Bronze Dragon: Tyrant's Road to Conquest

Chapter 362: Digging into the corners of the gods

"It seems I can't persuade you."

Although Di Ruier was smiling when talking to him, in fact all his requests were rejected. The attitude of the partner in front of him was extremely tough and he would not allow his words to be refuted in the slightest.

"I didn't do anything wrong, so there is no need to correct it."

The giant dragon who was sitting on the treasure bed said lazily. Of course he knew the principle of correcting his mistakes when he knew they were wrong, but he believed that he had not done anything wrong. Everything he did was correct. He firmly believed in this. Don't move.

"Since you have made up your mind and I can't change you, let's talk about other things."

At this time, Jin Long's expression finally became serious. Her eyes were fixed on Di Ruier, and there was even a hint of urgency in her eyes.

"When are you going to get our kids back?"


Hearing Jin Long's words, Di Rui was stunned for a moment, as if he remembered something in hindsight. After thinking for a moment, he said,

"Wait a moment and let me take a look."

"You arranged a trial for Osiris, and you didn't pay attention? He's still just a young dragon!"

Seeing Di Ruier's expression, Su Hailun's eyes suddenly showed a trace of anger.

Dirrell's behavior is considered excessive even among the Color Dragon Clan. After all, the Color Dragon Clan only abandons and does not raise children, but no dragon would torment its offspring like this in the young dragon stage.

"I have arranged everything. He will suffer some injuries at most, and there will never be any life-threatening danger."

Tyrell explained while communicating with the World Tree, but this explanation did not appease the female dragon. Instead, it made the anger of this legendary dragon, which became more and more powerful with the passage of time, more obvious.

The Metal Dragon Clan attaches great importance to the education of their descendants. Of course, this level of emphasis is only relative to the Color Dragon Clan, but no matter what, they are also the dragons who value blood and family relationships the most.

Su Hailun couldn't tolerate the fact that the child she had just given birth to was thrown into another world by her partner and received so-called experience, but there was no way. This partner was so powerful that she had no say in education. right.

In the long run, it seemed good to accept the trial, but he didn't expect that the partner in front of him would act so unreliable. If he hadn't asked today, he probably wouldn't have remembered that he had such a son.

This is the most unacceptable thing for Su Hailun. You must know that with their bloodline and rank, they may only have such a son. In the future, no matter how high the price is, they will not be able to give birth to a second son.

This is not only a lack of attention to Osiris, but also a contempt for her. He does not take the heir they conceived together at all.

"Will life be in danger?"

"What kind of life danger can I encounter in the area that I have complete control over?"

Seeing Su Hailun who missed his children so much, Di Ruier shook his head helplessly. In his mental consciousness, the scene in the forest sea and green city was reflected at this moment, and he also saw the current posture of his two children.

It can't be said to be very good, but it definitely can't be called bad, because these two little guys have gathered together and are no longer alone when he was just thrown in. They are also followed by some monster clans. serve.

Although they are just low-level monsters such as hobgoblins and troglodytes, the fact that they can accept servants shows that they have gradually established a foothold in the vast green sea and have a territory where they can develop stably.

Tyrell passed on everything he saw to Su Hailun, and saw with his own eyes the scene of his offspring growing up steadily in a completely unfamiliar environment. This emotion began to get out of control, and the angry female dragon gradually became calmer. ,

"When are you going to get them back?"

"Do you know what kind of world they are in?"

"You never told me, how would I know?"

"Then let me tell you now, that is a medium-sized material world, which was the territory of the former Green Dragon King Veronica. Now because I restrained Veronica and let this green dragon concentrate on transforming the Dusk Desert, so The territory she once ruled is now in chaos."

"So, you want to?"

Su Hailun's eyes showed shock. She vaguely guessed something, but she didn't dare to confirm it because she didn't believe that her partner could be so cruel.

"That should be everything that belongs to me, but neither I nor my subordinates have much spare power to take over, so I place my hope on my two best heirs and wait for them to conquer or take it back. After the territory that I should own, they will naturally be able to return."

"They are still just hatchlings!"

Su Hailun's mood became a little excited. She had never heard of any dragon clan having such harsh requirements for their children. This was not a trial at all, it was simply driving her children to a dead end. force.

"But they can't always be hatchlings. They'll grow up."

Dirrell said indifferently. He didn't think there was anything wrong with his arrangement at all. His two children were indeed young dragons, but they didn't know how many dragon clans they had surpassed at their starting point.

According to the standards of the color dragon clan, young dragons who can protect themselves independently will basically not be their opponents, not to mention that because of Su Hailun's doting, Osiris has a large number of high-level spell scrolls in his hands.

Not to mention the roots of the World Tree that have directly assimilated into the Green City Dragon Mother Veronica's Dragon Lair, so many covert means of saving lives, in Tyrell's eyes, are not much better than playing tricks, just some injuries. , what does it matter?

"But how long will that take? Are you not going to let me see your child before then?"

"Of course it's okay. You can see me anytime if you want. I'm not so strict that I don't allow you and your mother to see each other. When did you have such a bad stereotype of me?"

"I want to see Osiris now."

Su Hailun ignored Di Ruier's inquiry and just demanded.

"It's okay to meet, but you have to agree to some conditions."

"What conditions?"

"No help is allowed to him, no matter it is any or indirect support."

"I'm his mother!"

The scales between Su Hailun's brows wrinkled. As a standard metal dragon, she certainly couldn't bear to see such a young child of hers suffer hardship. This was not what dragons of this age should bear.

"If you agree, I will call him back now and you can meet. If you don't want to, then go back and think about it. Come to see me again after you think about it clearly."

"Can I just go there?"

Su Hailun asked again.

"Of course you can, but the requirements are still the same. You are not allowed to participate in or interfere with any local affairs. What you were like in the past should be what you are like when you come back. There cannot be any changes."


"I don't allow it, it's that simple."

Dirrell looked down at his golden dragon companion with a calm expression.

"Any other questions?"

"No, I'm going to go see Osiris now, and then I'll leave."


Although a trial was arranged for his heir, in Di Ruier's eyes, this trial was just like playing house. If his partner wanted to meet, he would naturally make arrangements.

However, although her request was met, Su Hailun became increasingly dissatisfied after her return because she could not understand it, let alone agree with it. This way of raising children is really too rough and barbaric, even inferior to the color dragon clan.

"My grandfather Guderian, how do you plan to arrange it?"

After meeting her son, Su Hailun was not satisfied because there were still important things that had not been resolved.

"Do you have any opinions or suggestions in this regard?"

"You probably don't need my grandfather now. You can ask him to go to Green City and guard Osiris secretly."

"It's a good suggestion, but it's not necessary. I said, you don't have to worry about their arrangements. They will only be injured at most, and there will never be any life-threatening danger."

"Then where do you want my grandfather to go?"

"Here he is, not going anywhere, I want him to be president of a college."


"Dragon Vein Warlock Academy, an academy that teaches intelligent creatures with dragon blood flowing in their bodies and dragon veins. What do you think?"

"What do you want to do?"

"I don't want to do anything, I just want everyone in my country to be like a dragon."

Tyrell said calmly.

He doesn't even bother to inquire below now. They all know what his reputation is. Even the most ordinary civilians probably fear his existence more than they respect him.

Although all the things he did were beneficial to the common people at the bottom and built a promotion ladder for them, what he did was so shocking that it was difficult for people not to be afraid.

The lower class are all in this state. As for the higher nobles and merchants, for him, in addition to fear, there may be hatred and anger. After all, he has not spared them in every massacre. Even now, He was all supporting the Paladins in hunting them down.

Regarding these negative reputations, and even the reputation as the first tyrant in the history of the continent, Di Ruier not only didn't care, but was even a little happy. This was exactly what he wanted.

It's just that the name of the tyrant made it difficult for him to do some things. Compared to this, the influence and appeal of the golden dragon seemed so dazzling against his background.

In the eyes of some people who feel that they are about to be swallowed up by darkness and are filled with despair, the existence of the golden dragon is simply like a bright light in the darkness.

By appointing Jin Long as the dean of Dragon Vein Academy, with the help of his reputation and his personality that favors a good old man, he can also get some unexpected gains.

Of course, the most important thing is to spread the dragon veins in the name of the golden dragon. As he just said, he hopes that everyone in his country will be like a dragon.

"My grandfather is very old. You might consider letting him rest. If you really need help, I can help you."

Although she didn't know Di Rui's specific plan and ultimate goal, Su Hailun was able to sense the risks hidden in Di Rui's words.

Converting civilians into dragon-blooded creatures on a large scale and allowing them to possess dragon veins may sound good, but this will touch upon the fundamental interests of the gods.


Only in suffering can the most solid faith be condensed. Many gods firmly believe in this, so they will intentionally or unintentionally suppress the pace of civilization and keep the place of their faith as ignorant as possible.

Similarly, the Church of the Gods will try its best to recruit powerful extraordinary beings, and at the same time cultivate priestly bishops who can show great power with the help of the power of the gods.

But no true God church can promote education similar to literacy, let alone spread the extraordinary path. The simple truth is that people will only think about asking God for help when they encounter unsolvable difficulties.

It is easier for weak believers to gather the power of faith. As Dirrell said, everyone is like a dragon, and the faith of the gods in this land will be hit like never before.

As long as it can be transformed into a dragonborn, even the weakest dragon vein can eliminate most of the difficulties encountered in ordinary life for ordinary people.

A worry-free life, a strong body, and a wealthy economy are all things that creatures with dragon blood can easily achieve. After possessing these, there are still a few people who are willing to worship the gods.

Even if he really wants to believe in gods, which god will he believe in?

This is the most fundamental conflict of interest. The gods will never do anything to make this happen. The gods can even ignore the various tyrannical deeds Tirel has done before, but if he promotes Dragon Vein, it will be tantamount to leveraging the gods. foundation.

Who can bear this?

Su Hailun had already noticed the danger contained in it, so she didn't want her grandfather to get involved in it. It was really too dangerous.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen. You have to believe me."

Seeing the worry in his partner's eyes, Tyrell smiled indifferently. He had actually taken action.

The first batch of students admitted to the military academy established with the full support of the paladins showed signs of dragon transformation. Many paladins discovered this, but did not reveal it. Too much resistance.

Of course, this is because some of the paladins do not believe in any gods, but even those paladins who have joined the True God Church and have specific beliefs do not respond much to this.

Tyrell has shown the means to transform ordinary mortals into dragon-blooded creatures in batches, but the gods did not respond much to this, at least he did not see any objections or opinions.

The paladin treats all of them equally, and he treats these dragonborn students the same way. In this case, he can be bolder.

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