Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2739: First occupy a corner of the ice and full of green

The situation of the big city-state pyramids is played on the big screen, and occasionally a partial close-up is given.

Those who deserted from the disaster had no food, so they took care of what others wanted.

Some people gave some bowls of corn, and then took other people's children away.

"Did you take it away and eat it?" Taohong No. 1 thought of cannibalizing people, changing children and eating them, and replacing them with corn in front of her eyes.

"Little girl, bring back those clothes that you can see through. The seller of the children will choose them. They are also afraid that the children will be eaten. In fact, it is similar to sending them to the palace, and there are risks."

Xiaolan judged from the side that children sold to others would die, as would the maids and eunuchs who entered the palace.

She almost died once, thanks to the encounter with Princess Yongmu.

Not many people died at her hands. If she doesn't take care of others, others will get rid of her.

"Xiaoyi, the old man found a problem, how can we change things?"

Bi Gou still had to ask Li Yi, exchanging gems for slaves, gems for food, it was a trade process.

The other party has advertised their side as a very bad person, can they still be changed?

"They need a pyramid as a base. Their pyramids are good and flat-topped. The pyramids in the places controlled by the Umayyad dynasty have spires, which are inconvenient for landing."

Li Yi was prepared for the next time, and the airship could complete the mission.

He intends to go there in person, bringing along the Feather Rider, heavy machine gun, automatic rifle, grenade, small mortar, flamethrower, and explosive pack.

There are signs on each pyramid, and different signs represent different forces.

Like the kings who went out to open their palaces, fighting each other openly and secretly.

He intends to choose a pyramid near the largest pyramid as a trading place, and look for it according to the signs.

A large piece is a sign, and if you want it, the opponent's power is strong.

Take it down to compensate the other party. When you take it up, the other party will run away and communicate later.

It was the most convenient for him to fly a helicopter in the past. When the airship lowered the height and roped down, what if it was punctured!

Unless the explosive pack is thrown before landing, there is a rumbling boom, and everyone else runs away.

"When will we take action?" Song Jing asked.

"I'll make their broken jadeite look good first. It's different from sapphire and has the same purpose."

Li Yi is going to make fakes and turn bricks into B goods and C goods. There are several methods.

other people:"……"

"Thank you, Mr. Xiaoyi! I didn't get a bunch of fake jade to sell in the Tang Dynasty." Yao Chong folded his fists and accepted!

"In Datang, I need credibility. Lijiazhuangzi's signboard is difficult to stand up, but easy to break. In Datang, I specialize in dealing with fakes, and it is impossible for any fake to escape my eyes."

Li Yi returned the gift, why are you polite? I don't love Datang enough, how can I go to the pit?

"What kind of fake is it?" The priestess likes jadeite, and she has absolutely no idea how this thing can be real or fake.

"I'll show you a quick jadeite, you can remember the shape."

Li Yi used action to speak, picked a piece of broken jade, the size of a can, and said that the white was mixed with a lot of floc and had many cracks.

The bracelet is as big as the can, but you can only look at it, if you dare to dig it, it will shatter.

"I took pictures, multi-angle, and made a three-dimensional image." The little robot said.

The priestess took the jade and looked at it carefully, memorized the details, and returned it to Li Yi.

Li Yi took Jade to the cruiser, that is, the yacht. There is a laboratory there, and it was the first to get it.

Using the instrument, he heated, pickled, pressurized, alkali washed, dyed, and injected glue. It was not enough without pressurization, and it took too long.

Emeralds that have been pressurized are easy to break, and the advantage is that the time is short.

Everyone ate slowly, and within an hour, Li Yi took out the fake jade that took a month to deal with.

Watery and green, people who are familiar with jade are disgusting at first glance, can they be more fake? Insult who?

"Here." Li Yi handed the jadeite to the priestess again.

The priestess's eyes were shining, beautiful, yes, it was such a fine jade.

Her hand holding Jade is trembling, beautiful, so beautiful.

"Is it the one just now?" Princess Yongmu urged the other party to identify it.

"Is it...?" The priestess began to recall that the two jadeites felt the same size, but the difference in length was too great.

The little robot stepped forward: "Look at the shot."

The priestess carefully compared and determined that the shape and size are exactly it, but how did it change?

"Ah~~" Lu Huaishen sighed, carrying the rope from his waist, he hung a piece of jade, and Li Yi gave it to him.

He began to doubt this piece of jade...

"The authentic Lantian jade, don't bring it back to me, I'll give you a piece of glass."

Li Yi stared, do you dare to think that I lied to you?

"Why did the old man say something else? The old man just wanted to see the jade pendant."

Lu Huaishen said goodbye, let's continue to fall.

"Li Lang, will jadeite be broken when used as jewelry?" Xiaolan also likes the appearance of jadeite.

It is worse than the glass clock, but it is definitely the full rate of the ice species.

"There is glue inside. I cut it with a laser, and then add another layer to fix it. It won't break in the short term, and it will probably be over in a while."

Li Yi was certain that he couldn't get the bracelet out before, but now it's no problem.

"Guangrou, do you know how to fake calligraphy and painting?" Zhang Jiuling was curious.

"Yes! It's old-fashioned. The most difficult thing is to imitate. No matter how well I write in small letters, if I imitate Lao Zhong, you will see the same leak."

Li Yi admits that it is difficult to fake calligraphy and painting and needs talents.

Like the imperial decree he got in Sri Lanka, after seeing the photo, Li Longji taught him alone. Next time, be more serious, what is my word like? Your words have no soul, oh, Shen Yun.

"Where's Lao Zhong? I remember Jiang Jiao looked around.

"Well, what do you write?" Zhong Shaojing held up the string and shook it.

"You imitate the words of the ancestors and let Xiaoyi fake it so that you can sell it for money." Jiang Jiao pointed out a road to Yangguan for Zhong Shaojing.

"My own words are worthless? What's on the dictionary, what's on the banknotes, oh, I wrote the exchange coupons for Lijiazhuangzi."

Zhong Shaojing put down the skewer, stopped eating it, got angry, and felt so wronged, what do I need in Xiaokai to sell fakes for money?

"Third brother, you imitate His Majesty's calligraphy, official script, let's sell it." Li Yi looked at Li Longji.

"Writing an imperial decree? Not only is this valuable, but it can also mobilize the army."

Li Longji cooperated, how about Yuxi? You don't need to take the radish to carve it, I have it ready-made.

"No, no, no, just mobilize Yulin Feiqi, Yulin Feiqi knows that I won't rebel."

Li Yi made a joke, turned his head to the priestess and said, "Is this okay? I'll take care of the rest and sell them.

Tell the people who bought it that the divine stone has a spirit, and they choose people to depend on each other, that is, they take the stone and don't process it by themselves, it will break.

Tell me what you want to do, I will charge a fee to Nong, sell the stone and receive a fee, and then charge it again for processing.

Their bad stones can be exchanged for my good stones. We provide customers with various solutions for them to choose. "

"Why is it fake?" The priestess looked at the jewelry on her body, there was a bracelet with a glass clock, and she felt the same.

"I'll take out a bracelet for this, put the two together and look at it. You'll understand after a while."

Li Yi himself looked awkward, how does it compare to other people's pure and natural ones made in one hour?

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