and incompetent bad guy will do.

A real bad guy should be bullied and beaten. The goal is to become other bad guys, just like the Cobra King in the animal world in his previous life, who specialized in preying on other cobras for a living.

In today's pirate world, the only targets that Kuruda will attack now are those who are actually tigers and wolves in the name of justice.

Of course, he has not forgotten that resources are also important, although he would not want to get on the ship. Yes, but this pirate group was destroyed by himself. Bailey and the materials on this pirate group naturally belong to him.

Besides, he has already defined himself as a pirate. A pirate plunders the resources of other pirates. It was so normal in this sea.

Soon, not long after Kuruda left, the chaotic haze naturally dissipated.

"Well, the strange fog has cleared."Seeing the chaotic haze that was gradually dissipating, the merchant ship captain suddenly said with some surprise.

"Ahhhh."But thinking that he was getting on the ship, the captain suddenly heard a scream, so he quickly went up and found that it was one of his sailors, sitting on the ground with a pale face, pointing in a direction with his finger.

The merchant captain followed the sailor. I looked in the direction of my finger, and my head suddenly went blank.

"What's going on? Why are all the pirates dead? And there's Dar, a pirate in the East China Sea with a bounty of millions of Baileys."The sailor who had been frightened before suddenly said in a panic.

"Captain, these pirates seem to have been hit in the front or back with some blunt instrument, and their internal organs have been severely damaged."

Hearing this voice at this time, everyone looked and found that it was the doctor on the ship. He had come to the body of a pirate and conducted an inspection. The previous paragraph was completely the result of this doctor's inspection.

"What, all the internal organs are broken, can you say?"The merchant captain was extremely surprised after hearing this, and then suddenly thought of a possibility, and he had also seen it before.

"Captain, do you know how these pirates died?"One of the sailors saw his captain's expression and immediately realized that his captain must know the reason for the death of these pirates.

"Well, if I guess correctly, this should be the armed color Haki among the three rumored Haki.

This is a very special ability that can attach a layer of black objects to any part of the body to enhance the body's attack power and defense.

power, and if this ability is cultivated to an extremely high level, it can even cause internal damage to the target.

If I guessed correctly, these pirates were beaten with armed haki by the person who released the fog just now.


"The captain of the merchant ship said directly.

Obviously, he did have some knowledge and knew that weapons are domineering.

"Captain, were we saved by this strong man?"Another sailor asked this question again.

"Probably, sort of."But regarding such a question, the merchant captain also said with some uncertainty.

After all, no one has ever seen him, how can one know who he is and what his thoughts are?

And here, the merchant fleet thinks that When he had already robbed the rest of his life

, Kuruda had returned the same way. After all, he didn't have any recording pointer now. It would be embarrassing if he went too far and lost his way on the sea and didn't know how to get back to the island..

So for the next month's training plan, anyone who goes to sea, even the two sisters who are navigators, cannot leave the island too far. Just destroy a pirate group or a small navy ship. , when Kuruda saw the desert island, he couldn't help but stop and looked at the desert island blankly.

"What's going on? Is this still the island before I left?"Kuluda said with a little twitching at the corner of his mouth.

Because he actually saw the entire desert island beach at a glance. He was no longer human. It was hard to believe that this was the perfect beach where he usually stayed.

There were many potholes and bumps. There was even a big hole with sea water pouring into it, and even some of the coconut trees nearby were either gone or had their stumps knocked off.

But at the same time, he also saw the two Luciluke sisters gasping for each other on both sides of the beach. , and Allen

"Is their combat destructive power so great? No, we all have the ability to fly now. Next time, let's go over and stipulate that the duel will be fought on the sea, even if we form a pirate group to adventure on the sea in the future."

After thinking about this idea, Kuruda galloped towards the island at full speed.

"Hey, sister, Brother Ku, is back."Luke looked at Kuruda who had flown back from the distance, and immediately said to the sister next to him.

"Hey, why is Brother Ku so fast?"Alan turned around and saw that Kuruda had really come back so quickly. He was also stunned, because if he remembered correctly, the duel between him and the two sisters should not have taken too long. It was such a short time. Did Kuruda go back and forth so quickly and eliminate a pirate group?

"Brother Ku, why are you back so soon?"But Lucy asked directly after seeing Kuruda landing on the beach.

"Oh, I was lucky. I ran into a pirate group not long after I left. With my current strength as a general candidate, there is no problem in destroying the small pirate group in the East China Sea. The distance is so close. Plus, as I said before, as long as I destroy them A pirate group or a navy warship is enough, so after destroying that pirate group, I came back immediately."

Kuluda said, but very quickly, he immediately expressed his previous thoughts.

"By the way, look at what your fight has done to the beach. Allen, you can control the earth element to clean it up a little. Lucy, you and your sister should clean up the broken coconut trees. And the next time we fight, or on the pirate ship in the future, stay away and fight on the sea."

"OK"After the three heard this, they quickly nodded in agreement. This was their trust in their partners and their trust in their elder brother. Moreover, seeing the damage left by the previous battle, they also felt that what Kuruda said made sense.

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