British writer

Chapter 163 This guy’s face is too big

Breya Road.

The Mirror was spread out on the table in front of Natsume Soseki.

He's poring over today's interview page.

On the other side, Lu Shi was feeding us.

As a result, the little guy sniffed the chicken breast in front of him, showed a bored expression, and even exaggeratedly yawned hugely, as if he was tired of eating.

Lu Shi rubbed my head,

"You are becoming more and more picky."

My generation: "Meow~"

Next to him, Natsume Soseki raised his head from the newspaper and asked curiously: "Lu, why do you think we are becoming more and more picky?"

Lu Shi thought for a while and replied, "I'm not hungry."

Natsume Soseki laughed loudly and said: "Your answer is too simple. But it is also the truth."

Lu Shi said: "Look at those wild dogs outside, hunger is normal, so when there is enough food, they will eat until they are full at one time. There is no fixed meal time. Our little ancestor eats three times a day on time, which is contrary to nature." normal."

Saying that, he picked me up and

"Don't eat if you're not hungry."

Unexpectedly, as soon as I finished speaking, I rushed forward, grabbed the chicken breast, and chewed it like "meow meow meow~".

Lu Shi: "..."

Natsume Soseki: "..."

The two were speechless for a while.

After a few seconds, Lu Cai spread his hands and said, "Pretend I didn't say what I just said. For foodies, there is no concept of 'not hungry' in this world."

I winked cutely and ran under the bed.

Lu Shi stretched and looked at Natsume Soseki.


As he spoke, he nodded to the Mirror on the table.

Natsume Soseki said: "This new interview version is indeed quite innovative, but it is a pity that it only has text, and you cannot see the interviewees' expressions or hear their tone. Otherwise, the authenticity will be stronger and the article will be more convincing."

Lu Shi snickered after hearing this,

What the other party is talking about is actually a radio or TV program.

Of course, those can also be faked, and it should even be said that cheating is the norm.

But the media people will not admit it.

They will only say that what they are doing is not cheating, but screening. As for whether there is a tendency to screen interviewees and interview topics, they all understand.

Natsume Soseki continued: "Lu, what do you think about 'secondary creation'?"

There was a trace of seriousness in his tone.

Lu Shi was stunned for a long time before he remembered that there was a lawsuit between "I Am Cat" and Hoffman's "Moore the Tomcat: A View on Life."

He said: "Her Royal Highness and I have similar ideas."

Electrician Liu has made it clear that writers at home and abroad most likely do not like secondary creation.

He also used "Three-Body" as an example, thinking that there is a main line that can be easily expanded, that is, the story of Yun Tianming and the Three-Body civilization. Unexpectedly, some writers used this plot to create fan fiction, which directly blocked the road. .

Da Liu was helpless about this.

His original words in an interview were: "I had no experience at the time, so I left it to write a parallel novel later, but now I have no way to write it."

The "no experience" mentioned here should refer to the fact that the consequences of liberalizing copyright were not anticipated.

It is not difficult to judge from this sentence that Da Liu may have regretted it.

Natsume Soseki pondered,

"That's it..."

Lu Shi spread his hands,

"However, this kind of thing has advantages and disadvantages for the copyright owner. Many secondary creations are out of love for the original work, and sometimes it can even encourage more people to pay attention to the original work, such as this time "Jane· Love" comics. Of course, that cannot be considered a secondary creation, but a reasonable adaptation."

Adaptation is not random editing,

The joke is not nonsense,

Overall, the "Jane Eyre" comics are very successful.

Natsume Soseki asked again: "Then, how should we judge this kind of thing?"

Lu Shi chuckled,

"Actually, it's funny to say that this is neither a literary issue, nor a legal issue, nor even a moral issue, but a business issue. If the author of the secondary creation can't make much money, it can still increase the popularity of the original work, and the copyright will be great The probability is to turn a blind eye or close an eye.”

Natsume Soseki nodded,

However, judging from the serious look on his face as he was still thinking, it seemed that he still had some thoughts on the matter.

Lu Shi comforted: "Don't think so much. Just like "The Lord of the Rings", it can't even be counted as the second creation of "The Ring of the Nibelungs". To say that they are similar, we can only say that 'both rings are round'" , that’s the only thing in common.'”

This is an original quote from Tolkien.

Natsume Soseki sighed,

"Lu, you really understand me. You know what I know and what I think."

Lu Shi waved his hand,

"Go away! I am not Mr. Wilde."

Knowing it was a joke, Natsume Soseki matched it with a disgusted expression: (ˉ▽ ̄~) Tsk~~

Lu Shi took the opportunity to change the topic.

"Speaking of which, I am still more concerned about how the major newspapers reported that Pankhurst led his men to 'siege' the headquarters of the Mirror."

Natsume Soseki replied: "Look at this, it's relatively objective."

The one handed over was the Daily Telegraph.

Lu Shi turned the pages and read out the original text:


‘The women’s movement has become a prairie fire, and many of them have gathered together to bravely raise their demands in the public sphere, thus infecting more people. ’

‘In the past, most demands were reflected in political and economic rights. ’

'Yesterday, they also bravely expressed their thoughts in the literary and artistic circles. This change is reflected in the emergence of a more confident, independent and respected group. ’


Overall, the article is not disliked.

But Lu Shi still felt dizzy after watching it.

He no longer even knows whether the Daily Telegraph is more liberal or more conservative.

The amazing thing is that the Daily Telegraph also highly praised "Marrying Off", saying that the love depicted in this poem is different from those feminists who frequently throw Molotov cocktails, and is gentle without losing the traditional social morality.

This is a very interesting phenomenon,

On the one hand, women see the concept of love in poetry. To be independent, there is no need to remain unmarried for life, as long as they do not become the canary of men's vassals;

On the one hand, men see that feminism can be moderate.

The compromise between the two sides reminds people of the famous "window theory".

Mr. Lu Xun said: "Chinese people like to compromise. If you think the room is too dark and you need to open a window, people will definitely not allow it. But if you advocate removing the roof, they will come to compromise and be willing to open the window."

But in fact, this is not only true for the Chinese, but also for the British.

Lu Shi couldn't help but pursed his lips and snickered,

It seems that his appearance has accelerated the version change.

He put down the newspaper and asked, "Natsume, what did The Times say?"

Natsume Soseki replied: "It's still the same~ Editor-in-chief Bakker is afraid he wants to fight against the Mirror..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a knock on the door outside.


It was Bernard Shaw's voice.

Lu Shi was a little surprised. He went to open the door and saw Bernard Shaw standing at the door. He said, "Old Xiao, I remember telling you that I would go to Adelphi today. Is there something urgent? You must come in person?" "

Bernard Shaw blinked at Lu Shi, then nodded imperceptibly to his right,

After that, he slowly stepped aside.

Another white male appeared at the door.

He has a beard and is probably under fifty years old. He is dressed in a standard gentleman's style with a well-tailored suit. A silver pocket watch chain is connected to a button. There is a medal hanging at the end of the watch chain. The three letters engraved on it are very clear. ——


Lu Shi asked: "Old Xiao... ahem... Mr. School Superintendent, who is this?"

Bernard Shaw said nothing.

The man stretched out his hand,

"Professor Lu, I have heard of you for a long time. I am James Keir Hardy."

James Keir Hardie,

That's certainly how J.K.H. came about.

Lu Shi shook hands with the other party, appearing calm on the surface, but in his heart he was recalling the other party's name. He felt like he had seen it somewhere before, but he just couldn't remember it.

He opened the door,

"You two, please come in."

Two English gentlemen entered the room one after another.

Bernard Shaw knelt down, waved to me under the bed, took out the jar he brought with him, and picked out a piece of French smoked chicken from it.

My generation: "Meow~"

The little guy was still dozing just now, but now he immediately became lively and energetic.

Lu Shi was surprised,

"Mr. Superintendent, haven't you finished the food you brought back from Paris?"

George Bernard Shaw laughed loudly and said, "Don't I think that every time I come to you, I have to offer sacrifices to us? It is a king, and kings need to be served."

Lu Shi said "hmm" and his eyes wandered between Hardy and Bernard Shaw.

The relationship between the two should be quite close.

Otherwise, Bernard Shaw would not have been able to tell a joke in front of him like he just did.

With this judgment, Lu Shi felt more relaxed and asked Natsume Soseki to help boil water, while he took out tea leaves.

Not long after, hot tea was placed in front of the four of them.

Lu Shi took a sip,

"Mr. Superintendent, what are you here for?"

The person he asked was George Bernard Shaw, but his eyes were locked on Hardy.

Hardy naturally understood and stretched out his hand again and said: "Professor Lu, please allow me to introduce myself again. My name is James Keir Hardy. I am a member of the Labor Representative Committee and I am currently working in London."

Labor Representative Council…

Lu Shi chewed the name in his heart.

For a long time, he patted his forehead as if he thought of something.

Bernard Shaw:? ? ?

Hardy:? ? ?

Natsume Soseki:? ? ?

The three of them looked at Lu Shi in confusion.

Lu Shi waved his hand,


Of course it couldn't be nothing. He actually thought that the Labor Representative Committee would later become the world-famous Labor Party.

No wonder George Bernard Shaw came with Hardy,

The early Labor Representative Council was a trade union organization, and there was an alliance with the Fabian Society and the Independent Labor Party. George Bernard Shaw had always been a supporter of Fabianism. He edited the Fabian Discourses and was one of the "Four Giants" of the Fabian Society. .

Lu Shi asked: "Mr. Hardy, did you come to see me for something?"

Hardy nodded,

"I came here this time hoping to...well..."

He touched around and took out a copy of "Mirror" and said with a smile: "Tabloids are so easy to carry. It's really a great invention."

This sounds like flattery.

Lu Shi became more cautious,

"You deserve the award."

Hardy didn't expect that he would slap the horse's leg with his flattery. He smiled awkwardly and then said: "Professor Lu, I saw it in the newspaper. Yesterday, Ms. Pankhurst led people to 'siege' the Mirror. "Newspaper Library."

Lu Shi was a little confused about the other party's intentions.

But he knew that Pankhurst was a member of the Independent Labor Party,

The Independent Labor Party and the Labor Party wore the same pants, and later even merged into the Labor Party. There was basically no conflict in the ideas of the two at the beginning of the 20th century.

Lu Shi didn't want to get into trouble.

"It can't be considered a 'siege', it's just that we have different views on copyright and copyright. This is normal."

Hardy stared at Lu Shi,

The Chinese man in front of me is so different.

International students from all over the world are not very familiar with British politics, especially those from the East.

And Lu Shi seemed to know it from birth.

But thinking of the political satire Yes! Prime Minister", Hadi was relieved again,

There will always be geniuses in this world.

He said sincerely: "Professor Lu, it seems that there is no need to hide it when chatting with a smart person like you."

Bernard Shaw on the side nodded,

"James, I've told you a long time ago, there is no need to engage in those temptations here with Professor Lu."

After being in contact with Lu Shi for such a long time, Bernard Shaw had already come to a conclusion:

Lu Shi is a little fox.

Hardy continued: "Professor Lu, let me start by saying that I am not prepared to speak for Ms Pankhurst. You must know that in 1892 I won the seat of West Ham South as an independent candidate and helped to The Independent Labor Party was formed. But in 1895, I lost my seat and because of this..."

The implication was that he had temporarily severed ties with the Independent Labor Party and had nothing to do with Pankhurst.

It's cleared up.

Lu Shi said nothing, quietly waiting for the other party's next words.

His eyes were bright and he relieved the pressure invisibly.

Hardy did not expect that he would be under such pressure when facing a junior and a foreigner. His aura was a little weak unconsciously, and he whispered: "Professor Lu, I can see from your attitude towards Ms. Pankhurst that you are a …”

Lu Shi raised his hand,

"If you have something to say, just say it."

Hardy was interrupted and couldn't help but choked and coughed repeatedly.

He picked up the water cup and took a sip of tea, and then said: "Professor Lu, this is it. I wonder if you have heard of Taff Vale?"

Lu Shi shook his head,

"I've never been good at geography."

Natsume Soseki on the side came up and whispered in Lu Shi's ear.

Only then did Lu Shi know that the Tarf River Valley was in Wales.

In 1900, railway workers in the Tapu Valley went on strike, and the local railway company sued the Railway Employees' Union in 1901, accusing the company of losses caused by the strike and filing a claim for compensation.

Lu Shi was curious,

"Natsume, how did you know?"

Natsume Soseki said: "Read the newspapers. This news should be considered a big event, but The Times only reported it in a small space, while The Scotsman and the Manchester Guardian reported it on a large scale."

Lu Shi asked: "Did the court rule?"

Natsume Soseki shook his head,

"I don't know much about the follow-up, I just know that there is such a thing."

Lu Shi nodded, vaguely guessing the purpose of Hadi's visit.

Sure enough, Hardy told the story again, and then said: "Professor Lu, can the Mirror report this matter... By the way, I saw that your newspaper today seems to have an interview section..."


Lu Shi was speechless.

This guy’s face is too big.

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