Bronze Dragon: Tyrant's Road to Conquest

Chapter 370 Transformation into a Dragon, Creation

"The True Ancestor of the Blood Clan?"

After hearing Su Hailun's words, Di Ruier lowered his head and looked at the pink little bat in the scales of his claws. After a brief observation, he saw that this vampire was special. It was a second-generation vampire.

No matter how strict the bloodline is, there is almost always a path to promotion, but the degree of difficulty is different. The simplest one is the devil or devil in the abyss, and even the lowest lemure or cowardly devil. It is possible to evolve into the top Abyss or Hell Lord.

Although the dragon clan does not have such a clear promotion route, creatures with dragon veins can be enhanced in various ways, or their bloodline can be purified, and they can gradually evolve and become stronger. Even the humblest kobold can become a powerful one. Half dragon.

The same is true for vampires. In theory, even acquired vampires who have been transformed through the first embrace may step by step reach the top of the vampire sequence, which is the prince.

Its difficulty is almost comparable to that of ascending to the gods, but no matter how difficult it is, such existence does exist. However, most of the vampire princes are still promoted from high-ranking vampires such as earls and dukes, but there are also some. They are born at this level, and the number of such vampires is even rarer.

"Nice experiment!"

There are very few creatures that can attract Di Ruier's attention to this day. After confirming that this is the direct lineage of the true ancestor of the blood race, Di Ruil's eyes suddenly showed strong interest.

Under such gaze, the body of this pink little bat suddenly trembled, and uncontrollable panic appeared in its eyes.

Because not long ago, his faith was shattered by the dragon in front of him. The immortal monarch who ruled the Kingdom of Eternal Night was defeated. Although it was not his true body and only sent an incarnation, in his opinion, there was no difference.

He has fallen into the hands of the enemy. Judging from the current development trend, unless the King of Eternal Night is willing to send a stronger force, such as his True Ancestor who was seriously injured and is still recuperating, otherwise he will Don't even think about going back.


Su Hailun frowned. She knew that her partner devoted a lot of energy to the field of living bodies in alchemy, but she did not expect that he had reached such a state and still continued to study, which can be said to be tireless.

"I originally wanted to take him under my command, but I didn't expect that he had an owner, so I could only use it as an experimental product, which can be regarded as waste.

It's just a good time to take a peek at what kind of secrets are hidden in the blood of the vampires. Maybe I can find out some of them and use them for my clan. "

Tyrell's eyes flashed with golden light, and the changes in the former flying dragon king Raton already showed that he was extremely close to, and even had the creation authority of the dragon king.

He can use himself as the source to create a brand new dragon clan, but all his current natural powers are developed and evolved based on the bronze dragon, and there are no other unique abilities derived yet.

The World Tree has given him the authority of the King of Divine Trees. Even if he controls the life domain and possesses almost infinite vitality, he has a natural advantage in the battle of consumption, but this advantage cannot be integrated into his descendants. There is no way and it is impossible to pass it on through blood.

What you can think about before is the shadow realm. Maybe you can find a way to integrate it into your own bloodline so that your heirs and dependents also have the natural authority related to the shadow realm.

Now, there is another research and development direction, and that is vampires. Although lower-level vampires have many weaknesses, as the bloodline level increases, the weaknesses become less and less. The highest-level vampires can be said to be immortal. Destroyed monsters.

High-level vampires can revive and regenerate with only a drop of blood or a bit of minced meat left. Such a powerful immortality would be extremely beautiful if they could be possessed by their dependents and descendants.

As for the other weaknesses that the vampires have, they have to find ways to eliminate them. It's not necessary. Dragons don't need to draw strength from blood.

Dragons with pure blood, even white dragons, can feed on inorganic substances to temporarily satisfy their hunger. If they add bloodthirsty characteristics, they will be weakened in disguise, and the gain will not be worth the loss.

"Have you reached this point?"

Hearing Di Ruier's words, Su Hailun's eyes suddenly showed a look of horror. As the ancestral dragon, she knew what these words meant.

"It's very close. Now I'm just preparing in advance, but I don't know how long it will take before I can reach that level."

Tyrell replied.

"too fast!"


"Nothing, let's talk about the Kingdom of Bultan. The group of exiled nobles I promised to take in have found several children with royal blood, and they are ready to support one of them as the new king."


"They asked us to help them restore their country."

"A country that has perished will have no need to reappear if it does not rely on its own strength."


Tyrell's words were a conclusion. Even if the missing legends returned when the Bultan Kingdom was destroyed and gathered together in one place, it would still be impossible to rebuild the country on the original land.

“What do you plan to do with these lands after they are recovered?”

"Do I have a better choice besides you?"

Di Ruier glanced at Su Hailun. It is obvious to all that the golden dragon's ability is obvious. Of course, the most important thing is that most of the time, this golden dragon basically keeps pace with him and can follow and understand his ideas. The old golden dragon is completely different.

"of course not."

The golden dragon raised his head, proud and confident.

"So, can I entrust you now to preside over this war on my behalf?"

Di Ruil said softly, Su Hailun was stunned for a moment, with suspicion in his eyes, and looked Di Ruil up and down.

"You're not going to take care of it now?"

"I've already taken down the toughest one, and it's just a matter of time before I can clear out the rest."

Although he knew that there were many evil gods behind the dark races that rushed out of the ground, Dirrell believed that with the power he had shown, the gods would basically not end up intervening in this war again.

Gods with infinite lifespans can be said to be the most conservative existences. They will only end their lives when they are sure to have clear benefits. If there is even the slightest possibility of harming themselves, they will choose to wait and see.

If the gods do not intervene, and with so many ancient dragons, Blood Angels and legendary giants joining the battlefield, it is obvious which way the war will be won.

"Then I will take over the rest of the war."

Although it can be judged that the probability of the fate of the gods is extremely small, there is no guarantee that there will be a few mad gods who will invest their power. It is indeed too arrogant to speculate on the gods with the thinking of normal mortals.

"Thanks a lot."

"It is my honor to serve His Majesty the distinguished Bronze Dragon Lord. How can I say it is hard work?"

After Jin Long dropped a yin and yang word, he disappeared from Di Ruil's eyes, without giving Di Ruil a chance to respond.

"How angry!"

Tyrell sighed with emotion, then looked down at the trembling true ancestors in his hands, thought for a moment, and returned to the realm of World Tree in no hurry, settled in the mountains, studied the secrets of immortality contained in the bloodline of the vampires, and pondered How to extract it and integrate it into your own blood.

Apart from anything else, if he could make all the flying dragons under his command have characteristics that are as difficult to kill as the vampires, then he would be able to level the Suklite Continent just by the number of flying dragons.

“There’s a long way to go!”

Tyrell sighed in the air and immersed himself in research, but the news that he lived on the top of the Orpheus Mountains spread naturally.

Suddenly, Prolando, where land prices were already high, once again attracted the attention of many wealthy businessmen and exiled nobles. The prices of residential areas near the Orpheus Mountains soared again.

In an increasingly chaotic era, the weak are eager to be protected by the strong, especially the exiled nobles who have experienced turmoil and seen prosperity collapse in front of them. In order to gain a sense of security, They spared no expense.

The exaggeratedly high transaction price stunned some old residents living in the port area. There were many people who were interested, but not one of them actually sold the house they lived in.

It is easy to sell a house, but it will be even harder to buy it back. Even in the outermost port area, it is difficult to find a house.

As time passed quietly, people who spent huge sums of money to buy houses found that the decision they made this time was simply the wisest choice in their lives.


Starting from the residential area at the foot of Mount Orpheus to the port area offshore, all residents, especially ordinary people who have never practiced cultivation, especially children, feel it most closely.

After the Bronze Dragon Lord settled in the Orpheus Mountains, he could feel that his body was changing under the influence of an invisible and material force almost every day. Something that could be observed with the naked eye would appear every three or two days. obvious change.

The most distinctive change is that scales will grow on the body. Those tiny scales, like rice grains, will pierce the skin and emerge from the cheeks, and will appear on the shoulder blades or back.

This is an extremely distinct characteristic of dragons. The first ones to show this change are those young children who are still learning to speak, and they are also ordinary children from ordinary families with no background.

Thanks to the long-term dominance of dragons and the pilot and implementation of literacy education, even ordinary people in Punolando Port have considerable knowledge, especially knowledge related to dragons.

When one's own child has inhuman characteristics, just a little recognition brings joy, more than fear.

This is not an isolated case, but appears in groups. This can greatly relieve the uneasiness of ordinary people. When the same changes appear in oneself after a period of time, this emotion will disappear. To achieve stability and contentment.

However, compared to the dragon scales that appear on young children, what appears on most ordinary people are just scales. But even so, the changes brought to ordinary people are extremely obvious, because this makes ordinary people The strength in his body is increasing day by day.

What follows is all-round growth, hearing and vision are brightened, diseases are eliminated, life span is extended, and minor injuries heal. Of course, in addition to these many benefits, there is also a small trouble, that is, a sudden increase in appetite.

If the food intake of each household increased, it would not have any impact on the entire city. But at this moment, the invisible realm enveloped the entire city, and everyone in Punolando was quietly transforming invisibly.

This has caused the entire city's demand for food to rise to an extremely terrifying level. However, in a city guarded by ancient dragons, there is naturally no famine, let alone turmoil. These problems have not affected the careful research being done. On the blood of Tyrell.

"It's a bit exaggerated!"

Although most of his energy is devoted to research, Tyrell is not deaf to what is going on outside the window. Occasionally, he needs to receive battle reports from the outside world, so he will naturally pay attention to the city at the foot of the mountain, aware of those who are because of him. And the changes that occurred.

The life breath exuded by powerful dragons will naturally erode and assimilate surrounding creatures and plants within a certain range, and even change the terrain.

Today's Tyrell is naturally worthy of the word powerful, and the realm formed by his unconscious breath of life has enveloped the entire city and even radiated to further areas, but those areas are temporarily beyond the reach of city dwellers.

In this area, all animals and even plants began to change due to the existence of Tyrell. The most obvious changes were naturally made by living creatures. The weaker the living creatures, the more obvious the impact.

Today in Punolando, the proportion of ordinary people without any extraordinary powers is less than half, and this proportion is still decreasing year by year.

However, since Tyrell returned and lived in Prolando for a long time, the number of ordinary people in this city has been decreasing rapidly. I believe that in more than ten years, there will no longer be an ordinary person in this city that is recognized by the world.

"It's still a little slow."

After observing Punolando, Tyrell was still not satisfied with the ordinary people who had dragon-like characteristics on their bodies.

There are indeed a huge number of ordinary people who have obtained dragon veins due to the erosion of his energy. However, these dragon veins are too weak and can not only be ignored, but also have no possibility of being passed on. Once he leaves, within three generations, they will return to normal. The original appearance.

"No rush, no rush, take your time!"

The fragrant blood was floating in the palace. Dirrell, who noticed that his emotions were a little abnormal, lowered his head and looked at the vast blood pool in front of him, as well as the bloody giant that was tightly bound by many alchemical chains in the blood pool. beast.

Bright red fine scales cling to the broad wings, and sharp dragon horns pierce from two places on its forehead. It is difficult to tell what kind of monster this is. The whole thing seems disharmonious, but it has a round and flawless appearance. feel.

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