
“Lizard Bite——”

“Uu … First of all, Pikachu, known as the God of Pikachu, is also known as the most unstable actor. When he is weakest, he can be beaten by Snake. When he is strong, he is really strong. He can compete with the first-level mythical beasts in terms of the power of his moves. How many quasi-gods and mythical beasts are there? He has suffered a lot from this Pikachu.

As Xiaozhi’s first Pokémon, he has the deepest feelings for it. With the two major plug-ins of Zhipi Z and Super Gigantamax, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the strongest Pokémon in Xiaozhi’s echelon.

He has helped Xiaozhi defeat many opponents and has performed very well in many TV series versions.

Then there is Charizard, who was abandoned by another excessive trainer. At that time, it was still Charmander. In addition, Xiaozhi’s Pokémon trainer level was not high at that time, which led to Charmander not listening to Xiaozhi when it evolved into Charmeleon and Charizard. Later, the relationship between the two gradually warmed up. In addition, with the long-term training in Charizard Valley, Charizard soon became Xiaozhi’s trump card. With strong perseverance and unyielding spirit, even without super evolution and super evolution, its strength is very strong, and it is called Lao Jiao by many fans.

Charizard can also be said to be Xiaozhi’s trump card Pokémon in the Kanto Metropolis region, and the most dazzling record is undoubtedly the defeat of Articuno, one of the three sacred birds.

Next is Xiaozhi’s representative ace in the Hoenn region, Lizard King. When he was still a wood gecko, he was conquered by Xiaozhi. This guy is also a little arrogant. Later, he was slowly conquered by Xiaozhi and became a powerful swordsman in Xiaozhi’s hands. The most dazzling record is undoubtedly killing the Nightmare God with one sword at the Sinnoh Conference, and the title of God Slayer.

Next is Xiaozhi’s ace Infernape in the Sinnoh region. He was abandoned by another trainer when he was a little Infernape, and then he was invited by Xiaozhi to join the team. This little Infernape is a little different and has a special talent. His fierce fire is very powerful, but the original trainer could not conquer it. Later, under Xiaozhi’s emotional cultivation, he slowly mastered this power, especially after evolving into Infernape, he was called Super Fierce Infernape. Although he did not have a very dazzling record, he also won many victories in Xiaozhi’s travels in the Sinnoh region and was called the eldest brother.

Next is Ash’s trump card in the Kalos region, Greninja. Ash’s Greninja is a rare hero Greninja, which can form a bond evolution with Ash and become a bond Greninja.

The most dazzling skill is the Golden Water Shuriken, which has helped Ash win many battles and is a very powerful Pokémon under his command.

Finally, there is Lucario, the only Pokémon with the ability to super evolve. Ash got it when it was still an egg. In addition, Ash is a wave hero, so this Lucario is very strong with his talent and the help of Ash. It is also called the king of wave and has a very good record.

And these are the six strongest trump cards in Ash’s hand.

While Kuruda was thinking, Ash also introduced his five partners.

Ash suddenly remembered his five Pokémon, and didn’t know what happened, so he also talked about everything that happened here.

The IQ of the five Pokémon was not low. They were very surprised after hearing that they had come to another world, and a world with very different powers from the Pokémon world?

However, they were still very excited to hear that they would experience many differences and fight to save the world, and they also thought that this trip was worthwhile.

At the same time, through Xiaozhi’s self-introduction, Kuruda also understood why Xiaozhi brought such a lineup when he came.

First of all, his timeline has indeed come to several years after Sword and Shield. In order to pursue his dream, Xiaozhi now has the strongest lineup, and even Greninja has returned, and he is constantly carrying outExperience, constantly see more things that you haven’t seen.

Then there is everything now. Through the system, Xiaozhi came to the pirate world.

Since Xiaozhi is still relatively simple, after chatting for a few more words, Xiaozhi quickly recognized Kuruda and joined the Fallen Pirates.

“Congratulations to the host for getting Xiaozhi’s recognition. 100% loyalty has been activated. Don’t worry about being betrayed by him. Please experience a wonderful adventure with the summoned villain.”

Hearing this news, Kuruda also nodded with satisfaction, but it was a bit late now. After dealing with Xiaozhi’s three-choice-two reward to him, he quickly arranged the three of them, and then he took a look at Xiaozhi’s panel, and then he could turn off the lights and go to bed. He was really a little sleepy.

So he quickly called up Xiaozhi’s three-choice-two reward.

“Super Space-Time Poké Ball: It can easily connect the current Pirate World and the Pokémon World on Xiaozhi’s side. Xiaozhi can use this Poké Ball to summon any Pokémon he has captured, but he can only summon one at a time. If he wants to summon a new one, he must take back the original one.”

“All attribute enhancement: Xiaozhi will get a comprehensive improvement, wave power, Evergreen power, and physical fitness will all be improved. He can rub wave missiles with his hands and listen to the sounds of nature. His physical fitness is no different from that of a normal Pirate World strongman.”

“Super Power: A special power that also comes from the Pokémon world. It can enter the Pokémon’s spiritual world and communicate with them. In the Pirate World version, it can also communicate with people in the Pirate World.”

In the end, Kuruda didn’t think about it and chose the first and second options. Now the first and second options are naturally the ones that can effectively improve Xiaozhi’s strength in the short term.

Among Xiaozhi’s remaining Pokémon, there are also strong ones, or they can be summoned at critical moments, so the first option is very necessary.

As for the second reward, of course, it is the same. With all-round improvement and the resources they currently have, Xiaozhi can quickly become a strong man in the world of pirates.

On the contrary, the last reward, not to mention that Xiaozhi no longer needs this ability in the Pokémon world, he can chat with many Pokémon, plus this ability, it is indeed a bit useless, Pokémon is difficult to negotiate when they are angry.

Moreover, the world of pirates is a world of strength and fighting, what is the use of making a mind communication? So this third reward is naturally the first to be excluded, and it is of no use to Xiaozhi himself.

So soon, Kuruda chose the first and second rewards, after extracting them.

Xiaozhi was also very surprised after getting it. He didn’t expect his new captain to have such an ability. He felt that his body had indeed been greatly improved.

He even had a hunch that if there was a Rocket Team machine in front of him now, he could break it with one punch.

At the same time, he also liked the Chrono Spirit Ball very much, because he could summon other companions in this world in the future.

When Xiaozhi was happy with his new abilities and new toys, Kuruda also took a look at Xiaozhi’s changed panel.

[Name: Xiaozhi]

[Age: 19 (Under special circumstances, always 10 years old)]

[Gender: Male]

[Introduction: A popular protagonist from the Pokémon world, a passionate young man with a strong will and a spirit of not admitting defeat. He is also a top Pokémon trainer with strong strength. ]

[Abilities: Pokémon knowledge and command skills, special physique, Evergreen Force, Wave Force]

[Current strength: Low-level lieutenant general]

[Weapons: None]

[Bounty amount: None]

[Bounty title: None]

Seeing this panel, the skeleton nodded. Sure enough, even if Xiaozhi is called a super rookie, in the Pokémon world, humans are ordinary humans after all. Even if they have some special abilities, they are basically irrelevant to future battles or improving physical fitness.

Even with the new power provided by the system, the comprehensive combat power is only at the lowest level of lieutenant general.

However, he was relieved when he saw the data of the six Pokémon.

[Name: Pikachu]

[Gender: Male]

[Introduction: A single-electric Pokémon from the Pokémon world, very outstanding among its kind, has followed Xiaozhi for many years and is one of the strongest trump cards]

[Abilities: Physical fitness, Pokémon skills, Z moves, Gigantamax]

[Current strength: General candidate]

[Weapons: None]

[Reward amount: None]

[Reward nameNumber: None]

[Name: Charizard]

[Gender: Male]

[Introduction: A flying and fire dual-attribute Pokémon from the Pokémon world, very good among its kind, has followed Xiaozhi for many years, and is one of the strongest trump cards]

[Ability: Physical fitness, Pokémon skills,]

[Current strength: General candidate]

[Weapon: None]

[Bounty: None]

[Bounty title: None]

[Name: Lizard King]

[Gender: Male]

[Introduction: A grass-attribute Pokémon from the Pokémon world, very good among its kind, has followed Xiaozhi for many years, and is one of the strongest trump cards]

[Ability: Physical fitness, Pokémon skills]

[Current strength: General candidate]

[Weapon: None]

[Bounty: None]

[Bounty title: None]

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