Build A Secret Council From Wudang Abandoned Disciples

Chapter 76 Mixed With Ghosts, Die In Front Of The River! 【Subscribe】

"It's much quieter now!"

After killing the Yin soldier leader.

Wang also took off the thermos at his waist, opened it, and took a few sips.

Then he looked at the hundred ghosts not far away!

Those ghosts seemed to have not noticed the situation here at all.

Still walking slowly towards the deepest part of the village.

Now, it has come a long way.

"These should all be humans who were caught or strayed into this village, and then distorted by the rules here to become the body of a ghost!"

"I don't know the existence hidden in the deepest part of this village, why do we need so many 'people'!"

"Could it be to collect yin qi and corpse qi to complete a certain plan?"

Wang Ye had some guesses in his heart.

"I really want to see what's in this village, what exactly do I want to do!"

Wang also glanced at the ghosts who were walking slowly towards the depths of the village like walking corpses.

His eyes brightened slightly, and he stepped forward.

29 soon caught up with these dozens of ghosts.

Then he mixed into these ghosts.

Follow this group of ghosts and walk towards the depths!

Accompanied by going deeper into the village.

The surrounding black mist and strange atmosphere became more and more intense.


Wang also found out.

On both sides of this path, groups of dark soldiers appeared from time to time, and then patrolled these ghosts.

The eyes of these Yin soldiers scanned all the ghosts back and forth many times.

However, Wang Ye's abnormality was not found at all.

After all, Wang Ye at this time was also affected by the rules emanating from the ghost domain deep in the village.

It's the same with the surrounding ghosts who walked in like walking dead.

There was a cold breath all over his body.

As long as the king did not release the qi in his body.

From the surface alone, there is no difference from the real weirdness!

"I didn't expect that there are so many Yin soldiers in the depths of this village!"

"Even the leaders of Yin soldiers are not in the minority!"

At this moment.

The hundred ghosts that Wang Ye mixed with had already entered the deepest part of the village at this time.

The yin and qi here are almost extremely strong.

On both sides, more and more Yin soldiers appeared.

Wang was also among them, and even saw several soldiers as powerful as the previous Yin soldier leader.

After seeing these terrifying Yin soldier leaders.

The king couldn't help but rejoice.

Fortunately, he mixed in with these ghosts.

Otherwise, it would take a lot of time and energy to get into the deepest part of the village!

Even if he could kill all the Yin soldiers and their leaders, it wouldn't make much sense.

First, it will consume a lot of his energy and time.

Secondly, whether it is these ordinary Yin soldiers or the leaders of those terrifying Yin soldiers, they are just strange things born in this ghost domain.

Even kill them all.

As long as the source of this ghost domain is not solved.

Then, after a while, these Yin soldiers and their leaders will appear again!

Just when the king was also thinking.

The hundred ghosts all stopped suddenly.

Wang also quickly came back to his senses.

He looked around.

It was discovered that the Yin soldiers and the leaders of the Yin soldiers who had been guarding the two sides had all disappeared.

Here, is an empty area.

It seems to have reached the end of the deepest part of the village.

In front of these hundred ghosts is a small river!

This river, the water of the river is actually as black as ink.

From the surface of this river, there is almost solid household air and Yin air floating!

An incomparably rich corpse smell emanates from this black river.

"The River of Rebirth?"

Wang also glanced away.

A few meters in front of Baigui, there is a black stone.

This stone is several meters high.

On it, there are three big bloody characters of "Wangsheng River".

Wang also frowned slightly.

Earlier, he had heard the leader of the Yin soldiers say that he would take these ghosts to the Changsheng River, wash away the sins on his body, and then go to the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss!

But now, after seeing what this River of Rebirth looks like.

Wang was also speechless for a moment.

The yin and corpse qi of rebirth in Hanoi have become so rich that they have become real.

Humans and ghosts, if they jump into this river of death.

I am afraid that it will be eroded in an instant, and there will be no dead residue left!

"By the way! These hundred ghosts are likely to be human beings themselves, or corpses! It's just because they are affected by the rules of the ghost domain here, so their bodies are in the state of ghosts!

"Could it be that the thing in the depths of this village is to let the ghosts under him bring the human corpses that have just died here, and then use this river of rebirth [to collect middle qi and arouse yin qi?"

"The yin and corpse qi of rebirth in Hanoi are so rich, how many people have to be killed to collect it?"

Thoughts flashed through Wang Ye's mind one by one.

In his heart, he soon had a guess.

"Haha, the Rebirth River is finally here!"

"Yes, the River of Rebirth! As long as I can wash away the filth on my body, I can go to the Land of Ultimate Bliss!"

"My, I want to die, I want to go to Paradise!"

At this time, the king was also among the ghosts.

These ghosts, originally on the way here, have been numb and lifeless, with pain on their faces.

Just like a walking dead, 277 didn't say a word at all.

But after seeing this dark river.

All these ghosts are like seeing mountains of gold and silver.

The eyes are shining, and they can be used as light bulbs.



The king also saw, in the front of the hundred ghosts, those ghosts who were closest to the River of Rebirth.

At this moment, one by one scrambled to jump down this strange black river.

The ghost behind him had an anxious look on his face.

Struggling frantically one by one, trying to jump over the ghosts in front, and then jump off the River of Rebirth!

"Is this everyone vying to send it?"

In Wang Ye's sight.

One by one, after jumping off the river of death.

The strong corpse and yin qi lingering on the surface of the Past Life River condensed into long black snakes, pounced on these ghosts.

Soon these ghosts were dragged into the bottom of the river one by one and disappeared.

However, these ghosts didn't see it at all.

Still scrambling to jump down towards this reincarnation in Hanoi!

Wang didn't make a move either.

Because the ghosts around him, although not necessarily ghosts.

But there are no living people at all.

When he mixed with these ghosts earlier, he had already carefully investigated them with special means.

There is not a trace of the breath of a living person in the bodies of these ghosts!

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