Chapter 97 Maozi is about to sell his pants, what else do he pretend?!!

After weighing the pros and cons, Wu Xi decisively refused.

“Thank you for President Lei’s kindness, it can only be three months at most, half a year is too long.”

Lei Dafu’s eyes showed irrepressible disappointment.

Now is definitely the best opportunity for Rice Company to dominate the global mobile phone market, and it is also his lifelong dream of Lei Dafu.

It’s a pity that even if he took out all the hole cards, Wu Xi didn’t have the slightest intention of agreeing.

“Mr. Wu, the opportunity to dominate the mobile phone market is in front of you, are you just giving up just before your eyes?”

A smile appeared at the corner of Wu Xi’s mouth.

“I have already earned 15 percent of the total sales in the global mobile phone market.”

“It makes no sense to me to destroy the existing market and make rice phones a global hegemon.”

“Letting low-priced rice phones take over the market may even make me less money.”

After listening to Wu Xi’s explanation, Lei Dafu was a little sudden.

Only then did he understand that his interests and those of Wu Xi were not at all aligned.

Wu Xi has completed the harvest of all mobile phone manufacturers in the world with optimization technology.

Who of these mobile phone manufacturers occupies how much of the market has nothing to do with him.

Lei Dafu was still a little undead and persuaded Wu Xi from another angle.

“Mr. Wu, your optimization technology is really good, and you can currently harvest all mobile phone manufacturers in the world.”

“But have you thought about another question? What if those phone manufacturers cracked your optimization technology? ”

“The safest thing to do is for the two of us to join forces to dominate the global mobile communications market.”

“As long as you occupy the market, even if other mobile phone manufacturers crack your optimization technology in the future, the market has been occupied by us.”

“Please think about it, don’t miss this opportunity, dominating the market is the safest way.”

Wu Xi fell into deep thought, what Lei Dafu said did make some sense, but he still chose to refuse.

Because he has confidence in Zhao Lei, a top mobile communication technology expert.

As long as he has maintained his technological advantage, he will continue to harvest energy for global mobile phone manufacturers.

He will do it in the future to dominate the global mobile market, but the time is not yet ripe.

“Mr. Lei, thank you for the reminder.”

“I’ll consider your suggestion.”

After speaking, Wu Xi twisted his head to the side.

Without waiting for Lei Dafu to persuade again, Liu Rong blocked in front of Lei Dafu.

“Mr. Lei, my boss is tired, Mr. Lei please.”

Lei Dafu looked disappointed and watched Liu Rong walk out of the conference room with a painful look.

He tried everything in his power to still not persuade Wu Xi.

The opportunity to dominate the global mobile phone market was in front of him, and he couldn’t understand why Wu Xi didn’t seize this opportunity.

To become the absolute hegemon of the industry is a great achievement that can go down in history.

Just give up!

When Lei Dafu left, Wu Xi calculated how much money he could earn.

There are 6 billion people in the world, and the mobile phone market sells at least one billion mobile phones a year, and the average selling price of each mobile phone is calculated according to the average price of 3,000 yuan.

The global market generates sales of three trillion yuan a year.

Wu Xi charged a 20% optimization fee, with a net profit of 400 billion yuan.

Wu Xi was taken aback by the figures he had calculated.

The annual net income of 400 billion yuan is equivalent to the total fiscal revenue of many small countries in a year.

As the second largest in the world, China’s annual fiscal revenue is only more than 10 trillion yuan, and its military expenditure is about one trillion yuan.

And his annual income alone is worth a few tenths of the country’s annual taxes and half of the military expenditure.

It’s terrible!

At this moment, Wu Xi said that he was the richest person in the world, and it was not an exaggeration.

The profits of monopolies are simply terrible.

Some monopolies rely on violence, while Wu Xi’s monopoly monopolizes the world through technology.

Wu Xi had such a large fortune, and he was not happy at the first time, but a little scared.

The corresponding wealth must be protected by corresponding force.

Or it’s a fat sheep that recognizes people to slaughter.

More than 20,000 brothers is still too little.

The priority is to get enough prestige points, recruit more brothers, and increase their own strength.

One by one, the idea of increasing the prestige value and increasing the force appeared in Wu Xi’s mind.

Buy more powerful weapons and build your own armed forces.

Build military factories and recruit top weapons specialists.

Publicize the image of himself and his brothers, gain prestige, and recruit more brothers Wu Xi to take out his mobile phone and dial Shen Xuexin’s phone.

The phone was connected, and Shen Xuexin’s voice came from the phone.

“Brother-in-law, is there something wrong!?”

Wu Xi asked about the plan he had arranged beforehand.

“How’s the movie you prepared?”

Shen Xuexin spoke.

“According to your request, filming has officially started.”

“Within two months, the movie should be released.”

Wu Xi shook his head.

“Two months is too slow, don’t be afraid to spend money, invite the best director, producer, editor, actor, special effects, all of them.”

“Working overtime, it will be released in at least a month.”

Shen Xue said in a deep voice.

“Brother-in-law, this can really speed up the shooting progress and complete it within a month.”

“But the cost must be at least doubled, at least two billion costs, and it is likely that the capital will not be recovered after the release.”

Wu Xi directly gave the order.

“It doesn’t matter how much money you spend, but the quality of the film must be guaranteed and the film must be finished as quickly as possible.”

Shen Xuexin heard the urgency in Wu Xi’s voice and said firmly.

“Brother-in-law, don’t worry, I will definitely complete the filming of the movie as quickly as possible.”

Hanging up Shen Xuexin’s phone, Wu Xi fell into deep thought.

The plan he thought of to make a movie to boost his prestige began to be implemented half a month ago.

Shen Xuexin is currently well-known in the domestic entertainment industry, so Wu Xi handed over the plan to her to complete.

Wu Xi is ready to adapt the real deeds of his brothers in the triangle region and invest in a film to increase his prestige.

The theme of the plot is that Ma San’s daughter was kidnapped by criminals in the triangle area.

Ma San gathered a group of domestic migrant worker brothers to form an iron-blooded army and swept through the triangle region.

In the middle, some people in the triangle region will be bullied, and the Predator Army will fight criminals.

The script is not bad, and it is an adaptation of real deeds.

Coupled with the best actor special effects in China, it will definitely cause a huge response among the countrymen.

While enhancing the national identity of the Chinese people, it can also bring him a huge prestige value, which can be described as killing two birds with one stone.

After the film is completed, Wu Xi is also ready to contract all the theaters in the country to broadcast this film.

It doesn’t matter if you make money or not, the important thing is to get prestige.

After completing the plan to enhance his prestige, Wu Xi began to arrange a meeting with the high-level representatives of Lao Ziguo.

This meeting is very important to face Wu Xi.

In addition to military equipment and ordinary arms weapons, he also wanted to buy something lethal.

The current Wu Shu has affected many people and forces, and even the interests of the country.

It is relatively safe for him to stay in the country, but there will be forces to attack him.

Wu Xi does not pay attention to ordinary small forces, but he has to guard against certain rogue countries.

Randomly installing a charge of lethal weapons can make Wu Xi die without a corpse.

There’s a joke that’s funny, but it makes perfect sense.

When a country suspects that you have a weapon of destruction, it is better that you really have.

In the afternoon, a brother walked into Wu Xi’s office to report.

“Big brother, there are a few Mao Ziguo foreigners who want to see you and say that they have made an appointment with you.”

Wu Xi nodded, understanding that this was Mao Ziguo’s high-level coming to talk to him.

“Bring them in.”

After a while, several blond young men and women were brought in.

The Mao Zi beauty at the head stretched out her hand to Wu Xi and said in a Chinese that could not hear any accent.

“Mr. Wu, it’s a pleasure to meet you, my name is Ekalina.”

Wu Xi got up and shook hands with the old Maozi beauty, and said directly.

“My name is Wu Xi, can you have full authority to represent the sale and purchase of those military equipment?”

Ekaterina smiled.

“Of course, except for those old equipment, even if it is the latest, I can represent.”

Wu Xi looked at Ekaterina, who was also in her twenties, and guessed her identity

Being able to negotiate such a big deal on behalf of Mao Ziguo at such a young age must be the children of Mao Ziguo’s high-level officials.

Otherwise, even if you start as an official in the mother’s womb, you will not be able to walk to your current position.

“Please sit down, sit down and talk.”

Ekaterina sat down in the conference room while also guessing Wu Xi’s identity.

Her thoughts are similar to Wu Xi’s.

When Mao Ziguo arms dealers first traded with Depuma San in the triangle region, they began to investigate their background.

After all, it involves hundreds of millions of dollars in arms transactions, and sellers must investigate the background of the other party and know what the other party is used for.

After some investigation, those people turned out to be the most ordinary farmers in China, with no official background.

Nothing is known about the mastermind behind these farmers.

It was just a conventional arms transaction, and the arms dealers of Mao Ziguo did not delve into it, but made a simple report.

It was not until the recent purchase of military equipment that the real boss behind it, Wu Xi, came to the surface.

Involving important military production equipment, Mao Ziguo conducted an in-depth investigation of Wu Xi’s background.

After a careful investigation, Wu Xi’s background turned out to be equally ordinary.

Coming from a rural background, he gathered a group of farmers to make a fortune a few months ago by taking small loans

The daughter of a farmer was trafficked to the triangle, where a group of men went to war with the warlords.

Then he subdued the world gambling god, went to Haojiang to win money, and bought arms to fight criminal organizations in the triangle area.

Other aspects are a little strange, but can barely be said to pass.

But Wu Xi’s background really made Mao Ziguo suspicious.

It is incredible that an ordinary person can subdue tens of thousands of peasants and the world gambling god.

Mao Ziguo, who could not investigate anything, denied Wu Xi’s superficial background.

At the same time, it was guessed that Wu Xia was a talent secretly cultivated by Huaxia.

Even Wu Xi may be the heir of the high-level family of the Hua Kingdom, and put it in the folk experience.

If you can escape the investigation of one big country, there must be another big country behind it

What the top level of Lao Ziguo did not know was that the top level of Hua Guo was also wondering Wu Xi’s background at this time.

At the same time, it is investigating whether Wu Xi is a spy sent by other countries.

After the two sides sat down, Wu Xi spoke directly.

“You should know all the things I want.”

“You just ask the price, if the price is right, it will be set.”

Ekaterina let go of her mind and entered the state of negotiation.

“Two T72 tank production lines, each priced at $50 million.”

“Three gun production lines, each worth $20 million.”

“Two tank production lines, each priced at $35 million.”

“Two large-caliber howitzer production lines for $70 million each.”


“All the devices add up to a whole number of $450 million.”

After listening to Ekajirina’s offer, Wu Xi fell into deep thought.

Not because it’s expensive, but because it’s too cheap.

Guns, guns, tanks, combat vehicles… The complete production line of almost all the army’s weapons and equipment is only 450 million US dollars.

Although they are all old military equipment of the second-line level in the world today, they are not advanced.

But he estimated that it would cost at least one billion and two billion dollars to buy it.

Coupled with the follow-up factory construction and production, the minimum investment is 18 billion US dollars.

450 million US dollars can be done, so cheap that Wu Xi doubts life.

Seeing Wu Xi’s silence, Ekaterina on the other side was worried in her heart.

Is my offer a little high?

Those old military equipment are antiques retired during the Soviet period, and these things may be of some use to ordinary small countries.

But for Mao Ziguo, who accepted the legacy of the former world hegemon, the last thing that is lacking is this kind of military equipment.

These military equipment that no one cares about is bought at all in Maoziguo, and can only be left in the warehouse to eat ash.

One of the two sides does not know how rich the other is, and the other does not know how poor the other is.

After a long while, Ekkalina couldn’t hold back.

“Mr. Wu, if there is any objection in terms of price, we can talk again.”

Wu Xi was stunned.

It’s all so cheap, can you still talk?

“Although the price is a little expensive, I can barely accept it, but I still need to buy some things, and I need Miss Catherine’s consent.”

Wu Xi’s words made Ekaterina breathe a sigh of relief.

As long as you can take away this pile of rags, anything can be said.

“Mr. Wu, please say, as long as it is not a question that violates the principle, I can agree with Wu Xi directly putting forward the plan he has prepared for a long time.”

“Miss Catherine, in fact, I buy these garbage equipment production lines are all incidental, mainly to buy something else.”

“For example, the 27 fighter line, it would be better if you could sell me a few ICBMs.”

Wu Xi’s words made Ekaterina shake her head repeatedly.

“Mr. Wu, the 27 fighter is not left aside for the time being, medium-range intercontinental missiles will never be sold.”

“This powerful weapon has been signed by all countries in the world to prohibit its sale.”

“You don’t know this, do you?”

Wu Xi carefully examined the clothes of Ekaterina and several of her companions, and understood Mao Ziguo’s situation more deeply.

The high-ranking children of Mao Ziguo wear a fake name tag, which shows how poor the country is.

It’s all poor into this comparison, and it’s a nonsense.

As long as you give a lot of money, it is estimated that the pants can be sold.

What Wu Xi lacks most at present is weapons with huge lethality.

Globally, it is estimated that only old Maozi is willing to read to him.

Thinking of this, Wu Xi directly threw out the sky-high price.

“Miss Catherine, don’t be in a hurry to refuse.”

“How about a medium-range missile for $200 million?”

Ekaterina was shocked by the price thrown by Wu Xi, and then shook her head repeatedly.

“Mr. Wu, it’s not a matter of money.”

“Your country is not short of missiles, why buy them from us?”

“And you are a private armament, you can’t use missiles at all.”

Wu Xi interrupted directly to Ekaterina.

“Four hundred million dollars a piece, this is a sky-high price, I want ten.”

Seeing what Ekaterina had to say, Wu Xi said directly.

“Five hundred million dollars a piece, ten is five billion dollars.”

“As far as I know, your country’s annual fiscal revenue is more than $100 billion, which is not much for five billion.”

“If you don’t sell it, the arms dealers in the beautiful country may sell it.”

Wu Fang’s series of words made Ekaterina and her companions silent about the cost of a medium-range intercontinental missile, which was only twenty or thirty million US dollars.

Wu Xi’s price of 500 million has increased more than ten times.

At that time, the camel bought this missile from the flower grower at a sky-high price, and it was only $100 million a miss.

Now Wu has come up with a sky-high price of 500 million, which is too difficult to refuse.

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