On the night of November 12, 1507 in the Haiyuan calendar, nine people led by Ryan made a big fuss in the holy land of Marijoa and liberated the slaves enslaved by the Celestial Dragons.

This night was an ordinary night for most ordinary people, but it played a key role in the advancement of the history of this world.

It was also called a turning point in history and the beginning of a new era by people in later generations!

The next day, all the news was reporting one thing, and the entire newspaper had only one headline.

"Shock!!! The holy land-Marijoa was attacked!"

"Just last night, nine people led by the bloody swordsman-Ryan attacked the holy land of Marijoa, killed many world nobles and liberated the slaves enslaved by the Celestial Dragons."

"This is a major event that has never happened in eight hundred years. The rule of the world government is facing unprecedented challenges!"

Although the world government tried its best to suppress the reporting of the entire incident, such a big news has made many journalists crazy, and they are willing to disobey the orders of the world government to report the news.

The capitalists smelled the smell of money from this. If there is 100% profit, the capitalists will take risks; if there is 200% profit, the capitalists will defy the law; if there is 300% profit, then the capitalists will trample on everything in the world!

In this way, countless capitalists pretended not to see the order of the World Government for their own interests, and let it go or even participated in it personally, causing the incident to escalate. Finally, after a day of fermentation, the whole world knew what happened last night.

Because of the inaction of the World Government during its rule, most government agencies and departments have become corrupt, and their control over member countries has been declining day by day. Now the World Government has also paid for their years of inaction.

The event that could have been controlled has now set the whole world on fire.

New World - Wano Country - Onigashima.

Kaido, the beast who is vaguely called the emperor of the sea, looked at today's news and laughed.

"Oh, la la la la la!"

"I didn't expect this kid to be so capable! It seems that I was wrong before." The laughter lasted for a long time, and Kaido began to be interested in Ryan from this moment.

"Next time, I will go to Marijoa to play!"

And Jin, who was the big boss of the Beasts Pirates, also showed a smile under his cold mask. He was very happy that Ryan made the World Government suffer.

Because of the special characteristics of his race, Jin, who was still a teenager at the time, was captured by the World Government for experiments. Although he was finally rescued by Kaido, who was also captured, when he was preparing to escape from prison, his disgust and hatred for the World Government has not diminished at all after so many years.

Ryan didn't know that because of his actions last night, Kaido and Jin both had a little good impression of him. Kaido's character is like this. As long as you do something that makes me happy, I will respect you.

On the Moby Dick.

When the Whitebeard Pirates saw this news, they were all petrified. Marco and Beetas went to help, and then they attacked the holy land-Marijoa, and killed a group of Celestial Dragons!

Diamond George said indignantly: "Dad, you should have let me accompany Beetas at that time!"

Whitebeard heard Joz's complaint and laughed: "Gulala! What are you talking about? You are all my lovely sons!"

"But Marco and Beetas will definitely be hunted down by the World Government for doing this."

"Let's go and take them home!" Whitebeard held the supreme sword "Kuromoku Kiri" and looked at the vast sea and said loudly. At this time, Whitebeard had not yet hung up the infusion bottle, and there was no group of beautiful nurses around him!

"Let's go, take Marco and Bitas home!"


The Moby Dick headed from the New World to the Water City...

The Red Hair Pirates, who were still in the New World at the moment, smiled slightly when Shanks saw the news: "You've made your name known all over the world not long after you set out to sea, Ryan!"

Thinking of Ryan, who was helpless under his command two years ago, his name has now spread all over the sea.

"Guys! We have to work harder, otherwise if we run into Ryan, what do you think you'll say?" Shanks sighed.

Ben Beckman, Jesus Bu and others suddenly froze, obviously thinking of some bad memories. Ryan, who was often beaten by them back then, mocked them every day.

If they ran into Ryan now, the picture would be too beautiful to imagine!

"Boss, I think we've rested long enough!"

"Go grab Whitebeard's territory!"

"Kill Whitebeard!"The cadres of the Red Hair Pirates became full of fighting spirit.

Carter, who was far away in the South China Sea, also learned the news and gave everyone a lesson in ideological education, telling them not to learn from Ryan and Bailey.

Carter had already decided that if it was Ryan and Bailey, he would have to kill the two guys!

On an unknown island in the East China Sea, a man wearing a dark green robe, a hood and a slipper mark on his face whispered to everyone: "This is the first shot of resistance against the World Government. The times are going to run wild!"

"Long, should we attract them to our revolutionary army?" A big-headed man wearing black stockings asked.

"You can contact them. The revolution needs to unite all forces!"

The impact of this incident is far more than that. The supreme rule of the Celestial Dragons has been questioned for the first time. If Ryan and others are not arrested and executed, the World Government will lose face!

Those who have been oppressed by the World Government, those families persecuted by the World Nobles, those who were slaves before or are still enslaved, all have a fire of hope in their hearts.

They have been hurt, oppressed, and enslaved all the time, and have endured it silently, never thinking of resisting and seeking justice.

They cannot resist the World Government, and the Celestial Dragons are supreme. This idea has been deeply rooted in their hearts.

But now someone has told them with practical actions that they are wrong. The World Government and the Celestial Dragons are not supreme and can be defeated.

When the mysterious veil is slowly lifted, people will find that the veil is not as exaggerated as they imagined.

From ancient times to the present, the prison cage has never been the biggest confinement, but the cage of thought is.

A prison can only hold tens of thousands of people at most, but the cage of thought is different. It can lock people all over the world in it.

This is the first time that Ryan has truly changed the course of history.

In the original history, Fisher Tiger only rescued a small number of people, and the impact was not great. But this time, Ryan not only liberated all the slaves imprisoned by the Celestial Dragons, but more importantly, he killed a group of Celestial Dragons!

The fire of freedom has been planted in the pirate world, but the premise is that Ryan and his team can still live well. What awaits them next is the raging anger of the World Government that has ruled the world for 800 years.

The World Government will use the most severe means to deal with them. As long as Ryan and his team can be eliminated, the World Government can continue to maintain their majesty and supremacy!

The World Government issued a death order to the Navy, to capture them at all costs in the shortest time and then publicly execute them in front of the whole world.

The Navy dispatched a luxurious lineup headed by Navy Admiral Sengoku and Xiong Garp, supplemented by the new generation of Aokiji and Kizaru, plus a thousand elites from the Navy Headquarters, which far exceeds the Demon Slayer Order.

It is sailing from Marinford to the Water City!

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