Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 186 We are your golden fingers

It’s broken, it’s these two monsters!

Deng Youfu's heart sank, and he frowned tightly as he looked at Zuo Yu and Li Yun outside the window.

Zuo Yu glanced at Deng Yougang, who looked stunned, and pointed to the door with a smile: "Aren't you going to invite us in?"

Deng Youcai had a dark face and was about to tell Zuo Yu and Li Yun to get lost, but Deng Youfu reached out to stop them in time.

"You two, please come in."

Deng Youfu said lightly, and then winked at Deng Youcai, telling him not to worry.

Zuo Yu pushed the door open with a smile, looked at Deng Yougang a few times, and then said with a smile: "I heard that you are a rare genius in the Chumaxian family, but you are too talented to be summoned by gods. …”

"How did you know?!"

Deng Youfu couldn't help but his eyes widened, his face gloomy.

He did mention his fourth brother's talent just now, but he didn't go into such detail.

Zuo Yu knew so clearly that he had obviously obtained the information through other channels.

Without hesitation, Deng Youfu and Deng Youcai immediately stood in front of the fourth brother, seemingly ready to fight Zuo Yu at any time.

Seeing this situation, Zuo Yu couldn't help but chuckle and said calmly: "Be good, next time you report the situation to your family, it's best not to use the chat software on the market. Even if you want to use it, you have to make up a code word. Otherwise, no one knows if there are hackers who will hack into your chat software to obtain information..."


Deng Youfu's face became even more ugly.

"Did you hack our account?"

"It's not me, it's the company." Zuo Yu shook her head and asked with a chuckle, "Do you know Gao Yushan?"

Deng Youfu thought for a while, nodded and said, "I've heard that she is the daughter of Gao Lian, the head of the Northeast Region of the company. I heard that she is a natural stranger, and she also enlisted in the Liumen Sect to learn alchemy."

Zuo Yu asked: "Then have you seen her?"

Deng Youfu shook his head: "I've never seen it before."

"That's right," Zuo Yu nodded and said with a smile, "because she is not only the daughter of the person in charge of the Northeast Region, but also a temporary worker in the Northeast Region of the company. She is born with the ability to observe and modify electromagnetic waves, and learn elixirs. After Fa and Chu Yang Shen, their innate abilities and acquired abilities have a wonderful fusion, and the soul can move away from the body in the form of electric waves for a long time."

"It's like a ghost on the Internet..."

Hearing Zuo Yu's slightly smiling words, Deng Youfu instantly understood what he meant, and his expression immediately changed.

"You mean, my fourth brother's talent has actually been exposed to the company for a long time?"

"That's right."

"Are you also from the company?"

"of course not."

"Then how do you know?"

"Of course I know it from the company." Zuo Yu said with a calm face, "Every mountain is higher than the other. Although the guy from the Northeast is very strong in the Internet field, he is still no match for me!"


Deng Youfu and Deng Youcai looked at each other and made a clear decision.

It seemed that they could no longer stay in Longhu Mountain. They had to find a way to leave tonight, return to the Northeast, and report relevant information to their elders and Aunt Guan Shihua.

Zuo Yu saw their intention to retreat and said with a chuckle: "Don't worry, I haven't finished speaking yet!"

"Don't you want to know why the Chumaxian family wants to realize Deng Yougang's talent so much?"

"...Why?" Deng Youfu couldn't help but ask.

"Because of the arrest of spirit, the general was sent."

Li Yun, who had been silent next to him, spoke calmly.

Deng Youfu frowned and said, "Are you referring to the Juling Dispatch General, one of the Eight Wonders of Skills?"

"That's right." Zuo Yu nodded and said with a smile, "Because of our brothers, Feng Xingtong and Wang Bing, the only two masters of the Lingshuang General in this conference, were eliminated early, so that you didn't get to see them. With the power of the Juling Commander, all the elves have to obey their orders in front of the Juling Commander, even your Xian'er from the Chuma Fairy family lineage!"

"This is impossible!"

Deng Youfu said with a tight frown.

Zuo Yu said calmly: "If you don't believe it, you can try to find them yourself. I personally recommend Feng Xingtong. This guy has a kinder personality and always pays back what he borrows. If it were Wang Bing, he would probably arrest you." Once you become an elf, you will never return it..."

After hearing Zuo Yu's words, Deng Youfu and Deng Youcai looked at each other.

They all suddenly remembered what their great aunt Guan Shihua had done in recent years.

When they were young, Guan Shihua would often go south to attend meetings of the 'Ten Guys', but from that day on, Guan Shihua suddenly rarely went out, let alone went south in person.

They didn't think anything was wrong before, they just thought it was because their aunt was old and didn't want to leave her hometown.

Now it seems that my aunt may have seen the power of Ju Ling's generals, so she did not dare to go south easily.

After thinking about this, the abnormal expectations of my aunt and the elders in the family for Deng Yougang were reasonably explained.

Under the threat of Ju Lingqiang, Deng Yougang, who has extremely talented people, became the only hope of the Chuma Xian family.

Because only with his talent can he become a peerless strongman comparable to the ten guys without having to ask gods to take over...

Looking at the silent Deng Youfu and Deng Youcai, Zuo Yu knew in his heart that the two brothers must have figured out the problem that they had been confused about for a long time.

Zuo Yu smiled slightly and turned to look at Deng Yougang, who had been silent and quietly observing them.

"You've been watching for so long, don't you have anything to ask?"


Deng Yougang was silent for a while, then suddenly said: "Who are you?"

Zuo Yu blinked, looked at the black-haired boy in front of him and said seriously: "We are your golden fingers!"


The black-haired boy was slightly stunned.

Zuo Yu explained seriously: "It's just a plug-in. Have you ever read the useless novels? A peerless genius becomes a useless person. This is the unique protagonist template. You are almost old now, and you should meet your golden one." Fingers!”

Deng Youfu frowned: "What are you talking about?"

Zuo Yu glanced at him: "Do you want your biological brother to become a truly peerless genius?"

Deng Youcai retorted: "He is a peerless genius!"

Zuo Yu pouted and said, "A genius whose talent cannot be realized can still be considered a genius?"


Deng Youcai gritted his teeth, as if he couldn't bear Zuo Yu's ridicule.

Deng Youfu seemed to understand something. He quickly stopped Deng Youcai and asked with expectation in his eyes: "Zuo Yu, do you have a way to solve the problem that my fourth brother encountered?"

"Of course!" Zuo Yu smiled and looked at Deng Yougang with a strange expression, "Why else do you think I came?"

Deng Youfu quickly asked: "How to solve it?"

Zuo Yu smiled and looked at the black-haired boy: "We need to talk alone."

Deng Youfu was still hesitating, but Deng Yougang turned his head without hesitation and said: "Brother, let me talk to them!"

Looking at the serious expression on the young man's face, Deng Youfu could only agree.

Soon, the door opened, and the black-haired boy followed Zuo Yu and Li Yun and left.

Deng Youfu and Deng Youcai stood in the room, watching the three people's faces change.

Deng Youcai gritted his teeth and asked in a low voice: "Brother, do you want to follow?"

Deng Youfu thought for a while, shook his head and said: "Forget it, with the strength of these two people, if they really want to harm the fourth brother, they can do it openly. There is no need to tell us this important information, not to mention that they are heroes. , the character should be guaranteed—wealth. Now that we still want to solve the problems of the fourth brother, we can only choose to trust them..."

Even so, looking at the back of his fourth brother, Deng Youfu couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "Fourth brother, fourth brother, you really shouldn't have been born in this era. If I had left the Immortal Family hundreds of years ago, I would have definitely There is a Liuxian who is worthy of you!"

Not long after, the two of them took Deng Yougang to a stop at a secluded cliff.

Zuo Yu turned around, looked at the calm-looking black-haired boy in front of him and smiled.

"Do you know who we are?"

"It's a bit of a guess." The young man nodded, "But I don't know if it's accurate."

...This is still not certain?

It seems that this guy really doesn't know the plot of Under One Person.

Li Yun and Zuo Yu looked at each other and nodded, then looked at the young man and said softly: "Brother Zuo and I have investigated your information and agreed that you are qualified to join our organization. Now I need to ask for your opinion."

"Your organization?"

"Yes, would you like to join?"

The black-haired boy pondered for a moment and nodded solemnly: "I do!"

"Very good!" A smile appeared on Li Yun's face, and he stretched out a hand towards the young man, "Welcome to the Traveler Alliance!"

What a time traveler!

Although he had already expected it, when he heard the word "Travelers Alliance", Deng Yougang couldn't help but his eyes widened, and he stretched out his hand blankly to shake Li Yun's hand.

Zuo Yu looked at him funny: "Boy, have you never seen Under One Person?"

Deng Yougang came back to his senses and scratched his head in embarrassment: "I really haven't seen it, I just heard about this anime - to be honest, if I hadn't met the Heavenly Master when I was ten years old, I still wouldn't have known that I had traveled through time. Entering the world of animation.”

"I knew it!" Zuo Yu curled her lips and said, "If you knew the plot, you should have recognized our identities from the day we participated in the Luotian Festival..."

Deng Yougang became even more embarrassed when he heard this. He blushed and whispered: "I have only watched the mixed-cut video of Master Lao Tianshi on station B. I don't know about other plot characters in the anime. Even my two brothers. do not know……"

Zuo Yu smiled and patted his shoulder: "Then you need to make up for your lessons even more!"

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