It’s 1519 in the Haiyuan calendar!

There's still one year left before Luffy goes to sea!

At this time, in the first half of the great voyage, the East China Sea was also called the weakest sea among the four seas. But is this really the weakest sea? After all, there have been so many characters here in recent decades.

At this time, on a beautiful and survivable small island, there was a boy with short purple hair lying on a deck chair, wearing sunglasses and only a pair of shorts, as if he was on vacation, lying on the beach , basking in the sun, the sea breeze blowing around him.

But this young man is not the only one here. In front of him, there is a pair of cute, lively and charming girls, and judging from their appearance, they are actually twins.

At this time, the two girls were building sand castles on the beach and having a great time. They were charming and cute, and smiles appeared on the faces of the two girls.

At least the purple-haired boy and the slightly fatter green-haired boy next to him enjoyed watching the girls' smiles.

Wait a minute, green-haired and slightly fat boy.

Yes, this is the last one of the only four surviving people on the island, the last child.

If there are some adults or even chefs here, they will be very surprised, because this little chubby boy has actually started cooking at a young age. Although it is just barbecue, he also pays attention to the technical content. The craftsmanship of the chubby boy, There was also that alluring aroma that spread over the entire deserted island. If the order to start dinner hadn't come out of the boy's mouth, the purple-haired boy and the two girls would have definitely fought over it.

After all, they have looked here now, and there is already some saliva in the corners of their mouths, but the three of them understand that the barbecue will be cooked soon and their dinner will begin.

But if there are adults and some chefs, they will still be surprised and shocked to see that the chubby boy has such cooking skills at a young age.

Even though this is not an ordinary world.

Soon, the chubby boy turned the noodles one last time and sprinkled on the seasonings. The aroma of the barbecue was once again stimulated. The aroma of vegetables and fresh meat completely inherited the taste buds of the girls and boys.

Finally, when the little fat boy started eating,

"Haha, sister, I’ll take the first step"

"Silly sister, there are so many things that no one has grabbed, and our food reserves after the disaster are very sufficient."

The two girls ran over first. Of course, the younger sister was the one who couldn't bear it first. As she ran over, she smiled at the older sister behind her.

But the elder sister didn't care, and even felt a little helpless. The younger sister was still too lively. Now, if you know the food reserves they have on a deserted island, they can still eat them for at least two years.

"Haha, you're welcome, come on, Xiaoxi, Xiaoke, and Da Ge, try my cooking."The fat boy, now on this deserted island, as a chef, his favorite thing to do is to share his cooking skills with the three boys in front of him and eat together.

"When have I not recognized your kid's cooking skills?"The purple-haired boy said with a smile. Because he was so close, he didn't even need to sit up from the recliner at all. He could directly take the plate with the barbecue that the fat boy brought over with one hand.

Soon, the boy started to feast and wolfed down the food. They ate delicious grilled chicken wings and a piece of tender and juicy steak.

Then the two sisters and the chubby boy also joined in the meal, enjoying their lunch and enjoying the sea breeze, looking very harmonious. A wonderful scene of seaside life.

But looking at the endless sea in front of me,

Kuruda is the name of the purple-haired boy, but his heart is full of sorrow, because he is the only one who is a time traveler.

He realized that even though the island he was on now looked peaceful and peaceful, the outside world was more cruel than he thought, because this was the world of pirates, the world of One Piece, even in this real world.

, the cruelty of this world will only be more cruel than when Kuruda watched anime in his previous life, and how dark it is, for more people in this sea, yes, Kuruda is a time traveler.

, from Blue Star, the soul traveled here, and then possessed the body of a down-and-out young man.

This original young man was very good friends with the little fat man next to him and the two twin girls, although their statuses were different.

Kuruda is a time traveler from Blue Star, and even comes from that ancient country. He received a good education since he was a child. He was rated as a three-good student many times when he was a student. When he grew up, he was also rated as a three-good citizen many times. Among many people In my impression, he was a good man.

But good men don't live long.

This sentence is true.

He was framed and was imprisoned without sufficient evidence.

He eventually died of depression.

Before he died, Kuruda had already had an idea in his mind and brought it with him, that is, since a good man will be completely abandoned by the world for everything he has done before because of one wrongful accusation, and being imprisoned for many years is equivalent to being executed innocently.

It's better to be a bad guy and get away with it.

At least don't be a bad guy all the time, and don't give anyone who wants to frame you an opportunity.

Finally, with this thought, his soul accidentally traveled to his past. I loved watching the world of One Piece and then traveled to such a down-and-out noble boy. Based on the memory of his predecessor, Kuruda first knew that this boy had the same name as him, and his experience was not very good, because he was born in the same year. The youngest children were not only ignored by the family they were born into, but were even gradually alienated.

Then this nobleman lost in a fight with other nobles, resulting in the death of the family, and the original young boy had no choice but to take care of him. With the little wealth he had saved, he was wandering around with his usual playmates, the current chubby boy and the two girls.

The former boy had enough money on his own, and he even planned to take the little boy with him. A fat boy and two girls joined the navy and found a job to rely on.

However, the merchant ship they were on was involved in attacks from two large pirate groups, and due to the bad weather at sea, the four boys and girls fell directly into the sea. The boy had actually drowned at that time. It was after the body washed up on the beach that Kuruda from Blue Star traveled into this body and replaced him. With the memories of his previous life, he originally The memory of a young man is restored for a lifetime.

When they were in the sea, due to the encounter between the little fat boy and the two girls, he was much stronger than Kuruda, so he did not die unfortunately and survived. It can only be said that this boy was really unlucky. Even Kuruda felt sorry and a little sad about the young man's experience after understanding the memory.

But there is also a lucky thing, that is, what was washed into this beach together with some other daily items and a large amount of food came from that merchant ship, as well as the two seas that were also destroyed by bad weather at that time. Thieves.

With some supplies rushed over with the merchant ships, under the leadership of Kuruda, they could only use some resources on the island and wooden boards from the merchant ships to build three cabins as temporary residences, and also found some clothes on them and fabric to make some clothing suitable for four people.

There are also some seeds and tools, which have been used flexibly by several people to plant crops and fruit trees, and even fish. This is how the four people now live a happy life on the island, at least compared to the relationship between them. The encounter was so much better.

Since he still had some money, which he could exchange for newspapers from those special seagulls, and with his understanding of the original boy's memories, Kuruda immediately understood that he had traveled to the world of One Piece.

After all, according to his understanding, from now on, it will still be one year before Luffy goes to sea.

However, the combat effectiveness of him and his three companions was so poor that they simply could not survive in this world. You must know that this is a world where the strong is respected, and the law of the jungle is fully expressed.

The four of them have no special bloodline, they are just ordinary people, and they have not received any special training. The four basic training paths in the pirate world are swordsmanship, taijutsu, domineering, and devil fruit, especially the last one. There is no Devil Fruit in him at all, so where does the Devil Fruit ability come from.

The current strength of the four of them is barely the same as that of a male wild wolf, so how can they find a chance to survive in the pirate world? This is why Kuruda sighs like this when he looks at the sea in front of him, because they are so strong. It's too weak.

And according to our understanding, the main plot of One Piece is about to begin.

Moreover, they may face danger at any time now. For example, if a pirate group suddenly comes here, even if they don't die, they will be captured and sold as slaves. You know, in the pirate world, there are still many human traffickers who buy slaves. of.

Not to mention the licentious and lawless regime and government of the Celestial Dragons who consider themselves gods, as well as the big wolf dog navy that is infinitely dark in the name of justice.

Thinking of this, Kuruda sighed. In such a world, what on earth are they going to do? How can they survive in the future? They can't live like this forever.

But at this moment, a sudden voice appeared in Kuruda's mind.

"Detecting the host's will, the invincible villain system is activated and is starting up 1%……45%……94%"

"Well, what, system."Hearing the voice that appeared in his mind, Kuruda was stunned for a moment, and then he was so happy that he even stopped chewing the grilled steak in his mouth."

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