Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 977 Outrageous Order

Many of the first batch of players who completed the main line of "Pacific Rim" started "cross-world connection".

Chasing the wind is one of them. He didn't set aside a task to explore space-time fragments, but directly advanced the game progress.

It's not that he is so rich that he has no desires. It is precisely because he is relatively rich that he thinks that Lin You is not crazy. There are probably very few people who can successfully complete the challenge in the end.

At least not what an ordinary player like him can do.

So he concentrated on playing his own game and didn't put too much energy into Pandora.

Zhuifeng's plan is: concentrate on playing "Pacific Rim" first, after experiencing all the new things, go to Pandora to play.

After all, according to Yunmeng's habit, the release cycle of new games is about one month.

Save yourself some time until the next new game releases.

Chasing wind is a minority, but with Yunmeng's exaggerated player base, there are also many players of this type, enough for players to exchange experiences and share daily fun.

And as soon as they communicated with each other, they discovered that this [cross-world online] gameplay is surprisingly rich in content——

At first everyone thought that this was an online battle between players.

But soon someone found out: that's not the case!

Yunmeng didn't simply set up a matching mechanism, but created a lot of "if line worlds" mixed in it.

Players can not only be matched with other players in the [Multidimensional Time and Space Channel], but also be matched with the officially set [if world].

These worlds are not ordinary "computer opponents", but randomly generated worlds based on some unknown algorithm.

——[Multi-dimensional space-time channel] is two-way, can invade each other, and naturally can explore each other.

Players also see many different worlds:

Some worlds are full of all kinds of giant beasts, which are irrationally raised by the pioneers like sheep. In some worlds, the monsters are much smaller, but in turn destroy the civilization of the pioneers.

Some world monsters have become totems worshiped by the pioneers, and some worlds have reached a harmonious symbiotic relationship between the two.

In addition to monsters, there is also a mecha-themed world:

Mechas of various sizes have fully integrated into the human world, and mechas are no longer purely in human form, and various animal forms are also common.

Soldiers from various countries are driving mechas to fight around the world, and the parts are flying around.

Some players even saw a poster of [Mech Olympics].

All these worlds seem to be very different, but they have a certain underlying consistency.

It's like Yunmeng planted two trees, one is "mecha" and the other is "monster". These two trees grow similar but different branches and leaves. These "branches and leaves" are theirs. matched world.

The only shortcoming is that these worlds are grown wildly with the help of algorithms, and lack artificial modification, so that they cannot be studied deeply.

Once studied carefully, many obvious flaws can be found.

In order to cover up this, Yunmeng seems to have set all the worlds as "hostile" to players, in order to allow players to concentrate on fighting and confrontation, so as to ignore these flaws.

But players still quickly discovered a lot of unreasonable places——

For example, someone has seen a small mecha, like a kung fu master, dismantle a medium mecha with its outrageous mobility.

Its power, output, and flexibility are extremely outrageous, and it doesn't talk about game balance at all!

There are also some strangely shaped buildings that have no anti-physical rules at all.

The proportion of arms and legs is completely wrong, a disabled mecha that can only hop and walk with one leg.

It has three legs, and when fighting, it relies on one leg to attack, but every time it kicks, it will fall down by itself.

A "copper-smelting" monster that fell in love with a pocket monster dozens of times smaller than itself.

Someone even witnessed a five-meter-tall monster give birth to an 80-meter-tall child with its own womb in another dimension!

Immediately mature from birth!


All kinds of outrageous and abnormal BUGs are too numerous to count.

Fortunately, the players were more tolerant, and did not ask Yunmeng to polish all the random worlds carefully, but opened the blind box with the mentality of having fun.

Not all [non-player worlds] are like that though.

Lin You and Xiao Meng also made an [Easter Egg World] respectively.

Lin You made a mecha theme, and Xiaomeng made a monster theme. These two worlds are worlds where the two have carefully adjusted the parameters and carried out a lot of post-production modifications. The degree of completion is much higher.

——Of course, it is still impossible to go deep and check every detail slowly.

What Zhuifeng encountered at this time was the [Easter Egg World] made by Xiaomeng.

A world where [Pioneers] and [Monsters] are highly integrated and symbiotic, living together and going out together.

The strength is naturally very explosive!

A steady stream of monsters and heralds poured out from the "Giant Serpent", covering almost the entire sky.

The logistics ships on the sea and the helicopter crew in the sky were immediately hit hard.

Even if the chasing wind's mecha has been specially modified for naval battles, it is impossible to run on the sea, let alone fly into the sky, and can only watch the helicopters explode and crash.

The soldiers staying behind on the ship were attacked by flying dragons overwhelming the sky, and the near-defense guns fired wildly. They only managed to create more than a dozen battle results, but they were covered with highly corrosive acid and completely misfired.

After the flying dragons flew out, the giant snake began to spit out a shuttle-shaped fish monster. These things looked like sharks in the monster version, and they jumped straight at the NPC who fell into the water.

A few big ones even rushed towards the mecha desperately.

After the sea battle monsters finished vomiting, the giant snake finally stopped. I don't know if it really finished vomiting, or if the land battle monsters are not suitable for putting into the sea.

Then the terrifying giant snake rushed towards Zhuifeng.

The absolute gap in size and strength caused Zhuifeng to be entangled by a giant snake, and was directly strangled on the spot!

A total fiasco.

After Zhuifeng was revived, he was still in a daze:

"what's the situation?"

"This thing can be hit without a nuclear bomb?"

"Or is it not only the monster route that needs to conquer the world, but also the mecha route?"

"I understand!"



Lin You didn't know what Zhuifeng understood, he just felt that the current players were a bit too extreme...

Xiaomeng also felt excited in vain: "He's such a good cook..."

The first wave of offensive was destroyed as soon as it came out, and the things behind it didn't have a chance to show at all, which made Xiaomeng a little disappointed.

"It's okay, it's okay, after a while, it will be fine after the player becomes stronger."

Lin You comforted Xiaomeng, and then continued to write his own code.

The little princess also touched Xiaomeng's pink head to show comfort.


The time of the weekend passed slowly like this.

Workday, here we go again.

After Lin You came to the company, he was stopped by Zhong Chang who was waiting at the company before he had time to hold a morning meeting to announce the new project.

Lin You was stunned by the first question he asked——

"Boss, the mecha order from the Army Department of America is serious! They have called my mobile phone! They also said that they hope to customize the shape, and the price is negotiable... Can this order be accepted?"

Lin You blinked and was also a little dazed.

"Are they really here?"

"Of course it's true! They offered to give 70% of the deposit directly. If they can be in the first production line, they will continue to add more money. If they can keep it secret, they will double it."


This operation on the other side silenced Lin You.

Customization, the first one, secrecy... Is this planning to order one from him, as if it was developed by yourself?

Are you serious?

"I have to make a call..."

This incident was both child's play and absurd, which made it difficult for Lin You to understand.

He felt he needed to consult a professional.

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