Bronze Dragon: Tyrant's Road to Conquest

Chapter 403 Is this the way to test the Dragon King?

The winding and slender dragon swam in the sea of ​​clouds, with a thousand-meter body covered with shining golden scales, like a flowing galaxy, passing through the vast sea of ​​clouds. The huge dragon body was like an endless mountain range, stretching across the sky, making the followers who followed him feel awe.

The deep dragon pupils seemed to be able to see through everything in the world, and the pupils reflected the scene of the sky and the earth intertwined. As he slowly poked his head out, the clouds were gently pushed away, revealing the majestic and elegant dragon head.

The dragon's mouth opened slightly, and the breath he exhaled turned into gusts of breeze, rolling up layers of clouds and waves, and the sound of thunder rang, making the surrounding air tremble.

The sea of ​​clouds rolled, and the sky and the earth changed color, as if the world was making way for this eternal and immortal existence.

Unfortunately, such a wonder, except for the followers who followed this dragon king, no other creatures could see it, because this is the end of the world, a place of nothingness and chaos where rules exist but are weak.

Here you can see suspended islands, backward flowing rivers, and the wonder of the sun, moon, and stars hanging in the sky at the same time.

"After all restrictions are lifted and there are no worries, you grow so fast!"

The Dragon King patrolling the border poked his head out of the sea of ​​clouds and looked at the green branches that had grown to the edge of the world, and couldn't help but sigh.


The branches of the world tree growing to the border swayed gently, making a crisp and pleasant sound of gold and jade colliding, and with the disturbance of this branch, the invisible space ripples spread, pulling out the more majestic branches behind this branch.

It was a sacred tree growing in the center of the world, whose canopy had covered the sky and covered the earth. Its existence was so conspicuous, but so low-key.

Because all living things in the world have taken it for granted as a part of the world, and even believed that it was it that supported the sky and the earth.

However, although the branches of the World Tree have covered the sky, the lush sea of ​​trees is hidden in the void, but at the same time it is everywhere.

As long as the realm of power reaches a certain limit, the existence of the World Tree can be detected. Before the realm of power is broken, ordinary creatures look up at the World Tree and see the pillar of heaven connecting the sky and the earth.


Just at this moment, outside the border of the world, a huge and boundless shadow emerged, breaking everything, making a terrible sound like the collapse of the sky and the earth, and everything was shaking.

"Here it comes."

Di Ruier, who led a group of followers to the border, was naturally not bored. He looked at the shadow that was approaching and becoming clearer with his eyes.

It can be seen that it is a vast continent, and in the center of the continent, a towering tree that makes the mountains pale in comparison.

The branch of the World Tree!

It led this continent, gradually approaching the world of Carlos, and under this branch, millions of creatures could be seen gathered together.

They were the survivors who survived the destruction of the world with the help of the power of the world tree. They worked hard until today, just to re-enter a world with complete rules, prosperity, and infinite vitality at this moment.

"Apocalypse Holy Dragon!"

When the remains of this world approached under the traction of the branch, and began to gradually integrate into Carlos under the guidance of the world tree, the surviving immigrants also saw Di Ruier leading a group of followers to meet them.

Even if Di Ruier only showed part of the dragon body, it made these survivors excited and excited, but there was no panic.

Because long ago, Di Ruier's image had frequently appeared in classics and murals, and was even carved into statues and worshipped as a totem-like spiritual belief.

When the belief that allowed the tribe to continue was truly manifested and appeared in front of them, the impact was unparalleled.

However, Di Ruier was calm and at ease about all this, as it was not the first time he had received such remnants of the remnant world.

Because of the many times, a fairly complete processing process has now been formed. The followers he brought with him are here to handle related matters.

From the ruins of the precarious situation to the world with perfect rules, these remnants need to be suppressed by sufficient force and guided correctly, otherwise it is easy to cause chaos.

It is undeniable that the arrival of these remnants also adds luster to the prosperity of the Carlos world, and more importantly, it will increase the extent of the erosion of the world tree on the origin of the Carlos world.

The benefits are more than that, because Di Ruier once appeared in front of these immigrants, and now, as he promised at the beginning, he has saved them and allowed the tribe to continue, without having to worry about the disaster from the void, so there will be a large number of devout believers and fanatics among these immigrants.

That is, Di Ruier now rejects becoming a dragon god, otherwise, with his current strength and accumulation, he can completely achieve a godhood with one thought.

Unfortunately, countless dragon ancestors have already proved that the path of dragon gods is not easy to walk, except for the five-colored dragon mother and the Lord of the North Wind, the two dragon gods who are entangled in fighting.

Other dragon gods that have appeared in history, except for a few fallen dragon gods, more dragon gods deliberately hide themselves behind the years, using the power of time to make all living things forget themselves and get rid of the shackles of the path of gods.

Although he didn't know what the tricks were, Di Ruier was determined to walk on the road of the Dragon King when he had a choice.

Although the power of faith was good, it could even give a mortal eternal life in one day, but it also had to bear the corresponding price, or responsibility.

There was never any good thing in this world that was free, especially faith. It was a bit too much to call it poison, but for those who pursued freedom and didn't like to be bound, this thing was really not good.

Therefore, Di Ruier let the faith power contributed by these immigrants go as they pleased. If they wanted to worship, they could worship. But if they wanted to get his response or even blessing from the act of worship and offering, then they were just dreaming. If they wanted to get benefits, they had to rely on merit.

He didn't have any good feelings for those who did nothing but kowtowed to the gods every day, even if the gods they worshiped were him.

"Your Majesty, the evaluation results of this remnant world immigrants have come out!"

Just as Di Ruier was quietly feeling the surroundings around him, and suddenly a wave of faith power surged again, a Holy Blood Angel had already come to him holding a bark scroll emitting golden light.


Di Ruier glanced at the evaluation results on the scroll. For this group of remnant world immigrants, there were three Holy Blood Angels, two dragon armor giants, and three champion knights.

Although there were slight differences, the overall opinion was that they should be isolated and observed for thirty years, and their entry and exit to the main continent should be restricted. If there was no major riot, they would be allowed to integrate and all isolation restrictions would be lifted.

"Follow the above implementation."

Di Ruier had no plan to change or intervene in the judgment results of this group of followers. As long as they could handle it well, Di Ruier was happy to throw all matters to them.

For these foreign immigrants, because of Di Ruier's relationship, the local creatures naturally could not reject or suppress them, but unconditional acceptance and allowing them to integrate were not advisable.

Therefore, a hierarchical management system came into being to assess the dangers of these immigrants struggling to survive in the broken world, as well as their acceptance of the order established by the Bronze Code.

The best assessment result is naturally to set up no isolation, allow all members to integrate, and the continent they are in will be directly incorporated into the main continent.

The worst assessment result is that due to the high danger and destructiveness, it is not recommended to integrate into the main world of Carlos, but to sink under the earth and merge with a root of the world tree.

Although the immigrants living in it can also obtain the protection of the complete world law, the space they are in is basically independent and closed. If they want to go to the main continent, they can only go through the channel of the world tree.

This is basically equivalent to excluding this group of survivors from the main world. Although it is a bit cruel, the result is not unchangeable. Everything depends on their specific behavior.


As Di Ruier's thoughts fell on this evaluation scroll, an incomparable and majestic force was triggered, and the green light rain fell, covering the land that was gradually integrating into the world of Carlos, washing away all the dead air on it, and also clearing away the hidden remaining threats.

At the same time, a sky-blue curtain has surrounded the entire continent. In the next thirty years, only those who have obtained permission can leave this remnant tribe for a short time.

The rest of the people can only live in it. Only after spending thirty years honestly and steadily, this curtain will disappear and they will be accepted.

"Tsk, it has increased by one point."

Feeling the integration of this world wreckage, the origin of the world has been strengthened silently, and Di Ruier's mood has inevitably become happy, because the world tree has grown with it, and he, the king of the sacred tree, has also benefited from it.

It's a little, but it's stable.

This is a continuous income, which is something that most epic beings would never dare to hope for. After all, even if they follow the path of gods, they may not be able to have such a good thing. In other words, the fighting and struggle between gods are more tragic than epics.

"My fruit is ripe!"

Suddenly, feeling the slight growth and strength, Di Ruier's expression moved, floating in the sea of ​​clouds, the body of the dragon king overlooking all spirits, disappeared in an instant, and appeared on the trunk of the world tree.

Even though Di Ruier already has a thousand-meter dragon body, compared to the world tree whose canopy covers the sky, his body is still too small, so that he can walk freely in the canopy without restraining himself.

The world tree that has grown to the present is not yet at the level of one flower, one world, one leaf, one space, but the canopy now has already become a world of its own, and there is an ecology that is completely different from that on land.

It is no exaggeration to say that this can be regarded as the "heaven" in the world of Carlos, where the supreme gods live.

"Speaking of which, the ripe fruits before were all eaten, so this one is the real first one!"

Di Ruier came to a fruit that was about to mature. It was a huge fruit with a diameter of about 70 to 80 meters. Although such a size was too exaggerated for ordinary people, it was normal for the world tree and a little small.

Under the gaze of the Dragon King, the extremely plump fruit was suddenly torn apart by a force bursting from the inside, and then a giant bird shining with divine light appeared.

This is a creature that has a body structure similar to that of a dragon, but is completely different from the dragon. It has four claws similar to those of a dragon, but there are as many as eight pairs of wings on its back.

What's more important is that what covers her body is not the hard dragon scales of dragons, but rich and white feathers, and the head does not have horns, but a particularly gorgeous-looking crest.

Sixteen-winged dragon

With the authority of the King of Divine Trees, Tyrell has absolute control over the first generation of gods born from the World Tree, so he already knows everything about it at the moment of its birth.

This is the first divine descendant that the World Tree has bred for him. The related powers it possesses and the areas it can control are almost completely covered by Tyrell.

It is no exaggeration to say that this feathered dragon had no power to resist in front of Diria. No matter what opinions he had, he had to suppress them honestly.

I don’t know if it was deliberately arranged by World Tree or unintentional, but in general, Di Ruier was extremely satisfied with his descendant of the Gods.

He was already thinking about how to train her properly so that she could become a qualified tool dragon. After all, she was a guardian dependent born from the sacred tree, so she had no foundation to speak of.


The newly born sixteen-winged feathered dragon opened its long and slender beak and let out a cry that penetrated gold and cracked stone. The sound spread throughout the world in an instant.

After the voice sounded, Di Ruier's expression changed slightly, and the way he looked at this member of the God clan was also different, because in just a moment, he determined the gender of this feathered dragon, and it was clearly a female. dragon.

"You deliberately?"

There were too many coincidences added together, so it couldn't be regarded as a coincidence. Tyrell lowered his eyes and looked at the branches at his feet with a slightly unkind expression.

This first-generation protoss looks like it was tailor-made for him, whether it is strength, gender, or even its shape.

A female protoss whose form combines angels, dragons, and birds, and is completely unable to resist him in terms of strength.

Doesn't this clearly tempt him and test his will?

"Haha, who are you looking down on? Do you dare to give birth to a few more children?"

Tyrell sneered and sneered at World Tree's little moves. Do you still want to corrode his will? It would be too much to underestimate him.

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