Bronze Dragon: Tyrant's Road to Conquest

Chapter 337 The Emperor's Appearance


Accompanied by the cool breeze blowing from the sky, the branches and leaves of the World Tree rustle, which is a beautiful movement praising the origin and the harmony of life.


The young dragon who had slept under the World Tree unknowingly opened his eyes. He raised his head and looked at the crown of the tree with some confusion. After looking at it for a long time, the young dragon could not see the reason, and then put his head back. Hanging down, looking at the large lake that was still slightly rippling according to a certain pattern.

[What a stubborn child, he has been waiting for you to wake up! 】


[I can give him the authority to come in and out at will]

"He is not qualified to have such authority yet. If he is willing to wait, let him wait!"

The body is still in a deep sleep state, and Tyriel's consciousness, which continues to grow stronger at a stable and slow speed, has long since awakened. He rests on the World Tree and observes everything from the perspective of the World Tree.

Not only the half-plane at the beginning of the world, but also the Sedellin Islands and the surrounding sea areas within the radiation range of the World Tree are also within his perception, world-class major event changes, and all things within the range of perception. , he knows everything.

Including the arrival of his two heirs, and everything these two little guys did after their arrival, he saw everything, so he made such a comment at this moment.

[You seem to be very dissatisfied with your child]

"He's a little arrogant, and that's not a good thing."

His consciousness is integrated with the World Tree, and he is overlooking everything with a detached attitude. His emotions at this moment are extremely indifferent. For the young dragon sleeping next to him, he does not have much sense of being the father of the dragon. He looks at everything he does from a third party, or even a higher perspective.

[Then how do you plan to arrange for him? 】

"He needs enough training."

At this moment, Diriel was neither sad nor happy, and it was in this state that he made arrangements for his heirs.

"Send him to Ludu."

[According to the age classification of dragons, he is still just a baby dragon]

"He inherited my bloodline. His starting point is already high enough. Young dragons with weaker bloodline are no match for him. What's more, he also possesses such a large number of spell scrolls. Su Hailun dotes on him too much!"

It wasn't until the last sentence that Tyrell's tone showed any emotion, which was dissatisfaction.

[I need to remind you that Green City has lost its former master and is now in great chaos. It is a bit cruel to throw an unprepared young dragon into such a place]

"Ludu has lost its master? Well, in that case, the goal of this trial is to reset the order of Ludu and control Ludu. As long as he meets this condition, you will bring him back."

Veronica, the Dragon Mother of Green City, was once a member of the Five Colors Council. She was defeated in the invasion of Kalos and was captured by Tyrell. He then arranged for her to plant trees in the Dusk Desert.

And everything that this evil dragon king once owned was naturally accepted by Tyrell, including but not limited to the vast black forest she once owned in another medium-sized material world, and the two people whose names she enslaved. A small material realm.

The Green City where Tyrell was going to exile his second son was the Black Forest located in the core of the medium-sized material world. It was once one of the important symbols for Veronica, the dragon mother of Green City, to declare her dominance.

After the evil dragon king was enslaved and taken away by Tyrell, the order established by this evil dragon king also collapsed, because all the ancient dragons loyal to this evil dragon were also recruited by Tyrell. .

The fertile black forest with fertile land and abundant resources has received malicious and coveted eyes from all directions after losing its owner and guardian.

This is the source of the chaos in Green City. Tyrell knows all this, because the roots of the World Tree have already penetrated into the vast black forest and are also shrouded in the domain of the World Tree. The reason why he did not intervene Intervention is because of this.

Within the realm of World Tree, no matter how chaotic the Black Forest is, he can clean up everything at any time if he wants. In comparison, fighting for and stabilizing the ruling order of Elmond Continent is more important.

Although they are both medium-sized material worlds, the size of the Green City Dragon Nest World and the Carlos World are very different. The former is less than one-fifth of the latter. Because of this, Veronica is able to dominate them. If it were in the world of Carlos, she could only occupy one side like the King of Blue Ting.

[Dirrell, you have too high expectations for your child]

"He can do this."

【What if he fails】

“That was also a good experience.”

【All right】

After a brief exchange, World Tree's will became more agile and he stopped trying to dissuade him. Although he felt that the environment in Green City was too harsh, Green City was also within its territory, and it could at least save the young dragon's life without any worries. .

So, under the domain of the World Tree, the young dragon Osiris, who was sleeping leisurely and soundly, opened his eyes again, and saw a group of kobolds holding drumsticks and wooden sticks, slowly surrounding them.

The fishy stench that hit his face, as well as the complex smell of vegetation and humus unique to the rainforest, made Osiris, who was still a little confused, not have time to think too much, and directly pulled out a scroll to inspire.


The blazing sun vaporized all living creatures in front of him, burning the vibrant jungle with it.

The blazing flames and the breath of ashes that hit his face allowed Osiris to confirm that he was not in a dream, let alone an illusion, and everything in front of him was real.

This was something he had never expected before. A rare panic suddenly appeared in Osiris's eyes. He forced himself to calm down, and then quickly conducted various tests using the knowledge in his inherited memory.

In the end, Osiris, who had not even left the young dragon stage, confirmed one thing. Not only did he leave the beginning of the world, he was not even in the original world, but came to a completely unfamiliar material world.

He was banished!

After confirming this, Osiris didn't have time to think, and hurriedly left the ashes he created. The noise he just made was too great, attracting many powerful creatures.

However, because he had no relevant experience at all, Osiris found that many creatures were following him. Even if there was rich knowledge guidance in the blood inheritance, it still took a process to transform the knowledge into his own experience.

As a result, a ray of Yangyan erupted in the jungle again, a powerful aura suddenly disappeared in the jungle, and the other two auras also declined instantly.

But this did not put Osiris out of danger. The sense of crisis coming from all directions reminded him that there were still unknown entities locked on him in this strange and vast jungle.

boom! boom! boom!

The blazing sun flames erupted one after another, and the fire snakes rose into the sky, burning out ugly black spots of ash in the green sea. Finally, along with burning hundreds of miles of land, a wall of flames that connected the sky and the earth stood in the forest sea. , the chase stopped.

No creature dares to chase the arsonist anymore, because most of the chasers have left this world forever, even if judging from the rumors, the arsonist is suspected to be a young dragon. But compared with the risks faced, this gain is completely disproportionate.

At this time, the young dragon Osiris, who finally gained a short period of peace, used the spell he had just learned to cover his aura and the traces left behind, and finally began to count the scrolls on his body.

As a result, this noble-born young dragon began to panic. Because he was completely unprepared, he only had thirty-seven high-level spell scrolls left in his hand, and one legendary scroll.

Such reserves are certainly not enough in Osiris's eyes, but he has no way to replenish them. He doesn't even know how to return, and he doesn't know why he appears here.

"The scroll can no longer be used! From now on, I can only rely on my own spell-casting ability. None of these can be touched unless it is extremely critical."

Osiris made a decision, and he quickly got out of his depressed mood and regained his strength.

"The performance is pretty good!"

Tyrell, whose consciousness relied on the World Tree and floated over the black forest, watched his son's performance. When he saw that he finally no longer relied on those scrolls and decided to stand on his own, he was reluctantly satisfied and made an evaluation.

[Dirrell, should you tell your partner? 】

"I'll tell her when I wake up."

Dirrell responded nonchalantly. Just looking at the scroll carried by this heir, you can tell how much the golden dragon dotes on him. It is precisely because of this doting that he developed such a character.

arrogant due to favor

Since there is already a dragon that dotes on him so much, he should naturally play the role of a strict father. If there is no dragon to control him, judging from his behavior, this young son will probably be lawless in the future.

However, as long as Osiris can pass the trials arranged by him, his character will probably be much more restrained, reaching or even exceeding his expectations.

【It's up to you to decide】

The will of the world tree doesn't care about the mortal world, but because Tyrell pays attention, it also casts its gaze.

"Then I will leave him to you for the time being."

[Don’t worry, I will make sure he is alive]

"As long as you can survive, you don't need to interfere too much in all other matters."

Di Ruier said with profound meaning.



The branches and leaves were whirling, and the golden sunlight penetrated the branches and leaves and fell to the earth. The Source Lake, which had lost the sound of a sleeping dragon, became even quieter, almost silent. Occasionally, elves would fall down, but they would just stay away and not dare. near.

Three years after the disappearance of the young dragon, the Source Lake, which was formed by pouring down the power closest to the origin of the world, has shrunk in size by more than half compared to its original size. The behemoth sleeping in it can no longer be wrapped, leaving half of its body exposed. .

The speed of this reduction is still increasing, but in less than half a year, Source Lake has completely disappeared, leaving only a huge existence like a majestic mountain.


The half-plane that was blessed by the eternal light suddenly fell into darkness when this being who had been sleeping for nearly ten years opened his eyes. The originally comfortable breeze gradually became violent and darkened. In the sky, there are countless thick thunder dragon snakes roaring.

Just in an instant, the paradise plane that was originally like the Garden of Eden was suddenly shrouded in various doomsday scenes, as if it was ushering in the end of all things. This was an extremely terrifying scene. On the vast earth, the newly born The beasts huddled in the bushes or caves, and only the dragon elves perched on the canopy of the World Tree cheered in the face of the storm that was getting stronger and stronger, as if it was about to overturn the entire half of the plane.

These elves, who were born by absorbing the spiritual energy that escaped the king of the sacred tree when he was sleeping, rose up on the wind, flew between the sky and the earth, swallowed the thunder, manipulated the strong wind, and some bold elves even took the initiative to approach the earth. The source of the storm.

It was a powerful creature that was difficult to describe in simple words. He was just entrenched there, like a majestic golden mountain range, unattainable and difficult to cross.

"This evolution deviates somewhat from the evolutionary path of the metal dragon clan."

Tyrell silently realized the power contained in his new dragon body. When he opened his eyes and the life characteristics began to activate, it triggered a natural disaster that swept through half the plane.

This is the embodiment of the power he possesses after his evolution. In the past, he would have needed to actively exert the elemental power of his ancestral dragon to trigger a natural disaster of this magnitude.

But now, as long as he does not deliberately suppress his power, such a natural disaster field will naturally form around him, which is not consistent with the racial characteristics of the Metal Dragon Clan.

Most of the dragons in the metal dragon family can be regarded as spellcasters among dragons, and their control of their own power is considered outstanding among dragons, so they can use their humanoid form to move freely in the civilized world. walk.

It is precisely because of this that the individual strength of a metal dragon can often surpass that of other dragon species of the same age group. This development and evolutionary path is certainly correct, but in Dirrell's opinion, it is a bit biased.

Although the metal dragon clan is not inferior to any dragon clan in terms of melee combat ability, it is weaker compared to its spellcasting ability.

Therefore, during this evolution, Dirrell made reference to the native ancient dragon species from foreign lands and their life form structures, and made a rather tedious optimization of his body.

At this moment, he already has a dragon body of more than 100 meters. Of course, because of his unique body proportions, his dragon tail takes up half of his body length.

Therefore, purely in terms of size, he has only caught up with the Blue Ting King back then. He has the capital to fight head-on with this evil dragon king.

It's a pity that the Evil Dragon King is no longer here, otherwise, Di Ruier would really like to try it and see the near-god power contained in his body at this moment.

The focus of Dirrell's evolution this time is physical strength and optimizing fighting ability. He refers to the native dragon species from the beginning of the world.

They master the power that is closest to the essence of the world, and do not have any too fancy innate abilities. Every power they master is extremely pure, which is reflected in their appearance. Every dragon species is particularly good at melee combat and powerful. The body is their most powerful weapon.

This also directly affected Dirrell's current form. His scales were no longer as brilliant as before, showing the luster and color of crystals or diamonds, but instead were as deep and thick as metal.

This makes Tyrell truly have the momentum and power to become an emperor at this moment!

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