He still remembered that he originally came from a planet called Blue Star, a relatively ordinary modern planet where many ordinary humans lived.

Unlike here now, there was no magic there, and only technology was important there.

He also remembered that in his original world, he was not an undead creature like now, but a skeleton, but a human, and his job seemed to be a salesperson.

His parents died, he had no friends, and he lived a lonely life in the real world, so he especially cherished the friendship with the guild members in “YGGDRASIL”.

However, in the original world, due to an accident, on the last day of the end of YGGDRASIL’s operation, while waiting for the system to log out and force the pop-up, he accidentally traveled to a different world with the guild base Nazarick Underground Tomb, and at the same time, the NPCs in the guild base began to have self-awareness.

In order to find his past companions, he changed his name to the name of the former guild “Ainz Ooal Gown”, and began to collect intelligence as an adventurer Feifei. Later, he established the Magic Kingdom and called himself “Ainz Ooal Gown Magic King”.

Finally, that is, now he has completely conquered such a different world, but now he is really bored. He doesn’t need to do many things anymore. His subordinates will do it for him.

So the skeleton king sitting on the throne really wants to do something more.

And at this moment, the system came.

“Do you want a more exciting and new adventure?” The system said to the skeleton on the throne.

Or rather, Ainz Ooal Gown.

“Well, who is it?” Ainz said in a panic, because he didn’t sense that someone was coming.

“Humph.” The system snorted coldly, and soon all the relevant knowledge was passed into Ainz’s mind. Obviously, there is another name for this person, that is nonsense. To deal with such a person, just tell him the truth.

“Well, is that the case? Haha, but isn’t this what I want? Hahaha.” Ainz also quickly knew the ins and outs of the matter.

The world of One Piece? He had heard of such an anime before, and it seemed that there were many strong people from other worlds, especially those like him who traveled from other blue stars and became strong people.

Now he could go to such an interesting world with so many strong people to adventure and fight, which sounded interesting, and his life would finally not be so boring. In addition, he could come back at any time, so he was willing to go.

So he left a message to his partners and subordinates here, and they agreed immediately.

As for the voice of the system, he regarded you as a gift from God, giving him such a wonderful opportunity.

Soon, the system also helped him open the space transmission channel, and Ainz walked over.

On the other side, in his bedroom, Kuruda had been waiting for a long time, and finally there was a response from this side of the channel.

But when he saw the tall figure coming out, he was still stunned, although the arrival of each character would surprise him.

But the main reason was that these characters were indeed very famous in his previous life, and they all had their own unique features.

Seeing the white skull, red eyes, and special robes, Kuruda was still very surprised. He didn’t expect that this person would come this time.

But he frowned soon. As far as he knew, this person should not have the ability to resurrect the dead, at least not in the anime he knew in his previous life.

At this time, Ainz also saw Kuruda, and immediately understood that this was the captain he was going to serve as the mysterious voice said, and the one who gave him this new adventure.

But he felt this strength and was a little confused, because he found that the strength of this captain was a little worse than others.

But he was already quite enthusiastic and immediately greeted him.

“Hello, Captain, my name is Ainz Ooal Gown. You can just call me Ainz in the future.”

“Hello, my name is Kuruda. I am now the captain of this ship. Ainz, I have heard of your name for a long time.” Kuruda also said with a smile.

“Oh, the captain knows me?” Ainz was a little surprised. They were obviously not from the same world, and he knew that the captain was probably not from this world either, so how did he know me?

“Hehe.” Kuruda smiled and immediately explained, for example, Ainz’s original world, or his story, was actually a cartoon in Kuruda’s world.

What nonsense is there?

And Ainz was more and more dumbfounded as he listened, especially the biggest embarrassment in the other world. The face of the skull was evenThere was also a hint of blushing, that was because he was embarrassed, after all, it was the most embarrassing thing for him in the other world.

He originally thought that there were many strong people in that world, so he was very careful at the beginning, but until the end, he was dumbfounded and ashamed. He didn’t expect that he had become the strongest in that world, from the beginning.

At the same time, he now understood his own details. This captain knew that this captain knew a lot.

No wonder he could become a captain. You know, wisdom is also a part of strength. Ainz also attaches great importance to wisdom, especially after being embarrassed in the other world. He understands the importance of wisdom. Otherwise, how could he know that he was the strongest in that world at the end?

Therefore, now in his heart, Ainz has recognized Kuruda.

Kuruda also quickly received the corresponding system prompt.

“Congratulations to the host for gaining the recognition of Ainz Ooal Gown. 100% loyalty has been activated. Don’t worry about being betrayed by him. Please experience a wonderful adventure with the summoned villain.”

Kuruda was also stunned, because he also sensed Ainz’s strength, which was even higher than his. He immediately guessed that Ainz’s strength would not be.

So before he said this, he had already used his analytical ability to look at it, and it was indeed true.

[Name: Ainz Ooal Gown]

[Age: No upper limit]

[Gender: Male]

[Introduction: A top powerhouse from the “Overlord” world, a supreme ruler, and a super powerful magician with a lot of magic. In the original world, he is a world-class warrior with a high reputation. He has a kind personality and likes to be lively and chat.]

[Ability: Super Magic]

[Current Strength: Emperor (Enter)]

[Weapon: Wand of Ainz Ooal Gown]

[Bounty Amount: None]

[Bounty Title: None]

The fact is indeed as written on the panel. Ainz actually has the combat power of the emperor level. Yes, it is the emperor level combat power placed in the world of One Piece.

This is enough to prove the strength of this Bone King, but he has just entered the emperor level. In other words, compared with the old emperor-level powerhouses in the underwater world, there is still a big gap, just taking the Four Emperors as an example.

Now, although he has obtained the king’s approval and can now choose two out of three, Kuruda is very satisfied, but he is still a little dissatisfied. Is the system wrong? Ainz obviously does not have the ability to revive the dead.

Why was he summoned if he was not satisfied? Of course, it does not mean that he does not like a strong man like Ainz. He welcomes him very much, but the ability to revive the dead is also very important to him and his future plans.

So Kuruda quickly expressed his dissatisfaction with the execution ability of the system in his heart, but the next answer from the system made Kuruda dumbfounded.

“Host, do you want to take a look at Ainz’s three choices first?” The system also gave a lukewarm reply.

But when he heard this, Kuruda, who already understood something, immediately clicked on Ainz’s three choices.

“Rebirth of the Dead Magic: Combined with the power of the pirate world, the undead resurrection magic developed for it, combined with a top undead master mage, can easily resurrect the dead.”

“Undead Calamity Magic: Combined with the power of the pirate world, the undead super-level magic developed for it, the huge summoning magic circle can summon an army of undead for it, mainly skeleton zombies.”

“Undead Mage Ring: Can bring 30% increase to improve the overall strength of a necromancer.”

After reading these reward choices, Kulula was dumbfounded, and then suddenly said in his heart with a little laughter: “Okay, the system is taking advantage of loopholes, right? The ability to resurrect the dead, you have to occupy the position in this three-choice two prize.”

But in the end he could only shake his head and accept it.

Then he thought about it for a while, thinking that Anzhizi still had so many amplification props on him, he didn’t lack the third one, so he ignored the third reward, the Undead Mage Ring.

He chose the first and second ones, which were what he needed most at the moment, especially the first one, and the second one was also good, because in this way, in addition to the current Ghost Corps and Monster Squad, he had a third legion, which was very beneficial to the future development of the Fallen Corps.

So soon, the two chatted again.

Ainz also expressed his willingness to board the ship, but Kuruda knew that he still needed to play a role.

In addition, he didn’t need to appear in the recent period.

After giving Ainz the reward he had chosen in advance as a gift, he asked Ainz to stand aside first, because there were still two companions he needed to summon.”I actually have two companions coming with me? From other worlds? Haha, then I’ll wait by the side.” Ainz was also a little surprised and said, and at the same time he became interested and immediately went to the side to wait.

Kuruda shook his head, and soon with 100,000 reputations worth spending again, this second companion must be a sniper, and his shooting skills must be good, and the space transmission channel was opened again. But this time it is brand new.

At the same time, in another world.

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