"Captain, we've arrived at Bika!" Lori said to Ryan, comparing the map in her hand.

After half a day's sailing, Ryan finally arrived at Bika, Enelu's hometown, just before nightfall, because Bika's location was not on the ordinary route, otherwise it would not have taken them so long to get here with the help of the super-fast shrimp.

Bika, like Angel Island, is made up of island clouds, and it looks even smaller than Angel Island.

"Enelu should be here, I wonder if he has eaten the Thunder Fruit now, if not, things will be much simpler." Ryan's mind was full of thoughts when he saw Bika.

"Captain, what are we doing here?" Kidd couldn't help it after arriving at the destination.

"Find a person, or a fruit!"

Looking at the sky, Ryan said to everyone without waiting for Kidd to continue asking, "Let's go, let's find a place to rest first!"

After that, everyone docked the Longteng Wanli at the edge of the island and boarded the island.

However, when they entered the island, they found a problem. The people on this island seemed to not welcome outsiders. When Ryan and his friends walked on the street, the people here were not as friendly as the residents on Angel Island. The locals on both sides of the street looked at everyone with disdain and hostility.

They didn't say anything, but it seemed that they said everything.

Kidd, who couldn't stand the gazes of others, said to Ryan: "Captain, I can't stand it!" After that, he took out his big wrench and applied for battle.

"Don't worry, figure out what's going on first." Ryan didn't act rashly. Maybe the people here may have been persecuted by the Qinghai people like Phil May before.

However, Ryan was also very unhappy to be looked at like this by others. He exuded a strong murderous aura. The people who were looking at Ryan and his friends just now scattered like birds and beasts.

Just now, the Qinghai man in front of them seemed to be a demon, exuding a cold and murderous aura. The subconscious in their minds and the instinctive reaction from the creatures made them dare not approach Ryan again.

"Captain, you were so scary just now!" Kidd said to Ryan with lingering fear.

In Kidd's perception, Ryan just now seemed to have changed into a different person.

After refining the murderous aura into his body, Ryan can control the murderous aura in his body at will. At the beginning, Ryan needed to stay in the same place after the death to refine the murderous aura, but as he became more and more proficient, now Ryan will automatically absorb the murderous aura into his body and refine it by himself as long as he kills a person.

There are at least thousands of creatures that died in Ryan's hands along the way, so there was the scene just now, but Ryan has not found any help from this murderous aura to his combat power. The biggest role at present may be to scare people like just now.

After walking for a while, Ryan saw a hotel in front and walked in.

"Are there any rooms?"

"No!" The hotel owner said disdainfully after looking at Ryan and his group.

Ryan took a deep look at the owner and left to find the next hotel.

The boss, who was frightened by Ryan, said angrily when they left: "Why are you pretending? You scared me!"

"This place seems to be full of weirdness!" Fujitora said in a deep voice.

Everyone nodded in approval.

Ryan and others continued to look for places to stay. Several of them said they had no rooms, just like the previous hotel.

Finally, the owner of a hotel called Tongfu Hotel said he needed more rooms. The owner of Tongfu Hotel was a man in his fifties or sixties.

"Boss, you don't seem to welcome outsiders here." Ryan asked the question in his heart.

The boss smiled awkwardly and said helplessly: "It has always been like this."

Everyone saw his helplessness and disagreement with this situation.


The boss was silent for a moment, and after looking at the visitors for a few more times, he said: "Because the people on the island think we are all descendants of gods, and people like you who don't have wings are not."

Is this racial discrimination?

Ryan thought that this place was like this because it was hurt by Qinghai people before, but he didn't expect it to be this reason. It's really weird.

Could it be that Enel destroyed Bika for this reason? Ryan suddenly remembered that in the original history, Enel destroyed his hometown.

According to this situation here, Enel without wings behind him would probably be treated unequally or even bullied.

Then Ryan asked the hotel owner about Bika again. After listening to the owner's story, Ryan suddenly realizedGreat enlightenment.

According to the boss, their ancestors came here from heaven, and they have always regarded themselves as descendants of gods, because in the hearts of the people of Bika, their ancestors are indeed gods who have fallen into the mortal world.

"Do you know a person named Enel?" Ryan asked tentatively.

Judging from the boss's attitude, as an aboriginal, he does not discriminate against Qinghai people, and he may know Enel.

"Do you know that child?" Then the boss seemed to think of something and said in surprise: "You are Enel's relatives, you came at the right time!"

Ryan was stunned. What's going on? How did I become Enel's relative? I just saw him on the screen!

But before Ryan could explain, the boss talked about Enel's experience in Bika.

Because he was born without wings, Enel was discriminated against and looked down upon by other children since he was a child, and was often bullied by others. If Enel's mother had not been a very gentle person, Enel would have turned evil long ago, but just a year ago, Enel's mother died of illness due to overwork.

Enel has become more and more extreme now. In the past, Enel would listen to the hotel owner, but now it is useless.

So now when the owner sees Ryan and the others, he is so happy.

"Wait..." Ryan interrupted the boss and said, "We are not Enel's relatives!"

"No? Aren't you from Qinghai?" The boss was a little stunned.

"But what does coming from Qinghai have to do with us being Enel's relatives?"

"Enel's father is from Qinghai."


Ryan was shocked that Enel's father was from Qinghai, but this could explain why Enel didn't have wings. Enel should not have inherited his mother's bloodline, so he is different from others.

In fact, there were some such mixed-bloods on Angel Island, but because Angel Island was not as exclusive as Bika, Ryan did not investigate this matter at that time, including Gan. Forer did not have wings. I thought that some of the people of Sky Island did not have wings, but now it seems that this is not the case at all.

But think about it, because there is a stable route, there are quite a few people who come to Sky Island from Qinghai, not to mention that it has accumulated over the years. Some of them must have married and had children with people on Sky Island. After so many years of evolution, some of the residents of Sky Island now do not have wings.

In this way, a story about Enel was connected in Ryan's mind.

Because he did not have wings, Enel was looked down upon by people around him since he was a child. In addition, the death of his mother gradually released the demon in Enel's heart, and finally even made the move to destroy Bika.

The more a person lacks something, the more he wants to show it, so Ryan's impression is that Enel will be like that when he goes to the Island of Gods.

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