Seeing Ace's unconfident look, Ryan couldn't help but laugh. You know, as the son of Pirate King Roger, how could Ace have poor talent? Whether it's physical skills or kendo, Roger is a great swordsman.

But Ryan didn't point it out. In fact, it's good. Blind self-confidence is not desirable. Although sometimes you can burst out with power beyond your limit, it will put you in danger more often, and even cost your life.

Ace in the original history was like this. He challenged Whitebeard and wanted to fight Kaido in Wano Country. In the end, he paid the price when chasing Blackbeard, and the price was extremely heavy. Not only did he die, but he also harmed the entire Whitebeard Pirates.

The confidence gained through one's own practice bit by bit is far better than that kind of blind self-confidence.

"Believe in yourself, but don't be arrogant, understand?" Ryan said, touching Ace's head.

"Okay, I also want to be a strong swordsman like Brother Ryan!"

"No, I will train you to be a swordsman!"


"Well, don't worry, you will know the difference later."

In Ryan's view, if a person has strength but no bottom line, he is undoubtedly a failure. He doesn't want Ace to be that kind of person. Reading, literacy, including spiritual training, Ace will not be able to escape from it next.

"Let's go, I will teach you basic swordsmanship first."

Ryan found a tree at random, pulled out the wooden horse bull from his waist, and used his swordsmanship skills of a great swordsman. After a few strokes, a wooden sword was made. The prototype of the sword is the supreme sword "Ace".

"Here you go!"

Ace was very excited after taking the sword. This weapon is much stronger than his water pipe.

Muma Niu: "You are so noble, so great, why do you use me to do this!"

After the problem of weapons was solved, Ryan gathered Ace, Kuina and Kira together for training. The main training direction of the three people is still basic swordsmanship.

Ryan began to demonstrate basic swordsmanship in front of the three people. At the beginning, Ryan explained the precautions and some key points to them while demonstrating. Later, Ryan entered a state of selflessness, and his movements became more and more smooth and natural.

It gives people a pleasing and natural feeling.

A set of basic swordsmanship was actually performed beautifully by Ryan, and the three people were dumbfounded, especially Kuina. She had been exposed to kendo since she was a child and had practiced basic swordsmanship for a long time, but she thought she couldn't do it if she wanted him to do it to Ryan's level.

"Have you learned it?" Without waiting for their answer, Ryan continued: "You three start to do it again according to my actions just now."

The first one to start was Kira. As the eldest brother, he took the lead, followed by Kuina and Ace.

Kira and Kuina both did a good job, especially Kuina, whose movements were very standard but her strength was a little weak. As for Ace, he must be Roger's son. Although there are still many flaws, he can remember the general idea of ​​​​his husband just by watching him once. This talent...

Well, very smooth!

"You two should take good care of your Ace. When you have practiced enough, I will start to teach you other things!" Ryan left quickly after saying that.

Because he had some new insights when he was practicing basic swordsmanship with them just now.

Basic swordsmanship is the starting point and the end point of swordsmanship. No matter how fancy or awesome your swordsmanship is, the final form of the move is still basic swordsmanship, but it is just integrated with some other things, or the moves are a little complicated.

You must know that basic swordsmanship is obtained through continuous excavation and simplification by generations. What is concentrated here is the essence of swordsmanship. It has not been eliminated for hundreds or thousands of years, which is its strength.

While the feeling was still there, Ryan immediately began to sit cross-legged, closed his eyes and recalled the feeling just now. He wanted to remember the fluency, the mentality at that time, and how it was different from before.

In fact, practice and perception are not as difficult as imagined. When you accidentally use a powerful move, you only need to remember the feeling, strength, and details at that time.

Then through constant thinking, adjustment, practice, and polishing, when you can use this move at will, you have practiced this move, but the first perception is the most impressive.

When Bailey, who was practicing with the blessing of Fujitora's gravity fruit, saw this scene, he immediately changed the exercise equipment in his hand to a larger one.

Ever since he heard about the weight training method from Ryan, Bailey has been thinking about Fujitora. The word weight reminded Bailey of Fujitora's gravity fruit.

"Fuck, I'm doing it again."I got an epiphany!" Bailey cursed while practicing.

In fact, Bailey wanted Fujitora to adjust the gravity a little higher. He was not satisfied with the current double gravity at all. Bailey wanted more.

However, once Ryan found Bailey practicing at ten times the gravity, Bailey was caught and scolded by Ryan. In Ryan's words, he was still growing up and could not try such extreme practice because it would overdraw his body.

Although he was very unwilling, Bailey also knew that Ryan was doing it for his own good, so Bailey still practiced at double gravity.

In fact, what Bailey didn't know was that he was already the ceiling of ordinary people. With a stronger body than ordinary people and Jabba's polishing, he had reached the limit of his age except for some monsters.

The monsters included Big Mom, Kaido, etc., and Ryan who had a system, because he could ignore the limitations of his body and age to improve his strength.

After a long time, Ryan slowly opened his eyes and murmured: "Reviewing the past to learn the new, the ancients did not deceive me! "

"How's it going?"

Ryan looked in the direction of the sound and saw Bailey practicing his upper limbs with a barbell.

"Very good!" Ryan smiled.

Ryan, whose strength has improved, is in a good mood. Taking advantage of this good state, Ryan also started a day of practice, breathing, swordsmanship to polish the body, and the use of murderous aura.

Ryan also picked up the basic swordsmanship that he had not practiced for a long time.

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