Bronze Dragon: Tyrant's Road to Conquest

Chapter 413 Shattering the Abyss

This is a land shrouded in near-eternal darkness. There is no light from the sun, moon, and stars here. Only the light of the netherworld floats in the void like a ghost fire, bringing a strange glimmer to this dead land.

The air is filled with the smell of decay and death. Here, time seems to have frozen. On this land, countless dead bones and debris stand. They may have been heroes or ordinary lives, but now only cold skeletons remain.

Occasionally, a cold wind blows, and many bones break in the wind, turning into ashes, floating in space, and finally settling on the ground.

Sometimes, a green light flashes between these bones, which is a precursor to the resurrection of the undead. When these lights turn into flames, a skeleton with confused consciousness and confusion is born.

Kaba Kaba

Accompanied by the crisp collision of bones, a gray-white skeleton soldier crawled out of the ground with difficulty. In the swaying soul fire, he revealed his confusion about this dead land.

There were no clouds, no traces of birds flying in the sky, only endless darkness and depth. Just at this moment, a meteor streaked across the sky.

The meteor quickly fell in front of the newly revived skeleton soldier, and then turned into a skeleton wizard holding a white bone staff. He glanced at the newly revived skeleton soldier, raised his hand and a ray of light fell.

Strengthening the Skeleton

Under the nourishment of this magic light, the newly born, seemingly fragile skeleton quickly faded away the decay and grayness on its body, and each bone became bright and shiny, as if it had just been peeled off from a living creature, with a kind of vitality.

"Not bad!"

Under the gray robe with blood stains, as if made of a shroud, a thought of praise came out, and then a spell mark fell on the skeleton warrior whose soul fire between the skulls had obviously become much more vigorous.

This skeleton gained power, but also lost freedom. Its future is no longer chaotic and confused, but has a specific mission.

There are countless undeads with similar experiences on this land. The undeads born in the accumulated dead air on the land, whether they are skeletons, zombies, or ghosts, will be recruited by necromancers as soon as they are born.

On this lifeless land, there is a stable order that has been operating for many years. This strict order covers all the undeads on the land, without exception.

"It's been almost three hundred years, and the lost legions are finally about to be replenished. Which world should we launch the undead disaster on?"

In the center of the skeleton land, in the Pharaoh's palace built of dragon bones, the mummy king holding a scepter thought quietly.


The next moment, a world with the potential to advance to a big world appeared uncontrollably in the mind of the Pharaoh, followed by anger that was difficult for undead creatures to produce.

"Di Ruier!"

The Pharaoh quickly recalled the disastrous defeat three hundred years ago.

As a demigod mummy who has received the power of the abyss, he has endless hatred, greed and desire for the worlds that have given birth to many beautiful and life-giving creatures.

Under the nourishment of the power of the abyss, the emptiness and despair of being a dead creature have not been soothed much, but have become more extreme and radical.

Simply capturing lives and playing with souls can no longer satisfy his empty soul. Only by destroying the world and seeing billions of creatures go to extinction under its power can he feel joy and happiness.

Unfortunately, whether it is the demigod mummy who was a dead soul at the beginning or the demon lord who has fallen into the abyss, it is not easy to destroy the world, or it is very difficult.

However, no matter how small or almost impossible things are, they will become certain under the long time scale. Three hundred years ago, it got the opportunity to attack the small material world.

When its undead army gained a foothold in the material world, it was only a matter of time before the undead disaster enveloped the world and caused the world to fall into the abyss.

Without external interference, it should have developed like this, but under the guidance of the damn Heaven Mountain, the dragon beast army led by the dragon clan descended with an unreasonable number.

The undead army that almost flattened the entire material interface was defeated without any suspense in the face of the dragon beast army that was almost endless in number.

When the situation was about to be completely reversed, the Mummy King personally descended on the battlefield with the support of the Abyss, but his arrival only accelerated the defeat of this Abyss invasion.

Because of its arrival, the ruler of this dragon beast army, a true dragon king, emerged.

Even today, three hundred years later, the Mummy King still finds it difficult to accept his own defeat and the contempt and insult of the evil dragon.

This led to him mobilizing all the undead under his command after he was driven back to the Abyss and lost some of the grace of the Abyss Will. He collected all the undead bones with dragon blood in the entire plane and built a dragon bone palace for himself.

There was no other way. It could only vent its anger and dissatisfaction towards the dragons in this way. The dragons in the abyss were not targets for it to vent its anger.

As for the dragons in the material world, sorry, as a demon lord in the abyss, if he wanted to extend his claws into the material world, he could only rely on luck and wait for an opportunity. He could not do whatever he wanted.

"Damn lizard!"

Thinking of the anger, the Mummy Dharma King couldn't help but stretch out his bone claws, pulled out a white bone chain burning with blazing nether fire from the void, and whipped it fiercely at a bone dragon crawling beside the throne.

This undead creature standing at the top of the undead system was immediately whipped into a pile of broken bones under the anger of the Dharma King.

However, the dragon bones of this bone dragon were still intact. Soon, it reorganized its body under the power of the Dharma King. This is one of the undead characteristics of undead creatures.

In this process, facing the Dharma King who vented his anger wantonly, the soul fire in the skull of this bone dragon burned very stably, and it was obviously used to it.

"I must..."

The Dharma King clenched his bone claws and imagined that the whip he just whipped was on the damn dragon king.


Suddenly, a violent shaking came, the sky shook and the earth trembled. The dragon bone palace that the Dharma King had built with the power of millions of undead souls was also cracked in this violent shaking.


As the great lord of the abyss, the Mummy Dharma King noticed the abnormality at the first time. He just tore the space and stood in the sky, looking up at the top of the dark sky.

The source of the vibration did not come from the earth, but from the outside of the abyss level. There was an extremely powerful force trying to invade and break through the blockade of time and space.

It was this force that shook the level he ruled and cracked the palace he had built with so much effort.


A sharp friction sound resounded in the soul fire of billions of undead souls, followed by the sound of something extremely hard breaking.

The next moment, the plane that had been shrouded in darkness for an unknown period of time saw the light again, and a beam of light fell from the top of the sky.

This beam of light, for the undead on this level, is the most terrifying thing in the world. The undead illuminated by the light burned up at the first moment, and then turned into ashes and nothingness in the holy flame.

"Heaven Mountain Invasion?!"

Seeing the figure of the archangel emerging from the broken space-time crack in the sky, the Mummy King, who was particularly angry and even eager to fight, collapsed at this moment. As a dead soul, his cold mind could not accept such an emergency. At this moment, he just wanted to escape.

Degenerating into an undead and then falling into the abyss, what is he seeking? Isn't it immortality? Although he paid an unimaginable price for this, it is worth it in his opinion.

Because of this, the Mummy King cherishes his decaying life very much, and the situation in front of him is obviously something he is unwilling to face.

For the abyss, the blow from Heaven Mountain is not commonplace, but it is also commonplace and doesn't matter at all.

But that was for the abyss as a whole. If the blow of Mount Heaven fell on a single abyss demon, it would undoubtedly be an unbearable terrifying pressure, even for the great lord of the abyss.

"Follow the order of the Father God, and kill the lord of the 753rd floor of the abyss, Jindrich Stehlik!"

The archangel who tore through time and space completely descended into the abyss, and the light wings spread from his back, purifying all the filth, and the light was still spreading to the sky and the earth. The dead souls touched by the light, no matter how strong or weak, turned into ashes in the first time.

"Father God?!"

The mummy king, who wanted to run away, was shocked and sluggish. He really couldn't think of which god in Mount Heaven could be worthy of being called by the archangel in front of him.

But now is not the time to think about these things, because the descending angel has already chopped him with the sword made of endless light in his hand, as if he was holding his head to ask for credit from the Father God in his mouth.

The magnificent sword light illuminated the land of the dead souls that had never seen the sun since falling into the abyss. Under the brilliant light, countless dead souls wailed and gained eternal sleep.


Even the Mummy Dharma King, who ruled the entire abyss level, suffered unimaginable damage in the face of this sword. In front of this light with sacred attributes, his carefully constructed dead soul body was almost completely cut open, and his soul fire was purified by the sacred power.

"No, you are not an angel!"

The Mummy Dharma King, who was firmly locked and tried to escape but had no way, was severely injured and finally felt a sense of familiarity from this attack.

And when he saw clearly the specific image of the angel under the holy light, his already exploded mentality suddenly collapsed even more.

"Blood Angel! You are a minion of Direl!"

"You call the Father's name directly and tarnish the name of the Holy Blood. I will ask the Father to embed your soul fire in the hilt of my sword."

Angres, who was appointed by Direl as the pioneer of invading the abyss, had a cold expression. Although the person standing in front of him was a veritable Abyss Lord, he, who had been promoted to epic, did not take him seriously at all.

The terrifying undead who was restrained by him in all aspects and crushed by him in all attributes, his fate was doomed the moment he met him.

"No! How could this happen?"

The Mummy King could not accept such an ending in front of him. How much time had passed? He had just restored the undead army lost in the war with the dragon clan.

But the opponent's power has expanded to such an extent that he doesn't need to take action personally. Just sending one of his descendants can severely injure him or even kill him.

"Angeles, don't waste time."

In the space-time rift torn behind the archangel, many blood angels descended, and they unscrupulously vented their powerful power.

Each of them is a peak demigod who has reached the limit of the material world. With just one thought, they can be promoted to gods.

However, since the blood angels have already demonstrated, no blood angel is willing to become a god, so they all become warlike savior angels.

Each of them who descended into the abyss is a sacred sun. They don't need to do anything, just exist, and they can purify tens of thousands of undead at any time.


Angeles turned his head slightly and glanced behind him, and then he didn't want to test it anymore. The second epic is about to come.

So, the Mummy King, full of resentment, hatred and confusion, fell. His soul fire was extracted and his skull was taken away by a holy angel.

As the great lord of the abyss, he did not even have the chance to revive after this fall, because the level he ruled had begun to collapse.

The culprit that destroyed this dead and silent land of bones was the thick tree roots that protruded from the cracks in time and space, shattering the mountains and spreading the gullies.

The residue left after the shattering was taken away by these tree roots. This was not a simple tearing, but breaking everything, purifying everything, and then absorbing it.

"Can it be played like this?"

An old devil who was hiding in the gap of time and space and quietly watching everything was stunned, and then couldn't help sighing,

"It's a pity that I don't have a world tree in my hand!"



The destruction of the Abyss level is undoubtedly worse than simple plunder and division, and this has aroused great malicious dissatisfaction in the Abyss. One after another, terrifying figures appeared from the deepest part of the Abyss.

They are the oldest demon lords in the Abyss, and today, they feel the weakening of the origin of the Abyss and are stimulated to wake up.

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