Chapter 66

[Danzo has a knife-like hand, and his fingertips are poking down Shisui’s eyeballs! ! 】

[Shisui’s wide-open blood wheel eyes reflect Danzo’s hideous and greedy face…]


All those who watched the movie instinctively took in Shisui’s perspective, and took a breath.

Fortunately for the ninja, the civilians simply closed their eyes and couldn’t bear to see what happened afterwards.


[With a piercing sound, Uchiha Shisui’s Sharingan suddenly exploded with a scarlet brilliance. 】

[“Sorry.” Shisui sighed softly. 】

[Another violent heart palpitations, Danzo’s pupils shrink! His arm was actually pinched by Shisui, and people quickly lost consciousness! ! 】

The elders of the major Ninja villages–


“Unexpectedly, that Danzo–!”

“That instant Shisui, did it use Mangekyō Sharingan’s power just now?!”

“It’s shocking.”

“To put it ugly, fortunately there is no Uchiha now, otherwise there will be more guys like Shisui Shisui, and the Ninja world will not be in a mess?”

“Don’t forget, the mask man…”

“The masked man is also Uchiha and also has Sharingan.”

“Remember the abilities of the masked man. He suddenly appeared during the Five Shadows meeting, and then suddenly disappeared. The three ships of Admiral who assembled the power of the Five Shadows and the Iron Kingdom, no one could stop him!”

“It’s more than stopping him, dare not say anything in front of Wuying, and still retreat all over, Wuying and his entourage can’t hurt him at all. Is this kind of power looking at the entire Ninja World?


The elder of Iwagakure, the land of earth, turned around and looked at the adult who said ‘Yes’.

“Master Tsuchikage.”

“Yeah.” Onomu frowned, “One person can do it…” Is it really that person? If that person is still alive, what will the future of Ninja World look like?

“Master Tsuchikage, who are you talking about—?”

“Konoha’s first rebel, once the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, known as Shura in the Ninja world—”

“Uchiha… Madara!”

The masked man “Madara” who was discussed by the crowd is now using the power of Kamui space to spy on Konoha quietly.

‘Everything is out of control! ’

Uchiha Obito’s heart is violent! !

Second Hokage, who is still alive, is also good.

It’s also good for this huge and mysterious image.

It is good to reveal in advance that he is the leader behind the “Akatsuki Organization”.

It’s okay to reveal that the Uchiha clan had a coup d’état.

This video of Danzo’s dirty tricks was released in advance.

Everything is out of control! ! ! !

Uchiha Obito had never been irritable at this time. He didn’t know what power was controlling all of this.

But in all his cognition and ‘Madara’, there has never been such a power! !

Second Hokage Senju Tobirama also made him anxious, knowingly or unconsciously. It is clear that Second Hokage should have been dead for years when he was born!

Why does he look like he knows the person “Uchiha Obito”? !(Read more @

“Don’t mention that kid, I’ve been fooled by Madara and “that thing” for so many years…” Second Hokage’s words are still in my ears, and Obito uses his anxious head to think about Second Generation’s words one by one.


That thing…

His bloodshot Sharingan was filled with gloom.

“Black Zetsu…”

Uchiha Obito, who was hesitant, roared in the Kamui space.

Hatake Kakashi is standing in a dark corner near Konoha Shinobi School, watching the video in a low mood.

In his left eye socket, the eye belonging to his hero did not know why it hurt so much.

[In the video, Shisui, as Konoha’s ninja, did not hit Elder Danzo. 】

[“It’s just an ordinary illusion, and it will soon wake up.” Shisui turned and left, and he wanted to go to an appointment with Itachi. 】

[However, Shisui did not expect that, just after taking two steps, Shimura Danzō had actually cracked his illusion! 】

[Shisui, who was hit hard on his chest and abdomen, let out a groan, and then Shimura Danzō, the elder Konoha, beat him up! 】

[Right face, chin, body, while Uchiha Shisui relaxes his vigilance, Shimura Danzō surprises him. 】

[Such a suffocating operation, even Konoha feels a bit too much! 】

[However, don’t forget what Danzo said before-your Sharingan, the old man will accept it! ! 】

[I saw Danzo grabbing Shisui’s hair and throwing him up…]


[All eyes are scarlet. 】

[Shisui endured the severe pain, jumped back and escaped Danzo, kneeling on the ground, covering her right eye socket, which had lost her eyeball, and panting frequently. 】

‘Shisui! ! ! ’

Although he knew what happened, Uchiha Itachi saw the other person’s eyeballs alive in the video, and Uchiha Itachi attached the pain to him like that.

The anger towards Danzo almost soared to its climax for a while.

[Shisui in the image saw it with the other eye, and Danzo held Sharingan and moved it to the right eye that had been tied with a bandage. The bandage was untied, and Uchiha Shisui saw the scene that shocked him so much! ! 】


“That is……”

“But Shimura Danzō is not from the Uchiha clan!”

“Don’t forget, Konoha’s copy of the ninja Hatake Kakashi exists!”

“Yes, that Kakashi is not Uchiha, but the left eye is indeed…”

Kakashi held Obito’s eyes and stared at Shimura Danzō in the image with a gloomy expression.

[Yes, the right eye that Danzo has been hiding in the video is actually… Sharingan! ! 】

[It’s just that Sharingan quickly turned into a waste eye with a white pupil after seeing the light, “I won’t waste your Sharingan, it will become a substitute for this eyeball…”][Not surprisingly, Danzo is insatiable, “Then, give the other eye to the old man.”][In front of the seriously injured Shisui, a dozen Konoha Anbu suddenly appeared, and they all attacked Uchiha Shisui. 】

“That guy Danzo!!” Senju Tobirama was furious in an instant, and the pressure of Chakra made the nearby air heavy as if it were condensed.


As a big brother Hashirama’s dream,

‘Guardian, Nurturing, Entrusting’ should have been its fundamental tone…

And Danzo actually shot the younger generation of Shinobu for strength and power! !

It really leaves him speechless! ! !

[Next is an embarrassing dodging pursuit. 】

[Shisui who lost one eye is chased by the ninja of “Root”. Shuriken, kunai, smoke bombs, poisonous gas, those ‘root’ ninjas treat Uchiha Shisui of Tongnin Village by any means. 】

Seeing the dozens of Anbu’s moves and styles, Senju Tobirama suppressed his anger, but the three students who knew about the second brother’s Banma and Tobirama’s presence knew that he became even more angry and almost reached the top!

“Monkey! Tell the old man who trained these Anbus?!!!”

“…” The old Third Hokage lowered his head.

I rejected the training method of Third Hokage, who was once young and I couldn’t agree with it! The two elders dared not say anything at this time, as if those who supported Danzo’s strategy were not the same.

This really disappoints Tobirama.

“In this way of fighting, only the small family before Sengoku can train ninjas in this way.” Tobirama said: “They don’t use their own children to train like this. They are looking for orphans who have been displaced by the war…”

“It’s not so much training ninjas, it’s better to say that the final trainees are Deadpool.”

No feelings, no tears, no self.

Only obedience, mission and death.

[In the image——][Losing a Sharingan and inhaling poison gas again, Uchiha Shisui, who is embarrassed, becomes unconscious. 】

[He fell into a memory——]

Shisui in the movie: “…”

This was something he didn’t expect. He himself didn’t remember what was in his mind at that time. The guy behind the video actually knew and recorded it…

There is itachi who has been involved and exposed the details: “…”

Sasuke who was so involved and didn’t know that he was the kind of stinky kid in Shisui’s memory: “…”


Update today (2/limited) to order, shoot everyone.

The monthly ticket and Huahua have been cleared! ! Reach out for everyone’s flowers and tickets~.

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