Chapter 56

“Since something is going on, let’s talk about it in detail—”

“The younger generation of Uchiha.”

In the direction that Second Hokage Senju Tobirama glanced over, a figure gradually emerged.

The high-necked tribal uniform, with a red and white fan clan emblem on the back, and Konoha forehead protector tied between short hair. The young man is slightly curled and wide-nose——

It was on the Chūnin exam that I hurriedly met with Sasuke, Naruto and others-Uchiha Shisui!

Shisui bowed in the ritual of a ninja, knelt on one knee in front of the two Naruto, bowed his head and lowered his eyes: “Dead ninja, Uchiha Shisui, come and reinstate.”

It was an accident for Shisui to see the legendary Second Hokage.

I wanted to fight with Third Hokage for the matter of Itachi. At least I should take over it instead of it.

No matter how bad he is, he must complete the previous vow, not to betray Itachi, and fight with him forever.

However, seeing Grandpa’s teacher, Master Second Hokage, Shisui, who had been desperate to reconcile the relationship between the Uchiha family and Konoha, rekindled new hope.

It turned out that he was far more than he who was resurrected by the mysterious power!

In that case, even if there are not a few people left in the Uchiha clan, he can save the clan’s name, that’s enough.

Although within the Uchiha clan, the opinion of Second Hokage Senju Tobirama has not been very good, saying that he excludes the Uchiha clan, saying that he is not as broad-minded as First Hokage.

But his grandfather Uchiha Kagami respected and loved the teacher very much.

I heard from my father that my grandfather always told him about this Second Hokage’s glorious deeds, political talent, ninjutsu talent, caring for his subordinates and students when he was a child, sigh…

In the end, I didn’t have to praise, and even praised his appearance.

Shisui, who had been hiding in the dark before, condensed aura and Chakra finally saw Second Hokage himself today.

Isn’t it too young? ! !

I don’t feel much older than myself!

If he was resurrected by strange quizzes just like himself, why does his that bring back to the basics, rejuvenate the old and rejuvenate? !

Forget it, these are not the points.

Mainly Danzo, Itachi’s last act of extermination, Danzo must have used a lot of unbearable methods behind it. If his guess is correct, Konoha must give Uchiha Itachi the task of extermination.

Including Itachi’s defection, did you go to investigate the intelligence of the organization called ‘Xiao’?

Shisui, who treats Itachi as his own brother to care for, has a high understanding of Itachi’s abilities and talents.

But even so, he clearly understood that Itachi could not complete the task of extermination by himself.

Let alone the patriarch, the elders and elites of Uchiha, none of them are idle generations.

Just talk about such a big movement, how could Konoha know?

Anbu, who has been monitoring the Uchiha clan, how can the root not know? !

No. Second Hokage Senju Tobirama, Third Hokage and his Naruto consultants took a breath when they saw Shisui appear.(Read more @

“Shisui, you…”

Senju Itama had seen this Uchiha. Although he didn’t hurt him at the time, he might not know that he belonged to the Senju clan.

Therefore, when I saw Shisui, Anama immediately tightened his body and stood behind his second brother to prepare for the battle.

Tobirama patted the shoulder between the clappers: “Remember what I said? There is no Senju or Uchiha here. There is only Konoha, and the responsibility is to protect the Hokage of all Konoha.”

Hearing what Second Hokage said, Shisui felt more relieved.

“Second Generation Master, I am Uchiha Shisui, and my grandfather is your student Uchiha Kagami.” Shisui introduced herself to Second Generation, “I was fortunate to start Mangekyō Sharingan before death, like my grandfather, but… Stay with those eyes.”

Third Generation sighed.

When Shisui’s body was found, the two Sharingan in both eyes were dug out! !

If it is Sharingan of Sangouyu, it is easy to say, who can goug the eyes of Uchiha who owns Mangekyō Sharingan? !

Even for him, Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, known as the professor of ninjutsu, can’t do this…

Unless that person… is unexpected! !

This shows that Shisui trusts that person!

A bit of cold suddenly passed from the soles of Third Hokage’s feet to the top of his head! !

“Oh…” Thinking of Uchiha Sasuke’s hatred for Danzo during the Fourth World War, what else Second Hokage hadn’t figured out clearly.

“Let’s go, let’s talk to the Senju clan first.” Then he turned around and gave orders to his three students: “You must not tell anyone about Uchiha Shisui’s resurrection, including… Danzo!”

Shisui bowed his head and said gratefully: “Thank you, Master Second Generation.”

Compared with Shisui, Third Generation and the elders also guessed some hidden information, as if they were more than ten years old, and said “I will follow your instructions.” The answer was somewhat sad and weak.

The six came to the Senju clan. Third Generation and the two advisors elders had long been puzzled by the children brought back by Teacher Tobirama.

The child’s hair is black and white, which is strange.

It is certain that it is not Konoha’s child, but it has been stuck behind the teacher, like a dogskin plaster, what is going on holding the teacher’s clothes and not letting go? !

Mitokado Homura pushed his glasses, “Ms. Tobirama, can I ask who your child is first?”

Although I am very respectful to Senju Tobirama, my attitude towards children who pop out inexplicably is definitely not good…

Third Generation gave a dry cough and wanted to remind Mitokado Homura, in case it is important…

“My brother, Senju Itama” Senju Tobirama: “I am one of the most important people between me and my elder brother.”

Yes, in case it is Mr. Tobirama’s important younger brother…

Eh? ! ! !

“Teacher, I may be old and my ears are not so good… heh heh heh…”

Third Generation laughed, Mitokado Homura lost his glasses, Utatane Koharu looked silly.

Shisui knelt and sat aside and was stunned. At that time, because of the rush of time, he didn’t look at this black-and-white-haired child directly. He didn’t think he was the brother of Master Second Hokage! !

Saying that, just like yourself, was also resurrected by that strange question? !

Tobirama patted his younger brother on the back. Senju, who was only seven years old, introduced himself to a stranger who voted much higher than him.

“When we first met, I was the fourth son of Senju Butsuma, the head of the Senju clan. My name is Itama, Senju Itama.”

After a pause, he glanced at the face of his second elder brother Tobirama before continuing: “I died in the Sengoku, Senju and Uchiha war missions. I was killed by five adult Uchiha at the age of seven.”

At the age of…seven years old…

At this age, they died in the war. It was really impossible not to let Konoha graduated from Ninja School after it was established.

Even if it is a war of Ninja, even if Genin who has just graduated is assigned to do logistics supply work.

Nor would a seven-year-old child wear such a heavy armor and walk on the battlefield to fight with the enemy.

However, Itama didn’t take this seriously. “You don’t need to be so surprised. After all, it’s me or I died in the war mission between Senju and Uchiha and Hakata, or Hashirama and Tobirama were both six years old Went to the battlefield.”

He followed the teachings of his father Senju Butsuma: “Once on the battlefield, a ninja is a tool that does not fear death. As long as you always remember the honor of the family, you will not be burdened.

“Oh…” Tobirama sighed. He didn’t want his brothers and families to have a strong consciousness. The village should be a whole, and the village was the first pick.

Tobirama: “Wajian, and Jing’s grandson Yo, let me talk to the old man about how you were resurrected.”


Update today (4/unlimited)

Beg to order. .

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