British writer

Chapter 321 Enrollment Issues

After experiencing the small episode at the hall, the carriage rushed to the Plaza Hotel.

Check in at midnight.

After that, after he had lunch, Butler, the president of Columbia University, came to his door and invited him to visit the school to see how the journalism school was being developed.

Lu Shi went to the United States just for exchanges, so he naturally agreed.

Together with Goodman, the three went by carriage.

Columbia is located on the Upper West Side of Manhattan.

The campus is only a few blocks away from Central Park and adjacent to the Harlem River, with beautiful scenery.

The campus is lined with ancient buildings, exuding a strong historical and academic atmosphere.

Along the tree-lined paths, students strolled leisurely or sat on benches to discuss profound academic issues.

Butler guided the landing forward,

"Professor Lu, since he decided to establish a journalism school, Joseph has become a different person. His mental weakness has improved a lot. He can work more than three hours a day, which is really rare."

He was talking about Joseph Pulitzer,

Because Pulitzer was so mentally weak that he could not even tolerate any noise, he had to live in a top-notch soundproof yacht and wander around the sea.

Unexpectedly, work can also cure diseases.

Lu Shi was curious,

"The key is the students. What do they think of journalism school?"

Butler's expression changed slightly and he said in a low voice: "You know, journalism is an emerging discipline. It's okay for public courses, but there are no corresponding teachers for professional courses. Out of helplessness, I can only ask Joseph to ask people in the industry for help."


Lu Shi was speechless, knowing the other party's difficulty.

The so-called "industry insiders" must be reporters, editors, publishers and the like.

In the eyes of the proud students who were admitted to Columbia University, these people were not very knowledgeable, and now they are transformed into professors, which is really hard to accept.

Lu Shi said: "I can probably guess it."

Butler smiled,

"Actually, the United States is not that conservative. Pulitzer recommended Ms. Bly, and only a few students opposed it."

The two chatted and came to the front of the Journalism School.

That's not a newly built building;

Sunlight shines on the corridor through the ancient windows, creating mottled light and shadow.

"Time was tight and we put the old school building into use," Butler said.

Lu Shi said: "This is good, it seems to have foundation."

They walked through the gate,

Renovation has entered the final stage.

A variety of unused building materials are piled in the corner, from wooden boards to ceramic tiles, from paint to hardware, everything is placed in a haphazard manner.

Not far away, Pulitzer was chatting with a woman.

Butler stepped forward;

"Joseph! Look, who is this!"

Pulitzer turned around, his eyes lit up, and gave Lu Shi an American hug.

"Professor Lu, you are finally here!"

Then he shook hands with Goodman,

During this period, it was Goodman who was in charge of docking, and the two of them had already become familiar with each other.

Pulitzer introduced the woman again,

"Nellie Bly, journalist."

After he acquired the New York World, he recruited Bly.

Bligh is also capable;

Her articles criticized ugly phenomena on the one hand and advocated social reform on the other. They relied on sensationalism and criticism of a series of social issues to make the newspaper sales explode.

Pulitzer joked: "Professor Lu, if you come here now, you can still guide the admissions work. It will be too late by the end of summer~"

Lu Shi asked curiously: "The pre-enrollment of the School of Journalism is not optimistic?"

The admissions process varies from country to country.

Generally, American colleges and universities require students to submit application materials first.

Like application forms, personal statements, letters of recommendation...

On the surface, it is the students who want something from the school.

But because a person can be admitted to multiple schools at the same time, there is no phenomenon of "professionals obey the adjustment, and if they don't obey, they will be dropped."

So, it's essentially a two-way choice.

What Pulitzer is worried about now is that they are spending money and effort to build journalism schools in full swing.

As a result, no one applied.

That would be very embarrassing.

He looked at Lu Shi eagerly and asked, "Professor Lu, what do you think about enrollment?"

"Ah this..."

Lu Shi scratched his head,

"I'm only familiar with the procedures of British universities."

Pulitzer did not speak, but Butler next to him said first: "Professor Lu, you are too modest. When we discussed whether journalism is science, we were worried that graduates of journalism schools would become people who show off their words, so you just I have made suggestions.”

At that time, Lu Shi’s idea was to require the dual-major ratio among journalism school graduates.

Also gave a very outrageous number:


In this way, students not only learn journalism, but also gain an in-depth understanding of a certain major or industry.

With professional knowledge, you can support in-depth articles, and naturally you can avoid "showing off with words".

Lu Shi spread his hands,

"You want me to think of a similar method? Then I will definitely be scolded by the students!"

Butler said: "It's also for the sake of the students. If you endure hardship when you are young, you will not suffer when you enter society. When the time comes, they will naturally understand your good intentions."

Pulitzer also nodded beside him,

"So, Professor Lu still has the consciousness of being a teacher. If the students suffer, he will bear the blame."

Lu Shi: "..."

"Okay, okay, let's play like this, right?"

Pulitzer chuckled.

It can be seen that this man's anxiety has improved a lot because he has been more comfortable at work recently.

Moreover, judging from his appearance, it seems that even his eyesight has recovered.

He whispered: "In the final analysis, the outside world still has misunderstandings about journalism. If I had a reputation like Mr. Cavendish, I would not have to worry about recruiting students if I could just set up a laboratory."

Lu Shi smiled,

"The Cavendish Laboratory was not set up 'happily' either."

Pulitzer replied: "I was just making an analogy."

Lu Shi fell into deep thought,

"Actually, it's not difficult to recruit students. There is a saying in China, 'Under heavy rewards, there will be brave men.' The worst thing is, let's get more scholarships."

He is now a director of Columbia University, so he naturally has the right to say this.

Goodman approaches from behind;

"Sir Lu, the scholarship is indeed a good idea. We can ask Parker Brothers to come forward."

Parker Brothers is Lu Shi’s board game publishing partner in the United States.

Because "Monopoly" and "Lord of the Rings" have made a lot of money, the cash flow is very abundant.

Lu Shi thought about the feasibility of this matter,

Since last year, Roosevelt has been engaged in tax reform.

On the one hand, they split up Rockefeller under a clever name;

On the other hand, companies are forced to do charity or invest in education, medical and other fields.

Parker Brothers sets up a scholarship at each major to avoid taxes.

It's like killing two birds with one stone.

Lu Shi pondered: "There won't be any legal risks, right?"

Goodman was stunned.

"What legal risks?"

Lu Shi said: "I am a trustee of Columbia University, and I also have equity interests in Parker Brothers. In this case, setting up scholarships seems a bit like 'left hand and right hand'."

In fact, Lu Shi had done similar things before.

But this time it involves tax avoidance,

Considering the awesomeness of the U.S. tax system, you still have to be careful.

Goodman’s lips curled up.

"Professor Lu, you are such a good person."

Lu Shi:? ? ?

I was given the good guy card for no apparent reason, and I was very confused.

Goodman whispered: "Don't worry, this is how everyone plays. These are the rules of the game."

Lu Shi was speechless,

Most people would think that doing this is artificially creating a shady story.

But in the United States, it's reasonable and legal.


This is so capitalist.

Goodman shrugged.

"If you are really worried, you can ask me to be the supervisor of the scholarship management committee~ I will make everything run under the 'sunshine'."

As he spoke, he lowered his voice and continued: "If that doesn't work, ask Franklin Roosevelt to be the supervisor instead. He intends to apply to Columbia Law School and needs to accumulate qualifications and experience in project management. I heard that he and the President …”

Lu Shi waved his hand and quickly interrupted,

"Stop talking~Stop talking~"

If it gets any lower, it’s time to talk about the American dream again.

He turned to Pulitzer,

"Monetary incentives alone will definitely not work. We have to go further and provide clear career directions for graduates of the School of Journalism."

Pulitzer laughed after hearing this,

There are two world-class media tycoons on site. Are you worried that they won’t be able to provide jobs?

Moreover, the journalism school they run must know the true level of this school best.

If it can be done as Lu Shi envisioned, and we can directly seize talents in the journalism industry from here, even if we pay high salaries, we will definitely make a profit.

Pulitzer looked around,

"Come on, let's go out for a walk. Let's talk while we walk."

Lu Shi quickly led the way.

"Let me lead you away."

He was afraid Pulitzer couldn't see clearly.

Pulitzer smiled and said, "Professor Lu is really a gentleman."

Lu Shi controlled his pace and walked in front.

Several people walked out of the door.

The afternoon sun shines down,

The traces of time on the walls are even more obvious under the sunlight.

Lu Shi said: "Actually, we still have many ways."

Pulitzer was curious,

"for example?"

Lu Shi explained: "As far as I know, some universities do not require a major for admission. Students can make a decision after they reach their freshman or sophomore year."

The reason why he talked about this was because he mentioned Roosevelt to Goodman just now.

Roosevelt entered Harvard University in 1900, studying political science, history and journalism.

It wasn't until he entered Columbia University in 1904 that he chose law.

It is not difficult to find that these are all liberal arts majors,

For science and engineering majors, it is often necessary to determine the direction when applying or not long after entering the school.

It can only be said that there is a reason why many liberal arts majors are called "underwater basket weaving majors". The employability is real, and you have to rely on just choosing a school and not deciding on a major to lure people into the door.

Therefore, there is no such thing as "adjustment" in the United States, but there is a fact of "adjustment".

Just like Roosevelt Jr.

He studied political science, history and journalism. Did he switch to physics in his junior year?

In that case, all the time spent earlier will be in vain.

Butler next to him couldn't help but evoke an evil smile,

"Professor Lu, you know the United States very well~"

Lu Shi said: "After all, I am the main editor of the "Global University Rankings", so I still know these things. Besides, Harvard is doing this, so you must follow up. By the way, you are not trying to get into the Ivy League. ?"

Butler nodded,

"Yes. I heard Principal Elliot say before that 'Ivy' was still the name you gave me."

The early Ivy League colleges only had:

Harvard, Yale, Columbia and Princeton,

There are 4 schools in total.

The Roman numeral for 4 is "IV", and with the suffix "Y" added, it becomes "IVY", which means ivy in English.

Several people continued to walk forward,

Students passing by saw Principal Butler walking with an East Asian man and couldn't help but cast curious glances.

Soon, someone recognized Lu Shi,

Whispers spread,

"That was Professor Lu just now, right? I particularly like his "Upside Down"."

"That drama is quite good and is in line with us in the United States. But among his dramas, my favorite is "Yes! Prime Minister", which satirizes the aging Britain. As for the novel, my favorite is "Lori" tower"."

"By the way, is he still the director of our school?"

"More than just a director! He also has a share in the journalism school."

"That's normal. After all, he is the boss of the Mirror~"

Gradually, the students became eager to take action.

Some people even took out books and wanted Lu Shi to sign them.

Goodman came forward very clumsily.

"Sir Lu, here you go."

He handed over a pen.

Lu Shi:? ? ?


Goodman made a writing gesture, then winked subtly and said, "You will need it when you sign."

Lu Shi rolled his eyes at the other person and was about to complain,

Suddenly, a student blocked their way and shouted, "Is this Professor Lu Shi?"

Goodman smiled,

"Look, it's what you said."

Lu Shi had no choice but to take off the cap of his pen, turned to the students and said, "Yes, I am Lu Shi. What can I do?"

As he asked, he was thinking about whether he should sign with a Chinese name or a pen name.

The students opposite were surprised.

" Lu, why did you take out the pen?"

"Ah this..."

Lu Shi capped his pen and asked, "What's the matter?"

The student glanced at Butler cautiously, and then asked: "Professor Lu, do you really think journalism is suitable for establishing a special school? We admit that it may be science, but..."

I don’t know if I’m sorting out my wording, or if what follows is a bit difficult to say.

He said "but" for a while, but didn't finish.

The students behind couldn't help it anymore and took a step forward.

"Professor Lu, do you think journalism is really a science? If so, why do we require a double-degree ratio for graduates from journalism schools? If not, why do we require a double-degree ratio for graduates from journalism schools?"

The two questions are the same,

But the meaning expressed is completely opposite.

Butler frowned,

"Don't disturb Professor Lu."

Lu Shi waved his hand and said jokingly: "It doesn't matter, let them speak freely. Aren't we worried that it is difficult for the journalism school to recruit students? Why not take this opportunity to solve the students' ideological problems."

Butler looked around,

There were more and more students around, all talking in low voices, looking like they were watching the fun.

He couldn't help but worry,

"Professor Lu, you were not prepared before."

If the answer is not convincing, admissions to journalism schools will be even more troublesome.

Lu Shi spread his hands,

"Is it okay if I say 'no comment' now? I work in the media and I know how this word will be interpreted."

"Ah this..."

Butler had a headache, but he couldn't refute it after all.

"Oh well."

We can only fully trust Lu Shi.

Lu Shi turned to the students and asked, "Why do you think journalism is not science?"

The student said, “I think journalism is a service industry!”

Lu Shi:? ? ?

Shocked, he asked the other party: "Are you still going to say that the essence of journalism is 'licking'?"

The student said "Huh?", scratched his head and said, "I never thought about it like this before. But now that you mention it, it does feel a bit like it."

Lu Shi looked at the other person up and down.

"Is your surname Zhang?"

The student waved his hand,

"No, no, my last name is Williams."

Lu Shi smiled and said: "Journalism is a service industry, that's true. But if you think that the service industry is 'licking', I think there is something wrong with your understanding."

The student named Williams was dissatisfied: "Is that what most people think?"


Lu Shi was speechless and said, "You are a student at Columbia University, so you have to have your own ideas. Is what most people think necessarily correct?"

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