"Finally waiting for you."

After many years, the third fruit of the World Tree finally matured. Tyrell looked at the fruit that fell from the crown of the tree, with emotion in his eyes.

This fruit is different from the two fruits that Tyrell and his partner Su Hailun swallowed. It is where Aslan's soul rests. When the fruit matures, Aslan will be reincarnated successfully.

As the fruit fell to the ground, the fruit, which had turned pure black, split open, and then, a black-haired man with waist-length hair appeared.

When he appeared, the entire half-plane was trembling gently. In the sky, there were colorful divine lights. The earth cracked and sweet springs flowed. Countless elves flew out among the flowers and grass at this moment, with faces full of joy. singing hymns.

At this moment, the World Tree is blooming with divine light. Between the collision of branches and leaves, the sound of gold and jade can be heard, like a supremely beautiful song, celebrating the birth of the king who is in charge of life and death.


The man who had the most perfect body in the world when he was born opened his eyes, his eyes were full of emptiness, and soon a look of energy appeared, but it was full of confusion.

At the moment when his self-awareness was restored, the fruit fragments scattered around him suddenly flew up and began to change in the air. Their shapes transformed and fitted to his body, turning into an extremely slim, luxurious and elegant figure. A majestic battle armor, and at the same time, a long sword gathered and formed in his hand.

"Tsk, you are so considerate!"

Seeing Aslan, who was already dressed in divine clothing without even opening his eyes, Tyrell couldn't help but sigh. He still doesn't have a piece of equipment that can fully suit his needs. The only one that is easy to use is The Ring of Dominance is becoming increasingly useless now.


Hearing Di Ruier's emotion, a branch suddenly broke, and then fell in front of him. Golden divine patterns spread on it, and then thunder light appeared. In the blink of an eye, the messy branches were trimmed as quickly as possible. Transformed into a sharp spear.

"I'm just talking, why do you really give it?"

Looking at the throwing spear made of world resin in front of him, Tyrell was overjoyed. This was a weapon that suited him very well. With the status of the world tree, it was naturally ranked among the artifacts.

But just after having fun for a while, Tyrell couldn't help but feel a bit sour in his heart when he saw Aslan, who was armed to the teeth.

"Dirrell, I'm alive again!"

After adapting to his new body and feeling the terrifying power permeating his body, Aslan still looked a little dazed.

After all, he only touched the edge of the legend before he died in the battle, but now he has mastered the power that surpasses many legends. This power, in his opinion, is enough to rival the gods.

"how do you feel?"

Tyrell looked at the weak chicken in front of him, feeling that he could knock it down with just one dragon claw, and felt a little disappointed. However, when he saw the number of fruits hanging in the crown of the World Tree, he breathed a sigh of relief. Although the quality didn't meet his expectations, the quantity more than made up for it.

Moreover, the innate gods born from the World Tree can still gradually become stronger through subsequent training, and their strength is not static. It is very impressive to have a legendary mid-level power at the initial starting point.

"I've never felt so good."

Aslan stretched out his hand and clenched his fist. What he now possesses is power that Legend cannot control. This power has invaded the realm of gods.

"I want to try this power I have."

As the saying goes, with a sharp weapon in hand and a murderous intention, he has mastered such powerful power. Aslan was a little eager to try, and there was something wrong with the way he looked at Tyrell.

"It's easy to say. I will let my heir take you to the battlefield to experience it."

Tyrell completely ignored the desire in Aslan's eyes. He knew that this guy wanted to weigh him, but the weight was too light for him.

Therefore, Tyrell summoned the two Blood Angels. The moment the angels arrived, the heat in Aslan's eyes quickly cooled down and he regained his composure.

Because in his perception, these two angels, who looked respectful and obeyed Dirrell's orders, were clearly not much different from him in strength, and even made him feel a strong threat.

"Is this your child?"

However, Aslan's attention was quickly attracted by other important points, with a look of interest in his eyes and a sense of inquiry in his words.

"You found an angel as a companion?"

"I don't have angel partners, but my blood flows in their bodies, so they can be regarded as my children."

"I see."

Aslan nodded thoughtfully, he could understand the meaning of this sentence.

"Okay, didn't you say you wanted to give it a try? Then go to the battlefield. That's the best place to test your strength."

Tyrell is also very curious about Aslan's power and how it will perform in a real battle. As for him to go out and test it himself, there is no need.

As the king of the sacred tree, he has too many immunity rights. If Aslan's power falls on him, ten points of power can have one point of effect, which is considered good.

Aslan looked at the two angels beside him and followed them happily. Wearing the armor of Hades and holding the sword of Hades, when he came to the battlefield in the deep sea, he felt as if death had come.

Wherever his feet step, wherever his eyes go, and where his sword points, they are all areas of death.

"This is the master of food abuse!"

Tyrell couldn't help but sigh as he watched Aslan's performance on the battlefield from a perspective overlooking all things.

When he first chose the reincarnation fruit for Aslan, he gave him the power of death. After all, Aslan was in a soul state at that time.

Although it is not impossible to train him to become the King of the Undead, it is really unfair to the last monarch. More importantly, there are not too many disadvantages of becoming an undead. It feels like there is no way to succeed in the road of the undead.

However, the authority granted by the World Tree, as it no longer restrains itself, and the World Tree domain is expanding crazily in the world, has also had extremely exaggerated and terrifying effects.

Aslan who descended on the battlefield is the most vivid manifestation, because with him as the center, a terrifying underworld has descended, and within the scope of the underworld, all creatures entering it must constantly withstand instant death attacks.

As long as the soul is not tough enough and cannot bear it once, it will instantly fall to the ground, the soul will be pulled out, and then integrated into the realm.

No creature weaker than Aslan can withstand such an attack. Even some special sea nobles with some treasures that are immune to instant death spells cannot sustain it. They can block it once or twice, but if it is ten times , what about a hundred times?

The result will be whatever it is, and there won't be any difference. Only creatures that have condensed divinity can stand in front of Aslan, but even so, they have to withstand quite exaggerated suppression.

Although in Tyrell's view, Aslan is not invincible at all, and he has not done much to weigh his thoughts, but due to the special nature of his power, he is almost invincible in the material interface. posture.

Because that is the power of rules, an authority that only gods can control.

In just one battle, Aslan single-handedly pacified a country in the deep sea.

The title of Pluto was naturally spread accordingly. The endless sea beasts kept rushing up, but fell down faster than cutting wheat, which really frightened many marine races.

However, there are some ancient beings who, because of the spread of the power of the Death Rule, have also cast their sights on the world of Carlos.

It didn't take long for Tyrell to receive reports that a large number of unidentified legends, suspected to be from outside the world, had entered Kalros.

Most of these legends, after entering the world, disappear and are difficult to trace, but some are extremely high-profile, joining the forces of a certain kingdom, claiming to be here to spread the belief in gods.

"Although late, I'm here."

Tyrell was not surprised when he received the news. Instead of feeling a sense of crisis, he was actually a little disappointed.

"But there is only this little movement? So what if there are more legends?"

Tyrell, who did not take those legends too seriously, was in the demiplane of the World Tree, working with the research institute to figure out how to use the power of the Red Dragon King Quinn.

It is no exaggeration to say that with the power controlled by this evil dragon king, it can be hung on some small planes as the sun.

For an evil dragon capable of such a position, Tyrell would certainly not seal it underground like the Dragon God. Instead, he would find a way to add energy extraction facilities to the seal.

If the power of the evil dragon king can be continuously extracted, even if it is not particularly stable, then the energy required for the production of many dragon nests will have a stable source, and he can really have an endless legion of dragon beasts.

Under the premise of ensuring a certain quality, with almost infinite quantity, what else cannot be bulldozed? Doesn't exist at all.

However, just when the situation was looking good, Tyrell soon received bad news. While tracking an ancient black dragon, Veronica, the Dragon Mother of Green City, was attacked by an unknown legendary team at the entrance to the Underdark. ambush.

The Green City Dragon Mother, whose power was only slightly weaker than the Red Dragon King Wayne, actually suffered wounds that were difficult to heal in a short period of time. It was not until the Holy Blood Angel Angeles hurriedly arrived that the ambusher Then he quickly retreated, saving the Ludu Dragon Mother from misfortune.

"what happened?"

Immediately after receiving the news, Tyrell summoned Veronica, who was preparing to recover from her injuries. Faced with Tyrell's inquiry, the Dragon King actually showed lingering fear in his eyes.

"It's the dragon stalker Malok. One of the legends who ambushed me is his incarnation. The weapons used by the other attackers are all dragon-slaying weapons forged against dragons. There are also Malok's weapons on them. Divine power.”

"That's not surprising."

Di Ruier understood and nodded slowly. A dragon as powerful as the Ludu Dragon Mother would naturally attract the attention of the powerful divine power that was madly targeting the dragon clan.

Being incarnated by the god himself and leading a legendary team to kill him is not a very outrageous thing. After all, he is a dragon hunter. With such a god's name, it is not surprising that he will do anything to dragons.

"Show me the wound."

Di Ruier's eyes fell on the body of Ludu Dragon Mother. On her body, wounds caused by various heavy weapons could be seen from beginning to end. Some parts even had penetrating wounds. At this moment, these scars There was a power that he found extremely disgusting, flickering to prevent the wounds from healing and regenerating.

The green dragon did not speak, but bowed his body obediently. Tyrell stepped down from the throne and gradually approached. He stretched out his claws and gently stroked the green dragon's body.

On his body, the supreme power originating from the World Tree emerged, pulling out these divine powers one by one. As his dragon claws brushed the body of the dragon mother, the green dragon regained its original perfection and flawlessness, blooming with An amazing charm, but Tyrell turned a blind eye to this mere temptation.

"Do you want revenge?"

When the atmosphere was a bit charming, Tyrell directly broke it, leaving Veronica stunned for a moment as she was about to think of something, and then hatred ignited in her eyes.

As an evil dragon, he wants to tear apart all creatures that harm him, even gods.

"Of course I do."

"In that case, let's make some plans."

Tyrell also made no secret of his disgust for that powerful god. Metal dragons had no immunity in front of this god whose goal was to slay dragons. The powerful metal dragons who died under his followers and his incarnations, There are really not a few.

The most important thing is that this god once made trouble in the Elmond Continent, but was suppressed by the dragon army sent by Diriel. Seriously speaking, he and this powerful god had formed a relationship a long time ago. There was a grudge.

However, before Diriel and the Dragon Mother of Ludu could discuss a plan, another piece of bad news was sent to them by the Shadow Army.

Aslan is assassinated!

In the deep sea, Aslan, who led several Blood Angels to continuously attack the city and conquer the country, finally encountered a fierce counterattack from the divine level.

His chest was pierced by a divine weapon. Even though he was wearing a armor with the potential of a divine weapon, it could not block the damage for him.

When Tyrell saw Aslan again, the Pluto, who had just been born and had not been around for a long time, was already in a dying posture. His chest was penetrated by a snake-shaped dagger, and a mysterious divine power flickered in it.

"Which god is this?"

Seeing this close friend's posture, Tyrell did not show any signs of anxiety and directly brought him into the demiplane, and then pulled out the dagger from his chest without any care.

The moment the dagger was pulled out, the divine power that even a demigod could hardly bear was expelled, turning into a skull with a crown on its head, surrounded by black energy.

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