However, the three of them soon thought of their current strength. As Kuruda said, their Fallen Group is now strong. What are they afraid of? When the enemy comes, the general will fight, and when the water comes, the earth will cover it.

So the three of them quickly nodded one after another, indicating that they had no objection and supported this action.

“Then, fellows, let’s start our action.” Kuruda immediately smiled and picked up the wine glass.

Everyone smiled knowingly and picked up the wine glass to toast.

With the collision of nine wine glasses filled with red wine on the dining table, the Fallen Group’s largest action in history began.

Everyone drank all the wine in the wine glass in one breath, and then put the empty glass on the table, and all came to the deck together.

Kuruda, as the captain, took the lead, smiled confidently, and then ran quickly and jumped off the ship.

The others followed and jumped off the ship together.

But it was already completely dark at night, and the only thing that could bring illumination was the white moon in the sky and the brightly lit Goa Kingdom below.

“Hahaha, I haven’t felt this way for a long time, falling freely in the sky at night.” Sid laughed.

“I also found some of the old feelings.” Ariel also laughed. Through this jump, through the current feeling, she seemed to recall her former self as a demon king and her brave performance on the battlefield.

“Yeah, it’s been a long time since I felt so good.” Gray Wolf, Azisa, Maple, through the current feeling.

Gray Wolf seemed to see the wolf king who was full of vigor and vitality when he was young.

Azisa and Maple recalled how happy and passionate they were in the past world and that time, just like a phoenix spreading its wings and soaring.

“This time, let me show the power of Taotie to my heart’s content.” Allen laughed.

“Sister, let’s put on a show today this time.” Luke said to Lucy with a smile.

“That’s right, let the world know that we are not only navigators, but also performers.” Lucy also responded with a smile.

“I am going to be a big bad guy, and today is the first step. Hahaha, my friends, I have let the Ghost Corps rescue those innocent civilians and sent them to a safe place while we are having dinner, so let’s enjoy tonight, because we are villains, big villains.” Kuruda laughed.

“Okay, Captain.” Everyone laughed.

At the same time, they continued to fall towards the Goa Kingdom below.

“Ah–” At this time, on the wall of the Goa Kingdom, a soldier guarding the city was dozing off.

“Don’t doze off during guard time to avoid emergencies or enemy attacks.” A soldier next to him scolded, and judging from the official rank on the armor, he was higher than the dozing soldier next to him.

“Captain, I’m really sleepy. Besides, the kingdom has been peaceful for so many years. After all, we are a member country. Are there still blind pirates who will offend us? Or are those low-class people unable to bear our “love”? Are they trying to riot?”

The soldier still said indifferently, but whether it was about pirates or residents, he acted very indifferent and disdainful.

“Then cheer up, and hold on a little longer, you will be able to go down soon.” The captain-level soldier did not say anything to dissuade, because he also thought so.

And it is not difficult to hear from the conversation between the two that these soldiers are basically of noble origin, with the superiority of the nobility in their bones, the superiority that comes from oppressing those innocent civilians.

“Well, everyone, look, something fell from the sky.” But suddenly, another soldier noticed something was wrong and shouted loudly.

But in fact, he didn’t need to say much. The soldiers on the city wall had already noticed something was wrong in the sky, because they all saw a very bright light spot falling at a very fast speed, and as it got closer, it became brighter and brighter.

“What is that? A meteor?”

The soldier who was dozing off before was no longer sleepy. He said with surprise in his tone.

“I don’t know, but I have a bad feeling.” The soldier next to him said, but for some reason, he always felt that the arrival of this luminous body also meant the arrival of death.

Because before he knew it, his hair had stood up and cold sweat had flowed down his back.

“It’s falling.” Many soldiers shouted at the same time. Yes, it’s falling, landing on a piece of open space in front of them.

With a bang, it was as if a real meteor hitIt was like hitting the ground.

It raised a lot of dust, sand and stones on the ground, and the explosion caused by the impact brought a fierce burning fire.

The soldiers on the city wall could see that a large hole had been smashed in the center.

“Is it really a meteor?” said the soldier who dozed off before.

“No, you see there is someone in there.” The captain-level soldier said in fear.

Because he knew that the person who could appear in this form could not be simple? At the same time, the hair on his body was still standing up, and the ominous premonition was still there.

And the next moment, his idea was completely verified.

“Chaos Death Light Scythe.” A strong voice shouted.

A huge orange light blade flashed in the firelight. No, it was actually golden. If someone with insight would recognize it, it was clearly the unique energy spirit of the domineering color.

But in short, the power of this light blade is definitely not small, and the fact is indeed so. Before those soldiers could react, the light blade hit the city wall directly.

“Boom boom–” Soon, the seemingly incomparably solid city wall seemed to turn into tofu dregs in an instant. Under the huge thrust and terrifying destructive power of the light blade, the soldiers standing on it did not even scream, but could only look with fear and unwillingness.

It was destroyed together with the entire city wall.

It completely became a ruin. The most unwilling to die were the captain and the dozing soldier before. After all, they had emphasized before that nothing would happen.

And what happened now seemed to be retribution.

At the same time, the smoke covering the pit also dissipated, and Kuruda’s group of nine people also made a brilliant appearance.

Needless to say, the previous move was done by Kuruda.

Otherwise, he would not slowly put away the battle instrument and carry it on his shoulders.

Seeing his masterpiece in front of him, Kuruda showed a confident and cruel smile and said.

“The training these days has not been in vain, the power has increased a lot, but this has just begun, let’s destroy it.”

“Yes.” The companions rushed out at the same time and dispersed.

At the same time, such a big movement has alarmed the guards of the Kingdom of Goa, and many soldiers are all rushing in this direction.

At the same time, it also includes the nobles who are mainly in this kingdom.

But unfortunately there are no strong people here, but even if there are, it is estimated that they can’t stop the Fallen Group.

No, it is absolutely impossible to stop, because this is not only a suppression of numbers, but also an absolute suppression of strength.

Sid walked back and forth on the street at a very fast speed, with a sword, constantly harvesting the lives of these people after a lifetime of sin.

But in fact, compared to destroying buildings, Sid actually likes killing more.

But other people are roughly different, because in their eyes, wouldn’t it be better to destroy these people and buildings together? Wouldn’t it be better to make it bigger?

Didn’t the captain say to destroy as much as he wants?

The first one was Ariel. She was not only smiling the whole time, but also constantly trampling on these buildings. With her amazing physical strength, she collapsed one building after another, or smashed a building with one punch.

Sometimes she would just use her mouth or even use abyss magic to turn a whole area of ​​buildings and humans into ashes.

This time, Maple also completely showed the full posture of the mechanical god in front of her companions. She fired all the cannons at the same time, burning all the buildings and humans to ashes and razing them to the ground.

Gray Wolf also used Thunder Flash and Shadow Blade crazily at the same time. Those buildings were constantly cut off under the blade of Gray Wolf. At the same time, the dark thunder kept falling, destroying everything in its path, and electrocuting all the soldiers and nobles into charcoal.

Yazisha also kept using elemental magic and fantasy beast fist. The former was responsible for destroying those buildings on a large scale, and the latter was specifically used to kill those soldiers.

Allen also transformed into a glutton again. This time, he finally showed the true power of the glutton fruit, devouring everything.

The huge glutton body appeared here, opening its bloody mouth and constantly devouring everything around it. At the same time, Allen could feel his strength and size growing.

Even Kuruda had to admit that Allen might be able to compete with Bo Gang, one of the eight demons, with the power of this fruit. He was a green fat female demon in Jackie Chan’s Adventures, representing the mountain. The Ghost Corps also came from that world.

The two sisters flew high into the sky and once again performed their gorgeous and beautiful meteorite meteor destruction performance.

Countless meteors and meteorites, notThe two sisters continuously fell towards the entire building complex of the Kingdom of Goa. The destruction caused by the two sisters was the largest among all.

The buildings were smashed to pieces, and many people were all smashed into dragon mud.

Kuruda also released two monsters, that is, Red King and Golzan, who had officially appeared.

The two monsters also kept walking and roaring, showing the pressure and destructive power that monsters should have. After all, it is unreasonable for monsters from the Ultra World not to destroy the city.

At the same time, Kuruda looked at the palace in front of him, knowing that the rats in the rat’s nest were mainly in there, and immediately sneered and flew over with the battle instrument.

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