British writer

Chapter 131 Crazy!

After another period of time, Verne finished watching "The Rural Teacher" for the second time,

After repeated reading, he could perceive the details.

This novel is really well written,

In just over 20,000 words, it is exquisite and ingenious.

Verne said: "I never thought that science fiction could be written in this way. On the surface, the attractive subject in "Country Teacher" is the carbon-based alliance, but in reality, it is still about human beings, human beings. hymn."

This is a matter of course,

Writers are human beings, what do you write if you don’t write about human beings?

Poincaré pondered: "Having said that, the novel's description of alien civilization is undoubtedly very successful."

Verne looked away,

"how to say?"

Poincaré closed his eyes and recalled the feeling of reading,

"When you were reading "Country Teacher", did you think about some questions such as 'Do aliens really exist', 'Are they really so much stronger than humans'?"

Bernard Shaw and Verne nodded together.

Poincaré said: "That's it. Those doubts will arise, which shows that Professor Lu's writing is good and the portrayal is real."

Hearing what he said, the two understood.

Verne's eyes fell on the manuscript again,

From the analysis of writing techniques, the carbon-based bioenergy of the Milky Way created by Lu Shi is so real, mainly due to the use of two skills:

First, the comparison,

Compare the smallness of the earth with the strength of the carbon-based alliance.

Because human beings are afraid of deep space,

People always subconsciously believe that aliens are not without creatures, but that those creatures are too powerful and hide in the dark to prevent humans from discovering it;

Second, human-like processing,

Even if it is as powerful as the carbon-based biological alliance, its basic laws of physics are still the same as human beings.

After the children recited what Mr. Li just said, "When an object is not subjected to an external force, it will remain at rest or move in a straight line at a constant speed", Verne felt that he was hit instantly,

At this moment, Niu's three laws were tinged with legend, and the cold physics knowledge made people feel very warm.

Verne let out a long breath,


I'm getting old, I never thought I could read this kind of work that looks like weeping and burning.

Poincaré looked over,


He took out his handkerchief and handed it over.

Verne wiped the corners of his eyes, there was a slight dampness there.

When he asked Lu: "Professor Lu, how did you think of writing about the teacher?"

Lu Shi said: "The objects of Chinese sacrifices are: heaven, earth, emperor, relatives, and teachers. This is the value orientation of respecting heaven and the ancestors, filial piety, loyalty to the emperor, patriotism, and respect for teachers. I think that every civilization, They all respect teachers.”

The rest nodded.

No matter at home or abroad, from the Peking University to the University of Paris, after the establishment of the early colleges, they usually set up preparatory courses for teachers immediately.

It can be seen how important teachers are in the education system.

Verne sighed: "Because there is no inheritance of memory, in the eyes of advanced civilizations, it is impossible for human beings to accumulate and pass on knowledge between generations. However, relying on teachers, human beings have continued civilization through extremely inefficient means. "

Lu Shi coughed lightly,

"Well, Mr. Verne, this kind of efficiency is not necessarily low."

Verne looked dumbfounded,


Lu Shi pointed to the original manuscript of the novel and said, "This is a science fiction novel. The so-called 'advanced civilization' does not necessarily exist."

Verne scratched his head in embarrassment,

"I forgot. You wrote it so well and so truthfully that I assumed the Carbon Based Alliance was real."

Poincaré on the side intervened in the topic in a timely manner: "However, Professor Lu used the perspective of 'advanced civilization' to provide us with different ideas. At least, before this, I never considered that the efficiency of human information transmission is very low. .”

Verne chuckled,

"I imagined it. In my novels, I imagined a worldwide communication network."

Poincaré said: "Yes, yes, you are amazing."

Verne glared at him, and then said: "Professor Lu's writing is really good. Especially in the background selection, Nantes should not be chosen."

Lu Shi said softly "Huh?" and didn't dare to answer.

Verne continued: "In "The Village Teacher", the earth is small, closed, and backward compared to the Milky Way, just like China is now compared to other powers in the world. This contrast is very strong and shocking."

Lu suddenly realized,

"Well, so that's what I thought... Ahem... That's what I thought, that's right."

He felt as if his articles had been used in the college entrance examination,

And Verne is reading comprehension.

Verne added: "I have to say that "Country Teacher" has a very high intention. Once this article is published, I don't know how many people will devote themselves to education and scientific research, and more writers will be attracted by the subject of science fiction. attracted."

Poincaré nodded,

"As I said before, science fiction is not just fantasy, it can also write very deep things."

As he spoke, he leaned over and stabbed his friend's waist,

"How about it?"

Verne raised an eyebrow,

"what you mean how?"

Poincaré squeezed out a smirk and said, "Compared to your novel, how is this "The Country Teacher"?"

Lu Shi hurriedly said, "Mr. Poincaré, you..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Verne: "Professor Lu, you have written many book reviews. As a literary critic, you should know that when you write reviews, you will inevitably compare them with previous works of the same subject. This is inevitable. .”

Bernard Shaw on the side winked at Lu Shi,

"Think about Dr. Doyle."

Lu Shi had nothing to say,

"The Dancing Little Man" in Sherlock Holmes's new series "The Return" was pulled out by Lu Shi and whipped the corpse repeatedly.

Although there is an old saying that "there is nothing first in literature", there is still a comparison that should be compared.

Verne said: "From innovation to conception, I am afraid that my works cannot be compared with "Country Teacher"."

Poincaré was a little surprised,

"Any one?"

Verne nodded solemnly, and said, "Professor Lu's novels not only have sci-fi fantasies, but also realism. The combination of the two is too perfect."

Lu Shi opened his mouth, but he still didn't open his mouth modestly.

After all, Verne was a literary giant in the 19th century. Comparing his works with "The Rural Teacher", which was published in 2001, is indeed bullying.

From a sci-fi perspective,

Verne's works are still on the earth, but "The Country Teacher" has gone to outer space,

What's more, Verne had only heard of a lot of physics knowledge, but never considered applying it in the novel.

Needless to say, in terms of conception,

Verne's works are mainly about adventure, and "The Country Teacher" is a hymn to human beings.

Science fiction has developed for a hundred years, if the successors are not the opponents of the predecessors, then the entire literary world will be too sad.

Verne's self-evaluation: "Compared with Professor Lu's, my book is one level behind."

Lu Shi: "..."

That's also someone's master electrician, and it has nothing to do with me.

Of course, Lu Shi did change a lot of content, but they were all minor revisions to make the story fit the background of the times. The real story framework has not changed at all.

Verne couldn't help feeling: "It's really correct to invite Professor Lu to come over for an exchange this time."

Bernard Shaw asked: "Mr. Verne, how is this novel going to be published?"

Verne mused,

"Just publish the pamphlet."

Publish a short book in book form?

The rest of the people thought they heard it wrong.

From the perspective of word count, no readers will pay.

Verne said: "Actually, after reading this novel, I seriously considered hosting a magazine called "Science Fiction Weekly", which only publishes science fiction works. However, considering that there are too few science fiction writers now, I think Not suitable."

Running a magazine also depends on the soil.

In Europe now, poetry magazines are the most suitable for survival, followed by drama reviews.

In fact, it was not until 1926 that Hugo Gernsback founded the first real science fiction magazine "Amazing Stories", becoming a pioneer in creating science fiction genre literature.

George Bernard Shaw said: "Mr. Verne, since you also know that science fiction magazines cannot be established, why did you ask Lu to issue a separate booklet?"

In his opinion, this is simply a gift.

Poincare on the side also said: "Jule, don't forget that the background of this novel is in China, which is not attractive in itself."

Verne narrowed his eyes,

"First, I will contact my publisher, Herzl. Their strength in Paris is obvious to all. Second, I will use my reputation as a guarantee, unite with universities, and try my best to recommend this novel."

These two points alone show Verne's sincerity.

Lu Shi said, "Mr. Verne, you don't have to..."

Verne raised his hand, indicating that he hadn't finished speaking, and continued: "The third point... Mr. Monet hasn't left Paris yet? I want to ask him to draw illustrations."

Lu Shi:? ? ?

Bernard Shaw:? ? ?

Poincaré: ? ? ?

All three were dumbfounded.

At this moment, there was a sound of "Boom—" from the side.

Roland held his forehead and stood up,

"So thirsty..."

He subconsciously reached for the water glass and took a sip of the tea before noticing the abnormality of the four people in the room.

"Gentlemen, what are you?"

No one answered.

It was so quiet for a while, and Poincaré suddenly said, "Jules, you are really crazy."

Roland was stunned,

"Crazy? What crazy?"

Verne smiled softly: "Compared to me, Professor Lu who wrote "Country Teacher" is the real lunatic."

With that said, he handed the manuscript to Roland.

Roland rubbed his eyes and read carefully,

silence strikes,




I don't know how long it has passed, Roland finished reading the novel,

He couldn't help muttering: "Crazy!"




Countless famous painters, including Van Gogh, settled here before becoming famous, so this is a gathering place for artists.

If tourists want to leave a memorable portrait, Montmartre is undoubtedly the best choice.

Slowly climb up the road,

There are European-style buildings on both sides. Occasionally there will be a clothing store. The owner and tailor will lean out to attract customers with a smile and introduce new underwear.

Paris is the capital of romance.

In other cities, underwear is still sold secretly, but here it can already be worn on mannequins and placed in shop windows along the street.

At the end of the road, there will be a square covered with round cobblestones.

Many people dressed as painters sat there, and their respective works were nailed to the wooden boards for exhibition, in order to attract tourists.

Among these painters, there was an old man with a beard who was not conspicuous,

He dozed off behind the picture frame.

Just then, someone came from behind,


The old man's beard trembled,

He rubbed his eyes lightly, then turned around, looked at the person in front of him, and asked in surprise, "Who are you?"

The people who came were of course Lu Shi's group.

Verne stepped forward,

"Monsieur Monet, have you forgotten me?"

Monet frowned slightly,

He really couldn't remember who the person in front of him was.

The corner of Poincaré's mouth twitched, he pulled Verne's sleeve, and whispered, "Jule, didn't you say you knew Mr. Monet? What's going on?"

Verne was also depressed,

Of course he knew Monet.

He said: "Last year, Mr. Monet and I met many times at the World Expo, and we talked and laughed happily."

Shente Miao "talks and laughs happily, and talks happily".

Poincaré complained: "Why doesn't that person know you?"

Verne also didn't understand, and stepped forward and said, "Mr. Monet, didn't we meet at the Paris World Expo last year? We also discussed a lot about literature and art at that time, have you forgotten?"

Speaking of the Paris World Expo, Monet could not help falling into memories.

Starting from the summer of 1899, he began to create the "Water Lilies" series,

By 1900, 14 works were completed and exhibited at the Paris World Expo, thus shocking the world.

Monet said, "Are you...Mr. Verne?"

Verne couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief,

If the other party really doesn't recognize him, he will be ashamed.

He said: "Mr. Monet, I am looking for you this time because I hope to ask you for a draft. I hope that you can draw illustrations for a novel."

After hearing this, Monet couldn't laugh or cry,


Verne nodded and said seriously, "It's an illustration."

Monet was completely speechless.

At this moment, he is the most sought-after painter in Europe and even the world, and some people even label him the "greatest painter in history".

Numerous galleries and museums acquired his works, accumulating his wealth to more than 200,000 francs.

For an artist, this is a staggering number.

Because "alive" artists can be famous and make money, which in itself is quite contrary to the laws of history.

Most painters are famous but poor.

Of course, it is impossible for Monet to say that he is a famous painter, and drawing illustrations for novels is an act of losing value.

He just waved his hand,

"Mr. Verne, you should know that the focus of my work now is to continue writing "Water Lilies". It is a magnificent epic and the most brilliant 'Ninth Symphony' in my life. I'm afraid I don't have the energy to do illustrations creation."

This is no mere excuse.

In fact, after Monet became estranged from the other painters of the Impressionists, he planned to create a sequence to complete his life's great work,

For this reason, he also built a small garden in Giverny and lived in it to paint.

And this continuous work is "Water Lily".

He really doesn't want to waste his energy on meaningless things.

Verne thought for a while and said, "Mr. Monet, do you want to read that novel first before making a decision?"

Monet shook his head,

"No, I still..."

Verne interrupted: "There are only more than 20,000 words, so it won't waste much time."

Monet was stunned for a while, looking at Verne in front of him,

As a literary giant, Verne's status in the hearts of the people is not lower than that of Monet, even worse,

After all, the novels created by Verne are popular novels, and the threshold for appreciation is much lower than that of oil paintings and impressionists.

Such a character eagerly pleaded, which made Monet also interested,

He asked curiously, "What type of novel?"

Verne took out the manuscript,

"A science fiction novel called The Country Teacher."

At the same time, Verne pushed Lu Shi in front of him and explained, "The author himself is also here."

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