Levi was very interested in the dragon Smaug, especially the materials on it. Levi had been eyeing it for a long time and must not miss it.

But it was not the right time yet.

Levi was not afraid of the dragon. At most, he could dig a hole to hide for a while, but if it chased out, the humans at the foot of the mountain would be in trouble.

The suffering of the living was not what Levi wanted to see. He was not sure that he could deal with a dragon alone.

Shifting his attention back.

The elves were introducing their forging technology, and Levi nodded repeatedly, just to supplement his knowledge.

For the elf craftsmen, making a set of high-quality armor and weapons requires first smelting fine steel, and then slowly hammering and forging through various complex or delicate processes until it is formed.

However, Levi only needs to throw the raw materials into the alloy furnace, invest a little experience, and synthesize them directly on the workbench after burning.

The operation is simple, brainless and fast.

At this moment, the elf blacksmith next to him had no idea that his core technology had been cracked by someone in a moment of confrontation.

Although strictly speaking, Levi doesn't know the specific forging technology at all, everything he does is a black box operation. He only knows how to use it, but not the details and principles.

But it doesn't matter, as long as it works.

This trip to the Valley is really worth it.

Levi was so happy that he couldn't hold back his mouth, and he wished that he could end the journey and go home to develop well.

But the things in front of him still need to be dealt with.

After leaving the blacksmith shop and taking a brief tour of the Valley, it was already noon.

For Levi, a human, Agra inexplicably had a good impression of him and wanted to make friends with him, so he invited Levi to his home for dinner.

"Welcome to my residence, Levi."

This meal was cooked by Agra himself. It can be seen that many ingredients are quite fresh, and there is no shortage of meat. Overall, it looks quite good.

Although the elves' eating habits tend to be light, it does not mean that they don't eat meat.

The reason why some dwarves have almost no seasoning on the table when they come here is just the elves' little revenge for their unreasonable troubles.

Elves' meals always seem to be inseparable from a glass of wine. Aggra personally filled a glass of wine for Levi and signaled Levi to do whatever he wanted.

"Thank you for your hospitality."

The two chatted and ate while they quickly finished the food on the plate.

The meal ended with a glass of fine wine.

Seeing that the fullness was still overflowing, Levi felt quite satisfied.

But speaking of the elves' diet...

Levi suddenly said: "I heard that the elves have a magical dry food called Lambas. In fact, I am very curious about its appearance and taste."

Aggra was stunned, as if he didn't expect Levi to ask this.

"Lambas... I do bring some when I travel. If you want, I have a few here."

As he said that, Aggra got up and left. After a while, he came back with a few square biscuits wrapped in a golden leaf.


Special effect: Life recovery for 10 seconds.


This is the nth time that Levi has been surprised by the creation of the elves.

Looking at the biscuits in his hand, Levi felt like he had found a treasure.

This piece of Lambas not only provides life recovery buff, but also can directly restore a row of fullness with just such a small piece.

It is simply a travel and combat artifact.

If Levi had this thing when facing the Wolf Cavalry Squad in the Troll Forest, he would even dare to confront them head-on.

Good things are always rare.

Lambas, Aggra's family only has three pieces, and seeing that Levi likes it very much, he gave them all to him.

"Lambas can't satisfy people's appetite, Levi, even if you eat it, you will still crave the taste of bread and meat, but it has extraordinary effects, I believe it can help you at some time."

"It really helps me a lot, Aggra, do you have more here, if possible, I want to buy some."

Lambas is good, but unfortunately there are only three.

Aggra shook his head.

"It's a pity, Levi, we don't usually sell Lambas, and there are not many of them. I just saved a few pieces by chance."

"Okay, thank you for your generosity."

Knowing that there is no way to get more Lambas in the short term, Levi is not disappointed.

Even if he could only get three pieces, he was already very satisfied.

In the case that he couldn't make potions for the time being, each piece of Lambas could be used as a trump card.

The valley is a magical place.

Here, people's sense of time will become dull, and it is difficult to perceive the passage of time.

Looking at the waterfall in front of the valley, when Levi recalled, he found that he had lived here for a week.

Life here is very good, like a fairyland on earth.

But, it's too plain.

The next morning, Levi dressed up and led his horse.

"Are you leaving, Levi?"

As if he had a heart, Agra came to the manger.

"Time waits for no one, Agra, I still have a lot of things to do, and I can't stay here for long."

"May your footsteps follow the wind."

"Thank you."

When he heard that Levi had left, the elf in charge of raising horses was relieved.

This human's mount was too weird. For seven consecutive days, no matter what he did, he didn't eat or drink.

Because of this matter, he went to Levi to ask about it more than once, fearing that the horse would get sick from hunger, but Levi always told him not to worry about it.

If he hadn't seen that the horse was still healthy, he would have thought that Levi had some conflict with the horse and was starving it on purpose.

Now it seems that this horse is indeed extraordinary.

At least it is very resistant to starvation.

Before leaving, Levi said to the elf who came to see him off:

"Agra, if you have time, please come to the castle between the top of the wind and the last bridge. I will treat you without reservation."

During this period, this elf who met by chance did help Levi a lot, and also gave him good things like Lambas. If there is a chance, Levi still wants to repay him.

Originally, Levi planned to give some precious items as a souvenir, but he really didn't bring anything this time, and it felt a bit inappropriate to give gold and silver ingots directly, so he could only wait until next time.

In addition, there was another small regret that he didn't meet Aragorn.

At this time, Aragorn's presence in the valley was still a secret, and not many people knew about it. He didn't take the initiative to come out, and the lord of the valley didn't mention it. Naturally, Levi couldn't say it, otherwise there was no way to explain it.

So I can only give up for now.

The journey always comes when it's said.

Levi rode his horse out of the valley and headed west.

"Damn, a bunch of trash, trash!"

"You can't even beat an ordinary human, what are you doing!"

The deafening roar echoed in the cave. On the wide stone in the middle of the cave, a fat figure looked down at an orc, feeling full of pressure.

That was the Orc Town - maybe even the leader of the Orcs in the entire Misty Mountains, the Orc King.

A human, who annihilated the troops he sent out to plunder in the distance, has even gone further and come to his doorstep recently, and he killed another cavalry squad.

This is simply a naked provocation, which is intolerable.

I don't know why, the Orc King is particularly concerned about this human, and every time the news about him always spreads very quickly.

"But we met an elf..." the orc trembled and explained, "and he is now living in the elf's territory."

"Then you won't go to a place where there are no elves?"

"Ah?" The orc below was puzzled.

However, the leader had received the news early.

The orc scouts from the west of the Troll Forest had already found out that the sturdy castle where the human lived was now empty.

Since the human left, there has been no fireworks in the castle for a long time. Some orcs secretly lay in the corner and listened. There were only some livestock calls inside, and no trace of human activities.

There were also orcs who went to the city gate to yell and curse and throw things inside, but no one came out after waiting for a long time.

"He is in the elf's territory, which means there is no one in his house. Go and take his house!"

"Then, go in and ambush, I want to see his head."

The Orc King gave an order.

If I can't deal with you, can I deal with your house?

When the time comes, I will squat near your house and wait for you to come back and see how you run.

Thanks for the monthly ticket from Fake and Ridiculous, thanks for the two monthly tickets from Daqin III, thanks for the two monthly tickets from Light Cub, thanks for the two monthly tickets and 100 points reward from Lei Ni Yidian, thank you for your support!

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