Source power is the omnipotent power. With this kind of power, no matter what you think in your heart, you can evolve it, turn the impossible into the certain, and turn the smallest possibility into the reality.

This is source power!

This is omnipotent and omnipotent power.

But if this power is used in this way, it is the greatest squandering and waste. For individuals, the best way to use the source power is to break down the barriers between the mortal and the divine levels, and use one's own power to Without relying on the faith of all living beings, he has the power to rival the gods.

"Too little!"

In the world of Kalimdor, a dark place untouchable by all living things, above the sparkling source power lake, countless tree roots intertwined and criss-crossed, firmly controlling this place.

On the Lake of Source Power, it seemed that thunder was about to be born, but before it manifested, there was a completely opposite force condensing inside it, cutting it off, so that no counterattack could be produced here.

Tyrell's consciousness is integrated with the World Tree, and he can even manipulate the roots of the World Tree with his own will to penetrate into the Lake of Source Power, and then endless information will emerge.


An unprecedented sense of crisis emerged, but fortunately, Tyrell was not in personal contact and had time to react. He immediately pulled away his consciousness and avoided the tragic end of becoming an idiot.

"How terrible!"

Tyrell muttered to himself, but there was no record related to it in his inherited memory.

At that moment, an endless torrent of information came over. It was all things in the world of Kalimdor, all things, their operating rules and changes.

Such a torrent of information, even if his ancestor dragon status touches it even a little bit, his consciousness will be washed away to the last bit.

That is something far more dangerous than the legendary great arcanist replacing the role of a god with a mortal body.

After all, the great arcanist only replaced one of the gods, and this god was only responsible for the smallest part of the operation of the world's laws.

But what the World Tree wants to replace is everything. Even if it is just a small material world, the information and computing power contained in it can make a powerful god avoid it.

This is truly poisonous!

Of course, if one can bear it and absorb and digest it all, then his state can probably pursue the legendary state of the Creator.

After all, the laws of all things in the world are in the heart. If the power is enough, it can open another world.

"I'm afraid only I, with the help of the power of the World Tree and touching the sea of ​​world source power, will encounter such things beyond my understanding."

With Dirrell's dragon bloodline level and the bloodline inheritance obtained through this, he naturally knows a few ways to obtain source power.

But no matter which method is used, the source power obtained will not be in any danger during the fusion process, because the source power obtained in these ways has basically been disconnected from the world and will not be connected with the world. The laws of all things are interconnected.

"You'd better do it yourself, I'll just watch."

Tyrell has a clear understanding of himself. This kind of thing can only be done by the World Tree himself. He can't even help from the side now.

If the World Tree draws on the Sea of ​​Force, then it must assume the responsibility of maintaining the laws and making all things run.

Otherwise, the entire world will collapse and be destroyed in an instant, and countless billions of creatures will enter their end together, turning into another dead world ruin in the endless void.


The emotion conveyed by the World Tree is no longer joy, but also a bit tense and solemn. For a World Tree of its age, the pressure of carrying a world with complete rules seems to be a bit high.

But it is impossible to give up halfway now. If it cannot grow as soon as possible, it may not escape the risk of being cut down.


Purple-red thunder streaked across the dark sky, bringing a moment of light, but it was full of blood, exuding an ominous meaning. Countless creatures trembled and did not dare to speak. They could only pray silently in their hearts. This terrible Everything can end as soon as possible.

The concept of time has been completely lost at this moment. No one can perceive how much time has passed. It seems like just a short breath or as long as a century.

When the cyan light appeared in the sky and drove away all the darkness that shrouded the sky, an indescribable sense of relief emerged in everyone's hearts. Even if no one told them, they knew that everything was over. .

At the same moment, the frequently erupting geological movements stopped, and the roaring thunder and storms in the sky gradually subsided.

The sunlight, whose color had changed slightly, shone again, and a completely different aura from before filled the air. It seemed to contain a vitality that was refreshing.

The fatigue and tension accumulated in the previous changes in the world and in the panic were swept away, and everyone seemed to have taken off a heavy burden and no longer needed to carry it.


A wood elf carefully poked his head out from the hemispherical tree and vine house. He breathed in the air with the smell of fresh vegetation with a somewhat greedy expression. His face showed an intoxicated look unconsciously. This smell seemed to be better than what he had before. Around the tree of life, the atmosphere felt is even more intoxicating.

"Mom, have we reached the Dragon Realm?"

In the human gathering place, a little boy also broke away from his mother's arms, looked up at the sky, which was completely different from before, and asked expectantly.


Although I really want to answer this question, under this unknown change, even adults are no different from children.

"Mom, look quickly!"

Suddenly, the little boy pointed to the sky excitedly. While the adults were still confused, he shouted happily,

"What a tall tree!"

It was only then that no one noticed that at some point, at the end of their line of sight, a trunk towered into the sky. It was indescribably tall and majestic.

"What's this?"

Most of the humans were at a loss, but the elves who had learned a certain truth were cheering. The giant tree emerging in the center of the world had confirmed what was just announced. They had returned under the World Tree, and the changes in the environment were Better to verify this.

"I'm going to see the World Tree!"

On top of the ruins of the First Tree City, the elf princess Fulian stood floating, looking calmly and announcing her decision to the many elves who had gathered around her again, as if she was the leader.

"I am willing to follow His Highness."

"me too."

Many elves expressed their opinions one after another. In the center of the First Tree City, the roots of the World Tree that were originally like pillars of heaven had long since disappeared, leaving only a bottomless huge pit on the ground.

The World Tree, which is far away in the horizon, has taken shape and looks very close. But every elf knows that the World Tree is far away from them, and it is still unclear whether it can get close.

"There should not be too many elves visiting the World Tree. The First Tree City needs to be rebuilt, the injured tribesmen need to be resettled, and we cannot abandon our home."

Fulilian quickly made the decision as the decision-maker. Although some elves were unwilling to do so, under such changes, the elves still followed the orders of Her Royal Highness the Elf Princess.

That is to say, when many elves in Kalimdor were preparing to visit the World Tree, Tyrell, who was entangled in the crown of the World Tree, once again connected his spiritual consciousness to the World Tree and explored the harvest of the World Tree.

heavy, tired, sleepy

As soon as he came into contact with the consciousness of World Tree, Tyrell was stunned by the negative emotions transmitted by World Tree, because it was too different from what he expected.

"what happened?"

A faint doubt emerged, and soon, Di Ruier asked clearly why.

The World Tree has taken control of the world of Kalimdor. On the level of time and space, part of its main roots have penetrated deeply into the core of the world of Kalimdor and penetrated into the sea of ​​source power.

This is the reason why many creatures in the original world of Kalimdor can see the World Tree. Unfortunately, what they see is actually the World Tree that has been distorted and enlarged by the power of time and space, and is not the real World Tree. .

Moreover, without the permission of World Tree, they can only see and never be able to get close to touch World Tree. This is more exaggerated and even terrifying than the so-called "Wangshan Race to Death".

The reason why the consciousness of World Tree generates so many negative emotions is because it has now taken over everything in the world of Kalimdor, and it needs to maintain the operation of the world.

It was as if a child who was still receiving preschool education was suddenly told one day that he was about to take over the position of the supreme governor of a certain city.

Of course, Xiaotong was very happy when he heard the news, but when he actually took over, sat in this position, and knew the workload that needed to be handled, his mentality suddenly exploded.

Although this child does have the potential to serve as the supreme chief executive, and can even do an even better job, he is just a child now and has to bear a burden that should not be borne by his age. But fortunately, this child can accelerated growth.

"You have to endure it for a while and get used to it for a while. Soon you will feel very comfortable."

Tyrell said in relief, and the will of World Tree responded to him very languidly.

It’s not you who maintains the rules of the world!

"After I am promoted to Dragon King, I will definitely assist you and relieve your pressure!"

Di Ruier opened his mouth and promised in a majestic way, and then asked impatiently,

"How much energy can you extract for me to use for promotion?"

Although the sea of ​​force in the small material world cannot be called a sea at all, it is just a small pool of water, but the force contained in it is definitely more than enough to be promoted to the Dragon King. As for how much is left, Di Ruier has no idea. number.


When World Tree heard Tyrell's request, he immediately responded.

"So that's it."

Tyrell fell into thinking.

Although source power is almighty power, the method of obtaining it is particularly demanding. For legends, it is almost impossible. Even gods have no way to obtain source power. They can only obtain it by chance. , maybe it can be obtained.

Because under normal circumstances, no world will give up its source power, which is the key to maintaining the operation of all things in the world. Once the source power is too little, the world will face the risk of collapse and destruction.

This is what Yggdrasil told Tyrell. Although the world of Kalimdor has a small source of power, if he does not want this world to completely collapse, then he cannot take away too much.

Even the World Tree needs enough source power to support the world. Without this power, no matter how high the status of the World Tree is, it is just an empty shell.

"How much can you give me without guaranteeing that Kalimdor will not be destroyed?"

Tyrell asked again. The world of Kalimdor was the source of numerous soldiers under his command. Of course, it was impossible to destroy it. He was not that prodigal, and the situation was not to the point where he would risk everything.

"Three drops!"

The World Tree gave Tyrell an unexpected answer.


Tyrell showed a look of joy. Not to mention three drops, even one drop would allow him to try to be promoted to become the Dragon King.

"In that case, let's start now."

Tyrell was not sloppy at all, he just conveyed a thought, and then lay down in the canopy of the World Tree, letting the many vines on the World Tree tightly entangle him, wrap him in one place, and turn into a diameter A hundred meters of tree cocoon.

"I wonder how long this promotion will take?"

A faint thought fell, and Tyrell closed his eyes regardless of what was happening outside.

After he falls asleep, without his protection and suppression, his territories around the world may be suppressed like never before, or even wiped out, and all the benefits he has worked so hard to win will be lost.

But it doesn't matter. When he wakes up, everything he lost will be regained as soon as possible, and he will gain the whole world.


A liquid droplet that cannot be described in words quietly appeared above the forehead of the lying giant dragon, and then merged into it without any stagnation. The power enough to evolve all things was concentrated, and then it exploded and spread to the whole body.

Golden light flowed and escaped from the gaps between the giant dragon's scales. Then, even the scales could not hide the brilliance. The light was so gorgeous and dazzling that it infected all the tree vines surrounding the giant dragon.

Just in an instant, a golden sun appeared between the crown of the World Tree, casting an even more dazzling light on Kalimdor, which had just been integrated into the roots of the World Tree.

Under the illumination of this light, the whole world and everything began to change. At first it was humans and the beasts living in the wilderness mountains, then elves with higher blood levels, and in the end, even Even high elves cannot resist change.

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