Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 380 This Game... Can Explode Clothes?

The church is full of lunatics.


Involved in cults or evil gods?

not at all.

This is simply one of the many surprises that Lin You prepared for the players.

How did you say that sentence?

Who can refuse it, and open Wushuang among the enemies?

Even in order to make this "Wu Shuang" drive more layered, Lin You also divided the surrounding enemies into layers.

Taking the player as the center, the innermost circle is full of "unarmed" enemies.

Their purpose is to "disarm" the player.

As for stealing the player's weapon, or using his own life to consume the player's ammunition, it doesn't matter, anyway, if the goal can be achieved, just drag the player into close combat.

Although the enemies in this circle looked scary, they were more mentally frightened.

Their own combat effectiveness is actually not very high, it just serves as a "greeting" effect.

Outside this circle are the "armed" enemies.

Weapons range from fruit knives and daggers to umbrellas, ball sticks, walking sticks, stool legs, and even metal prosthetic legs.

Beyond this circle, the enemies were still wielding crude weapons that could be seen everywhere.

But the difference is that these enemies will become "trained" armed enemies.

They no longer just fight randomly like the previous two waves, and their offense has become more organized and threatening.

In other words: it will be more difficult to fight.

After the player has killed all the "believers" who surrounded him, there will be enemies in the outer circle to greet the player: Vigo's direct subordinates - armed security personnel with hot weapons.

Under normal circumstances, at this time, the player has at most one stool leg, or a weapon such as a prosthesis...

It must be a bit difficult to use this to confront militants with hot weapons...

In short, the interior of the whole church can be said to be progressive, ensuring that players will continue to experience surprises one after another in this link!

Of course Xia Yi didn't know anything about it, but after she calmed down, she immediately regained her strength and stepped into the church again.

This time, she didn't have the worry of "accidentally injuring innocent people" before.

There is not a single innocent in this church!

After entering the church, when the door was closed, Xia Yi raised her gun and greeted everyone, "Hi everyone! Look here!"

The NPCs in the room turned their heads one after another.

Xia Yi pulled the trigger without hesitation!

chug chug chug chug—

The AR-15 assault rifle in his hand fired violently, and the violent gunshots resounded through the church!

All the NPCs got up immediately, instead of running away to avoid the bullets, they charged towards Xia Yi without fear of death!

The enemy in the front was shot immediately, and fell to the ground while running. Before his body could melt away, he was overtaken by the people rushing up from behind.

For the charging crowd, red light gushes out from the place where the body was hit by the bullet; the corpses that fell to the ground turned into golden light that went straight upward and scattered into the air.

In this church, which represents holiness and glory, red light and golden light complement each other! Metal and death sing!

——For the mental health of the players, the bloody effect of this part has been reduced to a certain extent, and the passionate background music mobilizes emotions and distracts attention, and the emotional guidance function of the neural modem is also in full operation.

All efforts are just to ensure that players can have a good fight without psychological burden!

Of course, it's not like Xia Yi is doing now, holding a rifle and shooting directly.



Behind Xia Yi, the door of the church that she closed was smashed open from the outside.

She had just emptied the bullet and finished reloading before being knocked down by the enemy. The rifle in her hand started roaring again, and she only had time to glance back in a hurry.

At this glance, I saw how many thugs were pouring into the church outside the door, and they were all thugs with guns!

Immediately after that, there was a crackling meal, and gunshots of various colors rang out.


Xia Yi was sent back to the resurrection point again.

Standing on the side of the road, Xia Yi blinked, then looked at the AR-15 in her hand.

She couldn't figure out whether this group of thugs rushed in from the door, whether the level was designed like this, or her firepower was too strong, triggering the random system of Night City.

So she decided—to try again!

Anyway, she didn't drive her own car, nor did she bring the dog with her—the dog was still in Room 818 of the Continental Hotel, so it was extremely safe.

Since the dog is fine, it's just that he died a few more times, it's nothing to Xia Yi at all!


When Yelang first entered the church, he was not as low-key as Xia Yi.

He entered the church in full armor, and what he saw was also a service in progress.

But he didn't care at all. As he walked straight to the priest who was preaching, he took out his rifle sharply, aimed at the ceiling of the church, and pulled the trigger without saying a word.


Gunshots echoed through the church.

Yelang shouted arrogantly: "Everyone, get out!"

Then the muzzle of the gun was leveled, and it was facing the priest: "Tell me! Where is Vigo's money hidden?!"

When he said this, he had just walked down the aisle and walked to the middle of the second row of seats.

Then Yelang heard the sound of "creak", "creak", as if everyone in the whole church pushed away their chairs at the same time and stood up.

The next moment, he realized that this was not an illusion: everyone really stood up.

"Are these people of such high quality? They don't panic at all when they encounter gunmen, and they leave the church in such a uniform way?" Yelang couldn't help complaining.

But as soon as the words fell, the nearby NPCs rushed towards him without fear!

Yelang's first reaction was not to rush directly, but to see that the people who rushed towards him were all empty-handed, and subconsciously wanted to dodge.

By dodging, the best time to start grabbing was missed.

The enemies behind him had also surged up, almost overwhelming arms, legs, fists, nails, and even teeth, attacking Yelang indiscriminately!

He struggled crazily, and the enemy tore crazily.

First, the rifle magazine was unloaded immediately, and soon even the gun was snatched away.

Then there is the pistol and spare magazine at the waist.

Then there was a "stab", Yelang's handsome coat lost a sleeve.

"Stab --" the other sleeve.

"Prickly——prickly—" the sleeves of the two shirts.

"Pricked—" The whole coat was torn to shreds vigorously!

"Pricked——" the left trouser leg!

"Pricked—" the right trouser leg!

The bulletproof vest was also taken off in a whirl, and it was thrown there.

"Prick, prick, prick—" the sleeveless shirt on his body immediately turned into a beggar's outfit made of strips of cloth.

This is not over yet, Yelang felt: Several hands touched his belt at the same time!

"Ahhh! Don't!!"

Yelang yelled in horror, and then began to apologize frantically for no reason.

"Sorry! Sorry! I was wrong! Don't!! I'm live streaming!! Sorry!"

But the enemies around him didn't have the slightest intention to stop until——


The priest who didn't know when appeared, relieved Ye Bin's pain with a single shot.

After a short period of darkness, Yelang was reborn outside the church.

Armed back to the original, AR-15 assault rifle on the back, tactical belt tied around the waist, two Glocks on the belt, three spare pistol magazines and two spare rifle magazines, a lot.

Even the bulletproof vest, which was thrown somewhere, returned to his feet.

The only problem is-

His handsome overcoat was gone, and his white shirt had turned into ragged strips of cloth, the blocking effect was almost gone.

The suit pants also turned into shorts, and the thighs were not completely covered, and the two arms and two legs just appeared in the air.

With this outfit, I don't know whether to say it is a punk or a beggar.

Anyway, Yelang was dumbfounded, and the audience in the live broadcast room doubled-because everyone burst out laughing!

This is not a uniform treatment, but the player who was tricked by the female killer Perkins in the previous mission level will only encounter this special treatment.

——As for A Yi, it can be said that he was tricked, or he was not tricked. In that half-and-half situation, Lin You also entertained.

Such players enjoy half-and-half treatment-the upper body clothes are intact, and the lower body trousers are only left.

The damage index has been greatly reduced, but the degree of social death has not decreased at all.

While Yelang was still terrified, he suddenly felt a little lucky: "This is the first time I thank Yunmeng for not allowing players to take off their pants."

"Otherwise, with Lin You's bad taste, I doubt if I was directly given by those NPCs in the church just now..."


"I have to think about how to beat this level! Don't do it recklessly, or it will be too scary."

——Death in the game is not terrible, but the social death that will extend beyond the game is terrible!

The bullet screen reminded him to buy a suit of clothes first, otherwise the current suit would be too eye-catching and unsightly.

Yelang refused without even thinking about it: "Buy a fart, buy a whole body, and get ripped off again?"

"It's not that I said you, if you are not in charge, you don't know that daily necessities are expensive. In Night City, is that money easy to earn?"

"Save as much as you can! The money saved can also help the poor ladies and sisters in Night City."

"I'll buy new clothes after I open up this church. For now, let's make do."

As Yelang said, he picked up the bulletproof vest on the ground and put it on.

But the rough material of the vest was directly attached to his skin, and the bad touch made him complain in his heart——

Why did Yunmeng make the details of this ghostly place so detailed? !

The real feeling of touch made him very worried: if he exercises vigorously later, will his chest be directly ground and bleed?

Just thinking about it, Yelang couldn't help getting goose bumps all over his body.

But as soon as the words were released, it would be too embarrassing to go back and buy clothes immediately.

In the end, he decided to bear with it.

So Yelang wore this extremely "shameful" clothes and entered the church again with a rifle in his hand.

Without any surprise, he chose the same tactic as Xia Yi - direct shooting!

So he soon encountered the same tragedy—being attacked from both sides.

No, he is a bit worse than Xia Yi——

At least Xia Yi's clothes are intact.

As for Yelang, after being resurrected again, the bulletproof vest is still thrown at his feet, but the tattered cloth strips on the upper body are gone, and the "suit shorts" on the lower body are gone!

He was shirtless, wearing only a pair of red underwear, with a tactical belt full of pistols and magazines on the outside of the underwear, standing on the street in a daze.

I want to reach out to check my chest, but I feel that it is not elegant to do so during the live broadcast, so I can only rub my fingers to hold back.

"Hahahaha." Lin You looked at Yelang in the live broadcast room and couldn't help laughing wildly.

This man is too stubborn!

Xiao Meng also covered her mouth and laughed non-stop.

Outside the church, Yelang was in a daze for a while, looked down at his underwear, and finally said with a little bit of enlightenment: "I seem to understand! Could this be the setting of defeating Explosive Clothes?"

Thinking of this, he rolled his eyes, and suddenly he no longer cared about whether he died or not, but instead became interested:

"I don't have any clothes to take off now. If I continue to lose the battle, shouldn't I 'explode' my underwear?"

"Aren't you curious, which of the two settings [explosive clothing] and [can't take off underwear] is more low-level?"

"Go, go, try! Try!"

Yelang, wearing only a pair of underwear, rushed to the church again with great interest.

Ah, I'm sorry, but the second update will be a little later...

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