Ryan left in style, and he still had 300,000 attribute points from defeating Akainu!

Although he was seriously injured, Ryan was still happy.

Akainu and others were left looking at the messy battlefield for a long time. This was a painful lesson. Not only were the warships destroyed, but the marines they brought also suffered many casualties.

Especially the last blow of Enelu, the navy who fell into the water suffered heavy casualties. After all, people had to be rescued one by one, and some who were too late would be gone.

Akainu also began to summarize his mistakes. He was mainly responsible for this failure.

At the beginning, he was confident and durable, which led to his first consumption. Then, because he wanted to destroy the opponent's ship too much, he was hit by Ryan's sword and injured. Later, he fought with Ryan in an air battle that he was not good at, which led to his defeat.

He was not afraid of the sea water like Qingzhi when fighting at sea. Qingzhi could directly change the terrain, freeze the sea surface, and turn it into his home court, but Akainu could not.

Akainu is not like Kizaru who can perfectly display his strength everywhere. His advantage is still in his magma fruit. If he wants to fully display the real destructive power of magma fruit, he needs a good output environment, such as on land, such as long-range strikes on the sea.

"Let's go!"

"Where to go back?"

"Alabasta, the closest place!"

After rescuing the marines who fell into the water, they took the bodies of the dead marines and walked on the sea towards Alabasta, followed by Qingzhi on a bicycle.

If someone recognized them, they would definitely be shocked. The lineup of two admirals and five vice admirals was defeated. If this spread out, it would definitely shock the world!

"bilibili bilibili!"

Just as they were on their way to Alabasta, a phone call came in, and Ghost Spider handed over the Den Den Mushi.

As soon as Akainu saw the appearance of Den Den Mushi, he knew who called. It was Admiral Sengoku of the Navy, who came to ask about the battle situation. Akainu's resolute square face showed a bitterness, sighed, and finally picked up the phone.

"Sakaski, how is it?"


Marinford---Sengoku, wearing a seagull hat, seemed to have noticed something, stood up, and began to pace back and forth in the Admiral's office.

"Did something unexpected happen?" Sengoku asked tentatively.

"No one from the Bloody Pirates was captured, our marines suffered heavy losses, and all five warships were damaged!" Akainu's slightly hoarse voice reached Sengoku's ears.


The calmness on Sengoku's face disappeared, and he could no longer maintain his previous steadiness, and exclaimed.

It was incredible, this was a lineup of two generals and five vice admirals! Even against the Emperor of Shanghai, they could fight, how could they have no achievements, he really couldn't figure it out.

"Tell me the details!"

Then Akainu and Sengoku explained the whole process of the battle, and he did not miss any details. Onigumo and others were very frustrated. They felt that it was their incompetence that dragged Akainu down.

Now every word that Akainu and Sengoku said was like rubbing salt into their wounds!

"I know, you should go back to Alabasta to rest first!" Sengoku slowly hung up the phone.

"It's difficult!" Sengoku murmured and fell into deep thought.

The two admirals couldn't catch them, and their ships had air superiority. It was a problem to catch up with them, let alone prevent them from making trouble.

This was really a big problem. He had fought with the Flying Pirates of Golden Lion and knew how difficult it was to deal with pirates who had air superiority at sea, not to mention that their firepower was even better than that of the Flying Pirates.

A wretched man in a yellow suit suddenly appeared in Sengoku's mind.


If Borsalino follows them, it can be done to prevent the Blood Sword Pirates from disrupting this World Conference. Borsalino who has eaten the Flash Fruit is fully capable of doing this job.

As long as the World Conference is over and his own plans and goals are completed, he can then withdraw troops to capture them, and even let the Seven Warlords of the Sea deal with him!

That's it, Sengoku is determined in his heart.

"Go, call Borsalino over!" Sengoku ordered the messenger at the door.

He began to think about the preparations for this World Conference.

After Ryan and others found a place to rest for a night, they finally arrived at the food city--Puji the next morning!

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