Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 1189: Night and day in the Tang Dynasty

After listening to several people, Tan Shui pursed his lips: "Dongzhu Li understands, right?"

"Regular operation." Jian Qing gave an answer.

"That means he is good at calculating?" Tan Shui was in a depressed mood.

"The proprietor does not count his own people, you mountain people are his own people in the proprietor's heart." Jian Qing understood.

"Yeah, we are our own. Dongzhu Li always gives us a way to let someone... come over. It's really impossible. I sent troops to destroy his Yan family."

Tan Shui was happy again, she thought and thought, and found that it was indeed not calculated.

Li Yi didn't care about asking for money, but returned the tools, money, mines, and methods of protecting the terraced fields to the village.

Who is it for? What is the name of Luzhou governor? Anyway, whoever got it back, yes, whoever.

When Tan Shui became happy again, Yan Jie exhaled.

Just as he was about to lose his temper, Wei Yuefeng who was sitting there suddenly coughed.

Yan Jie instantly recalled that night, someone wanted to burn himself alive, that's it.

"Gong Zhang, I am wronged." Yan Jie changed his attitude.

"I see." Zhang Jiuling nodded slightly.

He looked at Huang An: "What did Bian Gu say?"

"Sit down and say, sit down and say." Huang Anxian explained to Yan, calming down.

These are all routines. Some people play with red faces, some people play with white faces, and there are people and mud.

Jian Qing winked at Tan Shui by the side, meaning: learn.

When Tan Shui was in a good mood, she nodded slightly, and she realized that Gong Zhang was not upright and capable.

She didn't know that Zhang Jiuling was the prime minister, and she didn't have the ability to become prime minister?

"My Yan family is conscientious in Xiyuan County. Now we are here to manage border trade for Datang, and they are checking us behind, Zhang Gong and Huang Cishi are the masters of my Yan family!"

Yan Jie sat down and began to talk about the situation. There was a fire in the backyard, and someone wanted to make trouble.

Zhang Jiuling looked down, raised her head in Yan Jie's panic, with an angry look on her face: "How can this be done? Come here, give me pens and ink."

"Yes!" someone responded and went to fetch things.

"Give me a copy too. I watched Yan's actions. People in Guangzhou have a good life, and Xiyuan County is also building roads."

Huang An followed and said, as if I wanted to seek justice for Yan.

But he didn't say that the people in Xiyuan County had a good life, and he didn't say anything else in Xiyuan County.

He said that road construction is also building roads. He doesn't mention what to do, and how to do it is still not explained.

It didn't take long, the four treasures of the study were put up.

Zhang Jiuling first wrote: "I trust the county magistrate and others in the county, and the investigation of Yan's corruption and crimes is untrue."

Just such a sentence, without the beginning, without knowing who it was written to, and without inscription, I don't know who said it, but he stamped it, stamped his own seal.

Looking at what Zhang Jiuling had written, Huang An narrowed his eyes, and wrote: "Anything that the county magistrate of Yanjie and his family did in the investigation of Xiyuan County, there are many inaccuracies, please check carefully."

Then he also printed, waited for the ink to dry, folded the letter, put it in an envelope, and sealed it with paint.

Zhang Jiuling did the same here, and there was no problem at all.

The letter of the two is handed over to Yan Jie, and Yan Jie helps to pass it on.

Without any delay, Yan Jie said thanks and ran away to deliver the letter.

"Gong Zhang, how do you help him? Believe it or not, I also wrote a new letter to Dongzhu Li. I told him that you have betrayed and you want to light the sky lantern."

Tan Shui was about to cry. She couldn't read the poem, but she could understand the contents of the two letters.

She looked at Zhang Jiuling with red eyes, then sneered at Huang An.

"Don't don't don't, it's nothing, Tan Xiaoniang, listen to me to explain, don't beat me the Huang clan."

Huang An is about to cry too, what do you mean? Are you going to lead soldiers to beat me?

"Say!" Tan Shui clenched his fist.

"Well, well, I said, I said, the most important part of what I wrote is ‘untrue’, and Zhang Gong also wrote that way. It’s not true. What does it mean to be false?"

Huang An has a strong desire to survive, so he said quickly.

"Just didn't chant?" Tan Shui made a fist.

"Why not? For example, if you sent 10,000 soldiers to fight me in Guangzhou, my army said that you sent 3,000 people. I'm not telling you the truth. Could it be that you didn't send soldiers to fight?"

Huang An gave an example, ten thousand soldiers, three thousand, and then he gave false claims.

"Ah, there can be more or less falsehood, right? You are not telling the truth about Yan's matter, but what you want to say is actually more serious?"

Tan Shui understood in an instant, and there are examples.

Zhang Jiuling and Huang An nodded together, yes, this is it.

This statement was quite common in Li Yi's time. Whenever he said something, the official answer was not true.

Why do you say that? There are several reasons.

I really don't understand, but I can't help but respond.

Knowing that the problem is serious, I think the place can be settled.

Fear that the place can't be leveled out, cover it up by yourself. If the place is not leveled out, just go into it.

See if there is any problem with the person who exposed the matter. If there is no administrative problem, is there any ethical problem? Can you give me some guidance?

For example, XX reported that the Director of the Transportation Bureau was drunk driving, and he was sitting down.

Then what to do? Check the surveillance, oops, this so and so did not cross the crosswalk once.

Did you see it? He crossed the road instead of taking the crosswalk, but passed directly on the motorized carriageway of the double yellow line.

How dangerous is this? It is easy for the driver to have a traffic accident in order to avoid him.

If you don’t believe me, take a look, how many records are caused by motor vehicles avoiding pedestrians crossing the road illegally?

So-and-so, he is crossing the road, come and see, where's the navy? What about the hired navy? hurry up.

So what was said was not true, and retaliated against the whistleblower so and so from other aspects.

Waiting for the top of the country to take action, serious.

I couldn't cover up the place, so I quickly said that the Director XX had not only this problem, but also other problems, so it is not true to say

‘Untruth’ is a vocabulary that can be attacked, defended, advanced or retreated.

Otherwise, why not say ‘no’? The difference is huge. If something happens, you can't take responsibility.

Zhang Jiuling and Huang An applied quite well. To be honest, tell Yan you to continue and we will support you.

Wait, wait until you have problems with your current appointment, and then find out more problems over there.

"I didn't say who to write to?" Tan Shui discovered the situation again.

"I didn't say who it was written to. Naturally, it was the Xing Department and the Ministry of Officials, and the Shang Shu of the Xing Ministry and the Ministry of Officials was Song Jing." Jian Qing said with a smile beside him.

The letter written is not an official document, but a private letter.

So there is no title, and when you send it out to others, you will know what it means. This is a normal court rule.

Do you think what you saw in Lijiazhuangzi is the real Datang? Your family is lucky.

"I'm angry, bullying me don't understand, right? I want to write to Dongzhu Li, on behalf of my Tan family..." Tan Shui was angry.

"Don't don't don't, it won't happen, isn't your purpose to clean up the Yan family! Do you think the proprietor doesn't understand?

People live in this world, how can there be black and white? Is your Tan’s village really acting with integrity?

Isn't this what we should do to give more hope to the weak and to help more people who want to get help for survival?

At least we, Yu Lin Fei, are working hard, at least Li Jia Zhuangzi is frantically playing logistics.

You are strong, lead your stockade to live a good life. "

Jian Qing shook his head, and he worked hard to squeeze a smile.

"What about Li Yi?" Tan Shui didn't seem to be able to bear such a real impact.

"With Datang in mind!" Jian Qing, Zhang Jiuling, and Huang An said together.

I like to bring the system to Datang, please collect it: () Bring the system to Datang to update the fastest.

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