Bronze Dragon: Tyrant's Road to Conquest

Chapter 327 Father and son, the young dragon’s scheming

"Knoros is my child, and I am his guardian. Who do you want to replace me? The golden dragon? Or the silver dragon? What qualifications do they have to replace me and educate the children of the red dragon."

After hearing Di Ruier's words, the red dragon, which had been suppressed by the Shadow Dragon Attendant, burst into violent flames from every scale on its body, and struggled violently again.

"Red dragons are the dragons least qualified to raise their own children."

It is not derogatory to say that in terms of the sense of responsibility for raising children, the white dragons of Daglacier may be stronger than the red dragons. Just look at Urrutia's performance.

"Knoros, you are my child. I will now leave the decision to you. Do you choose to follow your biological mother, or choose to trust me and let me choose a new guardian for you."

Tyrell lowered his head and handed over the decision-making power to his eldest son. This approach seemed too outrageous to the short-lived species, but it was not too outrageous to the dragons who were born with knowledge.


Seeing his biological father suddenly handing over the choice to his own hands, the groggy hybrid dragon Cronos was suddenly startled, and his head suddenly became more clear-headed, showing a look of hesitation.

"Kronus, is there anything to hesitate about? Of course you choose me. I am your biological mother. I am willing to give you everything I have. But once you abandon me, then You can only be raised by the metal dragon."

Seeing the hesitant expression on the baby dragon, the suppressed red dragon Urrutia was both angry and a little frightened. She could not imagine what she, as a red dragon, might encounter once she was abandoned by her own heir. s consequence.

Based on her performance today, it is impossible for Di Ruier to favor her from now on. Without favor, even if she can get help from the Five-Colored Dragon Queen, she will not be able to regenerate, otherwise she will die. .

"Dad, I don't know what to choose, but I am willing to listen to dad's arrangements."

After a period of hesitation and entanglement, the young dragon raised his head, stared at a pair of shining red gold dragon eyes, looked at Di Ruier, and said with a sweet voice.

"Yes, my brain is quite bright."

Upon hearing the choice made by his eldest son, Tyrell immediately smiled, stretched out his paw, and picked it up again. Without even looking at the red dragon, he turned around and left the palace built on a volcanic island surrounded by lava rivers.

"Go ahead and tell me that from today on, Urrutia will not be allowed to leave the island even half a step."

The strong winds accompanied the master's will and swarmed in from all directions. While gradually rising into the sky, Tyrell casually gave instructions to his side. After a while, streams of light flew towards the elves' Moonlight Island.

After decades of erosion and assimilation, although the high elves living on Moonlight Island still refuse to admit it, they have in fact become vassals of Tyrell.

According to Tyrell's own assessment, these elves will soon become an indispensable part of the empire he is about to establish.

Because not long after the order was issued, a group of elves from Moonlight Island hurried over with materials for building the Mystery Lock.

However, Tyrell did not have time to watch the elves' transformation process of the volcanic island. After confirming that his order was being carried out, he tore apart the space and headed to the palace in the port of Punolando.

"what do you mean?"

With motherly light shining in her eyes, the blond young woman who was carefully taking care of a golden dragon egg squinted as she looked at the young dragon brought in by Tyrell. The beautiful face that originally seemed a bit kind and gentle gradually began to change. She cooled down, and when she looked at the bronze dragon, she could already be called indifferent.

"Show me off on behalf of your red dragon mistress?"

"Of course not. How can you miss me so much? Am I such a dragon in your eyes?"

Tyrell blinked, his eyes showing a bit of grievance and innocence.

"Of course, don't you know what your own virtue is?"

Su Hailun's expression was still indifferent. She felt that her tolerance was high enough. After all, given Jinlong's requirements and harshness for her partner, she was able to give in to this step. She was already broad-minded, enough to tolerate those who were about to leave the desert. A land of morning light transformed into a jungle.

"If you say that, then I would be so sad."

"Then take your heirs, find another place, and grieve slowly."

"In fact, I have ordered the blockade of the island where the red dragon Urrutia lives."

Seeing the golden dragon Su Hailun who couldn't stand teasing but was holding back to the limit and was about to explode, Di Rui immediately began to restrain himself, his expression became serious, and he said the order he had just given in an understatement,

"I will not lift this order until Cronus comes of age."

"You finally gave the right order. I thought you would remain in ignorance and continue to be bewitched by the red dragon."

Hearing Di Ruier's words, Su Hailun was stunned for a moment, and then spoke, with a bit of ridicule in her tone.

"Why am I so stupid?"

Tyrell was a little unconvinced.

"You clearly know that the female red dragon was targeted and modified by the Five-Colored Dragon Queen, but instead of refusing, you are willing to accept it. If you are not fatuous, who can be called fatuous?"


Tyrell was speechless, but the reason why he favored Urrudia was mainly due to his confidence in his own strength, because he did not believe that the Dragon God could plot him in the material world. On the other hand, maybe , this is because the female dragon is indeed quite fragrant.

"Tell me, what do you want to do by bringing this young dragon here?"

After being so angry that Di Rui could not answer the question, Golden Dragon Su Hailun let him go. Then he turned his eyes and looked at Xing Xin. He hid under Di Rui's body and stuck out half of his head to peek into the strange world outside. The young dragon.

Su Hailun, who had already laid the dragon egg, clearly sensed the violent power of this hybrid baby dragon that was different from the metal dragons, but her eyes still softened.

"You know, his mother is not qualified as a teacher and nurturer, and she is even more incompetent."

"So, what do you want to say?"

The blonde young woman looked at the bronze dragon master who was like a mountain in front of her, and her eyes became cold again. Even if she didn't guess, she knew that this guy in front of her couldn't hold back any good ideas.

"I would like to ask you to be the guardian of this little guy, teach him some knowledge that you think dragons should learn and master, and establish correct morals and values ​​for him."

Even though every part of the golden dragon in front of him showed resistance and rejection, Di Ruier still turned a blind eye and said what he had already decided.

"As you can see, I don't have the leisure time, so please allow me to refuse."

Seeing that Di Ruier actually dared to make such an outrageous request to him, Su Hailun immediately pointed at the golden dragon egg in front of him and refused without hesitation.

"It's just taking care of a young dragon. It doesn't take much time."

Tyrell still didn't give up.

"I have my own children to take care of and no time for distractions."

"I think it's just a small problem for you to take care of one more dragon."

"If I only have to take care of the young dragon, of course it will be just a small problem for me, but Tyrell, have you forgotten who is wiping the polish on Punolando, the most shining pearl on the continent, for you? Contaminated dust.”

At this point, the fatigue and impatience accumulated during the long-term rule came to the fore at this moment. Su Hailun glared at Di Ruier with some hatred,

"It's you, His Majesty the Emperor, what heavy duties have you arranged for yourself, and what have you done? Is taking care of a young dragon a particularly difficult task for you? Even such a You want to push other dragons to solve small things for you, don't you think you are a little too lazy?"

"I don't have much time."

Hearing the accusations and questions from the golden dragon in front of him, Tyrell suddenly felt a headache, and the young dragon Knoros he had brought over was now shrinking behind Tyrell's front paws.

The aura displayed by the golden dragon at this moment was really terrifying. It was not something that a young dragon of this age could withstand. At this moment, he was full of awe of the golden dragon in human form in front of him.

"What time?"

"My slumber is coming."

Dirrell slowly spit out a string of arcs, and then gave a compromise plan.

"If you are very reluctant, then I won't force him. After I fall asleep, I will hand him over to the Dragon Attendants. After I wake up, I will teach him myself."

"What stupid words are you talking about? If you hand this little dragon over to those dragon servants who will only flatter you without any bottom line, I can't even imagine what he will be like."

"Since the Dragon Warrior is not good, then you should tell me who is suitable!"

When Di Ruier heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Who told you to enter the slumber period? I have always done this for you, but let's make an agreement first. I will only take care of this little dragon on your behalf during the few years you are in slumber. After you wake up, come and pick up this little dragon yourself."

"No problem at all."

When he heard that the golden dragon in front of him was willing to take care of him, Dirui immediately agreed.

"Well, if nothing happens, leave this little dragon here and you can go!"

Even though she reluctantly agreed to Di Ruier, Su Hailun didn't give Di Ruier any good looks. Instead, she issued an eviction order.

"Well, how about I introduce each other to you first?"

Tyrell glanced at the young dragon beneath him who was completely subdued by the golden dragon's aura, and then tentatively suggested.

"Is the one you brought here a brainless dragon beast that has not received the dragon bloodline inheritance? You need to introduce it on his behalf. Doesn't he even have the intelligence to say his own name?"

"That's not true."

"Then why are you still here?"


On the edge of the golden dragon's explosion, Tyrell, who jumped repeatedly, also knew that he should not stay here for too long, so he lowered his head and pulled out the young dragon hiding under him.

"Knoros, the guardian I found for you is a very kind and responsible golden dragon. She is also my partner. You can call her mother."

"When did I promise?"

Following the golden dragon's questioning, a beam of light composed of blazing sun flames struck Diriel's body, directly pushing his huge body out of the palace.

"Find a place to sleep by yourself, and don't come to my place again!"


Seeing the palace door slamming shut to him, Di Ruier shook his head, ignored the vaguely strange looks from all corners of the palace, flicked his tail, and left directly.

After all, it was Jin Long who had just given birth, so it was completely understandable that he was a little irritable and sensitive. As a spouse, all he could do was to be tolerant.

"I am such a good husband!"

Di Ruil boasted shamelessly, then tore apart space and headed to the northern part of the continent.

Built on the top of the Alps, the palace can easily overlook the entire city of Punolando, which stretches from the foot of the mountain to the sea. The atmosphere is extremely oppressive and you can hear a needle drop.

Of course, this solemn atmosphere only exists based on subjective will, so it is one-sided. The young dragon Knoros was stiff, like a sculpture, and did not dare to move.

"May I have your name?"

The blond young woman's eyes were only on the golden dragon egg placed in the Yangyan Rapids Pool in front of her. She didn't even look at the young dragon that was left behind, and just asked casually.

"My name is Cronus..."

The young dragon honestly reported his true dragon name without any intention of hiding it, even if the golden dragon in front of him could easily do something to him based on his true name.

But if the golden dragon in front of him is really malicious towards him, or has some bad thoughts, it doesn't matter whether he has a real name or not, it makes no difference.

It was out of this consideration that Cronus had no intention of hiding anything, and he didn't even hesitate.

"We are dragons. We are born with blood inheritance and know our origins. I am not your biological mother, so you don't have to call me what your father said."

Su Hailun still had a grudge in her heart. She couldn't accept the red dragon's descendant calling her such an affectionate name.

"Yes, but what should I call you?"

Cronus doesn't have any of the bad habits that may come from red dragon blood, and he looks extremely well-behaved.

"You can call me Ms. Su Hailun, or teacher."

"Okay, Ms. Su Hailun."

The young dragon could sense that the golden dragon in front of him was deliberately keeping a distance from him and did not want to have a too close relationship with him, but he could completely understand this idea.

"It seems that the guy has already fed you before he brought you here. If nothing happens, you can sleep here first."


For the young dragon Knoros, the most difficult period in dragon life has been successfully passed. Although the best results have not been achieved, his father's golden dragon companion has accepted him. He lives in the lofty and magnificent Dragon Palace. , has its own place.

But even so, a strong sense of insecurity still enveloped him. The golden dragon who temporarily raised him deliberately kept a distance from him and was unwilling to get close to him. The magnificent palace was too deserted, except for the dragon egg surrounded by the sun. , almost no other living things.

Therefore, for the hybrid dragon Knoros, what he looks forward to most is that his half-brother will hatch as soon as possible, so that he may be able to get rid of his current loneliness.

Maybe he could use this to win the sympathy and favor of Ms. Jinlong and change his current embarrassing position.

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