Bronze Dragon: Tyrant's Road to Conquest

Chapter 388 Enemies of the Gods


The Blood Angel in the state of possession was confused, but it was not because of the advent of Diriel's will, but because of the will that Diriel conveyed.

"Do you know how many gods and forces are paying attention to us? This is our first battle to conquer the deep sea. You fought very beautifully, but don't be too cruel. You still have to give a glimmer of hope."

Diriel comforted his angel offspring who had almost no emotions. Compared with Angeles, who had experienced a lot, had rich emotions, and had a stronger and stronger self-independent personality, the many Blood Angels born after him were more like ruthless killing machines.


Although he had doubts about the will passed down by Diriel, after Diriel explained, the Blood Angel still chose to obey.

As for the mermaid queen, facing the surrender conditions given by Diriel, she naturally had no hesitation. Compared with hunting an ancient deep-sea monster, choosing to fight the dragon clan to the end was undoubtedly a stupid choice.

Because she was very sure that this ambitious dragon emperor, who was no longer satisfied with his own interests, had the ability to destroy all obstacles in front of him.

Although hunting the Dark Ancient Abyss Beast would cause her and the remaining forces of the kingdom to suffer heavy losses, it was better than being slaughtered.

Although she was not without the ability to resist, she didn't know whether the other party would die once such a means of mutual destruction was used, but the bloodline of the kingdom would definitely die out. She couldn't bear it and was afraid of the final result.

With the surrender of the mermaid queen, the dragon beast tide that started from the Sedellin Islands continued to spread to deeper waters.

The many corpses that appeared in this war were also carried by lower-level dragon beasts and sent to the vicinity of the ocean dragon nest that was gradually dragged forward with the spread of the dragon tide, and the dragon nest was used to transform them into a new third-level ocean dragon vein army.

When the transformation was completed, the number of dragon beasts expanded further. After all, this was a crushing victory. Although the neighboring mermaid kingdom was prepared, it did not expect to meet the main force of the dragon clan.

It was a legendary battle group composed of seventeen holy blood angels, and under it, there was a giant army composed of more than three thousand dragon blood giants, which were basically transformed from ocean giants.

These giant species born in the deep sea found it difficult to resist the temptation of ancestral dragon blood, not to mention that Diriel was further promoted and became an ancestral dragon.

When Diriel rose to power, his reputation spread all over the world and spread into the deep sea. Many ocean giants, as long as they had some ambitions, would naturally gather under his command.

And these giants who had completed the transformation still retained their previous habits, that is, they would tame many powerful sea beasts, and as their strength became stronger, the types of sea beasts that could be tamed by them naturally increased simultaneously.

This also meant that the giant army, which seemed to have only three thousand people, actually had several times the combat power of the surface, which was definitely a terrifying force.

Not to mention that all ocean giants could set foot on land to fight. Although their combat power would be weakened due to the change of geographical advantages, it was not unacceptable at the most dangerous time.

Under these giants, there is a torrent of third-level marine dragon beasts, which are close to one million and are now rapidly increasing.

It is these forces combined from top to bottom and from high to low that directly pushed the Mermaid Kingdom, leaving the Mermaid Queen to beg for mercy, and even at all costs, just to get a chance to bow her head and surrender again, without any intention of fighting to the end.

Now this force is spreading deeper into the ocean. It is no exaggeration to say that this is a conquering army that is difficult to find an opponent. It is impossible to find a legion that can match it in the world.

However, war will inevitably result in double death, and casualties are on both sides. Low-level casualties are completely acceptable, but high-level casualties are difficult to replenish in time.

In a protracted war, if there is no strong enough legendary combat power, or if there is no way to replenish the high-end combat power of the middle and high levels in time, no matter how powerful the legion is, it will be exhausted.

Therefore, Di Ruier will relax the threshold and give all marine forces with multiple legends in charge the opportunity to surrender in time, or to honestly admit their mistakes and make up for it after resistance.

However, the forces in the deep sea are not as soft and fragile as the Mermaid Kingdom. Legends with multiple legends naturally have their own foundation. Having the support of gods can be said to be the most basic. If not, it would be a bit strange.

However, in the face of gods sending down the incarnation of divine power to help their believers or races to resist external crises, there is a simplest and most rogue way when the logistics can hold up.

Besiege but not attack

The gods are beyond the tolerance limit of the rules of the material world. If the gods want to interfere with anything in the material world, they need to pay ten or even a hundred times the power in the astral world.

In order to protect the believers, the incarnation of divine power is sent down. Even if there are devout believers who volunteer to be the carrier of divine power, the consumption is extremely terrifying.

With such consumption, ordinary gods can only come a few times occasionally. Even with powerful divine power, it is impossible to project for a long time. This is not a question of whether it can withstand it, but a question of whether it is worth it.

The gods who are almost immortal have a deep foundation. Even if the divine power is enough to support it, they will weigh the gains and losses. What can the consumed divine power be exchanged for?

The reason why gods protect believers is because the power of faith provided by believers is the foundation for gods to hold their thrones high and maintain immortality. The continuous power of faith is also the main source for gods to gather their divine power.

However, when the input exceeds the output, that is, when the help that believers in need of protection can give to the gods is far from enough to offset the power consumption required for protection, the gods will naturally make a wise choice.

Giving up is not a difficult choice to make, especially for gods. The so-called face is not worth mentioning in the face of real and worthwhile interests.

You must know that once too much divine power is lost, there is a risk of being taken advantage of by hostile gods, which will directly affect oneself, and the loss of some believers will only cause temporary weakness.

In such a rogue way, it is still feasible to deal with the incarnations of gods with weak divine power. If a slightly stronger god is angered and takes revenge at the expense of his strength, it will still cause Tirel to feel heartache. s damage.

"You need help, young Dragon King!"

The five-color head was revealed in front of his eyes. The ferocious posture and the evil energy that seemed to emerge through time and space clearly revealed the identity of the dragon god who came in a special posture before him.

Five Colored Dragon Queen, Tiamat

Tyrell, who was within the scope of the World Tree, was not surprised at all when he saw this evil god whose name resounded across countless planes.

It is only natural that the war he started can attract gods. So far, the legions he has sent to conquer the ocean have collided with many ocean gods. He himself has received many warnings, but He ignored the warnings of these gods.

As long as the World Tree can grow, the King of the Divine Tree who has made a contract with it will also receive the favor, and he can be promoted to become the Dragon King.

Not only that, after becoming the Dragon King, he can continue to stay in the material world under the protection of the World Tree realm, without entering the void and facing many ancient existences.

Once he can become the Dragon King who can freely stay and shuttle in the material world, all the gods, even the powerful ones from above, will not matter to him.

However, in the face of this war, if there were gods who were hostile, there would naturally be gods who would choose to support him. What surprised Direal a little was that it was the Dragon God who came to him first.

But it’s not too surprising, after all, this evil god has been committed to restoring the glory of the dragon clan and restoring the glorious era when the dragon clan ruled across countless planes.

Any evil dragon that can rule and occupy one side can get his support, even if this support often does not get much reward, but this mother of evil dragons is still happy to do so, tirelessly, and never corrects.

"I do need the Dragon God's support, but I don't need your support."

Interference from the gods outside the world is of course the biggest obstacle that Tyrell needs to face in trying to conquer the unified world.

If some powerful gods are willing to support him in this matter and prevent these gods from interfering in the material world, then his road to conquest will definitely be much smoother.

"Are you waiting for Bahamut's pedantic old fogy?"

Upon hearing Tyrell's words, Tiamat let out a disdainful sneer.

"This hypocrite, He is hesitating, He is even considering whether to stop you."

"Is it?"

Tyrell was noncommittal about the information revealed by the Mother of Dragons. He dared to start this war, so he was naturally prepared for the worst.

Even if all the gods were against it and sent down incarnations to stop his conquest, he would still carry out the plan in accordance with the established plan.

"Bahamut is not worthy of the title of Father of Good Dragons at all. He forgets his identity as a dragon god, and instead would be swayed by those lowly and lowly creatures. It is simply ridiculous."

Tiamat lashed out at the platinum dragon god in front of Tyrael without any scruples. Then, the ancient blue dragon head shining with electric arcs came close to Tyrael.

"I think you are a very outstanding child. You are qualified to replace the pedantic old stubborn and lead the dragon clan to glory again."

"I have no interest in becoming a Dragon God."

Tyrell directly stopped and cut off all the delusions of this evil god. As for the bewitching eyes full of temptation, he turned a deaf ear.

Replacing the platinum dragon god, this old female dragon is really brave.

"It seems that you are planning to choose to become the Dragon King. It is a smart choice, but this is also the most difficult road. You will face countless difficulties and obstacles, so you need someone like me to protect you."


Tyrell sneered when he heard the old female dragon say such outrageous words. If he didn't have the power to dispel the incarnation of the evil god projected in front of him, which was almost like a dream and an illusion, he wouldn't have thought about a single word. If you communicate with it, you won’t listen to Him forcing you to do anything.

"Besides you, I also know many Dragon Gods. If necessary, I will pay enough to ask them to take action."

The evil god in front of him has never been on Dirrell's list for help. On the contrary, he has a place on the liquidation list. If there is a chance in the future, Dirrell would not mind killing this old female dragon.

"You can ask them to take action, but how long can you sustain it? Even if you become the king of the world, you won't be able to take too much of the treasure that can attract the Dragon God's attention."

"What about you? Your help is free?"

"Of course, as long as you agree and are willing to sign a contract with me, I will do my best to clear out those guys who try to hinder you."

"No dragon will help another dragon for free, even if it is a blood relative."

Tyrell looked at the Five-Colored Dragon Queen coldly.

The so-called free is probably the highest price. In this case, it is better to spend a lot of money to ask for help from those dragon gods who are trying to hide themselves behind the long history.

"You're right. I don't have any requirements, but I won't charge you a single copper coin. I just need your promise that after you conquer the world, you will allocate all the land suitable for my children to breed. Me, controlled by me.

Moreover, you must call me the only dragon god in your kingdom, do not hinder me, and do your best to promote my faith..."

"What you think is quite beautiful."

Upon hearing the conditions proposed by this evil god, Tyrell couldn't help but laugh.

"If I follow your terms, then why should I fight? Everything I have will be given to you."

"I'd be very happy if you did."

As if she didn't hear the sarcasm in Tyrell's words, Tiamat actually showed joy and said unceremoniously.

"Go away, old female dragon, there won't be any statue of yours in my empire."

The hypocrisy has reached such an extent that Di Ruier has lost all patience and has thrown aside the countless warnings and instructions in his inherited memory that he must respect the Dragon God.

"You are too presumptuous, you know you have offended a god..."

"The number of gods I offended is not thirty, but twenty. If you want to take revenge on me, then go ahead and queue up. It's not your turn now."


Before the Five-Colored Dragon Queen could take the opportunity to get angry, along with a burst of hearty laughter, the platinum-gold divine power spread suddenly, destroying all the dragon queen's projections that Tyriel was extremely tired of.

"Your Majesty the Dragon God."

Although he has no respect for the mother of evil dragons, Di Rui still retains a little respect for the father of good dragons. After all, the other party has given him particularly important guidance on his continuous evolution, allowing him to determine direction.

"Although Tiamat is my divine enemy, you must still have the most basic respect for Tiamat before you are promoted to become the Dragon King."

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