British writer

Chapter 253 Professor Lu, please teach me!

The Abbot of the Sorbonne, Antoine Dumas, was under siege.

He smiled with the students around him,

"Oh~ I understand, I will definitely... about the dormitory..."

"Hahaha! Shouldn't it be the cafeteria that everyone uses the most? Isn't the college renovated very well? It shows that our hospital still pays attention to everyone's immediate needs~"

"Implement it! It will definitely be implemented! So what if there are difficulties? Even if it breaks my teeth, I will chew it and swallow it!"

This dean is doing a terrible job.

However, he speaks professionally and his leadership style is impressive.

Lu Shi complained in a low voice: "It feels almost the same as in London."

Poincaré sighed,

"Not just London? Isn't this also true for universities in the United States? Not to mention Tsarist Russia and Germany."

Across Europe, there is a huge gap in education funding.

The so-called "three years of new and three of old, and another three of mending" describes the current situation.

Lu Shi chuckled,

“That’s not the case in the United States~”

Poincaré was surprised,

"Huh? It's"

He glanced at Lu Shi as if he had remembered something and said, "I remember. It has only been a few months since the new president of the United States took office. On the one hand, he started to attack Standard Oil. On the other hand, he added supplementary provisions on charity to the tax law. "

Lu Shi nodded,

"Old and American capitalists can see clearly that paying taxes is also bleeding money, and doing charity and education is also bleeding money. The two evils are intertwined. Who doesn't want to simply gain a good reputation?"


Poincaré was speechless.

Lu Shi continued: "Moreover, London has also made moves. Royal Real Estate has recently expanded its business in the education industry."

Poincaré spread his hands and said, "How can it be the same?"

After the Global University Rankings, anyone can see that investing in British universities is a good deal.

Of course, the benefits may not be immediately available.

But in the long run, it will definitely make a profit.

Poincaré glanced at Lu Shi,

"You really don't look like a pure writer."

Lu Shi replied: "I have a clear conscience. As long as it can make the world a better place and allow my compatriots a broader living space overseas, I don't mind spending money or traveling."

Poincaré glanced at Dumas.

"Then don't harm our University of Paris."


Lu Shi couldn't hold back and laughed.

He finally calmed down his smile,

"I didn't expect that either! Who knew you French people were so capable of causing trouble? I just thought of those hearsay stories in the past as exaggerations, but in the end..."

Lu Shi looked around,

Dumas was still surrounded by students, struggling to explain.

"Understood! I understand everyone's difficulties, but the school doesn't have money either! We both understand each other~"

"I understand! But the process has to go after all, right? No, no, I'm not going to use the process card to renovate the project. I don't mean that!"

"Don't worry, everyone, we will make arrangements soon."

Cheluglu talked back and forth,

Unfortunately, the revolutionary sentiments of the students could not be suppressed.

Poincaré patted Lu Shi on the shoulder,

"Indeed, you can't be blamed. You don't understand the situation in France."

Lu Shi held back his laughter,

"Well, I understand now."

Poincaré sighed silently,

"I think your speech will definitely be useless today. Forget it, let's not stay here anymore and go out for a walk."

They left quietly.

Although the campus and dormitories of the University of Paris are not very good, the natural environment is good.

The branches of the trees appear more upright in the cold air, and the wind makes them sway, as if to show people their tenacity and vitality.

The fallen leaves had long been blown clean by the cold wind, and a neat corridor was formed between the two rows of trees.

The two of them strolled here.

Poincaré said: "You just said that you also want to create a novel of the same type?"

Lu Shi blinked noncommittally,

He was not quick-talking for a while,

The main reason is that there are not many works on related themes, so creating based on this is a good direction.

Poincaré smiled,

"It seems that you already have an idea..."

He patted Lu Shi's arm,

"What's the matter? Do you have any ideas about this year's Nobel Prize for Literature?"

According to the current trend, it is certain that Lu Shi will win the award.

But that's unlikely this year.

Lu Shi smiled,

"Classic works need to be preserved over time to see their influence."


Poincaré couldn't help but laugh,

"It doesn't necessarily need time to settle. Just like "Animal Farm", I can clearly say that the next ten years...ten years are too long, so I'd better be conservative. In the next three years, there will be no better "Animal Farm" is also a popular novel."

Lu Shi was speechless.

He waved his hand,

"That's not how literary awards are judged."

Poincaré smiled and said: "You are a typical pretender. The Nobel Prize in Literature was originally intended for Professor Monson, why didn't you say it? To say the least, you yourself are the Jules Verne Prize Members of the jury, can you understand the twists and turns among them?"

Lu Shi was a little embarrassed.

As the other party said, literary awards are never just about literature.

Poincaré said: "It doesn't matter if you don't want to talk about this. Anyway, it will happen a few years ago or a few years later."

This is already acknowledgment that Lu Shi can win the Nobel Prize.

He changed the subject,

"Actually, I have another question. We just talked about the issue of good nature and evil nature. Do you really have no idea?"

Lu Shi pondered for a moment and asked, "Can you understand the two sentences on the title page of "Hunting"?"

Poincaré said: "You translated very well. Of course I can understand it."

Lu Shi thought for a while and said, "Some time ago, Cambridge invited Dr. Sigmund Freud to give a lecture. In the lecture, he mentioned the related theories of 'psychodynamics.'"


Poincaré could not help but say,

He remembered seeing this name in the newspaper,

After half a minute, he showed a stunned expression and said: "Superego, id, ego?"

Lu Shi was a little curious,

"Have you heard of him too?"

Poincaré spread his hands,

"The Mirror sells well in Europe, and of course I read it. I find the debate between Dr. Freud and Professor Gale quite interesting."

Lu Shi said: "If we want to establish a one-to-one correspondence, the good nature is the superego; the evil nature is the id. The superego and the id work together in cognition to form the self that is most closely connected with the real world."

Poincaré understood.

"Do you think both good and bad natures are an integral part of human beings?"

Lu Shi nodded,


Poincaré asked: "What if I have to choose a side?"

Lu Shi pondered,

"I'll probably side with the evil side."

Poincaré showed an expression of "Sure enough,"

After all, he is the author who wrote "Hunting", so his subconscious thoughts are relatively clear.

Lu Shi spread his hands,

“However, I really don’t think this kind of diode thinking is necessary.”

Poincaré smiled when he heard this.

"Of course, I also think..."

Before he finished speaking, there were footsteps behind him.

The two of them followed the sound,

It's Dumas!

This guy was quite miserable, as if he had just had a fight with someone. There were even tears on his coat, and his trouser legs were dirty and frayed in many places.

The whole person looked embarrassed.

He stepped forward quickly,

"Professor Lu, you have done me a terrible job!"

Lu Shi said "Uh..." and said consolingly: "Mr. Dean, you should feel happy. Look at how energetic those students are."

Just so energetic!

Dumas almost cried.

Poincaré asked: "Antoine, how did you solve it in the end?"

Dumas has no love in his life;

"How else can we solve it? Of course we promise to renovate. But even so, the students are still not satisfied and even demand the establishment of a new school district. Damn it! @* # ¥%..."

What follows is a string of standard French and French curse words.

Lu Shi and Poincaré looked at each other, neither daring to say a word for fear of offending Dumas.

Dumas complained for a while and then felt it was boring.

When he turned to Lu,

"Professor Lu, I'm afraid I can't fulfill my speech tomorrow."

A single speech creates a revolutionary drama.

If it happened again, wouldn't the students be allowed to collectively hang up street lights on the school council?

It didn't matter to Lu Shi,

"There's no reward anyway, so it doesn't matter."

Dumas: "..."

I don't know what to say anymore.

He pondered for a moment and whispered: "Professor Lu, there is actually one more thing. You should have heard a lot of comments about "Hunting". Among them, good and evil nature are the most widely discussed, and the third one is related to law."

Lu Shi nodded,

"Yes, I did hear something."

Dumas continued: "Then would you like to go to the law department?"


Lu Shi looked confused and asked, "Speech?"

Dumas even shuddered when he heard the word and said: "Don't dare! Don't dare... I mean, it's not a speech, just some simple discussions."

After such a big incident just now, this old man was willing to let Lu Shi have contact with the teachers and students of this school. It was really a show of respect.

Lu Shi pondered,

It always feels like the other party has an hidden purpose.

Dumas coughed lightly,

"Professor Lu, please."

Lu Shi glanced at Poincaré.

The latter was also obviously hesitant and undecided.

There was silence for a while,

Lu Shi said, "Okay, let's ask the dean to lead the way."

Dumas took the two of them to the direction of the administrative building. After entering the gate, he went up two floors and turned into a small conference room.

Of course, the one in the administration building is not the law department.

There were several people sitting in the room, all formally dressed in suits and ties.

Dumas introduced them one by one,

Those present were all figures in the French legal circle, some doing theoretical research and some dealing with practice.

At the same time, they are also graduates of the University of Paris.

Lu Shi shook hands with them one by one,

Until the last person, Dumas introduced: "This is Georges Clemenceau, the founder of the weekly "Group" and also writes editorials for "Aurora"."

"Group", Lu Shi had never heard of it.

But Sinian is also quite famous in France. The typical left-wing newspaper, "I Accuse" was published in it.

Lu Shi always felt that the name George Clemenceau was somewhat familiar.

He looked at the other person.

Clemenceau was a man over fifty years old, wearing a black suit, a white shirt, a black bow, and the few strands of his hair that were meticulously combed.

Lu Shi recalled carefully,

Suddenly, he remembered,

France has an aircraft carrier called the "Clemenceau".

To be commemorated like this shows his high status.

With this clue, Lu Shi quickly retrieved Clemenceau's life in his mind.

This macho man was the future Prime Minister of France and was elected in 1906.

As one of the most famous politicians in modern French history, he belongs to the left and is very radical on issues such as democracy and social reform.

He was considered an old friend of China. During the 1883 Sino-French War, he strongly opposed war against China. He refuted the so-called excuses for superior nations to civilize inferior nations and pointed out that civilization was a hypocrisy that covered up violence.

Of course, he is French at heart,

In 1919, he represented France at the Paris Peace Conference and advocated the dismemberment of Germany and the weakening of Germany to the maximum extent. His purpose was to allow France to dominate the European continent. People at the time called him the "Father of Victory" and the "Tiger of France."

It can be seen that the Treaty of Versailles is undoubtedly his masterpiece.

Although Clemenceau was heartbroken about the harm the treaty caused to China, he still put France's interests first. This move is understandable.

Lu Shi stepped forward and shook hands with the other party.

"Mr. Clemenceau, you are the author of the article "I Accuse."

Clemenceau was speechless;

"That was written by Emile."

Lu Shi shook his head,

"I know very well that being able to publish an article with the entire front page, no, to be precise, "I Accuse" is an open letter to the president. If it can be published on the front page, you have made an indelible contribution, not to mention, eye-catching You also added the banner title."

Clemenceau looked shocked,

Everyone knows that Emile wrote "I Accuse", but they don't know that the title is actually his masterpiece.

He shook hands with Lu Shi,

"Professor Lu, you are indeed a knowledgeable and knowledgeable person."

The others nodded.

Lu Shi couldn't help but wonder: "What are you talking about with me? It can't be because of the Ferry Act, right?"

As soon as this statement came out, the French people present looked at each other.

A foreigner who is not a legal major actually knows about the Ferry Act...

It's really hard to understand.

Lu Shi didn't think much about it, and continued: "You guys are thinking too complicatedly. I just created a book, and I can't change the status quo."

Dumas spread his hands,

"Professor Lu, you underestimate yourself a bit."

Clemenceau took over and said: "Your creations have a greater impact on public opinion than any other writer."

"Ah this..."

Lu Shi couldn't refute.

There was no way, who asked Tsar Nicholas to give him a golden body?

Clemenceau asked: "Professor Lu, do you know the Ferry Act?"

The bill was formulated between 1881 and 1882. It was two education laws proposed by Ferry, the then French Minister of Education.

First item:

Implement universal, compulsory, free and secular primary education.

This provision stipulates that mother schools, that is, kindergartens, and public elementary schools will be free of tuition fees, and public schools are not allowed to decorate religious symbols and do not offer religious courses.

This is a hornet's nest.

I can tolerate it without charging.

But religion...

As a result, public sentiment was aroused and teachers in countless schools went on strike.

Ferry had to make a compromise, turning a blind eye during annual inspections and turning a blind eye to the religious signs at each school.

Each school readily accepted the first clause of the Ferry Act.

But they didn't expect that Ferry's goal was to encroach step by step.

I deleted a religious lesson today with an excuse;

Take down a cross tomorrow;

The nuns and priests stationed in the school will be driven away the day after tomorrow;

It was not until the beginning of the 20th century that all compulsory education schools discovered that they had been targeted.

Lu Shi chuckled,

"Mr. Ferry is a smart man. His basic purpose is actually to exempt tuition, but he deliberately erected a religious target to attract attention. It is like saying, 'This room is too dark, a window must be opened here, and everyone must not It's allowed. But if you advocate taking down the roof, they will come to terms with it and open the windows.'"

Everyone's eyes lit up,

I thought to myself,

What a window-opening theory!

Professor Lu is worthy of studying advertising and psychology. He has a thorough understanding of human nature. No wonder he can write a work like "Hunting".

Clemenceau chuckled,

"Yes, Mr. Ferry is indeed smart."

As for the second item of the Ferry Act,

This provision implements compulsory and compulsory primary education for all children aged 6 to 13, allowing them to attend public or private elementary schools, or receive education at home schools;

Fines and jail terms were imposed on parents who did not send their children to school.

This item also makes primary school curriculum mandatory,

French, history, geography, biology, nature, legal knowledge...


The first item of the bill was implemented in 1881, and the second item did not wait until 1882.

This also shows that Ferry is smart,

The promulgation of legal provisions must also be gradual. Only the first paragraph is accepted by people, and the more drastic second paragraph can enter the public eye.

Lu Shi said calmly: "Although the implementation of the Ferry Act has reasons to cater to international political views, it established the three principles of compulsory, free and secular national education, laying the foundation for the development of French national education."

The people present looked at each other,

Then, someone unknown clapped.

Someone takes the lead, and others follow suit.

They are all legal practitioners, so they naturally know how accurate Lu Shi's summary is.

What I said just now can be put into a textbook without any problem, and there is no need to make any deletions or changes.

Dumas smiled and said,

"Look, I just said that Professor Lu must be invited."

This old man's scar healed and he forgot about the pain. In the blink of an eye, he forgot about the incident of being besieged by students because of Lu Shi and saying, "I'm going to fuck you!"

Lu Shi held back his laughter,

"Why are you looking for me?"

His gaze swept across everyone's faces, showing an inquiring intention.

Clemenceau spread his hands,

"Professor Lu, because of "Hunting", many people are now using the topic to try to overturn the "Ferry Act."

Lu Shi lowered his head and thought for a while, and then realized,

Clemenceau was of the left;

Then, the first few words in his dictionary must be:

Freedom, equality, democracy...

Therefore, he must be a staunch supporter of the Ferry Act.

Lu Shi couldn't help but laugh,

"If you look at it, those people are also idle. How many children are driving screws in factories now? They still want to do other things. Isn't this deliberately misinterpreting the meaning of "Hunting"?"

Everyone took out their notebooks in unison,

Swish swish——

The sound of pen tip rubbing against paper could be heard in the room.

Lu Shi was depressed,

I really went everywhere and lectured.

He said: "The reason why there is "Hunting" is that it tacitly acknowledges the premise that children need protection? Only by acknowledging this premise can the suffering and conflicts in the novel be tenable and shocking."

Poincaré almost laughed out loud.

Professor Lu’s mouth really makes sense both rightly and wrongly.

But others can't refute it yet.

Because he is the author of "Hunting", he has the first right to interpret the content and central idea of ​​the novel.

You can’t say, “Lu Shi is just a writer of novels, and he knows nothing about “Hunting”!”

The people present finished recording,

Clemenceau looked up,

"Professor Lu, are you willing to publicly express this view? I think, as the editor of the "IPU Charter"..."

Lu Shi raised his hand to interrupt the other party,

"There's no need to give me a high hat. If it's what I think is right, I will definitely do it."

This was not a polite remark, but Clemenceau was not offended.


Lu Shi sighed and complained: "The level of those extremists and conservatives is really not that good. The main legal conflict in "Hunting" is obviously to prove the guilt without suspicion, but they hold on to the forked branches."

As soon as he finished speaking, the room couldn't help but fall into silence.




As everyone watched the landing,


His vision was extremely anxious.


Clemenceau swallowed and asked: "Professor Lu, you just said...'no suspicion of guilt'? What is that?"

As he said that, he hugged Lu Shi's arm,

"Professor Lu, please teach me!"

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