Bronze Dragon: Tyrant's Road to Conquest

Chapter 351 Fairness and Justice

The White Dandelion District is the most special area in the new round of expansion of the port city of Punolando. Architecturally, this community is not much different from other expansion areas. What is really special is living in this area. The average age of the residents is no more than twelve years old, and the youngest ones are even incapable of independence and require dedicated care.

They are orphans who have no caregivers for various reasons, and because they have no ability to be independent, they are placed in this area.

In the White Dandelion District, there are orphans everywhere who have been separated from their parents, abandoned by their parents, or who have lost all their relatives due to the war.

However, because they are surrounded by people who have experienced similar experiences, they are not alone. The place is also full of laughter and laughter, because they have a neat, clean and bright house, and they can get enough food and clean water supply every day.

But not all children are happy. People are born unequal. There are differences from the beginning of all things. Even orphans are also different.

Although some children have nothing, they have sound bodies and can have a bright future after being accommodated by the Punolando City Hall.

But some children were affected by the war and suffered injuries that were difficult to heal. It was a wound that could break their will, ruin their dreams, and distort their character.

"Victor, are you reading again?"

In the community college, several children chasing the ball came under the maple leaf tree and happened to see the gloomy young man reading quietly under the tree. One child looked at the young man who was at the top of the class and said subconsciously.

"What else can he do besides reading? And he can't play football with us."

Another child said with a smile, glancing at the boy's feet covered by the blanket. You could see a section of wood texture exposed at the bottom.

"what are you talking about?"

The last boy interrupted him and then looked apologetic.

"I'm sorry, Victor, you know, Viken, he is..."

"It's okay, you go and play!"

Under the maple leaf tree, the gloomy young man looked at the classmates in front of him, took out his only intact palm and waved it, indicating that he didn't care.

"Why are you stopping me? I didn't say anything wrong. He can't play football in the first place."

"You must at least have some respect for him. Victor is the best student in our class."

"So what about the best? Didn't the test half a month ago explain everything? He has no qualifications for casting spells, and his body cannot allow him to become a professional. No matter how smart and hard he works, he can't No one would want him, so who would recruit someone with only one arm and one leg?”

"Say less."

Listening to the gossip floating in the wind, and watching the three classmates run away after chasing the ball, Victor pressed his raised palm on his remaining thigh, with veins on the back of his hand exposed. It took him a while to calm down the excitement in his heart. Emotions.

Although it was not the first time he heard similar words, every time, for him, it was like being stabbed by a sword, and the wounds on his body were even more numb and itchy.

As a war orphan, Victor was both lucky and unfortunate.

Fortunately, when the demons from the abyss came due to the cultists' sacrificial rituals, paladin came and saved his life and the lives of many others.

But unfortunately, in this evil sacrifice, he lost his parents forever, as well as the smaller half of his body, and he became a man with one hand and one leg.

Fortunately, as a victim of the abyss, he received the care of that paladin and was able to enter the city of peace that many people dream of entering, the ideal hometown of the paladin, Punolando, and Live in it.

He received good care here. The priest of the God of Courage drove away the abyssal breath remaining on his wounds and soothed his spirit so that he could sleep peacefully.

But his hands and feet did not grow back. There are many extraordinary powers such as high-level magic or spells, blessings from the natural realm, etc. that can allow mortals like him to regenerate limbs, but these are not powers that he can access.

This is an era of turmoil. Even if Prolando is a beautiful place like Heaven Mountain on earth, ordinary people cannot get the best resources, because the soldiers fighting on the most dangerous battlefields need these even more.

Victor didn't complain about this. He was very lucky to have survived a close encounter with the devil. In Punolando, he no longer had to worry about food, clothing, housing and transportation.

He also got the opportunity to get an education, an opportunity that only the children of nobles and a small number of wealthy businessmen could get in the town where he was originally, but he got the same treatment.

Therefore, in school, Victor devoted all his energy to studying and received corresponding results in return. However, he was almost defeated in the aptitude test not long ago.

Because in that test, he had no possibility of becoming a spell caster. He had no relevant qualifications. For Victor, this undoubtedly meant that his future was dark and without any light.

As a mutilated man with only one arm and one leg, it is impossible for Victor to become a melee professional because his physical condition does not allow it.

Not being able to get involved in the extraordinary field is nothing, but as an ordinary person, he has few ways to develop, just like what the classmate just said.

No one would recruit a disabled person like him, and the things he could do were very limited. He even needed someone to take care of him for daily living.

Those harsh words, although mean, were true.

All his expectations for the future were shattered the day the test results came out. These days, Victor was at a loss and just relied on the routine he had learned in school to maintain his reading habit.

But he himself doesn’t know, what use will he get if he continues to study?

At best, he could only complete the primary level of education, and his final overall score would not be very good, because his physical disability prevented him from scoring in projects that required actual combat and physical tests.

It was impossible for him to obtain admission to secondary education, let alone higher education, and finally obtain the legendary dragon blood gift in Punolando.

That was something he never dared to dream about. Most of the time, Victor just imagined that if he were an ordinary person with a healthy body, even if he only had a pair of complete legs, he would be able to take away an arm. Rather than like now.

"National Military Academy!"

"The Paladin teaches..."

"Unlimited reference..."

At this time, the noise and noise in the distance brought the increasingly decadent young man back to reality, because he heard the paladin.

This is the existence that has supported him to this day, although he still does not know the name of the paladin who saved him and allowed him to live in Punolando.

He was always very grateful and fought hard with the goal of seeing the paladin again, even alive, because more than once the thought of giving up on his life came to him.

But every time, he would think of the resolute and brave face of the paladin. In order to save the crippled man lying on the ruins, the paladin rushed towards the raging demons in the ruins of the town without hesitation.

He didn't want to disappoint the paladin, and he didn't want to let everything the other party did for him lose its meaning, but he didn't know what else he could do, so he felt confused.

"what's going on?"

Victor held the blanket, stood up, and limped towards the noisy place, which was the school's bulletin board. There were course schedules and holiday arrangements, but there were also announcements from the city hall.

Relying on his prosthetic limbs, the young man walked near the crowd and naturally saw the tall dragon man standing out from the crowd beside the bulletin board.

The golden and blue scales all over the body shine in the sun, like a set of gorgeous aristocratic alchemical armor. The curved dragon horns are powerful, the thick and long dragon tail and the dragon wings that are folded to appear wide highlight this. The nobility and power of dragon people.

Victor's eyes showed a look of envy unconsciously. He knew that the Dragon Man in this posture was almost the highest level form that Dragon Vein Warlocks and Dragonborn could achieve.

Of course, what really makes him envious is that a dragon man of this level can rely on the power of blood in his body to regenerate a broken limb. With injuries like his, he only needs to eat a lot and provide sufficient nutrition. .

However, Victor's attention was quickly attracted by the notice posted by the dragon man and the content of his speech. The National Military Academy established with the participation and full support of the paladins will be held one week after the Autumn Harvest Festival. The first batch of students will be selected through the national joint entrance examination based on test scores.

The most important thing is that there are no physical restrictions on taking the exam, only age and character requirements.

"Military Academy! Paladin."

A faint light sprouted in Victor's eyes.

Two weeks after the Autumn Harvest Festival, there was a rare long queue in front of the teleportation hall leading to the Elmond continent, and the two sides were filled with many citizens who came to see off or watch the fun.

"These are outstanding children. I heard that when they graduate from the military academy, they will at least be officers who can manage a hundred-man army."

"Hundreds of people? Are you looking down on them or their teachers? There are at least a thousand people."

"Hey, you know this much?"

"What do you two have to argue about? No matter how much it is or how much it has to do with you, when these children finish reading, they will be big shots that you can't reach."

"Us? What about you?"

"My son is in the team."

The pot-bellied businessman raised his chest with pride. His most successful investment in his life was to purchase real estate at a high price in the port of Punolando, and he obtained the local school qualification.

"Wait a minute, what happened to that kid? How did he get in?"

A few people who were slightly embarrassed saw a young man in the team who looked a little dazzling compared to the other tall and high-spirited military cadets.

As he moved forward, his body limped up and down, and his sleeves fluttered with the sea breeze, all of which showed how serious this young man's physical disability was.

"What is this doing? Didn't the examiners even look at it? Why did such a disabled person pass? Isn't it a waste of places for such a person to enter the military academy? What can he do on the battlefield? It drags down two soldiers ?"

"Yes, what's going on with this kid?"

The onlookers quickly became excited. The permanent population of Punolando has exceeded three million, and the number of reference persons for this joint examination has reached as many as three hundred thousand. Those who finally passed the examination and obtained admission qualifications , but less than 800 people.

It is said that this is because Prolando is already the most prosperous city under the rule of the Dragon Clan, so it can get so many places, otherwise it would be even less.

But such a rare and precious spot was given to such an ordinary kid with a congenital disability. How can people not be surprised?

"Shadow! There must be a shady story!"

"This is cheating! I'm going to report it to the city hall."

"Yes, this is unfair. Why can such people pass the exam?"

The crowd of onlookers quickly became commotion, but soon, the dragon man who was guarding the teleportation hall turned his attention to these, and the noisy crowd quickly returned to silence under the dragon's power that came like a tide.

"Punolando's examination room is set up in the Temple of the God of Justice. Anyone who has any doubts about the test results can go to the Temple of Justice and file a reconsideration with the Archbishop of the temple."

The dragon people who have lived in Punolando for a long time and have learned and contracted many short-lived habits did not rely on their own strength to violently suppress them and directly lifted the gods.

Suddenly, the rioting crowd became quieter. No one would be stupid enough to question Zhengshen, or the archbishop of Zhengshen. That was even more impossible, as he was one of the top figures in the city.


In the team heading to Elmond Continent, Victor breathed out a sigh of relief after seeing that the small commotion caused by him was calmed down.

"Hey buddy, you look a little nervous?"

Following the sound, Victor looked down, and immediately saw a man of the same age whose height barely reached his chest, but his uncoordinated limbs made him look particularly weird.

"A little."

Victor politely replied.

"My name is Faust, a fighter who strives to fight against fate. What about you, my friend?"

The short man with uncoordinated limbs raised his head and introduced himself confidently.

"My name is Victor, why do you call yourself a fighter?"

The boy announced his name and then asked with some confusion.

"You can guess my race first."


Victor hesitated.

"Or a dwarf, a hybrid of human?"

"My friend, I am very sorry that you have guessed everything wrong. I am a human being with pure blood, but unfortunately suffer from dwarfism and paralysis. Of course, I am also very lucky. My parents did not abandon me. .”

There was a bit of self-mockery in Faust's tone, but admiration appeared in Victor's eyes, and he was so able to take in it.

It is unimaginable how much price and effort the person in front of me has paid to be here - intelligent life will instinctively reject creatures that are hugely different from itself, even if the other person has the same origin as itself.

"I'm also very lucky."

"Really? Can you tell me about it?"

Faust looked interested.

"Hey, gentlemen, we can wait until we enter the school to talk about this, but before that, do you mind if I make a friend with you first?"

One person in line in front of the two couldn't help but interject.

"Of course, if you want."

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