Chapter 92: Iron-blooded First Battle, Destroy a Thousand People!!

Ma San and Debiao led the brothers into action.

The gold mine base was left with only a small defensive force of a few hundred people, and the others poured out.

The first target was set at the criminal organization that abducted and sold Ma’s third daughter and human organs.

This criminal organization mainly deals in the sale of human organs, and incidentally also does some flour business.

Most of the sources of organs come from Chinese people, and the rest are people from neighboring countries, as well as a few white people.

Because of the reason for rescuing Ma San’s daughter before, the brothers still know about this criminal organization.

This armed criminal organization is more than 100 kilometers from the base of the Iron Army Regiment, and its armed members are about more than 1,000 people.

Their armament consisted mainly of pistols and rifles, and their heavy weapons consisted of only a small number of heavy machine guns, bazookas, and mortars.

Compared to the number of equipment of the brothers of the Iron-blooded Legion, this criminal force can only be said to be a batch of garbage.

But for other armed forces in the triangle region, this criminal gang of thousands of people is already a high-ranking force.

This criminal force has been rooted for decades, and it has become famous in the triangle region, and has even repelled several encirclements and suppression by the regular army of the country.

In desperation, the face country absorbed this organization and even gave this armed force a regiment formation.

In order to prevent this force from escaping with news in advance, Ma San and Debiao made a plan to take their brothers to raid.

Helicopter gunships flew in the sky, and tank-mounted howitzers roared on the ground.

The remaining infantry brothers also took various newly purchased vehicles and surrounded the lair of the criminal forces as quickly as possible.

The distance of one hundred kilometers will only take more than two hours for the iron-blooded legion that has been mechanized.

Walking on the road, Debiao and Ma San were slightly nervous in their hearts.

With more than 5,000 combatants on both sides, it was already a small new battle.

Commanding such a big battle, both of them were big girls on the palanquin for the first time.

Debiao said with some concern.

“What if we haven’t fought?”

Ma San was stunned for a moment.

“Haven’t fought? Are you kidding? ”

“With our weapons and equipment, if even more than a thousand militants with rifles and pistols can’t be beaten, find a piece of tofu and kill them.”

Debiao shook his head and explained.

“I’m not worried that we can’t fight with real guns.”

“The other party’s base is built in a village, where civilians live, and there are many hostages of our countrymen.”

“What if those people threaten us with civilians and hostages?”

Listening to Debiao’s words, Ma San also fell into deep thought.

He hadn’t really thought about it.

It is not a big problem to clean up the militants, but if the other side threatens with hostages and civilians, it will be troublesome.

In the end, the two could not think of a good way, so they could only use the satellite phone to ask Wu Xi.

Wu Xi’s voice came from the satellite phone.

“Is there something?”

Debiao began to report respectfully.

“Big brother, we’ll attack an armed criminal force later.”

“But the base of this force is built in the village of living civilians, and there are hostages of the countrymen,”

“What if those people threaten us with civilians and hostages?”

Wu Xi on the other end of the phone pondered for a moment.

“Mercy does not control the army, righteousness does not control wealth.”

“Under the premise of ensuring the safety of brothers, then protect civilians and hostages.”

“Don’t put your brothers in danger in order to save these people.”

“I’m only responsible for my brothers, and no one else can care so much.”

After listening to Wu Xi’s order, Debiao and Ma San respectfully responded.

“Big brother, we understand.”

Hanging up the phone, Ma San and Debiao understood what to do.

Debiao laughed at himself.

“Damn, I’m thinking too much, damn it.”

“We are not a regular army, those hostage civilians have a woolen relationship with us, and they care about their lives and deaths.”

Ma San echoed.

“It’s still okay to save it under the premise of ensuring that our own brother is guaranteed.”

“We don’t owe those hostages to those countrymen, and we have nothing to do with those foreigners and civilians.”

By this time, the brothers had reached the criminals’ sphere of influence.

The vanguard encountered a guard post on the periphery of the criminal forces.

The outlying posts of the criminal forces were frightened by the huge army in front of them.

Tanks, planes, vehicle-mounted howitzers, hundreds of armored vehicles…

The sentry sent someone to run back to report the letter, and he dared to ask loudly.

“Who are you? What is the matter of coming to our 23rd regiment station? ”

The brothers of the vanguard were lazy and nonsense, and fired directly at the sentry of the criminal forces after a round of gunfire plus three howitzers.

Before the criminals at the sentry understood what was going on, they were all sent to the West Heaven.

The reaction of these criminals who went to the Western Heavens before their death was that the regular army came to surround and suppress them.

After firing, Ma San ordered all his troops to advance at full speed.

The exchange of fire between the two sides has already spooked the criminals.

The lair where the criminal groups are located must be surrounded before they react.

At this time, there is only a dozen kilometers left from the old nest of the criminal gang.

The mechanized Predator Legion arrived at its destination in less than twenty minutes.

Along the way, three criminal gang sentries were also removed.

A tropical village appeared before the eyes of the brothers.

Compared to other ordinary villages, this village was converted into a rudimentary military base by criminal gangs, and many defensive structures were built.

Towers, trenches, walls…

By this time, the village was already in chaos.

Only ten minutes had passed since they heard the gunfire, and before they could react, they were surrounded.

The head of the criminal forces brought a group of core subordinates to a meeting to study.

“Who are those people out there? What should we do?” Hearing the leader ask, his subordinates began to talk.

“General, we should be surrounded by the regular army, except for the regular army, the triangle region does not have such good weapons and equipment for that force.”

“If it were a regular army, it would be easy to deal with, there are civilians in the base, as long as those civilians are caught in their hands, they will not dare to do anything to us.”

“I think I should first let people go out and meet these people, see who they are and what they are going to do?”


After some discussion, the leader of the criminal gang decided to send emissaries to negotiate and organize his men to defend.

Just as Ma San Debiao was about to let people attack directly, several criminals holding white flags walked out.

Debiao decided to suspend the attack and see what medicine was sold in the gourd of these criminals holding white flags.

Several criminals who negotiated were brought to Ma San Debiao.

Both sides were stunned when they met, but they didn’t expect it to be an acquaintance.

The criminal was surprised.

“Mr. Ma, it turned out to be you.”

Ma San also recognized the criminals who came to negotiate in front of him.

It was when he spent money to ransom his daughter that he had intersected criminals.

The criminals who came to negotiate never dreamed that this group of armed forces with more advanced weapons than the regular army turned out to be the same group of Chinese who had previously paid for ransom from them.

Suppressing the shock in his heart, the criminal said respectfully.

“Mr. Ma, what do you mean by bringing people to surround our 23rd Regiment?”

Ma San was about to speak, but was stopped by Debiao next to him.

“What do you mean? Haven’t we read the manifesto of our Predator Legion? ”

“Let you release all the Chinese and stop the crime of oppression of the Chinese, have you done it?”

“Now, on behalf of the Iron-blooded Legion, I officially declare war on the 23rd Regiment, get out!”

After listening to Debiao’s words, the criminal gang messenger who had not slowed down much was confused again.

This group turned out to be the seething iron-blooded legion that had recently made trouble in the triangle region.

That what a declaration, of course they received.

But no one in the Triangle took that declaration seriously.

Unexpectedly, the Iron-blooded Legion really came to the door.

The criminal group messenger said with a sneer.

“We have just received your declaration, and we have not had time to release the imprisoned Chinese.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll release it.”

“As long as the imprisoned Chinese are released and promised not to commit crimes against the Chinese in the future, can you not beat us?”

Debiao took out a pistol and aimed it directly at the criminal gang messenger.

“Damn it, do you dare to make a request with Lao Tzu when you step on a horse?”

“It used to be exactly what you said, but now it’s late.”

“It’s easy to let us let you go.”

“Release all the Chinese in your forces immediately, and then pay 20 million US dollars in protection fees.”

“Otherwise, sweep away your 53rd regiment.”

The messenger of criminal forces was stunned by the opening of Debiao’s lion.

Even if the request to release all the Chinese is completed, it will cost 20 million US dollars.

Their gang has worked hard for a year, and they may not be able to make so much money.

The messenger was very bold and did not take the gun that Debiao pointed at him seriously.

“Impossible, our general will never agree to this request.”

Hearing this, Debiao shot directly.


With a few crisp sounds, there were a bunch of blood holes on the legs of the messengers of the criminal forces.

“Lao Tzu and you don’t talk so much nonsense.”

“Give you half an hour, release all the Chinese, and then pay a ransom of 20 million dollars.”

“If we can’t do it in half an hour, we’ll just attack.”

Speaking, Debiao raised his wrist and looked at the time.

“Start counting from now on, hurry up and get out!”

Several criminals who followed the negotiations were frightened, hurriedly lifted the injured criminals lying on the ground and ran towards the village.

When these people left, Ma San couldn’t help but ask.

“If they promise all the conditions, will they really let them go?”

A sneer appeared at the corner of Debiao’s mouth.

“Fart, whether they agree or not, our offensive plan remains unchanged.”

Ma San said thoughtfully.

“Wouldn’t we be too untrustworthy in this way? Isn’t it good to spread it? ”

Debiao patted Ma San on the shoulder.

“As long as they are all killed, they will not be able to spread out.”

On the other side, the criminal messenger was carried back.

The other criminals accompanying him repeated the negotiation process to the leader.

After listening to the entire negotiation process, the backbone of the criminals at the meeting became angry and intense.

“General, let’s fight with them, don’t be afraid of these Chinese.”

“Even if you release those blood slaves, you still want to lie to us for 20 million dollars, it’s just a dream.”

“Tanks and artillery are just tanks, haven’t we fought with the regular army, can they still be stronger than the regular army?”

“If you can’t beat us, you will run, there are hostages and civilians in the village, and those people will definitely not dare to use weapons of mass destruction.”

Listening to the arguments of his subordinates, the head of the criminal forces, the general, was all big and loudly rebuked.

“Give me all quiet.”

Seeing the general’s anger, his men quieted down.

After a little contemplation, the general asked the envoy who had gone to negotiate and saw the Iron-blooded Legion.

“How are those people’s combat effectiveness? What weapons and equipment do we have, what are our chances of winning? ”

The messenger told the truth.

“General, the enemy is about three to five thousand people, and the light weapons are very complete.”

“But we have the cover of fortifications, and the threat to us should not be great.”

“It’s just that their heavy weapons are too strong, tanks, howitzers, helicopter gunships, armored vehicles, add up to hundreds of units.”

“In case of a fight, our weapons will not threaten them at all.”

“If these people are concerned about civilians and hostages, they will definitely not be able to fight in.”

If you have no scruples, I am afraid that a few rounds of shelling will wipe the village to the ground.

Listening to the messenger’s words, everyone fell into deep thought.

This Predator Legion is too strong.

They are certainly not opponents.

After thinking for a long time, the general at the head made up his mind.

“Promised them all the terms.”

As soon as this remark came out, the core subordinates of the criminal gang breathed a sigh of relief.

They said they wanted to fight, but they were just doing it for the general to see.

The difference in strength between the two sides is huge, and it is not a level at all.

Really fighting, these people are afraid that they will not survive a few.

“General, today’s humiliation, he will definitely let this iron-blooded legion wash away with blood every day.”

“General, you have wronged yourself so much in order to save your brothers from losses.”

“General, I hate to go out and fight them.”

Although he knew that what his subordinates said was very contrary to his will, the general’s face finally looked a little better.

Surrender before fighting, unspeakable grievance.

But for the sake of small lives, it is necessary to admit it.

Being able to blend in the triangle for decades, the general is very aware of current affairs.

“After today, this Iron-blooded Legion is the biggest enemy of our 23rd Regiment.”

“Now go and free those hostages!”

The criminals who received the order began to release the Chinese hostages.

A backbone of criminal forces questioned.

“General, if the hostages are released and given money, what if they don’t keep their promisesThe general said with a confident face.”

“There are thousands of civilians in the villages, as well as hostages from other countries, and even if they do not speak of credit, they dare not use weapons of mass destruction against civilian hostages.”

“When the time comes, those civilians and hostages can be taken hostage, and they can leave safely.”

The backbone of the armed forces looked at the general with adoration in his eyes.

“General, your wisdom makes me ashamed.”

“It will be their nightmare for this iron-blooded legion to offend the general.”

“I suggest that after this time, we also buy some weapons of mass destruction to take revenge on this Predator Legion.”

In the cells of criminals, hundreds of victims who had been deceived were held.

The environment here is unimaginably poor.

Each cell of less than 50 square meters was full of twenty or thirty people.

These people ate and drank Lazarus in their cells, and the smell was indescribably bad.

Outside the cell, there is a stone trough similar to feeding pigs, and the food left in it is even inferior to that of pigs.

The victims were thin-faced, their eyes blank, and they leaned against the wall motionless like the walking dead.

Some even had wounds on their stomachs, obviously choked on their waists.

The longest of these people have been held for several years, and the short is a month or two when people are often taken out and never returned.

These people can only be described as pigs and dogs are better off than life or death.

Perhaps death is a relief for them.

In the beginning, some people expected to be rescued.

As time passed, everyone despaired.

Even if they let their families pay ransom to criminals, these criminals still do not let them go.

A group of criminals entered the cell and began to open the door of the room where the Chinese were being held.

All the Chinese were taken out.

At first, the eyes of the countrymen who were taken out showed fear.

Being taken out of the cell in this place is not a good thing.

Whenever someone is taken out, it is difficult to lose an organ in the body, and the heavy is never returned.

The cell with a vicious environment has become the safest place. When a large number of Chinese people were taken out, the countrymen became puzzled. Normally, there are up to three or five people who are taken away at a time. It is rare for a hundred people to be taken to a hundred people at once.

Some Chinese people who can talk birds have the courage to ask.

“Big brother, where are you taking us?”

Normally, in the face of hostages’ inquiries, these criminals are lazy to respond, and even beat them severely.

But because of the Predator Legion outside, the criminals answered their questions unexpectedly.

“You Chinese are lucky, someone has come to save you, you are free.”

As soon as these words came out, all the hostages in the cell were confused…

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