"Evil dragon, do you still want to challenge the Seven Hills of Heaven Mountain?"

Hearing Tyrell's somewhat contemptuous and indifferent tone, Malok looked serious, but his heart was filled with ecstasy.

The Seven Hills of Heaven Mountain is a glorious place that represents perfection, order, sympathy and mercy. Many powerful good gods and their followers live there, among which the three gods of justice are quite powerful beings.

Angering the three gods of justice is equivalent to angering the Seven Hills of Heaven. This statement is not wrong, because every powerful god can call on many allies and willing followers to fight against evil. .

"I never said I wanted to challenge the Seven Hills of Heaven. Don't you think this little trick is ridiculous? When did you become the God of Conspiracy and Trickery?"

Dirrell sarcastically said that he who can rely on the power of the World Tree to live in the material world is innately invincible no matter which god he faces, even if it is a powerful god, but it does not mean that he will be invincible for no reason. To provoke powerful divine power.

The three justice gods probably had a bad impression of him because he started a plane conquest war. If these justice gods wanted to interfere with him because of this, Tyrell would certainly not give in, but they If they were just expressing disgust and dissatisfaction, Tyrell would naturally be indifferent and ignore them.

Anyway, the things he did are really not good for the world that was chosen as the target of the attack. It is just that those who follow the rules will prosper and those who go against will perish.

Tyrell didn't bother to sugarcoat this, because it was unnecessary.

"If you don't stop the war, the gods on Paradise Mountain will surely intervene."

Malok didn't take Tyrell's ridicule seriously. Some gods regard face as everything. Once they feel offended, they will show their power and even destroy themselves for it. But he is different. He has fallen to the bottom before. Then he used the teachings of Dragon Slaying to reach the top again, even better than before.

"It's not your turn to worry about it. If you want to use this to intimidate me, then I can only say that you are thinking too much."

Tyrell no longer has the patience to continue struggling with this incarnation.

He has even defeated the stalker's true form. As for this incarnation, even if the restrictions in the Green City world are relaxed, it is still no better than the true form.

The most important thing is that the world of Ludu is now within the realm of the World Tree. Under the blessing of the World Tree, Tyrell has exploded with terrifying combat power that makes Malok unbelievable.

With just one blow, the incarnation of Malok was destroyed. The golden light of divine power flowed in the sky, turning into a bright rain of light and falling on the earth. However, it dissipated into the void before it even touched the ground. Merge into nothingness.

"world Tree!"

In the kingdom of God where dragon bones can be seen everywhere, a majestic god suddenly opened his eyes on a throne made of dragon skulls and let out a roar.

There was a golden terrifying divine light bursting out from his eyes, causing the entire sky of the Kingdom of God to roar, and the terrifying aura spread out in all directions.

He has not been so aggrieved for a long time, and all this is because of that World Tree. Without that World Tree, what qualifications does a newly promoted Dragon King have to be rampant in front of him? He would have been killed by him long ago. Hunting, the skull was also hung on his temple.

"Despicable reptile!"

Malok was very angry. He had not thought of other means, such as seducing the giant dragon out of the World Tree and away from the World Tree. Even the Dragon King was just at his mercy in front of him.

But the problem is that this reptile is timid, cowardly, and extremely cunning. Even if it leaves the world and enters the void, its position still maintains a deep connection with the world. If something goes wrong, it will shrink back. It would not escape the control of World Tree, which left him helpless.

"The Three Gods of Justice."

The divine light in Malok's eyes flashed, and he gathered together a group of medium divine powers, weak divine powers or even weak divine powers, which were of no use to him in hunting this dragon king. Those guys were not even as good as him. If the wind direction was slightly wrong, they would immediately retreat. No entanglement.

In contrast, finding one or even multiple powerful gods may be able to change the situation of the war. After all, although a World Tree is powerful, it has not grown to its peak.

"That's almost it. I'm not trying to destroy you. Why are you struggling so hard to resist? Why don't you cooperate with me honestly?"

In the world of Green City, Tyrell looked down at the resistance army below who had fallen into despair, and looked up to the higher reaches of the sky. He knew that in the face of the crisis of annihilation, the already active will of the world could witness everything.

However, as soon as Di Rui's words fell, countless thunderbolts with a deep color and almost darkness came crashing down on Di Rui. However, before these terrifying thunders could touch Di Rui, they were struck by Di Rui. The light that burst out from your scales was completely destroyed.

"As long as you cooperate with me, all creatures and species on the earth can be preserved and continued, and they will have a better future. Resistance will only usher in complete destruction. I really don't like this!"

Tyrell sighed.

He felt that he was already a merciful and generous conqueror, because as long as the ethnic group had no intention of resisting him and was willing to obey, they could receive the most basic civil treatment.

Even if they receive the lowest treatment, at least they should be treated as one of their own, not as slaves or cannon fodder on the front line.

Moreover, if you don’t contribute much at first, you can only get the lowest treatment after joining. Isn’t that normal? If you want to improve your salary, you must obtain more military exploits.

However, there is no need to feel sorry for the dragon slayers who have been shouting and killing him, the dragon clan he rules, and the followers of Malok. The more loyal and determined they are, the more they must be destroyed. .

His hero, my enemy

Tyrell admires those rebels who can show outstanding qualities that shine like stars in the most critical times.

The way to appreciate them is to use stronger power to completely obliterate them, then cast statues for them, carve monuments, record their deeds, and finally provide them for his vassals and ethnic groups to learn from.


Di Ruier's whisper did not weaken the thunder roaring in the sky much, but this was just the dying struggle of the Ludu world. With the suppression of the world's fighting power, even the foundation of this world, no matter how deep it was, it would not be the same. No matter how deep it is, it won't help.

Unless this world can go to the void to call another epic, and allow him to enter the world and fight with Tyrell.

However, not to mention how rare epics are, even if there happens to be an epic passing by, in such a situation, he will carefully weigh the gap between himself and Tyrell.

Although Tyrell has not been promoted for a long time, he is not a newbie on this road. With the nourishment provided by many worlds, he has gone a long way.

The wings of the flying dragon cover the sky and the sun, the torrent composed of the earth-moving dragon shakes the mountains and rivers, the sea dragon species occupies the ocean, and the roar of the dragon dominates everything in the world.

After a long period of resistance that lasted for thirteen years, the world of Ludu finally fell, and all the land, seas, and even the sky were occupied by the Dragon Clan.

The last dragon-slaying hero was strangled and devoured by a group of deep dragons that could travel through the soil in an underground fortress, and along with it, the world's last resistance force was buried underground.

Finally, as the legion under Di Ruier conquered all the land in this world and made all the surviving creatures in this world surrender, the intensity of the drag and pull of the World Tree on the Green City world suddenly became stronger, and the world They are all accelerating towards the world of Carlos and are beginning to integrate.

Of course, a more accurate description is that the world's resistance has been weakened to a minimum, which also reflects that the swallowing and guiding power of the World Tree has become much greater.

That is to say, on the day when the World Tree grew again, a platinum-gold dragon appeared outside the world of Kallos, and the divine power as vast as the sea flowed vertically and horizontally from the void.

If you are in the world and look up, you will be able to see the highest point of the sky. In addition to the original red sun, there is also a white-gold sun, and this sun appears larger and more brilliant.

Just looking up, a feeling of admiration arises spontaneously. This reaction is most obvious among creatures with dragon blood flowing in their bodies.

"Your Majesty Bahamut!?"

Tyrell, who was already dozing off and preparing to take a good nap, felt the aura manifesting in the void, and his spirit couldn't help but tremble.

This dragon king, whose strength was increasing day by day, suppressed all the sleepiness, then opened his dragon wings and went straight into the void.

"You don't need to call me Your Majesty anymore. With your current growth rate, you may be able to surpass me in a short time."

Looking at the platinum dragon god Bahamut, who has a slender dragon body in front of him, winding nearly two kilometers across the length and breadth of the dragon king, and the platinum dragon god Bahamut who has arrived in his true form, his expression is somewhat complicated, because he is in the body of the dragon king in front of him. You can also see your own shadow.

"No matter what, you are the father of the good dragon."

Tyrell came to the void. Glancing towards the deep darkness, I didn't know when the divine kingdom of dragon stalker Malok had disappeared. This powerful god actually chose to hide and retreat when the platinum dragon god Bahamut arrived.

This is a very interesting thing. A powerful divine power with a notorious reputation would deliberately avoid seeing a medium divine power.

However, if this is a Dragon God, it would be much normal, because no matter which Dragon God it is, the divine power level can only be used as a reference and cannot be used as a combat power rating.

"But can you still be considered a good dragon now? Your relatives and vassals under your command have ignited dozens of worlds with the flames of war."

"Are you here to question me?"

After hearing the words of the platinum dragon god, Di Ruier also felt something in his heart. It was probably that the dragon god was really under great pressure in Tiantian Mountain, so he had to come in person to talk to him.

"You once described your ideal country to me. It is for this reason that I gave you guidance. However, your current behavior makes me feel confused and I can't help but reflect on the choices I made back then."


Hearing the words of the Platinum Dragon God, Tyrell couldn't help but feel speechless. He wanted to complain. Even without guidance, he just spent a little more time to obtain other powerful creatures from the void as a reference.

The Dragon God talked about the bloodline pedigree he gave him back then, as if it had a crucial and decisive influence on his growth.

He accepted the love of this Dragon God, and the long bloodline of the Bronze Dragon Clan really gave him a lot of help in his growth and gave him a direction to evolve.

But if you want to use this to control him and make him give in on launching a war of conquest, then you can only say that you will disappoint this dragon god.

Because this is his way to achieve immortality and pursue eternity. No matter who it is, it will be a fight to the death to hinder him from moving forward on this path.

"Time will prove how correct your decision was back then."

The real thoughts in his heart naturally could not be said. Di Ruier still had enough respect for this dragon god on the surface.

Although the substantial help this dragon god gave him at present was almost nothing, he still helped him in the end, which could not be denied.

"I also want to wait and see if time can give me an answer, but you don't have much time."

The platinum dragon god sighed. If he could, he didn't want to come over, but he really had no choice.

"Why do you say that?"

"Many gods on Mount Heaven are dissatisfied with the war you have started, and some gods are ready to intervene."


Diriel wanted to curse, saying that he was meddling in other people's business, but he also knew that the gods living on Mount Heaven were basically of this kind, otherwise Mount Heaven would not be the most desirable place for the extraordinary people in the lawful good camp.

"I tried to dissuade them, but unfortunately, the wars you launched made my explanation pale and powerless, and I can no longer stop them."

"So you came to ask me, want to ask me if you can end these wars?"

"Yes, as long as you can end these wars and return the conquered worlds to their original residents, the gods of Mount Heaven will not intervene."

"It sounds like a very generous result."

Hearing the conditions proposed by the Platinum Dragon God, Diriel resisted the urge to laugh. Perhaps in the eyes of the gods of Mount Heaven, this was already very generous, or it could be said that it was a very generous result for him, the conqueror, and even gave enough face to the Dragon God in front of him.

"Unfortunately, even so, I cannot accept this. These wars are not what I, a single dragon, want. They are the common aspirations of billions of creatures in the world of Carlos."

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