Bronze Dragon: Tyrant's Road to Conquest

Chapter 355 Who is the master of Midgar?

In the closed space, the flickering candlelight caused the shadows reflected on the wall to twist together, like indescribable, greedy and terrifying monsters.

"Tell me, how do you plan to deal with our tyrant emperor?"

"Of course we are actively cooperating."

"Proactively cooperate? Over the years, how much corruption has your family lost, and you don't have a clue in your own mind? Are you a Hydra? How many heads do you have that this dragon can chop off?"

"Let alone Hydra, even a hundred-headed giant might not be enough. Everyone knows what we have done over the years."

"Damn it! Consul Yaohui is so qualified that the bronze reptile actually removed him. No one knows where the ancient golden dragon is now. It would be great if we could invite him back."

"What nonsense are you talking about? With the greedy character of dragons, if it weren't for defeat, do you think our Glory Archon would obediently let Midgar out?

He personally presided over the construction of this city. Now that the bronze dragon just came back, he expelled him and issued orders openly. Did you see the ancient golden dragon come out and say a word? "

"What a useless piece of trash. Thanks to us paying tribute to him so many rare items every year, they are all wasted. At the critical moment, they are of no use at all."

"Okay, no need to talk about this nonsense anymore. Let's talk about specific countermeasures."

"Is it necessary to discuss it again? Aren't you already taking action? I heard that the resignation letters from Midgar's tax department are piled as high as a mountain."

"Hahaha, I'm not involved in this kind of thing."

"Haha, our Mikol family didn't participate either."

"You cowards, have you forgotten what this place is? The barrier imposed here cannot even be heard by the gods, and you still act like you are speaking in the city hall. Don't you think such a declaration is ridiculous?"

"But our family is indeed not involved. After all, without us having to do anything about these things, those guys who can't wait have already done everything they need to do, right?"

"I think through this incident, the dragon should be able to realize who is the master of Midgar, an emperor. If there are not enough followers to support and support him, it is just a false title. That’s all.”

"You are so arrogant that you don't know what to say. You can't say it. Haven't you read history? At least you should study the life of our dragon king. Don't you know what he did after arriving in the civilized world? What’s the first thing?”

"Of course I know that he massacred Punolando at that time, and based on the newly formed Bronze Code, he hunted down the nobles of the Bultan Kingdom and disgraced the kingdom from top to bottom."

"So, assassinating the tax collector and leaving the dragon emperor with no one to use and unable to check taxes is a method only used by children. This will only completely anger him and massacre Midgar from top to bottom. "

"Isn't that possible?! That was something he did just when he came into contact with the civilized world, and now he has..."

"No one will mind doing something that has been done once, a second time. There are only zero and countless times for everything, and isn't Punolando developing very well now?"

"If I were that emperor, I would also want to massacre the city now. After all, I don't want a city that is completely uncontrolled. Those idiots are clearly irritating the dragon emperor."

"So, the smartest thing to do now is to escape! Stay away from Midgar."

"What a smart suggestion. After we leave, you can take up the space left by us, right?"

"Haha, if you are worried about this, then you can stay boldly and see if the emperor will slaughter you too!"

"So, the massacre is bound to happen?"

"In my opinion and opinion, this is bound to happen."

"In that case, we can only sacrifice some people to appease the emperor's anger."

"Wait a minute, there's something wrong with the barrier."

"What happened? Why can't I leave?"

"A foreign object has invaded!"

The candles on the table became brighter and brighter, but under the table, the shadows became deeper and darker. Even the light could not penetrate and shine in. The changes in the shadows shocked everyone involved. Big shot of the meeting.

Although their identities are different, as long as they sit at the table, they have the same authority. People participating in the meeting can leave at any time, and no force will restrict them. They can also sense the enchantment surrounding the conference room. The change.

But now, every participant feels the abnormal changes in the barrier, and no one can exit. Not only that, this conference room arranged in the shadow world, there is something so huge that no one can imagine it. Power, eroding the meeting place.

The big shots who used to be aloof and calm in the past were more or less panicked at this moment, because this was one of the rare unusual changes in their lives that was beyond their control.

They tried to use the space teleportation method they had on hand to escape, but without exception, the life-saving method that could be triggered most of the time lost its effect at this moment.

"what is that?"

A cry of surprise rang out, and in the shadows, pairs of dazzling golden pupils lit up, and under the golden light, soldiers wearing heavy armor and holding swords could be seen one after another, like a tide, Emerging from the darkness.

"This is the emperor's shadow minions. I have long said that this conference room should be abolished!"

"Is His Majesty the Emperor so impatient?"

Several complaints and lamentations were quickly suppressed, and the power of the shadow swallowed up everything, including the weak and weak resistance of these big men.

However, I don't know whether it was because these pampered big shots were too aware of current affairs, or because they were timid and afraid of taking action, so no bloody conflict broke out. All of them were captured alive by the shadow soldiers with great honesty and cooperation.

And their cooperation was rewarded, because these shadow soldiers did not raise their swords against them, but just dragged them out of this conference room that was said to be absolutely confidential.

Why is the conference room leaked? How the emperor's minions invaded the conference room and took control of the conference room before they had time to react. This is a question that there is no need to delve into further. What these big figures need to think about now is what to do. How to survive.

Because when they were dragged out of the shadow world and returned to the real world, they saw an extremely terrifying scene.

On the outermost edge of the entire city, a curtain of dark shadows stretches from sky to earth, while thin gray smoke floats in the sky above the head. It is obviously approaching noon, and the sun can be seen hanging in the sky, but the sun It looked completely gray and white, without any warmth at all. Instead, it exuded endless chill.

"As expected, we still want to massacre the city!"

Seeing this city wrapped in the power of shadow, losing its cover of darkness and revealing its figure, a rather elegant man smiled bitterly,

"It's a simple and crude approach, with nothing new at all."

"It's really simple and crude, but very effective, isn't it?"

Right next to this man, a fat man who was also dragged by the shadow soldiers responded with a smile. Even when faced with the desperate situation in front of him, the fat man could still laugh.

"Who gave this emperor a taste of the sweetness in Punolando? But the same thing will never be repeated in Midgar. The city's attraction to the outside world can be completely replaced by other cities."

"So, do you think that if this emperor stubbornly wants to continue massacring the city, Midgar will fall into decline?"

"I can't say absolutely, but from my point of view, it is indeed very possible."

"You should wait until you have the opportunity to meet with the emperor to say these words to the emperor, instead of saying it to an unlucky guy like me who will move his head in the next moment."

"I also want to meet the emperor, but isn't there no chance?"

"We probably won't have a chance in the future. No, we probably won't have a future!"

The light of the teleportation array shone in the streets and alleys of the city that had been engulfed by darkness and shadow. Paladins wearing silver armor and holding long swords filed out of the teleportation array.

The faint light emitted by the paladin warmed the panicked civilians in the city, quickly calming down many of the riots that had just begun to appear.


Seeing the paladin, a fat man, walking out of the teleportation array in front of him, a look of despair suddenly appeared on his face. Even the elegant man on the side had a stiff face.

Only ordinary civilians living at the bottom will regard the paladin as a light of hope, but as long as the class rises a little higher, or has a little power in their hands, then they will no longer want to see anyone. A paladin.

Those in power, wealthy businessmen, and even the middle class with a little knowledge do not want to see the holy warriors. It is not that they despise and despise them, but they are afraid and fearful.

After all, who can dare to say that he has not made mistakes or done a single bad thing in his life?

No one dares to make such a guarantee. After all, only sages can do everything with a clear conscience.

Identify evil!

In the desperate eyes of everyone, the paladin riding on the Pegasus cast a particularly common spell. With the flash of red light, the paladin whose face was covered pulled out the long sword from his waist.

"Wait a minute, I..."


Without any intention of listening to the sophistry of the evil man who was almost enveloped in blood-colored light, the paladin who responded to the summons of the Bronze Dragon Lord waved the sword in his hand.

The gushing blood fountain shocked many big shots who were originally honest and responsible. They thought that they were captured alive by this legion whose name was only heard but not heard, and they would get some special treatment, such as being given extremely high status. Gao's Dragon Clan inquired.

At that time, they could show their wealth and power and seek a chance to survive for themselves, but they did not expect that these shadow soldiers would just take them back to the city to accept the trial of the paladin.

When the paladin used the spell to identify evil on them, the result was already determined. Not to mention people like them who had been in high positions for a long time, even civilians with no status were not necessarily guaranteed to fail in the spell of identifying evil. A red light will appear.

It is for this reason that nobles and nobles hate paladins so much, because once they are hit by identified evil, the paladins will definitely react.

For example, kill them directly on the spot. Of course, any paladin with a little experience will not cast this spell at will in the city, and they will also maintain restraint.

However, now, realizing that he was unable to control his city, the dragon emperor gave these paladins privileges and prepared to use the power of the paladins to cleanse the city.

"Next person!"

The paladin, who didn't care at all about the identity of the person he killed, set his sights on the second person.

The order he received when accepting the summons was very simple. After entering the city, he could cast Identify Evil on every creature he encountered, and then he could freely execute every evil person, regardless of identity or origin. Race.

Although no paladin is a murderer, being able to identify evil at will, completely eliminate the evil in a city, and restore order is a temptation that no paladin can refuse.

This is an opportunity that many paladins cannot wait for even if they wait their entire lives.

Therefore, the number of paladins pouring into the city is continuing to surge. New paladins appear in the city almost every minute, including not only paladins from other continents, but also other paladins. The paladin below responded to the call of the Bronze Dragon Lord Tyrell and came here.

After these paladins came here, even though many paladins had never met each other, they all had an extremely tacit understanding.

They walked along the streets, identifying each resident of Midgar one by one according to the order of the houses, from the inside to the outside, and from the outside to the inside.

As long as the red light shines on the body, regardless of status, they will be executed on the spot, even if they are civilians who look ragged and underfed. The poor dress cannot arouse the slightest pity of the paladin at this time.

"We can't do this, Tyrell, we really can't let the paladin continue! This is a massacre of the city!"

At the highest point of the city, two dragons looked down at the city, which was stained with blood and almost filled with the smell of blood. One of them, an old white-haired old man, saw the scene below, and it could be said that his eyes were splitting.

Although the name of this city is the same as the capital of the human kingdom Ansel, this city was built from scratch on the ruins of the royal capital. Every brick, tile, plant and tree is the ancient golden dragon Guderian. It's all very familiar.

It is no exaggeration to say that this city is like a child to Gu Jinlong, but he has watched the order of this city collapse in a very short period of time, and today, he is even more intent on Under the control of the tyrant who restores order, it is heading towards destruction and demise.

"This is a necessary purge, Guderian, don't forget your identity!"

Looking at Gu Jinlong who was in pain, Di Ruier showed no mercy or emotion at all.

It is precisely because of this old dragon's neglect and connivance that this city has degenerated into a state where it is about to be slaughtered by the paladin.

"Do you have to destroy the capital I built for you before you are willing to do it?"

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