Build A Secret Council From Wudang Abandoned Disciples

Chapter 377 Seal Yourself, Want To Use This Earth's Energy To Condense The Dark Body, And Set F

Chapter 377 Seal yourself, I want to use this earth energy mechanism to condense the dark body, and set foot on the dark creatures of the evil god! (Please customize)

"Is this guy really a powerful and terrifying existence in the Council of Mysteries?"

"However, isn't there a big difference between this and Senior Jiu Sword Immortal and General Zuo? Are these two completely different styles?"

"However, don't talk about it! This sedan chair and the four people who carry the sedan chair seem to be full of characters. Of course, if the four people who carry the sedan chair are not four aunts, then , even better..."

After a long time.

Snake Ji Dang even couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

And Little Sister Dai and Bai Yuan all nodded their heads in agreement.

Immediately, one person and three monsters stopped talking.

Instead, he looked at the empty young man.

There was a look of anticipation and longing in his eyes.

After all, this is the action of a powerful member of the parliament...

Being able to watch such a powerful terrifying existence at such a close range is not always an opportunity.

It may not be said that this time, it may be a big opportunity for them.

Especially Dai Xiaomei couldn't help clenching her fists.

Upon hearing this, the white-faced scholar-like young man appeared in front of him.

It's time for a master of swordsmanship.

Little girl Dai was already a little impatient.

If you can see this mighty-level member of parliament at such a close distance.

Maybe it will be of great benefit to her comprehending the way of swordsmanship.

After thinking like this.

The little girl suddenly stopped talking, and just quietly stared at the direction where Young Master Kong was. …

at the same time.

After Mr. Kongkong heard the words of the four aunts.

Immediately, black lines covered his face. ,

Even the empty wooden box held in his hand, he almost couldn't grasp it firmly.

"Cough cough cough cough..."

He couldn't help coughing violently.

After taking a few deep breaths, Mr. Kongkong gradually stabilized.

Mr. Kongkong looked at the four aunts speechlessly, and then said with some depression:

"I said, what are you four thinking about?"

"My son's eyes signaled you to find out the garbage and ghosts in the Nanshan ruins, otherwise, such a ridiculous matter, you still need me to come forward in person?"

"It's not that I'm talking about you, you've been by my side for such a long time, why don't you have the slightest insight?"

After the four aunts heard the words.

Immediately, his face was calm, and he said to Mr. Kong Kong very seriously: "Oh..."

"So that's the case, then you're talking're not dumb!"

"That's right, Mr. Kidney Deficiency, I don't even know what you're trying to do by putting on makeup all day..."

Mr. Kongkong covered his mouth with a white silk scarf, and began to cough again and again.

Some depressed corrected:

"My son has already told you how many years, you are the empty son, not the kidney deficiency son..."

The four aunts didn't look at Mr. Kong Kong at all, but just nodded lightly and said:

"Understood, Mr. Kidney Deficiency..."

Young Master Void: "..."

The four aunts didn't pay any attention to Mr. Kongkong at all.

One of the aunts raised her head and looked at the sculpture of a hundred-foot-big tiger not far ahead.

Then he said coldly:

"Monster, hide here, trouble the common people, prey on the human race, today, we wait for the members of the mysterious council to come here, come out quickly and die..."



After the aunt's words fell.

In this group of mountains, there is still no response.

Only the whistling wind hit.

pause time.

The atmosphere was extremely embarrassing.

"Hmph... It seems that you really don't cry when you see the coffin..."

"Do you think you can't find your trash if you hide here?"

The aunt felt ashamed.

Immediately, the original smile on his face also disappeared, and turned into an incomparably gloomy one.

next second.

The aunt stretched out her hand and took out the blossoming flowers in the basket.

Then quickly sprinkle the flowers down.


These flowers, at the beginning, were extremely ordinary, just like the most ordinary flowers in the world.

But if...

This flower, after being sprinkled from the palm of this aunt.

But it suddenly spun quickly.

Moreover, the number of flowers is actually increasing out of thin air.

in the blink of an eye.

In the space in front of my eyes, densely packed flowers emerged.

Inside these flowers, there is delicate and beautiful blood-red blood, which seeps out quickly, looking extremely strange.

The killing breath, in an instant, filled and enveloped this area.


The aunt waved her hand casually.

The countless blood-red flowers filling the entire space in front of him suddenly shot out quickly.

Like countless sharp and terrifying blades, they shot out across the air, and directly assassinated the tiger sculpture.

The densely packed flowers kept falling on the evidence of the sculpture.

On the originally seemingly ordinary stone sculpture, a series of wounds were suddenly cut out.

And from these wounds, there is a strange black blood, which is constantly slipping down.

It looked terribly spooky and eerie.

" I sealed myself here, and wanted to use the aura of this place to condense my dark body, so as to step into the realm of evil gods."

"It's really audacious..."

When this aunt saw countless black blood flowing out of that sculpture (Deqian Zhao).

Her complexion suddenly became a little cold.

But words work.

She didn't make another move.

But just casually towards the densely packed flowers, and pressed down abruptly.



The countless blood-red flowers that shot out quickly flew back backwards, and landed in the flower basket she held in her hand again.

The aunt said lightly:

"Young Master with Kidney Deficiency, it is this tiger sculpture. It seems that the evil spirits entrenched here and wreaking havoc on this land are turned into monsters from a single stone......

"It's just that this guy's level is very high, and if he's entrenched here now, he probably wants to take advantage of the situation in the world here and want to use it to advance to the realm of evil gods. Such ghosts and monsters are not what the four of us belong to at all. If you can deal with it, it seems that you still need to take action..."

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