"Dirrell, you are greedier than the devils in the Nine Hells!"

Queen Naga noticed Dirrell's gaze and couldn't help but mocked.

She knew that this dragon had many vast territories all over the world, especially in Elmond Continent, where he inherited almost all the lands conquered by Carlos, the Blue Ting King.

But that is a vast land that occupies more than one-third of the Elmond continent. Most of these lands are not ruled by this dragon and are only owned in name.

Under this situation, this dragon is still not satisfied and wants to occupy more land. Such greedy desire is extremely rare even among dragons.

"Devils? Are they worthy of being compared with me?"

Tyrell sneered at the divine thoughts conveyed by this divine giant snake.

"Looking at the long history of time, rulers who have excessive demands and lack of restraint will all end badly!"

The giant dragon awakened from its long sleep and swung its long and winding tail. The tail blade, which had been continuously strengthening along with his sleeping evolution, cut off the giant snake's body with the force of breaking a bamboo, breaking the snake into two pieces. The giant snake roared.

"Are you cursing me? What a feeble wailing!"

Seeing that the giant snake that had been cut into two parts was trying to butt together, Tyrell unceremoniously stretched out his dragon claws, tore off the two parts and still kept twisting, struggling to resist, and stirring up the power of the tide to attack him. The snake's tail.

The next moment, amid the painful hissing of the giant snake, Tyrell opened his mouth, bit the tail of the giant snake, tore off a large piece of bloody flesh, and swallowed it directly.

"Your flesh and blood tastes really good, it tastes great!"

After chewing a little and swallowing, Tyrell praised it without hesitation.

"Evil dragon!"

The giant snake roared and bit into Tyrell's hind legs, trying to tear the flesh and blood from the dragon with its fangs and sharp teeth just like Tyrell.

Although this giant snake is different from snakes in the ordinary sense, and has fangs and sharp teeth similar to those of beasts, Dirrell's current body structure is beyond the scope of what worldly creatures can understand. , he is no longer an earthly creature.



Even in the swirling torrent of turbid waves, there were still sparks splashing, and streams of light shot out from the position where the giant snake bit the dragon. Those were the broken teeth of the giant snake.

"How can it be?!"

The giant snake looked at the scales with only slight teeth marks in disbelief. With its bite force, it was unable to tear the scales of the dragon in front of it. What kind of defense was this? Even if it is a divine weapon, it is nothing more than that.

"Do you want to try again? I see that you still have a lot of good teeth. Maybe if you try again, you can pierce your fangs into my flesh and blood and make me feel a little pain."

Tyrell said jokingly when he saw the giant snake shriveling on his body.

This is something that is completely inconsistent with common sense and out of touch with cognition. A high-ranking legend who has given birth to divinity cannot actually tear through the defense of another high-ranking legend with the sharpest fangs despite all his efforts.

You must know that existences of this level, even if gods come in the form of saints, must be treated with caution. In other words, creatures of this level already have the possibility of killing gods.

Of course, it is only possible, because only in the most turbulent eras, there will be extreme cases of gods in the form of saints being killed. In most eras, even gods come to the mortal world in the most fragile form of saints. , and is almost invincible.

"What kind of monster are you? A god?"

"It's just that you can't tear my scales apart. Why do you beat me into a god and recognize me as such a twisted thing? Don't you think it's too much?"

Tyrell ate the giant snake slowly, because in the battle for the territory, he had gradually gained the upper hand, and he was in turn encroaching on the various ocean rights controlled by the ocean where the giant snake was located, which also made the giant snake lose all aspects. As she entered the lower wind, a look of fear and panic appeared in her eyes,

"I just eat a little more miscellaneous food. If you can learn from me and eat according to my recipes, you can also have scales similar to mine."

"what are you eating?"

Although she knew that the evil dragon was teasing her, the struggling giant snake couldn't help but ask. She really wanted to know the reason. What did she eat to be able to build up her scales? The extent of breaking her fangs.

"As long as you can eat metal mines such as fine gold, mithril, orichalcum, and eat them every day for a few years, you can have scales like mine."

Tyrell's tone was quite serious, because he was telling the truth. His unreasonable scales were slowly developed because he ate the legendary metal ores transported back from foreign continents.

Ever since Tyrell discovered that his digestive ability could absorb these legendary metals, he adjusted his diet. Before falling asleep, he even ate a full meal of the purified legendary metals.

However, when Tyrell's truth fell into the ears of the giant snake, it was clearly a tease. When could legendary metal be swallowed as food? Even if there were, who would have the financial luxury to use such rare resources as food?

"I am the thousand-year-old queen who rules the vast sea of ​​thousands of miles. I am the co-owner of millions of Nagas and the ruler of hundreds of millions of sea clans. I will never surrender to you!"

Feeling that she was being fooled, and taking this fooling as Tyrael's contempt for her, the Naga Queen became furious.

She has already felt her end, but even if it ends here, she will never exit in such an embarrassing and ugly posture and disappear into the vast sea.

"When did I ask you to surrender to me? I just asked you to abdicate and give your position under your butt to the outstanding young Naga in the tribe.

I think my request is not excessive, but unfortunately you not only don't listen, but you also think I am wrong and attack me. I have no choice but to wake you up and let you know who is right! "


Unfortunately, Queen Naga could not listen at all at this moment. She no longer argued with Tyrell, because in her opinion, it was meaningless.

The faint golden light that originally shone in the vertical pupils suddenly became more brilliant than ever before. Queen Naga burned the divinity that symbolized the authority of the ocean that had taken hundreds of years to condense after she was promoted to a high-ranking legend.

In this moment, the giant snake with mottled scales turned into a golden snake. Although it was incomplete, the hazy world that originally appeared behind her became an unprecedented gaze. This made Di Ruier A golden glow also burst out from his eyes.

"Is it locked?"

Tyrell asked. When the queen mobilized the power of faith to recover from her injuries, the will of the world tree emerged in his heart, like a greedy cat who wanted to have sex and couldn't wait.

For World Tree, the more worlds it can take root in, the faster it grows. The laws of different worlds are the best nourishment for it and are irreplaceable.

[It’ll be ready soon, just wait a moment! 】

"But I don't want to get entangled with her anymore. Let's do this. I'll save her life and swallow her into my belly. You can study it slowly. How about it?"


The giant snake, which burned its divinity and exploded in full force, truly approached the limit of what the material world could show, wrapped itself around Tiril's body in circles, trying to use the most primitive and terrifying strangulation power of snakes to reverse the situation. Situation, comeback.

However, in the face of this giant snake's offensive, Tyrell could only do one thing, bite, chew and eat... Of course, in order to ensure that his meal rhythm was not disturbed, Tyrell's dragon pupils also There is also a golden glow shining through.

It was a power that was close to divinity, but completely different. It came from the star-casting gods on the far shore. When it was absorbed by Tyrell, it showed a power that could rival or even suppress divinity.

So, when Dirrell started eating seriously, in less than half an hour, the giant snake was completely swallowed by Dirrell.

This was a snake that looked bigger than Tyrell, but after swallowing her, Tyrell's belly didn't feel bulging at all and remained as flat as ever.

Of course, the most important thing is that this giant snake is still alive. Even if Tyrell tore her apart, chewed and swallowed her bit by bit, she is still alive. This is what the legendary giant beast creature has. vitality.

Without special weapons, it is difficult to kill this kind of creature directly. To deal with upper-level legendary creatures, most of the time, we can only take sealing measures and let the years wear them away. However, more often than not, the seal collapses, and for creatures of this level Not dead yet.

For Tyrell, this is not a problem. He really wants to kill the Naga Queen and has no less than ten ways.

But, there is no need, why kill? It's just a bunch of valuable flesh and blood biological materials and a high-level soul!

Does he lack high-level biological materials now?

There is no shortage at all!

A living high-level legend is far more useful than a dead one, so Tyrell chose to seal it and suppress it. The best place to seal it was of course his belly.

The dragon's belly has a storage function, which is also a spatial attribute. Dirrell's current stomach can swallow mountains and valleys as long as he wants.

As for the enslavement effect of the Ring of Dominance, Tyrell has already tried it. After all, it is just a collection obtained from the demon god. It has an upper limit and does not allow unlimited enslavement.

Divine creatures have gradually transcended the mundane world, and cannot be viewed with the eyes of ordinary creatures. The immunity range of divine creatures is astonishingly large.

All instant-death spells are ineffective against divine creatures, and pressure originating from bloodline souls, etc., also have no effect on divine creatures. Equipment, contracts, etc. with strong binding capabilities are also ineffective. Take effect.

The Ring of Control can still enslave the Naga Queen, but after enslavement, the divine giant snake has a high probability of breaking free. Therefore, Tyrell must maintain this suppressive power at all times.

For Tyrell, this is no less than taking off his pants and farting. It is unnecessary. If he wants to use the Ring of Control to maintain the power of suppression, he might as well just use his claws to give the giant snake a few hard blows and kill her directly. The beating left her in a state of recovery for a long time.

"I'm really becoming more and more perverted!"

The realm built by the boundless sea water gradually collapsed, and an underwater city that was in unprecedented turmoil appeared under Dirrell's eyes. But at this time, Dirrell touched it with hindsight. Silver-white scales on the abdomen.

His current diet, as well as the attack and suppression methods he chose without much thought after waking up from sleep, have gradually surpassed the imagination and understanding of mortal creatures.

"Your Majesty Dragon Lord, you have returned safely!"

When Dirrell's figure appeared above the underwater city, the already boiling city suddenly became more lively. Blood flowers bloomed in the city one after another, as if to welcome his return, a winding road The slender snake also appeared in front of Dirrell.

Former God's Favorite Naga, Sidnia

The beautiful face of this Naga princess is stained with blood stains that cannot be washed away by sea water. It is the blood of her own people, and of course, the blood of the resisters.

"Too slow. How long will it take before you can control this city?"

In the ocean city below, hundreds of fires of life were dying with every breath, but Tyrell turned a blind eye to it all.

It is impossible for him to allow hostile forces that are hostile to him and have evil thoughts to multiply next to his foundation. Even if they only exist, it is a sin.

"What you're seeing now are the finishing touches."

Sidnia quickly said that the bronze dragon lord in front of her disappeared for a long time, so her capture and massacre of this city was a big gamble.

Because once it is not His Majesty the Dragon Lord in front of her who returns, but her grandmother, then her fate is self-evident, and death is a luxury.


"My grandmother, how is she... now?"

Sidnia carefully considered her words and asked cautiously.

"It's staying in my belly for a long time. I won't come out to disturb you in a short period of time!"

Tyrell glanced at the filial princess.

"In your belly?"

Sidnia was stunned when she heard this. Her eyes unconsciously glanced at Tyrell's abdomen, which looked normal. Naturally, she couldn't see anything.

"What is the problem?"

Tyrell stared at this ambitious family member,

"If you miss your grandmother, I can let you see her now!"

"I don't miss my grandmother in any way and I never want to see her again for the rest of my life."

Sidnia made a quick decision. Although she didn't know what condition her grandmother was in now, she didn't want to be swallowed up.

"Then it depends on your performance!"

"I will never let you down, Lord Dragon!"

"Really? In that case, what are you going to do with those Naga lords?"

Tyrell asked with interest.


Sidnia's expression suddenly froze. Every Naga lord is a legend, with varying strengths and weaknesses, but there is no doubt that even the weakest legend is not something she can handle.

"I need the assistance of Dina and Captain Vader Knights."

"Is this what you said, you won't let me down?"

"I just need to be able to check the power of the legend. I can guarantee you, I guarantee that at least half of the Naga lords will be loyal to you!"

"Only half?"

"Two out of three."

"Okay, if you can't reach it, ha!"

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