Chapter 89 What kind of entertainment are there in winter (second more)

Several people chatted, Li Longji liked the atmosphere.

When facing the officials, he couldn’t find this feeling.

When facing a harem woman, I still didn’t feel this way.

Not to mention Queen Wang, she finally got pregnant with a child, so she stayed at Zhuangzi, with Uncle, a genius doctor.

At this time, the Shaofu Supervisor and Sinong Temple in Chang’an were busy opening, and Sinong Temple sent a quick horse to flew to the 22 counties with the artifact of scraping and sesame shelling produced by the Shaofu Supervisor.

It is when the hemp is finished, every step in advance will help the farmers a little bit more.

In the area near Chang’an City, some have already seen the real thing, and after a try, I thought about it myself.

The people talked about it.

What happened this year? The court will definitely release good things in a few days.

Each of these things is easy to use and easy to make, saving manpower and adding more things.

This year I learned about composting and seed selection, and planting winter wheat.

Not only can I save some money in the coming year, but also don’t have to be so tired.

It is impossible for the three prime ministers of Yao Chong to not know the situation.

“Your Majesty finished the military parade yesterday, and went to Li Yizhuangzi again today.” Zhang said helplessly.

He didn’t know that there was no Li Yi, he was cleaned up after a few days, and he was standing with Yao Chong at this moment.

Yao Chong doesn’t need to say much, he has gradually regarded Li Yi as a threat.

He didn’t know that in a few years, he would also be abolished. He cheated Wei Zhigu’s two sons and caused him trouble.

In fact, it wasn’t his son’s problem, but Li Longji felt that his role was exhausted and used him to clean up a lot of people.

It is time to appease some other people, and naturally we must take him down.

Wei Zhigu did not see through, so he was demoted.

Zhang said he could see something, but he was banished after he failed to stop a few times.

Lu Huaishen was the smartest, but his body suddenly became ill.

Therefore, Li Yi’s dividends in the heavens and the earth are not paid at all.

Yao Chong regards Li Yi as a threat. If Li Yi knows, he promises to smile.

“Baigong is offering a reward. Haven’t made anything new yet?” Yao Chong has big bags under his eyes. It is estimated that he didn’t sleep well yesterday.

Zhang said, “Oh~~ some craftsmen came here, but they made something for beauty, a folding table that came out of Li Yi. In the hands of the craftsman, all kinds of mortise and rivets changed back and forth. table.”

Yao Chong looked at Lu Huaishen. Lu Huaishen didn’t want to care about anything at all, so he counted on the mess.

However, he still knew a little bit, and said: “There is a threshing device, which is a precision forged steel toothed steel shaft, which is better than Li Yi’s.”

After listening, Yao Chong wanted to rush out, find the craftsman, and then bite him to death.

Also fine steel, why don’t you make it with gold?

Li Yi is wood, mud, bamboo, and straw sticks. When lubricating some oil, I think it costs more.

The shavings and shells that come out now are nothing more than multiple blades and a bit of leather.

The others are still wood, wooden stools, wooden branches, oh, there are ropes that are less than a foot on the top.

Is it Li Yi silly? stupid? Don’t know how to use stainless steel?

Look at the biogas lamps on Zhuangzi, copper pipes, iron pipes, and there is a tool called tapping.

Oh, the pressure well, children can go up and play, the same is iron.

Why should he avoid that copper and iron appearing on agricultural tools? It’s not that the cost is high, the people can’t afford it!

Thinking, Yao Chong has a headache, who can find a skilled craftsman? Come over to the truth, and the truth promises not to kill you.


Li Yi Zhuangzi.

“You see, third brother, this bamboo is an ice cart. Children can play on the ice. The bamboo must be old bamboo. Hsinchu is not hard enough.”

Li Yi drew the drawings, the ice cart. Normally, there should be a triangle iron under the ice cart, and the worst is the 8th line.

But considering that the people could not get it out, he changed it to old bamboo.

As for the ice drill of the skating car, a round wooden stick or bamboo stick, plus an inch of iron nails underneath it.

If iron nails are not used, bone nails and stone nails can also be made do, it is easy to break and not slip fast.

“This is a snowboard. You don’t need a snowball fight for a veneer. You need a double board. Look at the other one. The ice skates must be iron, and they must always be sharpened. Otherwise, they won’t be able to bite the ice.”

Li Yi said to change a piece of paper.

Continued: “Curling. It’s reasonable to say that each size and weight should be about the same. But let’s play it first. If there is a difference in weight, there will be a difference. If it is made of stone, the rule is…”

Li Yi explained to three people, try to use materials with low cost, otherwise it will not be popularized.

He is not for making money, otherwise he would dare to use ivory materials to make some entertainment.

Appearing is high-end, and then frantically making money.

Li Longji watched and listened, and said: “I know that there are even colder places where people are sliding on the snow with bone plates and wooden boards.”

“Yes, third brother, there is.” Li Yi continued to draw the picture and said: “This is a sleigh pulled by an elk. It can carry troops in the ice and snow.”

Li Longji was momentarily sluggish, transporting troops? Go to beat others in winter, from the north, and from the northwest.

The Queen and Queen from a family of military commanders squeezed Li Longji’s head aside and opened his eyes to look at the new sled.

Li Longji reluctantly moved his body, no way, they were pregnant.

“Uncle, this sled can be put on a string with a rope.” Queen Wang looked at it and quickly gave out how to expand it.

Li Yi stretched his thumb: “Sister-in-law is amazing.”

Queen Wang shook her head: “It’s a pity that I can’t play.”

“When the baby is born, take the baby to play together.” Li Yi was relieved.

“Yeah!” Queen Wang was satisfied.


The next morning, the three of Li Longji hurriedly left, saying that they would send the harvested live crabs to Zhuangzi for processing and keep them for a few more days.

Li Yi sent the people away, returned to the courtyard, and continued to draw drawings.

After finishing the painting, I took the drawing to find Song De: “Call the small bottle of colored glaze in the kiln, and prepare to fill it.”

Song De left with the drawings, and Li Yi smiled: “I just count on Lao Pei to bring people over to play. Winter is here, and Zhuangzi needs more money.”

He believes that the people Pei Yaoqing finds are definitely rich, or people with backgrounds in the family.

If you have a background, you also have money. Looking at the top scholars in the imperial examinations of the past, most of them are the children of officials.

If an official who can turn his children into the top prize, if he is not flexible enough to handle things and has no means to make money, Li Yi is absolutely unbelievable.

I have spent a lot of money to help organize the reception and donate money. I need my reputation and life expectancy. Can’t I get the money back?


A few days later, Zhuangzi was busy, and heavy snow fell.

Pei Yaoqing, whom Li Yi was waiting for, came, with four to five hundred people.

The quality of Life is good when you see the clothes you wear.

When people arrived, they went straight to the place where the banquet was held.

The seat and the road here have been cleaned up, and the other places are covered with snow and no one cares about it.

There was thin ice on the water, but the water kept flowing.

The canal above is water transportation, and the ice must be broken.

Including the Grand Canal, boats clear the thin ice every day to keep the waterways unobstructed.

The people who came were sitting on leather cushions, surrounded by charcoal stoves and hand stoves to warm their hands.

In order to save money, Li Yi let them drink rice wine.

Then for Face, he copied a poem and placed it in the most conspicuous position.

“Green ant new mashed wine, a small red clay stove. If you come to the sky in the evening, can you drink a cup?” Pei Yaoqing read the poem.

The people who came suddenly felt that the taste of the rice wine was different, and it seemed that the soul was sublimated.

“Preparing to send things.” Li Yi said to Song De when everyone was there.

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