Bronze Dragon: Tyrant's Road to Conquest

Chapter 366 Fight against evil and regain lost ground

"The Burtan Kingdom is about to be destroyed, why don't you come to me for a discussion?"

After listening to the report of the Shadow Legion, Di Ruier contacted the Golden Dragon Su Hailun, who was not only the governor of Punorando, but also the duke of the Burtan Kingdom, and had a territory corresponding to the title.

In theory, the Burtan Kingdom is now on the verge of destruction, and Su Hailun, who has taken its dukedom, should also go to the battlefield to support it.

Even if there is no actual monarch-minister relationship between the two, since the benefits have been received and it has been occupied for so many years, it doesn't make sense to say nothing and do nothing when there is a problem.

"What do you want to discuss with you?"

Faced with Di Ruier's active inquiry, the Golden Dragon was quite indifferent,

"You have so many things to worry about, how can I have the nerve to bring such a small matter to you, you don't even have time to care about your own offspring."

"I have been watching their growth."

Di Ruier sighed helplessly. He didn't know how to explain to the Golden Dragon so that Su Hailun could understand him. He was already spoiling this biological offspring enough.

Those Blood Angels who were infinitely loyal to him and called him father were all sent to the battlefield for training not long after they were born.

Although his two biological heirs were heading to the equally dangerous Green City, it was an area covered by the World Tree Domain, and there was no need to say much about safety, which was no different from playing at the gate of their own garden.


"Let's talk about the Kingdom of Burtan. I believe you will not sit idly by. How is the war going over there?"

Although he had received a report from the Shadow Legion, he still needed to ask the legends who participated in the war for a more detailed situation. Only they knew the most real situation.

"The Burtan royal family applied for asylum to me, and I have agreed."

Su Hailun said lightly.

"Huh? You didn't participate in the war?"

Di Ruier was particularly surprised, but he was not surprised that Su Hailun would take in some exiled royal families or nobles. After all, this kind of existence is not uncommon in Pronolando.

"How much energy do you think I have left to fight against the power of the destroyed kingdom? Protecting the Burtan royal family and its remaining nobles is the limit of what I can do."

"It seems that the dark races that crawled out of the ground are very strong!"

"They sent a final notice to Pnolando, demanding that all dragons in the Burtan Kingdom be withdrawn before they capture the Burtan capital."

"I don't seem to understand. Are you asking me to give up the Grand Dukedom you own, or do you ask me to give up Pnolando?"

Dirrel's eyes narrowed slightly. Although Su Hailun had made it very clear, he didn't react for a while, because he found it hard to believe that there was a force in the Carlos world that dared to make such a request to him. This is no longer self-confidence, but arrogance and ignorance.

"All the territories of the Burtan Kingdom will belong to them, including my Grand Dukedom and Pnolando you occupied. They believe that it is also the territory of the Burtan Kingdom and should not be occupied by the dragons."

Su Hailun explained briefly.

"When did this happen?"

Di Ruier's expression relaxed, but he became quite calm.

"It's been more than half a year."

"You didn't respond?"

"You didn't give me the right to mobilize any legion, and the city's garrison has been expanding in recent years, but it's always not enough."

"... I'll take care of this matter."

Di Ruier was silent for a moment and said.


Su Hailun agreed without hesitation, and then interrupted the communication without waiting for Di Ruier to continue.

"Drow elves, gray dwarves, mind suckers..."

Di Ruier didn't care about his partner's little emotions. After all, he was a dragon, and it was understandable that he would be angry for a long time. It would be fine after a while.

He began to think about the powerful races living underground. He just listed all those races, and even considered the gods who might stand behind these races. He couldn't figure out how these guys dared to be so arrogant as to ask him to withdraw from his territory.

Who gave them the courage? Who gave them the courage?

Or were their brains sucked dry by the mind suckers?

He really couldn't understand how these dark races who had finally fought their way out of the underground had the guts to challenge him? After winning a few battles and about to destroy the kingdom, their self-confidence swelled?

Di Ruier couldn't understand.

Of course, he couldn't understand it, but it didn't stop Di Ruier from wiping out all these dark races.

Since some people in this world have forgotten, or doubted his fighting power, let them know it again, and they just need to cooperate and pay some insignificant price.


Before Di Ruier could move, a light flashed in front of him, and then he saw the holy angel who had just revived for less than a day kneeling on one knee,

"My Lord, please give your orders."

"You should practice for two years before saying this."

The holy angel in front of him did have the power to sweep across a country, but if he was released, he might not even be able to tell the directions, and God knows what would happen.

"Follow me."

The space collapsed and shattered, turning into a solid tunnel. Tyrell stepped forward, and the Holy Angel followed. Then Raton, who was summoned, quickly followed with thousands of elite flying dragons.

Raton, who has received many gifts from Tyrell, has now been reborn and is no different from a real dragon. It would be a bit impolite to call him the King of Flying Dragons now. He can be regarded as a brand new dragon species.


Tyrell, who stepped out of the Sedellin Islands again, arrived at the Dragon Palace standing on the top of the Orpheus Mountains. Standing here, he could overlook the entire Punolando.

Palaces undulating along with the mountains, towering mage towers, row upon row of residential buildings, as well as the always noisy trade area and harbor docks. Above the ocean, there is an endless flow of merchant ships, with masts like forests, and sails almost paved. The sea surface was full, and the breath of prosperity hit his face, making the dragon intoxicated and couldn't help but feel a heartfelt sense of pride.


A bolt of thunder pierced the sky, followed by a second and a third. In an instant, the sky above this prosperous seaport city was covered with dark clouds, thunder continued, and a storm like a doomsday scene was about to come.

However, the residents of the harbor have seen similar scenes too many times, so even the young children who are still babbling are not afraid, and they just run quickly towards their homes with their short legs.

"It's been a long time."

As the storm expanded, almost endless groups of dragons also descended. They were Diriel's dragon servants. After a long period of cultivation, the number of these elite flying dragons reached an extremely terrifying situation.

"Are you planning to join the battlefield now?"

Seeing Tyrell, who looked like the world-destroying demon king, Su Hailun, who maintained a human posture, just stood far away and asked in a calm voice.

"What do you suggest?"

"The capital of the Bultan Kingdom has not been captured yet. You can wait a little longer. After the city is defeated, some of the royal bloodline will escape to Punolando. It will not be too late for you to take action."


Upon hearing the advice given by Su Hailun, Di Ruier was also stunned, and then looked at the golden dragon companion with a different look.

"Why are you looking at me like this? Isn't this what you love to do the most?"

Su Hailun continued talking on her own,

"After the dark tribes in the underground destroy the Bultan Kingdom, you can eradicate them all in the name of eradicating evil, and then naturally take these lands into your pocket. No one can blame you on a moral level. You have these the legal right to rule the land.”

"That's true, but I didn't expect these words to come out of your mouth."

It's a bit surprising that Di Ruier is true. Most golden dragons can be said to be solid defenders. From a spiritual and moral level, Su Hailun is a pretty standard golden dragon.

However, after this Golden Dragon took power, he seemed to have changed a lot and became more pragmatic, or more selfish, focusing on interests.

Even if it accepted the benefits from the Bultan Kingdom, when it encountered difficulties, it only promised to protect its remaining bloodline, and had no intention of sending troops to participate.

Even if the legendary ancestral golden dragon does not have his own legion, if he really wants to intervene, it is just a thought. He does not have the right to mobilize the legion. It is just an excuse, and he just doesn't want to save.

"So, did I make you feel strange?"

"Kind of."

"Then you don't feel like you're an extremely unfit partner and a failure as a father?"

"I don't think so. I think I am excellent in every aspect."

Tyrell said without blushing.

"It seems I still have a lot to learn from you."

Seeing the arrogant Di Ruier, Su Hailun was not angry, but rather thoughtful.

"Since I'm already here, I should show off and send a few flying dragons over to take a look."

Although there is no intention to interfere with the established outcome of the Bultan Kingdom, the Metal Dragon's sign still needs to be maintained.


Su Hailun only had this comment on this. Di Ruier just laughed and didn't care at all.

After his arrival, he used the Shadow Legion to check the situation of those dark races, to understand their legendary combat power and whether there were gods behind them.

After everything was checked clearly, he began to gather the legendary combat power under his command in an extremely low-key manner.

Because what he wants to fight is a battle of annihilation, not simply victory on the battlefield. He wants to exterminate all the dark monsters that rush out from the ground.

When Diril began to understand the specific situation and mobilized the legendary combat power, the Bultan Kingdom learned of Diril's awakening and his arrival in Punolando, and made many requests for help, hoping to receive assistance from the Dragon Clan.

As for these requests for assistance, Di Ruier responded quite positively. Everything was in accordance with the rules of the Dragon Clan. As long as sufficient remuneration was given, even ancient dragons could step onto the battlefield and become a powerful aid.

This kind of indifferent attitude caused a lot of criticism and accusations within the Bultan Kingdom, because in the eyes of the Bultan royal family, they had already allocated a grand duchy to the partner of the Bronze Dragon Lord.

The high price was paid a hundred years ago. Now that the kingdom is in crisis, Golden Dragon should fulfill its contract and provide unconditional assistance. How can it ask for compensation?

However, these words could not reach Dirrell's ears, because they also knew that saying such words in front of the dragons would only arouse boredom. This was all information that Dirrell overheard through the shadow soldiers.

After a brief discussion and quarrel, the Bultan royal family quickly compromised, because they had asked the Golden Dragon for help before, and the Golden Dragon only sent a few dragons that were not even legends into the battlefield to help them, and showed no help for subsequent assistance. .

The golden dragon shirks all problems to the bronze dragon master who is suspected of sleeping. Now, the dragon king has come to Prolando. They have waited for the opportunity. Although they have to pay a high price for it, it is worth it.

Since then, the ancient colored dragons have set foot on the guard battlefield of the Bultan Kingdom. You get what you pay for. As long as the royal family can afford the price, Tyrell does not mind sending enslaved colored dragons to serve as war mercenaries.

The order of Elmond Continent has been gradually established, especially after Tyrell visited the thousand-year-old forces, the border has basically stabilized, not to mention the interior.

In this way, the Color Dragon Clan naturally gradually became idle, and now it comes in handy.

However, this only delayed the destruction of the Burta Kingdom. In the face of the power that was enough to destroy the kingdom, even the ancient dragon could only reverse the outcome of the local battlefield and could not change the overall decline.

Of course, the most fundamental reason is that neither Di Ruier nor Su Hailun are willing to set foot on the battlefield. If they are willing to join the battlefield, it is not impossible to push back. But unfortunately, the dragon couple is not willing to fight for other countries. Fight.

Therefore, they offered a sky-high remuneration that even the kingdom could not afford and could only refuse as a reason to refuse assistance.

"These greedy dragons just want to use war to harvest our wealth. They don't really want to help us at all!"

"It's very valuable to be willing to help. Don't complain, let alone hold grudges. They may be our last resort."

"Is the Bultan Kingdom going to end like this? I am so unwilling to do so!"

"Give up. There is the shadow of the gods behind them. That is not something we can fight against. Let's retreat for now and retain our strength. We may not be able to regain our country in the future."

In the fifth year after Tyrell came to Punolando again, the Kingdom of Bultan was declared destroyed. Its legendary mage, who supported the highest combat power, was missing. Another legendary warrior was suspected to have died in battle, but he was not found. Saw the body.

When the news was confirmed, Tyrell released all the idle Legends under his command without hesitation. The Color Cologne enslaved by him gained experience, and he also got to know some of the Blood Angels who were sophisticated in their ways, and their increasingly honest nature. Storm giant.

This is an extremely terrifying number, because the number of Blood Angels alone is as high as twenty-seven. Each Blood Angel is a legend, and under the control of the resurrected Supreme Holy Angel , there is almost no force that can stand in front of them.

Not to mention the assistance of the Color Dragon Clan and the Storm Giants, all of whom are legends with immortal blood. The moment Diriel declared war, the increasingly arrogant dark tribes immediately suffered a devastating blow.

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